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Energy Analyses

The National Energy Modeling System (NEMS) is a computer-based, energy-economy modeling system of U.S. energy markets for the midterm period through 2025. NEMS projects the production, imports, conversion, consumption, and prices of energy, subject to assumptions on macroeconomic and financial factors, world energy markets, resource availability and costs, behavioral and technological choice criteria, cost and performance characteristics of energy technologies, and demographics. It can be used to analyze the effects of existing and proposed government laws and regulations related to energy production and use; Visit EIA website for more information on each module.  

International Petroleum Monthly (IPM) is the Energy Information Administration's primary report of recent international petroleum statistics, including estimates for oil demand, stocks, and imports.

MARKAL, an acronym for MARKet Allocation, is a dynamic model that represents (part of) the economy of a region. The model contains a database of several hundred processes, covering the whole life cycle for both energy and materials.

ASPEN models continuous processes to obtain material and energy balances (or

System for the Analysis of Global Energy (SAGE) Systems is an integrated set of regional models that provide a technology-rich basis for estimating regional energy consumption. For each region, reference case estimates of 42 end-use energy service demands (e.g., car, commercial truck, and heavy truck road travel; residential lighting; steam heat requirements in the paper industry) are developed on the basis of economic and demographic projections. Projections of energy consumption to meet the energy demands are estimated on the basis of each region's existing energy use patterns, the existing stock of energy-using equipment, and the characteristics of available new technologies, as well as new sources of primary energy supply.

Gas Turbines Pro (GT Pro) for highly detailed design of industrial gas-turbine or combined cycle cogeneration plants.

Gate Cycle uses an integrated set of structured menus, tailored component icons and data forms, and full-color graphical flowsheet diagrams to guide the user in setting up and investigating gas turbine/cogeneration power plants.

Power World Simulator is an extremely visual, high-voltage power system simulation and analysis package.

UDI Data Base is a global inventory of electric power generating units containing design data for plants of all sizes and technologies operated by regulated utilities, private power companies, and industrial autoproducers.

NETL's Coal-Fired Power Data Base trackd proposals for new coal-fired power plants; providing “snapshots” of coal's resurgence in the generation of electric power.

Crystal Ball operates within Microsoft Excel® and incorporates uncertainties in forecasting analysis results