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Highways for LIFE

Success Story: Washington
Washington State Rehabs Lewis and Clark Bridge

When upgrading the Lewis and Clark Bridge over the Columbia River between Longview, WA, and Rainier, OR, WSDOT committed to a tight construction window to minimize the impact on the traveling public. Rather than closing the bridge entirely, WSDOT shut it down from 9:30 p.m. to 5:30 a.m. nightly for 120 nights.

To replace the deck panels, the contractor used an innovative approach-a large specialized transport device that helped remove the old deck panels and deliver the new ones. Benefits to the public include leaving the bridge open for normal daytime traffic, which is important due to the bridge's close proximity to the Port of Longview. At a cost of approximately $25 million, the redecking project will extend the life of the Lewis and Clark Bridge for 25 years. The project was completed in August 2004.

To replace the deck panels on the Lewis and Clark Bridge spanning the Columbia River, the Washington State DOT used this specialized transport device to remove the old deck panels and deliver the new ones.

Lewis and Clark bridge during construction

Full-width panel lifted and suspended in specially-designed steel truss frame.

Full-width panel lifted and suspended in specially-designed steel truss frame.

SPMTs with new deck panel approaching panel installation location on bridge

SPMTs with new deck panel approaching panel installation location on bridge

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More Information:


Amy Revis
Project Engineer
Washington DOT
(360) 442-1341

Steve Saxton
Area Engineer
FHWA Washington Division

This page last modified on 03/29/07

United States Department of Transportation - Federal Highway Administration