NPWRC :: Operation Crane Watch

Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center

Operation Crane Watch

Crane 7916

Blue dotBlue dots indicate migration toward breeding grounds
Orange dotOrange dots indicate migration toward wintering grounds.
Last known location is shown as a Red dotred dot.

Last updated: Friday, June 11, 2004

Bird 7916
Leg band: 32
BBL band: 718-32451
Sex: Female
Subspecies: Grus canadensis rowani
Capture date: March 16, 1999
Capture location: Gary Younkin farm, 12.5km southeast of Kearney, NE

Bird NumberDateLatitudeLongitude
7916Mar 19, 199940.658 98.838
7916Mar 23, 199940.774 98.853
7916Mar 27, 199940.760 98.674
7916Mar 31, 199940.669 98.740
7916Apr 4, 199940.715 98.654
7916Apr 8, 199940.721 98.687
7916Apr 12, 199940.687 98.799
7916Apr 16, 199947.789 101.059
7916Apr 20, 199950.239 105.466
7916Apr 24, 199952.090 109.276
7916May 2, 199963.583 140.963
7916May 6, 199964.757 148.236
7916May 10, 199964.774 148.254
7916May 14, 199964.733 148.235
7916May 18, 199964.742 148.234
7916May 21, 199964.690 148.230
7916May 25, 199964.757 148.227
7916May 30, 199964.787 148.205
7916Jun 3, 199964.725 148.234
7916Jun 6, 199964.752 148.218
7916Jun 13, 199964.735 148.202
7916Jun 20, 199964.739 148.170
7916Jun 26, 199964.729 148.213
7916Jul 10, 199964.727 148.283
7916Jul 16, 199964.731 148.213
7916Jul 23, 199964.733 148.210
7916Jul 29, 199964.721 148.206
7916Aug 21, 199964.886 147.754
7916Sep 6, 199964.953 146.876
7916Sep 10, 199963.487 142.301
7916Sep 18, 199951.356 107.134
7916Sep 22, 199951.383 107.033
7916Oct 4, 199951.548 106.947
7916Oct 7, 199951.578 106.962
7916Oct 12, 199949.897 105.738
7916Oct 15, 199946.934 103.508
7916Oct 23, 199936.099 101.046
7916Oct 27, 199936.084 101.052
7916Nov 12, 199936.089 101.683
7916Nov 16, 199936.277 100.985
7916Nov 20, 199936.064 101.096
7916Nov 24, 199933.829 101.395
7916Dec 4, 199933.904 101.066
7916Dec 13, 199932.900 101.480
7916Jan 1, 200032.909 102.298
7916Jan 19, 200033.231 101.567
7916Feb 7, 200033.253 101.599
7916Feb 17, 200033.131 101.711
7916Feb 27, 200033.115 101.714
7916Mar 2, 200033.117 101.699
7916Mar 12, 200040.811 98.918
7916Mar 22, 200040.657 98.913
7916Apr 5, 200040.503 100.423
7916Apr 15, 200050.109 107.694
7916Apr 20, 200052.410 107.967
7916Apr 30, 200062.956 142.838
7916May 5, 200064.310 146.477
7916May 9, 200064.857 148.922
7916May 19, 200064.730 148.085
7916May 24, 200064.728 149.008
7916Jun 8, 200064.739 148.446
7916Jun 13, 200064.666 148.746
7916Jun 18, 200064.802 147.946
7916Jun 23, 200064.606 148.066
7916Jun 28, 200064.839 148.129
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