Home >Defense Industrial Base Programs >Defense Market Research Reports >Investment Castings (1987)

Investment Castings

Investment Castings: A National Security Assessment


The report is a detailed review of the investment casting industry and its performance, production capabilities, surge and mobilization capabilities, supply relationships, and a technology assessment. It found that U.S. firms lead the world in investment casting technology. This technological lead has a positive qualitative impact on defense capabilities, and has conferred competitive advantages on U.S. investment casting firms in the world aerospace market. The report notes, however, that the U.S. has a limited production base for some highly sophisticated investment castings such as hollow-core blades. Furthermore, the investment casting industry is dependent on foreign suppliers for materials, such as numerous metals, wax and wax blending materials, and selected ceramic shell making additives. The report concluded that as a result, lead times may rise to unacceptable levels in an emergency. The report closes with a set of six recommendations for Department of Defense consideration.


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