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   Committees of Visitors (COVs)

The Basic Energy Sciences Advisory Committee (BESAC) reviews the major elements of the BES program annually using Committees of Visitors (COVs).  The first COV review of BES was conducted in 2002, and since then all elements of the BES program have been reviewed once every three years on a rotating schedule as shown in the table below.  Beginning in 2005, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) required Office of Science programs to issue a written response to COV recommendations within 30 days.

The Purpose of COVs.  Committees of Visitors are charged with assessing the efficacy and quality of the processes used to solicit, review, recommend, monitor, and document proposal actions; the quality of the resulting portfolio, specifically the breadth and depth of portfolio elements and the national and international standing of the elements; and progress toward the BES long-term performance measures for the federal government's Performance Assessment Rating Tool (PART).  The latest PART assessment for BES can be viewed at

BES Committees of Visitors:  COV Reports and BES Responses. All documents are in PDF format
Fiscal Year BES Division* Dates of COV Reviews Dates of COV Reports** Dates of BES Responses


 April 2009, tentative To be determined To be determined


 April 22–24, 2008 July 24 2008 August 11, 2008
2007 SUF  April 15–17, 2007 July 31, 2007 August 23, 2007
2006 MSE April 3–6, 2006 August 3, 2006 August 26, 2006
2005 CSGB

April 6–8, 2005

June 6, 2005 June 24, 2005
2004 SUF  March 9–10, 2004 August 5, 2004 December 6, 2004
2003 MSE March 17–18, 2003 May 28, 2003 October 20, 2003
2002 CSGB Jan. 30–Feb.1, 2002 March 25, 2002 July 22, 2002
* BES Divisions: CSGB — Chemical Sciences, Geosciences, and Biosciences Division
  MSE — Materials Sciences and Engineering Division
  SUF — Scientific User Facilities Division
 ** COV Reports: In addition to the COV reports, the above PDF files contain addenda that include COV agendas, charge letters, and related BESAC presentations

The COV Process
.   Committees of Visitors are subpanels of BESAC that operate under guidance from the advisory committee. The COV reports are submitted to BESAC for review and become BESAC reports in accordance with the Federal Advisory Committee Act only after the COV reports are adopted by the full committee. The advisory committee's work is requested by the Director, Office of Science (SC-1), and BESAC reports to SC-1.  The COV process includes the following steps:

     •  BESAC has been charged by SC-1 to perform annual COV reviews of BES program elements;
     •  BESAC selects a Chair for each COV and BESAC governs the COV activities;
     •  The COV Chair selects members to fulfill BESAC's charge, including at least one BESAC member;
     •  A three-day on-site review by the COV is typically held at BES Headquarters in Germantown, Maryland;
     •  The COV writes a draft report and presents its findings at a public BESAC meeting;
     •  BESAC reviews the report and discusses what, if any, changes are necessary before adopting the report;
     •  The COV report is publicly issued (e.g., on this web site) and SC-1 and OMB are informed of its release;
     •  BES responds to the COV recommendations within 30 days of BESAC adopting the COV report;
     •  Follow-on actions by BES/SC to COV recommendations are addressed at future COV reviews.

BES staff at DOE may find these PDF files on the shared "Q" directory by clicking here.

Office of Basic Energy Sciences | SC-22/Germantown Building | U.S. Department of Energy
1000 Independence Avenue, SW | Washington, DC 20585-1290 | 301/903-3081 | FAX: 301/903-6594 |