Office of the United States Trade Representative


Statement from USTR Spokesman Richard Mills Regarding requests for WTO authorization to retaliate against the United States on the Byrd Amendment

"This does not affect the ability of the United States to continue enforcing its trade laws to impose duties on countries that sell unfairly dumped or subsidized products in the U.S. market. The Byrd Amendment simply deals with how the funds collected from such duties are disbursed by the Treasury.

"We have already notified the WTO that we intend to comply. We are currently working with Congress to bring the United States into compliance, and we will continue to consult with our trading partners on these efforts. Complex issues like these often take time, for example the EU has needed over three years to come into compliance with a separate dispute on bananas. I would also note that the WTO arbitrators determined that what the complainants could seek was more than 40% below what they had asserted were damages."

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