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Fish Ladder at Price-Stubb Diversion Dam Completed

photo:Price-Stubb Diversion Dam with fish passage
Price-Stubb Diversion Dam and Fish Passage

On Tuesday, July 1, 2008 the Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program hosted a dedication ceremony celebrating the recent completion of a fish passage at the Price-Stubb Diversion Dam -- the last remaining barrier to fish migration on the Colorado River from Utah’s Lake Powell to the upper end of critical habitat near Rifle, Colorado – as well as completion of other capital projects in western Colorado to improve Colorado River habitat for people and endangered fish. These include fish passages and screens at three privately-owned diversion dams; a hatchery dedicated to raising and stocking endangered fish; canal check structures that help conserve water; a barrier net at a local reservoir that provides sport fishing opportunities; and nearly 2,700 acres of restored floodplain habitat. The dedication also acknowledged the Bureau of Reclamation which acts on behalf of the Recovery Program to oversee all aspects of capital construction projects.

Reclamation Deputy Commissioner Kris Polly said, “Reclamation has examined each project from different perspectives, tested new ideas, and have created state-of-the-art solutions for endangered fish recovery.  Today, with screens installed to prevent canal entrapment, fish can freely swim upstream with access to restored floodplain habitat.  It is a success for endangered fish recovery in the Grand Valley.”

Honored guests and speakers at the event included: Lynn Scarlett, Deputy Secretary, Department of the Interior; Congressman John Salazar, U.S. Representative; Kris Polly, Deputy Commissioner, Bureau of Reclamation; Jay Slack, Deputy Regional Director, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Mountain-Prairie Region; Jennifer Gimbel, Director, Colorado Water Conservation Board, the state of Colorado; and Greg Trainor, Utility and Streets Director, city of Grand Junction

photo: Deputy Secretary of Interior Lynn Scarlett
Deputy Interior Secretary Lynn
photo: Congressman John Salazar
Congressman John Salazar
photo: Greg Trainor, city of Grand Junction
City of Grand Junction Utility
and Streets Director Greg Trainor


Last updated: July 1, 2008