1985-89 Spectrum Engineering Reports List

Copies of these reports are available thru the NTIA Spectrum Engineering and Analysis Division, phone number (202)482-2608, fax number (202)482-4595, or e-mail edrocella@ntia.doc.gov

 NTIA# TM-85-109   NTIS#                 IRAC#              SECURITY=U 
 February  1985
 Mayher, Robert J.    Evaluation of Computer-Aided Spectrum Management  
 Lady, John K.        in Papua New Guinea                               
 Winkler, Carl A.                                                       
 NTIA# TM-85-111   NTIS#                 IRAC#              SECURITY=U 
 April     1985
 Mayher, Robert J.    Evaluation of Computer-Aided Spectrum Management  
 Lady, John K.        in Venezuela                                      
 NTIA# TR-84-168   NTIS#                 IRAC#              SECURITY=U 
 February  1985
 Cohen, David J.      Necessary Bandwidth and Spectral Properties of    
                      Digital Modulation                                
 NTIA# TR-85-175   NTIS# PB 85-225076    IRAC#              SECURITY=U 
 April     1985    FREQUENCY RANGE (MHz)= 0.1605       0.2000      
 Grant, W.B.          Spectrum Resource Assessment of the 1605-2000 kHz 
 Thompson, R.E.       Band                                              
 Carroll, J.C.                                                          
 NTIA# TR-85-178   NTIS#                 IRAC#              SECURITY=U 
 September 1985    FREQUENCY RANGE (MHz)= 0.0525       0.1615      
 Grant, W.B.          An Assessment of the Future of Travelers'         
 Thompson, R.E.       Information Stations                              
 NTIA# TR-85-179   NTIS#                 IRAC# 24691        SECURITY=U 
 February  1985    FREQUENCY RANGE (MHz)= 947.0000     17000.0000  
 Chilton, C.J.        Spectrum Resource Assessment of the 947-17000     
 Nebbia, K.           Band, Part II                                     
 Grant, W.B.                                                            
 NTIA# TR-85-180   NTIS# PB 86-127313    IRAC#              SECURITY=U 
 September 1985
 Schroeder, N.        Spectrum Resource Assessment of Unlicensed        
 Nebbia, K.           Electronic Devices                                
 NTIA# TR-85-181   NTIS#                 IRAC# 24779        SECURITY=U 
 September 1985    FREQUENCY RANGE (MHz)= 1.5000       1.9000      
 Farrar, Andrew       Evaluation Techniques -- Fixed Service Systems to 
 Dobson, Herb         Power-Line-Carrier Circuits                       
 Wentland, Fred                                                         
 NTIA# TR-85-183   NTIS#                 IRAC#              SECURITY=U 
 November  1985
 Akima, Hiroshi       Technical Basis for the Geostationary Satellite   
                      Orbit Analysis Program (GSOAP)                    
 NTIA# TM-86-115   NTIS#                 IRAC#              SECURITY=U 
 September 1986    FREQUENCY RANGE (MHz)= 7000.0000    8000.0000   
 Berry, Leslie        Application of the Technical Spectrum Efficiency  
 Chang, Eugene        Factor (TSEF) to the Fixed Service Three Frequency
 Frazier, William E.  Bands                                             
 et al.              
 The Technical Spectrum Efficiency Factor (TSEF) concept was developed
in the Technical Subcommittee (TSC) of the Interdepartment Radio
Advisory Committee (IRAC) and was applied, by NTIA, to government fixed
telecommunications systems in the 7-8 GHz bands.  Both computer
automated and manual procedures were employed.  The TSEF evaluates the
technical spectrum efficiency of a spectrum-using system by comparing
the amount of the spectrum it uses to that used by the most
spectrum-efficient system that could be procured to accomplish the same
mission.  The "most spectrum-efficient" system is called "the reference
system".  An extensive catalog of spectrum conservation techniques is
also included.
 NTIA# TM-86-117   NTIS#                 IRAC#              SECURITY=U 
 November  1986    FREQUENCY RANGE (MHz)= 9300.0000    9320.0000   
 Nebbia, Karl B.      The Effect of Shipborne Radars on the Aeronautical
                      Radionavigation Service in the 9300-9320 MHz Band 
 The possibility of allowing shipborne navigation radars within the
9300-9320 MHz band is being considered within Study Group 8 of the
International Radio Consultative Committee (CCIR) and within the United
States preparation for the 1987 Mobile World Administrative Radio
Conference.  The impact this would have upon beacon systems used within
the aeronautical radionavigation service is of concern.  The report
provides the background, equipment characteristics, and an analysis of
the potential interaction between the shipborne radars and the
aeronautical beacon systems.
 NTIA# TR-86-198   NTIS#                 IRAC#              SECURITY=U 
 August    1986
 Filippi, Cesar       Baseband Performance Degradation due to           
                      Interference in the Fixed-Satellite Service       
 This report describes a set of algorithms developed at NTIA for the
analytic assessment of interference effects in satellite communication
services.  These algorithms convert the interference levels at the
receiver input into an observable performance degradation of the
receiver output, such as, bit errors or distortion of the voice output.
 NTIA# TR-86-199   NTIS#                 IRAC#              SECURITY=U 
 August    1986    FREQUENCY RANGE (MHz)= 2000.0000    2000.0000   
 Farrar, Andrew       Calculation of Power-Flux Density Levels in the   
                      2 GHz Band, Phase Three                           
 This report, a follow-on of two earlier reports, examined the impact
on fixed and mobile services of relaxing the current power-flux-density
limits from satellites in the region of 2 GHz.  The results of these
studies were used to support U.S. contributions into the International
Radio Consultative Committee (CCIR).
 NTIA# TM-87-121   NTIS#                 IRAC#              SECURITY=U 
 February  1987
 Speights, W.D.       Application of Trunking to Government Land-Mobile 
 Before 1987 no commercial trunking systems were available in any
Govenment or non Government band below 800 MHz.  This study examined
the application of trunking to the Government band 406-420 MHz.  As a
result of this study and subsequent discussions with industry,
commercial trunking systems were developed for the Government. 
 NTIA# TM-87-122   NTIS#                 IRAC#              SECURITY=U 
 June      1987
 Crandall, G.A., III  Assessment of Digital Radio Voice Protection for  
                      Government Land-Mobile Use                        
 This report documents an effort to measure the operational and
performance characteristics of radios equipped with the Data Encryption
Standard (DES), as applied to government land-mobile operations.  The
purpose of these tests was to compare selected operational and
performance characteristics of the digital (or guarded) mode of
operation with those of the analog (or clear) mode of operation for
each radio under test.  The measurement results are discussed relative
to spectrum management issues involving the use of spectrum allocated
to the Federal Government fixed and mobile services and the
corresponding rules of use.  This measurement effort is the first phase
of an on-going program to investigate the effect of using digital
modulation schemes in a predominantly analog land-mobile environment.
 NTIA# TM-87-123   NTIS#                 IRAC#              SECURITY=U 
 August    1987
 Speights, W.D.       NTIA Task Force Measurement Report: Naval Air     
                      Test Center, Patuxent River, MD                   
 This report documents the results of a special measurement task at the
Naval Air Test Center, Patuxent River, Maryland.  In documenting the
spectrum usage for land mobile, radar and microwave systems at an
active military base, the report serves as a reference for future
improvements to spectrum management techniques and procedures.
 NTIA# TM-87-125   NTIS#                 IRAC#              SECURITY=U 
 July      1987    FREQUENCY RANGE (MHz)= 4500.0000    4800.0000   
 Haines, Robin        Effects of Planning of the Fixed-Satellite        
                      Service on the Fixed and Mobile Services in the   
                      4500-4800 MHz Band                                
 This report is a study of the potential for sharing in the 4500-4800
MHz band between the fixed-satellite service (FSS) and terrestrial
(fixed and mobile) services.  The report focuses on decisions of the
WARC-ORB-85 concerning planning of the FSS in this band.  The report
concludes that sharing of the 4500-4800 MHz band by the fixed, mobile
and fixed satellite services will continue to be feasible.
 NTIA# TM-87-127   NTIS#                 IRAC#              SECURITY=U 
 September 1987    FREQUENCY RANGE (MHz)= 400.0000     AND ABOVE   
 Nebbia, Karl B.      Spectrum Resource Assessment of the Federal       
 Long, Kenwyn         Government Fixed Service (Bands above 400 MHz)    
 Sussman, Merton                                                        
 This report documents a spectrum resource assessment of the bands
allocated to the Federal Government fixed service above 400 MHz on a
primary basis.  The assessment identifies allocations, standards,
channeling plans and technological trends pertaining to the Federal
fixed service.  Technical and policy issues are discussed as part of
NTIA's long-range planning effort.
 NTIA# TM-87-129   NTIS#                 IRAC#              SECURITY=U 
 September 1987
 Farrar, Andrew       Procedures for Calculating Field Intensities of   
 Chang, Eugene        Antennas                                          
 This report discusses simplified procedures for calculating near and
far field intensities of several types of aperture and wire antennas.
The antenna technical characteristics listed in the Government Master
File (GMF) were found to be sufficiently representative of the majority
of antenna types listed in the GMF.  Existing analytical antenna models
developed for a near field analysis of the antennas were identified.
Some of these models were used to develop a simplified model for
estimating near field radiation from Government radiocommunications
 NTIA# TM-87-131   NTIS#                 IRAC#              SECURITY=U 
 October   1987
 Mayher, Robert J.    Evaluation of Computer-Aided Spectrum Management  
 Lady, John K.        in Thailand                                       
 Matheson, Robert J.                                                    
 et al.              
 NTIA# TM-88-133   NTIS#                 IRAC# 25947        SECURITY=U 
 September 1988    FREQUENCY RANGE (MHz)= 000.0900     000.1100    
 Nebbia, Karl B.      Assessment of Potential Interference from Power-  
                      Line-Carrier Systems to LORAN-C Aeronautical      
 This report is an analysis of the potential for interference from
power-line-carrier (PLC) systems to LORAN-C aeronautical receivers.
Data from existing measurements is compiled and used to determine,
under a worst-case scenario, the flight altitude where interference
from PLC transmissions could be experienced.  Frequency separation and
restriction of PLC transmission duration are identified as two useful
means of preventing interference.
 NTIA# TM-88-134   NTIS#                 IRAC#              SECURITY=U 
 September 1988    FREQUENCY RANGE (MHz)= 2200-2290                
 Farrar, Andrew       Coordination Requirements for Space and           
                      Aeronautical Telemetry Systems (2200-2290 MHz)    
 This report documents an analysis of the probability of interference
from systems in the space services to aeronautical telemetry system
using the 2200-2290 MHz band.  These calculated results may be used to
determine the coordination requirements for compatible operation
between these systems, if a relaxation in the power flux density limits
is adopted.
 NTIA# TM-88-135   NTIS#                 IRAC#              SECURITY=U 
 September 1988
 Kobayashi,Herbert K. Procedures for Calculating Field Intensities of   
                      Antennas: Phase II                                
 This report supplements an earlier report (TM-87-129) for calculating
the near-field power density of commonly encountered linear and
aperture antennas.  These calculations are useful for determining the
distance separation required to avoid radiation hazard levels.
 NTIA# TM-88-136   NTIS#                 IRAC# 26039        SECURITY=U 
 September 1988
 Haines, Robin H.     Spectrum Resource Assessment of Selected U.S.     
                      Government Space Services                         
 This report describes the use of space services by the U.S. Government
in support of NTIA's Long Range Plan for Management and Use of the
Radio Spectrum.  The report addresses national and international
regulations as well as frequency allocations, current and future
government use of the space services, and spectrum management issues.
 NTIA# TM-88-137   NTIS#                 IRAC#              SECURITY=U 
 September 1988    FREQUENCY RANGE (MHz)= 162.0000     174.0000    
 Speights, William D. Assessment of Digital Radio Voice Protection for  
                      Government Land-Mobile Use: Phase II              
 This study examined the sharing of spectrum between analog and digital
land mobile radios in the 162-174 MHz band.  Recommendations regarding
cochannel and adjacent channel coordination distances have been adopted.
 NTIA# TR-88-236   NTIS#                 IRAC#              SECURITY=U 
 August    1988
 Mayher, Robert J.    The SUM Data Base: A New Measure of Spectrum      
 Haines, Robin H.     Use                                               
 Litts, Steven E.                                                       
 et al.              
 This report describes a new technique for calculating the spectrum
space used by existing frequency assignments.  The Spectrum Use Measure
(SUM) model determines the amount of spectrum used at a given location
or the probability that a given location is unavailable for a new
assignment.  These quantities, stored in a SUM data base, can be used
to produce maps, histograms and indices of spectrum use.  The SUM
technique has been effectively applied to the 1710-1850 MHz and the
7750-7900 MHz bands.  The report concludes that the SUM technique is an
effective indicator of spectrum use and recommends that it should be
used when evaluating service bands.
 NTIA# SP-89-22    NTIS#                 IRAC#              SECURITY=U 
 June      1989
                      Long Range Plan for Management and Use of the     
                      Radio Spectrum by Agencies and Establishments     
                      of the Federal Government                         
 NTIA# TM-89-139   NTIS#                 IRAC#              SECURITY=U 
 March     1989
 Filippi, Cesar A.    Single and Aggregate Emission Level Models for    
 Litts, Steven        Interference Analysis                             
 Clarke, Mary Jo                                                        
 Gruendl, Robert     
 This report describes analysis models and software packages developed
for the assessment of single-entry and aggregate interference from
terrestrial emitters into terrestrial or airborne victim receivers.
The menu-drive computer programs provide user options for input/output
computations, parametric representations, propagations models and
emitter distributions.  The flexibility in the scenario creation,
parameter selection, and computation mode, renders the models
applicable to a wide variety of EMC assessments and conditions.  Model
descriptions, technical formulations, user manuals, and sample runs are
provided in this report.
 NTIA# TM-89-141   NTIS#                 IRAC# 25681        SECURITY=U 
 June      1989    FREQUENCY RANGE (MHz)= 3.0000       30.0000     
 Grant, W.B.          Spectrum Resource Assessment of Government Use of 
 Thompson, R.E.       the HF (3-30 MHz) Band                            
 Haydon, G.W.                                                           
 et al.              
 This report is a spectrum resource assessment of the HF band (3-30
MHz).  It incudes information on rules, regulations, allocations,
technical standards, frequency assignments, system characteristics, and
special uses unique to the HF band.  The impact on HF services brought
about by new technologies is discussed along with potential impacts of
HF Over-the-Horizon (OTH) radars and ionospheric sounders.  The
importance of domestic emergency communciations in the HF band is
discussed along with new standards for interoperability presently being
 NTIA# TR-89-241   NTIS#                 IRAC# 26410        SECURITY=U 
 March     1989    FREQUENCY RANGE (MHz)= 30.0000      100.0000    
 Cohen, David         Meteor Burst System Communications Capability     
 Grant, William                                                         
 Steele, Francis                                                        
 The technical and operating characteristics of meteor burst systems of
importance for spectrum management applciations are identified.  A
technical assessment is included which identifies the most appropriate
frequency subbands within the VHF spectrum to support meteor burst
systems.  The electromagnetic compatibility of meteor burst systems
with other equipments in the VHF spectrum is determined using
computerized analysis methods for both ionospheric and groundwave
propagation modes.  It is shown that meteor burst equipments can cause
and are susceptible to groundwave interference from other VHF
equipments.  The report includes tables of geographical distance
separations between meteor burst and other VHF equipments which satisfy
interference threshold criteria.
 NTIA# TR-89-242   NTIS#                 IRAC#              SECURITY=U 
 April     1989    FREQUENCY RANGE (MHz)= 100.0000     200000.0000 
 Frazier, William E.  Handbook of Radio Wave Propagation Loss, Part II  
                      (100-20,000 MHz)                                  
 This handbook is intended to provide estimates of radio wave
propagation loss between transmitting and receiving antennas of various
heights and transmission frequencies above the assumed smooth-earth
surface calculated using the NLAMBDA computer model.  For many cases
involving electromagnetic compatibility analysis, the curves of
predicted transmission losses in this report may be used to estimate
the transmission losses of the desired and undesired signals.  These
estimated loss values are given in dB as BASIC MEDIAN TRANSMISSION LOSS
for antennas with effective heights up to 5000 meters, operating in the
100-20,000 MHz frequency range, over land or sea, at great circle earth
surface distances up to 1000 kilometers.
 NTIA# TR-89-243   NTIS#                 IRAC# 26278        SECURITY=U 
 May       1989    FREQUENCY RANGE (MHz)= 7125.0000    8500.0000   
 Hinkle, Robert L.    Spectrum-Conservation Techniques for Fixed        
 Farrar, Andrew       Microwave Systems                                 
 Since the spectrum is a limited natural resource, the spectrum
management community has a major interest in identifying spectrum
conservation techniques that will provide more efficient spectrum
utilization.  Advances in new technology for fixed microwave systems in
antennas, modulation schemes and signal processing techniques offer
increased efficiency in spectrum utilization.  This report analyzes the
spectrum conserving properties of the various new technologies for
fixed microwave systems applying the concepts in CCIR Report 662-2, and
was defined as the spectrum conservation factor (SCF).  The report
concludes that the SCF technique is an effective indicator of the
spectrum conserving properties of technologies which can be used to
develop new spectrum standards.
 NTIA# TR-89-248   NTIS#                 IRAC#              SECURITY=U 
 September 1989    FREQUENCY RANGE (MHz)= 406.1000     420.0000    
 Haines, Robin H.     The SUM Land Mobile Model: Application of the     
 Litts, Steven E.     Spectrum Use Measure to the Land Mobile Service   
 The Spectrum Use Measure (SUM) technique quantifies and graphically
depicts the amount of spectrum resources used in a region within a
frequency band.  The SUM technique was originally developed to
calculate spectrum use for a fixed system.  The report describes the
extension of the SUM model to calcualte spectrum use for land mobile
systems and the application of the land mobile model to the 406.1-420
MHz frequency band.  An enhancement to the model that greatly reduces
the run time is also discussed.  The report concludes that the SUM
concepts are applicable to land mobile systems and recommends extension
of the model to additional services and frequency bands.

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Created: Thursday, August 10, 1995
Last Updated: Thursday, August 10, 1995