Prineville NEPA Documents

Project development necessary for implementation of land use plans (Resource Management Plans) requires analysis under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). NEPA ensures that the BLM (and other Federal agencies) consider the impact of an action on the quality of the human environment before decisions are made and the action is taken. Two types of NEPA documents that are prepared and provide opportunity for public involvement are Environmental Impact Statements and Environmental Assessments. There are certain actions which have been categorically excluded from further NEPA analysis because it has been determined that the actions have insignificant effects on the human environment. These actions are documented in a Categorical Exclusion review. Until recently, these types of actions were not subject to public review. New categories of excluded actions, including fuels and forest health treatments, now provide for a public review period for those actions.

Project planning updates provide BLM a means to achieve public scoping by notifying the public of the status of projects in the process of planning and analysis for implementation in the near future or currently being implemented.

Key Planning Efforts in Prineville

There are a number of significant on-going planning efforts in the BLM Prineville District. Some of these planning efforts include:

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Documents Currently Under Public Review (5 Most Recent)

The following list contains NEPA documents that are currently available for public review, protest, or appeal.

Project Name Start Date End Date Doc Type Resource Area
OR-056-08-149 Three Proposed Road Rights-of-way in Deschutes County9/27/08 10/26/08 Environmental AssessmentPrineville DO
OR-056-08-099 Cliff Allotment #7509 grazing lease renewal9/19/08 11/02/08 Decision RecordPrineville DO
OR-056-08-093 Maston Allotment #5080 grazing lease renewal9/19/08 11/02/08 Decision RecordPrineville DO
OR-056-08-103 Yager Allotment #7586 grazing lease renewal9/19/08 11/02/08 Decision RecordPrineville DO
OR-056-08-098 Buckhorn Canyon Allotment #5076 grazing lease renewal9/19/08 11/02/08 Decision RecordPrineville DO

Existing/Historic Documents (5 Most Recent)

The following list contains NEPA documents that have passed the public review period.

Project Name Date Doc Type Resource Area
OR-056-08-149 Three Proposed Road Rights-of-way in Deschutes County9/25/2008Finding of No Significant Impact Prineville DO
OR-056-08-093 Maston Allotment #5080 grazing lease renewal9/19/2008Documentation of NEPA Adequacy Prineville DO
OR-056-08-096 Gray Butte Allotment #5050 grazing lease renewal9/19/2008Documentation of NEPA Adequacy Prineville DO
OR-056-08-098 Buckhorn Canyon Allotment #5076 grazing lease renewal9/19/2008Documentation of NEPA Adequacy Prineville DO
OR-056-08-099 Cliff Allotment #7509 grazing lease renewal9/19/2008Documentation of NEPA Adequacy Prineville DO

NEPA Document Library

  • No information available at this time.

Project Planning Updates

2008 Project Updates