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Record Search Query: Parameters>PALEOCLIMATE
Neogene Ice Streams and Sedimentary Processes on High-Latitude Continental Margins

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The evolution of continental margins from temperate to polar conditions is still poorly known. There are increasing evidences collected in the Arctic and Antarctic margins that the high sediment input from ice streams produces a phase of margin instability, including catastrophic collapses, before a long lasting equilibrium is reached. The Arctic margins can be regarded as younger, unstable ... View entire text

Geographic Coverage
Spatial coordinates   
N: 76.5   S: 74.6   E: 20.0   W: 15.0
Min Depth: 89 Max Depth: 1800

Data Resolution
Horizontal Resolution Range: < 1 meter
Vertical Resolution Range: < 1 meter
Temporal Resolution Range: 1 second - < 1 minute

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Data Set Citation
Dataset Creator: Angelo Camerlenghi
Dataset Title: SVAIS

Data Center
Centro Nacional de Datos Antarticos, National Antarctic Data Centre, Comite Polar Espanol, Spain Supplemental Info
Data Center URL:

Data Center Personnel
Phone: +34913495731
Fax: +34913495929
Email: a.barragan at
Contact Address:
Centro Nacional de Datos Antarticos
Instituto Geologico y Minero de Espana
c/Rios Rosas 23
City: Madrid
Postal Code: 28003
Country: SPAIN

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