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Past Announcements:
• Effective 2-1-08, B6CBAF1/Cr (01B13) is unavailable.
• Effective 2-15-08, CD2F1/Cr (01B11) is unavailable.
Reduction in NCI Maintained Strains/Stocks
Start of NCI BALB/cAnN colony from NIH
• CD2F1/Cr mice available
C3H/HeJCr 3/05 update
C3H/HeJCr 4/05 update
New BALB/c Substrain
Nomenclature - Inbred Mice


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Animal Production Program

  01F65 F344/N
(Fisher, Fischer 344)

Origin: To N 1951 from Heston at F51. Curtis, Columbia University Institute for Cancer Research, 1920; to Heston 1949.

B, c

Es-1a, Es-2a, Es-3a, Es-4b.
Ag-Aa, RT11, RT2a.

Disease Model
  • Phenylketonuria (012)
  • Interstitial cell tumor of the testis (098)
  • Urinary bladder carcinoma (100)
  • Peripheral retinal degeneration (387)
  • Esophageal carcinoma (707)
  • Yolk sac carcinoma (Endodermal sinus tumor) (115)
    Neoplastic (Spontaneous):
  • High incidence of interstitial cell tumors of the testis (up to 90%) at 18-24 months, usually associated with atrophy of the contralateral testis and secondary sex glands, and, occaisionally, gynecomastia. They apparently actively secrete hormone; an occasional marked lymphocytic infiltrate suggest that immune reactions may also be involved. (098,223,331)
  • In males at approximately 110 weeks, the most common tumors were interstitial cell tumors of the testis, 80.5%, lymphoma/leukemia, 12.3%, pituitary adenomas, 11.3%, and adrenal pheochromocytomas, 8.8%; in females the most common tumors were pituitary adenomas, 29.2%, mammary fibroadenomas, 15.8%, uterine endometrial stromal polyps, 12.7%, and lymphoma/leukemia, 9.9%. Incidence of other tumors was less than 5%. (223)
  • Tumors arising from the epidermis and adnexal structures were uncommon; upper respiratory tract tumors were very rare. Primary tumors of the heart and blood vessels were uncommon, and except for liver tumors, digestive system neoplasms were rare. Urinary system tumors, central nervous system tumors, and musculoskeletal system tumors were uncommon. (223)
    Neoplastic (Induced):
  • Carcinoma of the urinary bladder was induced by feeding N-((4-(5-nitro-2-furyl)-2-thiazoly1))-formamide (FANFT); all rats died of bladder cancer before 20 months. (100)
  • N-methyl-N-benzylnitrosamine induced esophageal neoplasms in 100%. Multiple lesions were distributed from base of tongue to anterior portion of stomach, but no proliferative or neoplastic changes were induced in other organs or tissues. (707)
  • Males were more sensitive than Buffalo or Marshall rats to the hepatocarcinogenic or Cirrhotic effects of N-2-fluorenyldiacetamide, but females were more resistant to mammary tumorigenic effects of N-hydroxy-2-acetylfluorene than Sprague-Dawley or Wistar rats. (121)
  • N-methyl-N-nitrosourea, administered intrarectally, induced colon neoplasms; over 90% were invasive tubulopapillary adenocarcinomas. (774)
  • An acinar cell carcinoma of the pancreas induced by nafenapin 95% and no metastasis. (568)
  • Parietovisceral yolk sac carcinoma was produced by transplanting the extraembryonic portion of the 8-9 day egg cylinder or by performing fetectomies of 12-13 days pregnant dams without removal of fetal membranes; malignant tumors develoed over a period of 3-6 months and most were transplantable. (115)
  • Males more susceptible to induction of intestinal tumors by methyl(acetoxymethyl)nitrosamine than females. (058)
  • Diethylstibestrol and x-rays were synergistic in the induction of mammary adenocarcinomas in females. (295)
  • Thiouracil induced tumors of the thyroid gland; 21 transplantable lines were established. (806)
    Non-Neoplastic (Spontaneous):
  • Resistant to spontaneous autoimmune thyroiditis. (242)
  • Peripheral retinal degeneration in aged rats is characterized by selective loss of photoreceptor cells from the far peripheral retina and formation of microcrystoids; incidence and severity of disease increased by moderate (32 foot-candle) fluorescent light intensities. (387)
  • Cardiomyopathy was common in older rats and characterized by myocardial degeneration, fibrosis and chronic interstitial myocarditis; incidence in males (33.1%) was greater than in females (17.6%). (223,102)
  • Nephropathy in older males (66.5%) and females (38.9%) mostly represented part of the complex of chronic renal disease which appears initially as a disease of basement membranes. (223,102)
  • Low incidence of nephritis. (684)
  • Severity of nephropathy in aging rats reduced by treatment with arylsulfonylurea. (465)
    Non-Neoplastic (Induced):
  • Susceptible to experimental allergic encephalomyelitis. (207)
  • Susceptible to experimental allergic neuritis. (402)
  • Resistant to induction of thyroiditis by 3-methylcholanthrene. (219)
  • Susceptible to autologous immune complex nephritis. (782)
  • Phenylketonuria induced by p-chloro-DL-phenylalanine plus L-phenylalanine. (012)
  • Bleomycin induced pulmonary fibrosis with histopathyology similar to that reported in hamsters; treatment with indomethacin reduced the lung changes. (738)
  • F-344 is often used for long term studies of xenobiotic toxicity; pathological changes of aging F344 rats have been extensively characterized. (121,223,102)
Other Characteristics
  • High immune response to GA and GAT synthetic polypeptides. (020)
  • Low immune response to GLT and GT synthetic polypeptides. (383,020)
  • Intermediate response to TGAG synthetic polypeptides. (423)
  • Intermediate and high antibody response to 1 and 10 micrograms BSA, respectively. (020)
  • Low antibody response to bovine gamma globulin, Group A streptococcal vaccine, and sheep erythrocytes. (725,697)
  • Poor producers of reaginic antibody in response to ovalbumin in aluminum hydroxide. (501)
  • Hepatic metabolism of aniline in males highest of 10 strains tested, but in females, significantly lower than the mean of the 10 strains; hepatic metabolism of ethylmorphine in males second highest of 10 strains. (531)
  • Control and Phenobarbital-treated F-344 rats had significantly lower hepatic microsomal epoxide hydratase activity than CD rats. Microsomes from F344 produced less dihydrodiols and quinines from benz(a)pyrene than corresponding preparations from CD rats. The spectral characteristics of cytochrome P-450 also differed between the two rats strains. (121)
  • Microsomal NADPH-cytochrome c reductase was twice that in Sprague-Dawley rats, and the induction with Phenobarbital was much less; the induction of cytochrome P-450 by phenobarbital was also less in F344 rats. (220)
  • Used as an animal model for assessing neurobehavioral deficits following low-level exposure to polybrominated biphenyls (PBBs); oral administration of a mixture of polybrominated biphenyls led to a decrement in skeletomuscular functioning including a drpression in locomotor activity, impaired forelimb grip strength, and decreased hindlimb extensor responses. (742,740)
  • Acrylamide produced marked deficits in hindlimb motor functioning. (741)
  • A series of studies are intended to provide standardization data for the 12 inbred strains of rats (F344, ACI, MR, and MNR included) most frequently cited in the behavioral literature. (255,256,257,258,259,260,249,250,251,252,253,254)
  • F344 was the slowest of 12 strains in an alternating closed and open runway learning test. (252)
  • Aspirin reduced fetal length and weight, and induced a wide variety of skeletal malformations, but the frequency of visceral malformations was much smaller than in aspirin-treated Wistar or Sprague-Dawley rats. (132)
  • Nickel carbonyl induced induced ocular anomalies, mainly bi- or unilateral anophthalmia or microphthalmia, but few extraocular anomalies; this specificity is unique among known teratogenic agents. (719)