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U.S. Office of Personnel Management - Ensuring the Federal Government has an effective civilian workforce

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Emergency Preparedness Guide

Emergency Guidance

Emergency Preparedness Guide

We stand ready to inform government officials, media and the general public of our response and operations during a crisis or emergency. This page is provided as a ready resource for you to quickly and easily locate information and guidance that we have published.

Emergency Preparedness Guides

  • Federal Manager's/Decision Maker's Emergency Guide PDF File [669 KB]
  • A Federal Employee's Emergency Guide PDF File [621 KB]
  • A Federal Employee's Family Preparedness Guide (Washington, DC Area) PDF File [728 KB]
  • A Federal Employee's Family Preparedness Guide (National) PDF File [774 KB]


Federal employees in the Washington, DC area may call 202-606-1900 for our Status of Operations message or visit

Hearing impaired users may utilize the Federal Relay Service by simply dialing 1-800-877-8339 to reach a CA. The CA will dial the requested number and relay the conversation between a standard (voice) telephone user and text telephone (TTY) user. Alternatively, users may point their browser to This service is similar to the Federal Relay Service but this service does not require a TTY.