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City of Albany, Kentucky, Cagle Water Expansion Project,
Final Environmental Impact Statement

On June 19, 1997, the Rural Utilities Service announced through the Federal Register the availability of the Final Environmental Impact Statement for the City of Albany, Cagle Water Expansion Project. You can view a copy of the Federal Register notice by clicking on the preceding link (To view, print, or download any of the files on this page, you need the Adobe Acrobat Reader. The Acrobat Reader is FREE and can be downloaded from Adobe's website. To download the software go to the Adobe website).

Two Options For Viewing or Downloading the Final Environmental Impact Statement

In an attempt to provide more public access to the document, we are offering individuals who have Internet access the option of viewing or downloading either the text of or the entire Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS). Since the entire file which includes all text, appendices, and figures is large (6.4 megabytes), you may want, depending on the speed of your Internet connection, to view or download just the text version of the FEIS or download the entire file. If you select the text version, you will be able to view the appendices and figures one at a time. Which ever option you choose, you need the Acrobat Reader to read the files. We hope the availability of this document via the Internet will increase the public involvement in reviewing the environmental implications of the proposed project. If you have any questions regarding any aspect of the FEIS, call Mark Plank at (202) 720-1649 or contact him through e-mail at mplank@rus.usda.gov.

Read text version (feis-alb.pdf)

Download entire document (feis-alb.exe) (compressed executable file. (6.4 MB))

Download file to an empty directory. To execute the file, double click it in File Manager or Windows Explorer. The executed file will extract six .PDF files. The files include the main document file - feis-alb.pdf, and the four appendices - A, B, C, D and E. All of the appendices can be accessed and viewed by executing the links established in the main document file.

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