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Office of Management

Acquisition and Facilities Management Division


The Acquisition and Facilities Management Division (AFMD) serves as the TTB point of contact for all issues regarding the Bureau’s acquisition and procurement program and for all communications regarding TTB’s various facilities management programs.


  • Develop, direct, coordinate, and evaluate policies, programs, and procedures to support TTB activities in the areas of procurement and contracting.
  • Develop acquisition policy and procedures and provide guidelines and consultative assistance for all TTB acquisition programs.
  • Plan, develop, coordinate, execute, and evaluate facilities management programs in the areas of building maintenance, vehicle and equipment use and repair, health and safety, and space management.
  • Develop recordkeeping requirements for, and maintain official records of, property and motor vehicles in accordance with the General Services Administration (GSA), Treasury, and TTB policy.
  • Coordinate issues relating to the Bioterrorism Act, Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP) and emergency preparedness for the Bureau and with the Department of the Treasury.
  • Provide physical and personnel security services, and classified and sensitive information guidance for TTB.
  • Administer and oversee various internal programs, including official passports, badges, and credentials.

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