Y-12 Procurement strives to implement subcontracting practices that will be regarded as the Standard of Excellence by DOE and others.


Exhibits are patent and technical data clauses incorporated in procurement documents. Exhibits are presented as PDF files. Those that are fillable are noted.

Superceded exhibits are available under Past Provisions and Clauses.

  • Exhibit 1B, Patent Rights—Acquisition by the Government (November 2000)
  • Exhibit 1C, Patent Rights—Retention by the Seller (Short Form) (March 1995)
  • Exhibit 2, Representation of Limited Rights Data Restricted Computer Software (October 1991) [fillable]
  • Exhibit 2A, Certificate of Small Business or Nonprofit Organization Status (July 1981) [fillable]
  • Exhibit 2B, Questionnaire (February 1997) (Petition for Advance Waiver of Patent Rights under 41 CFR Sect. 9-9.109-6)
  • Exhibit 2D, Refund of Royalties (March 1995)
  • Exhibit 3, Authorization and Consent (July 1995)
  • Exhibit 4, Authorization and Consent (April 1984)
  • Exhibit 5, Patent Indemnity (April 1984)
  • Exhibit 7, Classified Inventions (May 1980)
  • Exhibit 9, Technical Data (July 1999)
  • Exhibit 11, Limited Rights in Proprietory Data (November 2000)
  • Exhibit 12, Restricted Rights Notice (November 2000)
  • Exhibit 13, Seller Licensing (October 1991)
  • Exhibit 15, Rights in Data—Special Works (July 1999)
  • Exhibit 17, Rights to Proposal Data (Technical) (October 1991)
  • Exhibit 21, Rights in Data—Facilities (May 2007)
  • Exhibit CCS, Commercial Computer Software—Restricted Rights (November 2000)