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HRSA My Bright Future: Reaching My Goals - Tip Sheets for Adult Women HRSA My Bright Future: Reaching My Goals - Tip Sheets for Adult Women HRSA My Bright Future: Reaching My Goals - Tip Sheets for Adult Women
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Reaching My Calcium Goal

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Reaching My Iron Goal

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Reaching My Goal By Understanding the Nutrition Facts Panel on the Food Label

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Reaching My Goal With Healthy Tips for Eating Out

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Reaching My Goal With Healthy Grocery Shopping

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Reaching My Healthy Weight

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Reaching My Goal With Daily Physical Activity

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Reaching My Goal With Physical Activity – Getting Started

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Reaching My Goal With Physical Activity

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Reaching My Goal With Walking

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My Bright Future: Reaching My Goal With Physical Activity – Getting Started

Moderate physical activity for at least 30 minutes most days of the week, can give you many health benefits, including lowering the risk of certain diseases. The good news is being physically active doesn’t have to be expensive or take too much time. With the proper gear and know-how, you can easily start a safe and enjoyable physical activity routine to help you reach your goal.

My goal: ________________________________________________________________________
                 (e.g., Take a 15-minute walk before work, 3 times a week.)

Tips to Help Reach My Goal

  • Wear supportive shoes. A pair with good cushioning, ankle and arch support will help prevent injury while you are doing physical activities.

  • Dress appropriately. In general, it is best to wear loose fitting clothing that allows you to move comfortably and freely.

  • Find an exercise buddy. It’s fun to exercise with friends, and they can be there to lend a hand if you need help.

  • Start slow, and build up your efforts gradually. For example, as walking around the neighborhood for 15 minutes becomes easier, you can add a few minutes to your walk, or walk faster.

Getting Started

“My friend went to the doctor recently for a broken wrist, and she found out that her bones were fragile because of osteoporosis (bone loss). I don’t want that to happen to me so I started lifting weights because I know this builds strong bones. To save money, I lift soup cans and plastic milk jugs filled with water, and I’m feeling stronger and healthier.”

—Janine, Belleview, FL

Write down some items you have in your home that you could use as weights.

Soup cans________    ____________________      __________________
Plastic milk jugs ___    ____________________      __________________
________________     ____________________      __________________

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Department of Health and Human Services