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Traffic Control Guidelines (Emphasis Points)

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  1. Sign Condition and MUTCD Consistency -
  2. Unneeded Signs -
  3. Low-Mounted Signs -
  4. Advance Warning Signs -
  5. Sign Visibility -
  6. Flagger Signs -
  7. Flagger Control -
  8. Pedestrian and Worker Safety -
  9. Merge Taper Lengths -
  10. Temporary Concrete Barrier -
  11. Pavement Bumps -
  12. Temporary Sign Supports -
  13. Channelization Devices -
Inspected by:
(Area Engineer)

MP&T Emphasis Points Guidance

  1. Sign Condition and MUTCD Consistency
    • Refer to Quality Standards for Work Zone Traffic Control Devices for acceptable condition levels.
    • Faded and deteriorated panels not acceptable.
    • Reflectorization in good condition and clean.
    • Non-standard legends not acceptable
    • Non-standard colors not acceptable
    • Signs look as they appear in MUTCD §6F, see attached pages 6F-1 to 6F-2 and 6F14 to 6F20.
  2. Unneeded Signs
    • Fully covered, removed, or otherwise completely eliminated from driver's view.
    • Flagger signs covered/removed when flagger is not present.
  3. Low-Mounted Signs
    • No low mounted signs permitted, except for flexible panels meeting current specifications.
    • Adhere to MUTCD §6F, for details see attached pages 6F4 and 6F6.
  4. Advance Warning
    • No overlapping, conflicting or unneeded advance warning signs.
    • Refer to MUTCD Appendix 6H for layout reference details, see attached various pages 6H4 to 6H79 for typical approach diagram layouts.
  5. Sign Visibility
    • Not hidden by foliage, roadway geometry or other signs.
    • Approach sight distance is adequate.
  6. Flagger Signs
    • Used only when flagger is present and visible to the motorist. They must be covered or removed at all other times.
    • Adhere to attached MUTCD page 6E-2.
  7. Flagger Control
    • Stop/Slow paddles are to be used where appropriate.
    • Flaggers must be positioned to provide adequate visibility and to enhance the safety of the flaggers.
    • Adhere to MUTCD §6E, see attached pages 6E3 and 6E4.
    • Refer to __DOT EI 93-022, Flagger Station Enhanced Setups for further guidance.
  8. Pedestrian and Worker Safety
    • Reasonably smooth, continuous, safe and convenient travel way provided and maintained for anticipated bicycle and pedestrian traffic at all times.
    • Adhere to MUTCD §6D, see attached pages 6D-1 to 6D-5.
    • Refer to State spec for further guidance.
  9. Merge Taper Lengths
    • Location of tapers should provide optimal visibility to approaching motorists.
    • Meet minimum requirements in MUTCD §6C-08, see attached pages 6C-9 to 6C-11.
    • Refer to State Spec for further guidance.
  10. Temporary Concrete Barrier
    • End flared minimum of 12 feet away from pavement on high-speed roads, if not flared, must be protected by impact attenuator device.
    • Barrier-flares preceded by channelizing devices and buffer spaces.
    • Barrier runs designed to fully protect the hazard.
    • Adhere to State spec
  11. Pavement Bumps
    • Reasonably smooth riding surface maintained.
    • Transverse pavement joints and paving rebates must be treated with temporary shims (60:1 taper).
    • "Bump Ahead" signs posted upstream on approach.
    • Channelizing device or object marker placed at bump.
  12. Temporary Sign Supports
    • All temporary supports not protected by guiderail must meet requirements of State Standard Specifications.
    • Type A metal supports must meet State Standard Material Specifications
    • Stub heights must not exceed 100 mm (4").
  13. Channelizing Devices
    • Good physical condition.
    • Placed at outer limits of the roadway available for use by vehicles.
    • Adhere to MUTCD Chapter 6F see attached pages 6F41 to 6F43.
    • Refer to State Spec for further guidance.

MP&T Emphasis Points Reference

  1. Selected FHWA Millennium MUTCD Sections
    • Chapter 6C, Temporary Traffic Control Elements
      Traffic Control Plans, Traffic Control Zones, Components of Work Zones, Tapers, Detours and Diversions, Pilot Car
    • Chapter 6D, Pedestrian and Worker Safety
      Pedestrian Considerations, Worker Considerations
    • Chapter 6E, Flagger Control
      Flagger Qualifications, High-Visibility Clothing, Hand-Signaling Devices, Flagger Procedures, Flagger Stations
    • Chapter 6F, Temporary Traffic Control Zone Devices
      Types of Devices; General Sign Characteristics; Sign Placement; Sign Maintenance; Warning Sign Function, Design, and Application; Channelizing Devices; Cones; Tubular Markers
    • Chapter 6H, Typical Work Zone Applications
      Distance Between Advance Warning Signs, TA-1 Work Beyond the Shoulder, TA-10 Lane Closure on Two-Lane Road Using Flaggers, TA-11 Lane Closure on Low-Volume Two-Lane Road, TA-11 Lane Closure on Two-Lane Road Using Traffic Control Signals, TA-35 Mobile Operation on Multilane Road, TA-36 Lane Shift on Freeway, TA-37 Double Lane Closure on Freeway, TA-38 Interior Lane Closure on Freeway, TA-45 Temporary Reversible Lane Using Movable Barriers
  2. State DOT Engineering Instructions, Bulletins and Directives
    List references
  3. Miscellaneous State DOT Reference Material
    List references
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Joe Huerta
Resource Center (Baltimore)
E-mail Joe

This page last modified on 06/05/07

United States Department of Transportation - Federal Highway Administration