National Bias Crimes Training cover

National Bias Crimes Training
For Law Enforcement and
Victim Assistance Professionals

Introduction and Guide for Administrators and Instructors
Bias crimes seriously threaten our democratic society, which is built on the strength of its diversity. These crimes represent a particularly heinous form of physical and/or verbal violence, in which thousands of Americans are victimized each year because of their skin color, ethnicity, religion, gender, or sexual orientation. Growing concern exists around the country, in communities large and small, urban, suburban, and rural, about the prevalence of bias crimes. Crimes such as these, striking at the heart of our country's democratic principles, threaten the very foundation of our society. Swift and effective investigation, prosecution, and response to the victims of these crimes is critical for developing and maintaining respect for and appreciation of the growing diversity of our country's citizens.

While the National Bias Crimes Training Curriculum marks a new step forward in fostering collaboration between individuals in law enforcement and victim assistance, much work has already occurred. This training package builds on the best efforts and practices to date.

Working together, and with the assistance of a national panel of experts, Education Development Center, Inc. (EDC), and the Massachusetts Criminal Justice Training Council carried out a complete review of existing materials and programs. We identified the best policies, procedures, practices, and materials currently being used to address bias crimes, the existing research on bias crimes and offenders, and the effects of these crimes on individuals and communities. Focus groups composed of law enforcement and victim service professionals provided valuable insights in designing the curriculum. The curriculum was field tested to ensure that it is relevant to both victim assistance and law enforcement professionals, and that it is user-friendly. The results are reflected in the approach and materials presented in this guide.

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This document was last updated on May 30, 2008