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2004 IFDPs

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2004-823 (November 2004)
The High-Frequency Effects of U.S. Macroeconomic Data Releases on Prices and Trading Activity in the Global Interdealer Foreign Exchange Market
Alain P. Chaboud; Sergey V. Chernenko; Edward Howorka; Raj S. Krishnasami Iyer; David Liu; Jonathan H. Wright
Abstract and related information | Full paper(482 KB PDF) | Full paper (screen reader version)

2004-822 (November 2004, latest version June 2008)
Growth-Led Exports: Is Variety the Spice of Trade?
Joseph E. Gagnon
Abstract and related information | Full paper, latest version (117 KB PDF) | Full paper (screen reader version)

2004-821 (October 2004)
Global Financial Integration: A Collection of New Research
Mark Carey
Abstract and related information | Full paper, latest version (38 KB PDF) | Full paper (screen reader version)

2004-820 (September 2004)
The Value of Financial Intermediaries: Empirical Evidence from Syndicated Loans to Emerging Market Borrowers
Gregory P. Nini
Abstract and related information | Full paper, latest version (100 KB PDF) | Full paper (screen reader version)

2004-819 (September 2004)
What Makes Investors Over or Underweight? Explaining International Appetites for Foreign Equities
Carol C. Bertaut; Linda S. Kole
Abstract and related information | Full paper, latest version (741 KB PDF) | Full paper (screen reader version)

2004-818 (September 2004)
Cash Flows and Discount Rates, Industry and Country Effects, and Co-Movement in Stock Returns
John Ammer; Jon Wongswan
Abstract and related information | Full paper, latest version (206 KB PDF) | Full paper (screen reader version)

2004-817 (September 2004, latest version October 2004)
The Performance of International Portfolios
Charles P. Thomas; Francis E. Warnock; Jon Wongswan
Abstract and related information | Full paper, latest version (573 KB PDF) | Full paper (screen reader version)

2004-816 (August 2004)
Corporate Governance and the Shareholder Base
Karl V. Lins; Francis E. Warnock
Abstract and related information | Full paper, latest version (331 KB PDF) | Full paper (screen reader version)

2004-815 (August 2004)
Look at Me Now: The Role of Cross-Listing in Attracting U.S. Investors
John Ammer; Sara B. Holland; David C. Smith; Francis E. Warnock
Abstract and related information | Full paper, latest version (486 KB PDF) | Full paper (screen reader version)

2004-814 (September 2004)
PPP Rules, Macroeconomic (In)stability and Learning
Luis-Felipe Zanna
Abstract and related information | Full paper, latest version (466 KB PDF) | Full paper (screen reader version)

2004-814 (October 2006-REVISED)
Revised: PPP Rules, Macroeconomic Instability and Learning
Luis-Felipe Zanna
Abstract and related information | Full paper, latest version (440 KB ATTLMH7S) | Full paper (screen reader version)

2004-813 (August 2004)
Is The Corporate Loan Market Globally Integrated? A Pricing Puzzle
Mark Carey; Gregory P. Nini
Abstract and related information | Full paper, latest version (293 KB PDF) | Full paper (screen reader version)

2004-812 (July 2004)
Does Monetary Policy Keep Up with the Joneses? Optimal Interest-Rate Smoothing with Consumption Externalities
Sanjay K. Chugh
Abstract and related information | Full paper, latest version (583 KB PDF) | Full paper (screen reader version)

2004-811 (July 2004)
The ET Interview: Professor David F. Hendry
Neil R. Ericsson
Abstract and related information | Full paper, latest version (490 KB PDF) | Full paper (screen reader version)

2004-810 (July 2004)
The Delayed Response To A Technology Shock. A Flexible Price Explanation
Robert J. Vigfusson
Abstract and related information | Full paper, latest version (646 KB PDF) | Full paper (screen reader version)

2004-809 (July 2004)
Good News Is No News? The Impact of Credit Rating Changes on the Pricing of Asset-Backed Securities
John Ammer; Nathanael Clinton
Abstract and related information | Full paper, latest version (212 KB PDF) | Full paper (screen reader version)

2004-808 (June 2004)
The Information Content of Forward and Futures Prices: Market Expectations and the Price of Risk
Sergey V. Chernenko; Krista B. Schwarz; Jonathan H. Wright
Abstract and related information | Full paper, latest version (344 KB PDF) | Full paper (screen reader version)

2004-807 (May 2004)
Is Inflation Targeting Best-Practice Monetary Policy?
Jon Faust; Dale W. Henderson
Abstract and related information | Full paper, latest version (409 KB PDF) | Full paper (screen reader version)

2004-806 (April 2004)
Optimal Monetary and Fiscal Policy: A Linear-Quadratic Approach
Pierpaolo Benigno; Michael Woodford
Abstract and related information | Full paper, latest version (608 KB PDF) | Full paper (screen reader version)

2004-805 (April 2004)
Understanding the Effects of Government Spending on Consumption
Jordi Gali; J. David Lopez-Salido; Javier Valles
Abstract and related information | Full paper, latest version (552 KB PDF) | Full paper (screen reader version)

2004-804 (April 2004)
The Decline of Activist Stabilization Policy: Natural Rate Misperceptions, Learning, and Expectations
Athanasios Orphanides; John C. Williams
Abstract and related information | Full paper, latest version (235 KB PDF) | Full paper (screen reader version)

2004-803 (April 2004)
Benefits and Spillovers of Greater Competition in Europe: A Macroeconomic Assessment
Tamim Bayoumi; Douglas Laxton; Paolo Pesenti
Abstract and related information | Full paper, latest version (584 KB PDF) | Full paper (screen reader version)

2004-802 (April 2004)
Monetary Discretion, Pricing Complementarity and Dynamic Multiple Equilibria
Robert G. King; Alexander L. Wolman
Abstract and related information | Full paper, latest version (493 KB PDF) | Full paper (screen reader version)

2004-801 (April 2004)
The Optimal Degree of Discretion in Monetary Policy.
Susan Athey; Andrew Atkeson; Patrick J. Kehoe
Abstract and related information | Full paper, latest version (425 KB PDF) | Full paper (screen reader version)

2004-800 (April 2004)
Equal Size, Equal Role? Interest Rate Interdependence Between the Euro Area and the United States
Michael Ehrmann; Marcel Fratzscher
Abstract and related information | Full paper, latest version (557 KB PDF) | Full paper (screen reader version)

2004-799 (April 2004)
The Great Inflation of the 1970s
Fabrice Collard; Harris Dellas
Abstract and related information | Full paper, latest version (290 KB PDF) | Full paper (screen reader version)

2004-798 (April 2004)
Ramsey Monetary Policy and International Relative Prices
Ester Faia; Tommaso Monacelli
Abstract and related information | Full paper, latest version (587 KB PDF) | Full paper (screen reader version)

2004-797 (April 2004)
Indeterminacy with Inflation-Forecast-Based Rules in a Two-Bloc Model
Nicoletta Batini; Paul Levine; Joseph Pearlman
Abstract and related information | Full paper, latest version (359 KB PDF) | Full paper (screen reader version)

2004-796 (April 2004)
Sand in the Wheels of the Labor Market: The Effect of Firing Costs on Employment
Andrea De Michelis
Abstract and related information | Full paper, latest version (416 KB PDF) | Full paper (screen reader version)

2004-795 (April 2004)
Price-level Determinacy, Lower Bounds on the Nominal Interest Rate, and Liquidity Traps
Ragna Alstadheim; Dale W. Henderson
Abstract and related information | Full paper, latest version (465 KB PDF) | Full paper (screen reader version)

2004-794 (February 2004)
Foreign Participation in Local-Currency Bond Markets
John D. Burger; Francis E. Warnock
Abstract and related information | Full paper, latest version (360 KB PDF) | Full paper (screen reader version)

2004-793 (February 2004, latest version December 2004)
International Diversification at Home and Abroad
Fang Cai; Francis E. Warnock
Abstract and related information | Full paper, latest version (333 KB PDF) | Full paper (screen reader version)

2004-792 (January 2004, latest version March 2005)
Can Long-Run Restrictions Identify Technology Shocks?
Christopher J. Erceg; Luca Guerrieri; Christopher Gust
Abstract and related information | Full paper, latest version (372 KB PDF) | Full paper (screen reader version)

2004-791 (January 2004)
Is China "Exporting Deflation"?
Steven B. Kamin; Mario Marazzi; John W. Schindler
Abstract and related information | Full paper, latest version (501 KB PDF) | Full paper (screen reader version)

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