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To explore the ability of caGrid infrastructure and tools to support alternative programming language (.NET, python, perl) for developing gold compatible services and applications that can consume existing grid enabled services.

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Registered: 2008-09-03 13:29
Activity Percentile: 0%
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Developer Info
Project Admins:
Avinash Shanbhag
Daniela Smith
David Hau
Michael Keller
Adam Fischman
Andrew Tsui
Charles Griffin
Denise Warzel
Jim Sun
Joe Richardson
John Eisenschmidt
Juli Klemm
Konrad Rokicki
Kunal Modi
Lawrence Brem
Marty Humphrey
Norm Beekwilder
Satish Patel
Shannon Hastings

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Latest File Releases
Package Version Date Notes / Monitor Download
Working Group Charter20080815_NET_Charter_DRAFT_v2.0 September 25, 2008 Release Notes - Monitor this package Download

Public Areas
Home Page Project Home Page

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Bug Tracking System

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Feature Request Tracking System

Forums Public Forums ( 2 messages in 2 forums )
Docs DocManager: Project Documentation
Lists Mailing Lists ( 1 public mailing lists)
Tasks Task Manager
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  - To Do
Surveys Surveys ( 0 surveys )
SCM SCM Repository (CVS: 0 commits, 0 adds)


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