National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)NREL HomeInnovation for Our Energy Future
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Awards & Honors


NREL Scientists Win Dan David Prize in Future Category  

R&D 100 Awards

Scientific & Technical Society Honors and Awards

Other Scientific & Technical Awards

Technology Transfer Awards

DOE & Other Agency Awards

Photo of awards recipients.

The knowledge, innovation, and creativity of our research and technical staff has enabled NREL to become recognized as the nation's premier laboratory for R&D in renewable energy and energy efficiency. Throughout the years, many of our staff have received awards and honors for their contributions and their dedication to their sciences and technologies. These awards and honors, which have come from many areas, can be categorized as follows:

R&D 100 Awards. Often referred to as the Academy Awards of technology, these awards are presented to the "100 most important technological innovations of the year." The winning technologies are selected by dozens of experts and the editors of R&D Magazine, who cull through hundreds of nominated technologies. The magazine presents the awards at a gala event held in Chicago in the fall of each year.

Scientific and Technical Society Honors and Awards. Scientific and technical organizations often bestow prestigious honors in recognition of the contributions that members make to their areas of expertise or to society.

Other Scientific and Technical Awards. This includes awards given by scientific and technical publications that have wide public distribution.

Technology Transfer Awards. These are bestowed by societies, associations, agencies, and others in recognition of excellent work in transferring technologies to the public or industry.

DOE and Other Agency Awards. This includes awards and recognition for scientific and technical achievement from a variety of government agencies and organizations.

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NREL is a national laboratory of the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy,
operated by Midwest Research Institute • Battelle
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