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The Official Rulings Database

The official ruling database is a resource for information about FHWA interpretations, experimentations, and changes related to the MUTCD. The database is a work in progress. Because we have received so many requests from our customers and partners for this information, we are pleased to be able to share this first stage in development of this useful resource. We are still in the process of populating this database with more useful information. Our next stage of development will include a way for users to view related background information such as FHWA letters of response and incoming correspondence related to the MUTCD.

Official Rulings Database Links Interpretations Experimentations Requestd for Changes Interim Approvals

Tell Us What You Think

The online version of the Official Rulings Database is a new function of the MUTCD web site. We are interested in receiving comments from users. Does the web site contain the information you are looking for? Is it presented clearly? Is it functioning correctly? Click here to provide us your comments.

Note on data availability: We are well into the process of entering the hard-copy information on MUTCD revision requests into the electronic database on this web site. Because filling the database is an ongoing process, you may find that some requests you are looking for are not yet in the database.