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  • The OIP Cooperation Program supports the BIS Mission to strengthen national export control systems to keep biological, chemical and nuclear weapons and other sensitive dual-use items from terrorists and projects of proliferation concern.

  • The OIP Vision is to work cooperatively in carrying out export control cooperation with   other countries to assist them in strengthening and implementing their own export control systems.

  • The OIP Program Goals include fostering high level political commitment; building sound legal, regulatory, and organizational infrastructures; and developing a cadre of capable government officials to administer effective national export control systems. By assisting in the development of effective export control systems in other countries BIS and OIP seek to facilitate growth in legitimate trade while protecting national security needs.

Countries participating in the program can operate preventive enforcement and customs systems more effectively. 

At the same time, the U.S. export control system becomes more efficient and effective as these participating countries implement their own  export control systems.

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