HRIBF Workshop -
Near and Sub-barrier Fusion of Radioactive Ions with Medium and Heavy Targets
December 2-3, 2005
Bldg. 6008 Conference Room

The Holifield Radioactive Ion Beam Facility (HRIBF) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) will hold a workshop on the study of fusion reactions using radioactive nuclei with medium and heavy mass targets at energies near and below the Coulomb barrier. The workshop will be held at ORNL on December 2-3, 2005.

The purpose of this workshop, hosted by the HRIBF users' executive committee and the Joint Institute for Heavy Ion Research, is to bring together scientists who wish to study fusion and fission reactions in the radiaoctive ion beam (RIBs) environment and acquaint participants with HRIBF's beams and experimental facilities available for such experimental studies. The RIBs available from the HRIBF span a large range of neutron- and some proton-rich isotopes at energies suitable for these studies. In addition, we will assess plans for future measurements and the associated development needed in beams and instrumentation. Theoretical approaches to deal with the quantity and quality of data from such experiments will also be part of the intended discussions.


We plan to organize seven sessions (~2 hrs each) with one lead presentation from a recognized expert in the field followed by short contributed presentation by participants (about 10 min + 5-10 for discussion). We welcome suggestions, both for subtopics that should be discussed as well for speakers that could provide an overview for each of the sessions. Suggestions should be communicated to members of the organizing committee below before June 15, 2005.

An outline of the program is available.

Venue and Registration

The meeting will be held at the Joint Institute for Heavy Ion Research on the ORNL campus. The secure registration form is online at: A registration fee of $20, payable in cash on arrival, will be levied to help with part of the costs of lunches and coffee breaks.

Registration deadlines depend on nationality.
Status Registration deadline
U.S. Citizens November 15
Citizens from other countries October 23

Lodging and Transportation

A block of 45 rooms has been reserved for the nights of December 2 and 3 for the workshop participants at the Doubletree (A full service hotel in Oak Ridge) at a cost of $60 + applicable tax per night. To make reservation at group rate specify "Fusion Workshop". Reservations must be made before November 2, 2005 by calling direct 865-481-2468, Toll Free at 1-800-222-TREE, or by FAX: 865-481-2474

Other lodging options may be found at

The lab is located several miles from the nearest hotel and has no bus service. Participants are expected to provide their own transportation during the meeting. There are a few dormitory-style rooms located on-site which may used provided they are not in use by experimenters running at HRIBF at the time.


Abstracts (1-page or less) in Portable Document Format (PDF) should be sent to the Dan Shapira at before August 15. We intend to make these available on the website prior to the workshop.

We prefer oral presentations to be in electronic formats such as Powerpoint or PDF. We will have a Windows XP computer for your presentation or you may bring your own laptop. There will be no official proceedings but the talks presented at the meeting will be available for viewing on the meeting's web site shortly after the meeting's conclusion. The preferred format is PDF.

You may use an overhead projector if you prefer but you are responsible for providing an electronic version for the website.

Organizing Committee
J.J. Kolata University of Notre Dame
F.J. Liang Oak Ridge National Laboratory
W. Loveland Oregon State University
D. Shapira Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Ms. Sherry Lamb
Workshop secretary
Joint Institute for Heavy ion Research

This information was last updated on July 11, 2005.
For more information contact Dan Shapira.