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OSM Training

Spectrum XXI Training Class

Open to non-DOD Federal Government spectrum managers, including contractor support personnel, involved in the radio frequency engineering of frequency assignments

The Spectrum XXI software assists non-DOD Federal spectrum managers in engineering and nominating frequency (ies) for the submission of new frequency proposals as well as creating submissions for the modification or renewal of frequency assignments. Spectrum XXI works on the spectrum manger's desktop or laptop computer and runs on Windows operating systems. It includes the compliance checks that all frequency proposals must pass through at the NTIA so that work can be checked and verified before it is forwarded upwards to the next echelon. Spectrum XXI has several engineering programs, such as point-to-point plots, coverage plots, including terrain features on those plots. Spectrum XXI also allows the interfacing of the NTIA Spectrum XXI server for all unclassified work provided your agency has signed onto the server (click here for more information)

* September 8 - 12, 2008 (official announcement)
* November 3 - 7, 2008


Spectrum Management Seminar

 Open to US Government Employees and Federal Contractors

This five day semnar is an introduction to United States and international spectrum management organizations, processes, procedures and techniques. The Series cover basic spectrum management terminology and provide a basic technical overview of spectrum characteristics and management principles; antenna and radio wave propagation principles; spectrum management of space services; microcomputer spectrum analysis model demonstration; the NTIA frequency assignment processes and procedures; Spectrum XXI software overview; there are also spectrum management presentations from selected Federal agencies; presentations on the latest spectrum management issues; and solving spectrum management problems.  (click here for more information)

* December 8-12, 2008

Spectrum Management Forum

 Open to US Government Employees and Federal Contractors

Unlike the Spectrum Management Seminar, the Spectrum Management Forum offers a more detailed discussion on specific spectrum issues. These Spectrum Management Forums maximize the time for reciprocal communication between attendees and our staff, addressing each topic in as much depth as required. The forum may also focus on several spectrum management topics such as: spectrum principles and characteristics; antenna and radio wave propagation principles; spectrum management of space services; microcomputer spectrum analysis model demonstration; NTIA frequency assignment processes and procedures; Spectrum XXI software overview; spectrum management presentations from selected Federal agencies; presentation on the latest spectrum management issues; and, solving spectrum management problems. (click here for more information)

* Future dates to be determined

United States Telecommunications Training Institute (USTTI)
 Radio Frequency Spectrum Management Course

Open to Representatives of Developing Nations.

This course addresses the various elements required to plan, organize, manage, and control an effective spectrum management agency with the developing nation in mind. Participants will be introduced to spectrum management principles, national spectrum planning and policy, engineering analysis, and computer-aided techniques. In addition, the course will introduce technological and regulatory changes that have taken place over the past few years.
(click here for more information)

* Spring 2009


Link to NTIA Manual of Frequency Management

Link to US Frequency Allocation Chart

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