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Domestic and Family Violence

The following information resources may offer victim assistance information, research findings, educational materials, or strategies for program and policy development specific to this topic. A general listing of all OVC publications is also available.

Batterer Programs: What Criminal Justice Agencies Need to Know (July 1998)
This NIJ Report (NCJ 171683) provides judges and probation officers with basic information about batterer treatment program goals and methods. It summarizes the range of programming available (from "mainstream" to innovative approaches) throughout the country. e-only icon

Civil Protection Orders: Victims' Views on Effectiveness (January 1998)
This NIJ Preview (FS 000191) concludes that victims' views on the effectiveness of protection orders vary with how accessible the courts are for victims and how well established the links are between public and private services and support resources for victims. e-only icon

Criminal Victimization
This Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) series, issued every year, presents violent and property victimization estimates from the National Crime Victimization Survey and homicide estimates from the FBI's Uniform Crime Reporting program. The web page includes additional BJS publications on varying aspects of criminal victimization.

Domestic Violence, National Victim Assistance Academy Text (2002)
The NVAA text emphasizes foundations in victimology and victims' rights and services, as well as new developments in the field of victim assistance, and contains a chapter on domestic violence. e-only icon

Domestic Violence Victimization: An OVC Help Series Brochure (March 2002)
The OVC Help Series is a set of 10 brochures addressing eight categories of crime victimization—homicide, sexual assault, stalking, drunk driving, domestic violence, robbery, assault, and child abuse. Each brochure comprises an overview of general crime facts, a description of what victims may experience, and suggestions for how to seek help. The brochures are intended to supplement the information victim service providers can offer and to give victims a resource they can easily refer to in a crisis. Also available in other languages. e-only icon

Documenting Domestic Violence: How Health Care Providers Can Help Victims (October 2001)
This NIJ (NCJ 188564) Research in Brief outlines how health care providers can improve the admissibility of evidence and strengthen the case of domestic violence victims by keeping well-documented medical records.

Effects of Arrest on Intimate Partner Violence: New Evidence From the Spouse Assault Replication Program (June 2001)
This report (NCJ 188199) from NIJ and CDC details a multisite analysis designed to determine whether arrest was more effective at reducing subsequent domestic assault than therapeutic methods, such as on-scene counseling or temporary separation. Results revealed that arrest was associated with less repeat offending.

Extent, Nature, and Consequences of Intimate Partner Violence: Findings From the National Violence Against Women Survey (July 2000)
This NIJ Report (NCJ 181867) compares intimate partner victimization rates across gender, race, and same-sex and opposite-sex cohabitants and examines the rate of injury, victims' use of medical services, and other risk factors. It is based on a 1995–96 survey of 8,000 U.S. women and 8,000 U.S. men asked about their experiences as victims of various forms of violence, including intimate partner violence.

Family Violence: An Intervention Model for Dental Professionals (December 2004)
Because most domestic violence injuries are to the head and neck, dentists are in a unique position to identify victims. This OVC bulletin (NCJ 204004) describes a training model that teaches dental professionals how to recognize symptoms and patterns of abuse, create a safe environment for disclosure, intervene appropriately when abuse is suspected, refer patients to appropriate services, and file mandatory reports.

Female Victims of Violent Crime (December 1996)
This 3-page BJS report (NCJ 162602) includes victimization trend data (1992–94) from the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) and homicide data from the 1995 FBI Uniform Crime Reports (UCR). It summarizes data on both fatal and nonfatal violence between intimates (present or former spouse, boyfriend, or girlfriend) as opposed to relatives, friends or acquaintances, and strangers. e-only icon

First Response to Victims of Crime (December 2001)
This OVC handbook for law enforcement officers (NCJ 189631) describes how to approach and help different types of crime victims. It is designed as a field guide for personnel who respond first to crime victims and includes contacts for assistance. Also available in other languages. e-only icon

Identifying and Responding to Domestic Violence: Consensus Recommendations For Child and Adolescent Health (September 2002)
This document (NCJ 197220) is designed to assist health care providers from the pediatric and family health settings address adult domestic violence victimization and childhood exposure to domestic violence through screening, assessment, documentation, intervention, and referrals. This OVC grantee-developed document is available electronically from the Family Violence Prevention Fund's Web site. PDF (1 mb) e-only icon

In the Spotlight: Family Violence (July 2003)
This linked bibliography from NCJRS lists publications from various government agencies and national organizations on child physical and sexual abuse, child neglect and maltreatment, intimate partner violence, and elder abuse. This Web-based resource also covers legislation, programs, technical assistance, and grants and funding resources.

Initiatives to Combat Violence Against Women (July 1998)
This OVC fact sheet (FS 000211) provides an overview of the funding sources that support sexual assault and domestic violence programs. e-only icon

Legal Interventions in Family Violence: Research Findings and Policy Implications (July 1998)
This NIJ report (NCJ 171666) presents summaries of research on legal interventions in family violence, including child maltreatment, abuse of elderly persons, and partner violence. e-only icon

OVC National Directory of Victim Assistance Funding Opportunities 2001 (September 2001)
This OVC resource directory (NCJ 189218) lists by state and territory the contact names and information for federally funded crime victim assistance programs and includes particulars on grant programs that help state and local agencies prepare for and respond to incidents of domestic terrorism and criminal mass casualty. e-only icon
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Violence by Intimates (March 1998)
This BJS Report (NCJ 167237) compiles data from BJS and the FBI on violence between people who have an intimate relationship—spouses, exspouses, boyfriends, girlfriends, and former boyfriends and girlfriends. e-only icon

When Will They Ever Learn? Educating to End Domestic Violence—A Law School Report (December 1997)
By integrating domestic violence issues into their curricula, law schools can give lawyers tools to assist victims effectively and improve the legal system's response to family violence. This and other recommendations stem from a 2-day meeting of experts convened in 1996 by the American Bar Association (ABA). This OVC-ABA report (NCJ 168098) also includes supplemental information on domestic violence-focused law school programs and organizations. e-only icon
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This document was last updated on August 07, 2008