Annual Statistical Supplement, 2005

SSA Offices and Staff

Table 2.F1
Number of SSA offices, 2004
Office Number
Headquarters (Baltimore, Maryland) 1
Regional offices a 10
Field offices b 1,321
Level 1 616
Level 2 661
Resident stations 44
Teleservice centers 36
Program service centers c 6
Data operations center d 1
Office of Hearings and Appeals
Headquarters (Falls Church, Virginia) 1
Regional offices 10
Hearing offices 140
Satellite offices 4
SOURCES: Social Security Administration, Office of Public Service and Operations Support's database and Office of Hearings and Appeals Case Control System.
a. Regional offices are located in Boston, Massachusetts; New York, New York; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Atlanta, Georgia; Chicago, Illinois; Dallas, Texas; Kansas City, Missouri; Denver, Colorado; San Francisco, California; and Seattle, Washington.
b. In December 1997, the field offices were redesignated as Level 1, 2, or resident stations depending on the characteristics of the facility, service area, and other conditions.
c. Program service centers are located in Jamaica, New York; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Birmingham, Alabama; Chicago, Illinois; Kansas City, Missouri; and Richmond, California.
d. The data operations center is located in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania.
CONTACT: Harold Atkins for SSA data (410) 965-2367 and Amy Prether for Office of Hearings and Appeals data (703) 605-7160.
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Table 2.F2
Number of SSA employees and percentage with selected characteristics by grade, September 30, 2004
Characteristic All grade levels GS 1–4 GS 5–8 GS 9–12 GS 13–15 SES
Total a 64,409 1,096 20,061 33,071 8,564 145
Percentage of total
Women 70.3 76.9 79.3 72.2 51.6 36.6
Minorities 44.8 52.2 57.9 42.3 27.0 29.0
Black 27.7 43.7 35.5 25.5 18.4 19.3
Hispanic 12.2 5.7 16.6 12.0 5.1 8.3
Asian or Pacific Islander 3.7 2.2 4.6 3.6 2.5 0.7
American Indian or Alaska Native 1.2 0.6 1.2 1.3 1.1 0.7
Severely disabled 2.2 8.2 3.8 1.4 0.8 0.7
SOURCE: Social Security Administration's Affirmative Employment Plan.
a. Includes all full-time and part-time permanent employees.
CONTACT: Nelson Izquierdo (410) 965-4364.
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Table 2.F3
Number of work years, fiscal years 1994–2004
Year Full-time
staff a
work years b
1994 62,434 66,741
1995 c 62,504 67,063
1996 62,133 66,726
1997 61,224 69,378
1998 59,943 67,210
1999 59,752 66,459
2000 60,434 65,521
2001 61,490 65,562
2002 61,914 65,742
2003 63,569 65,343
2004 63,186 66,154 d
SOURCE: Social Security Administration's Payroll Reports.
a. On duty at end of fiscal year; includes seasonal employees.
b. Includes full-time, part-time, and temporary employees; employees in special programs; and overtime hours worked.
c. Includes 1,055 positions that were transferred from the Department of Health and Human Services to SSA when SSA became an independent agency (under P.L. 103-296, Social Security Independence and Program Improvements Act of 1994, effective March 31, 1995).
d. Includes 178 work years for activities related to Medicare Modernization Act.
CONTACT: Donna Frocke (410) 965-3094.
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