Federal Reserve Statistical Release, E.2, Survey of Terms of Business Lending; title with eagle logo links to Statistical Release home page

Release Date: December 15, 2006
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E.2 SURVEY OF TERMS OF BUSINESS LENDING, NOVEMBER 6-10, 2006                       For immediate release
1. Commercial and industrial loans made by all commercial banks1                       December 15, 2006
Maturity/repricing interval2
and risk3 of loans
loan rate4
Total value of
($ millions)
loan size
($ thousands)
Percent of value of loans Commitment status
Subject to
Prime based Percent
made under
since loan
terms set6
 1. All C&I loans 6.88   73,140   514   578   37.1   30.4   25.3   79.3   11.0  
 2.   Minimal risk 5.80   6,656   2,197   198   24.4   44.1   8.2   75.2   3.0  
 3.   Low risk 6.34   11,243   951   442   20.6   57.0   15.2   88.8   10.5  
 4.   Moderate risk 6.84   31,386   647   568   33.1   25.6   23.1   72.5   12.4  
 5.   Other 7.92   12,812   282   602   61.4   14.8   40.4   89.8   14.9  
 6. Zero interval 7.55   19,631   279   518   52.8   7.4   57.8   87.4   9.1  
 7.   Minimal risk 6.38   1,492   2,068   308   83.6   .2   24.6   97.6   2.0  
 8.   Low risk 7.25   1,772   347   529   51.0   4.9   45.4   75.4   11.8  
 9.   Moderate risk 7.34   8,921   370   392   38.9   4.5   48.9   92.8   10.0  
10.   Other 8.79   3,653   151   737   76.7   6.2   83.3   93.8   9.9  
11. Daily 6.32   20,836   786   236   18.1   43.8   18.8   69.7   11.4  
12.   Minimal risk 5.50   3,901   5,536   67   4.6   60.2   3.4   72.3   .4  
13.   Low risk 6.09   4,591   1,885   203   11.5   76.6   15.0   87.8   7.8  
14.   Moderate risk 6.35   9,283   959   228   17.3   29.8   19.7   53.1   16.9  
15.   Other 7.45   1,867   244   332   47.6   8.0   32.8   86.0   24.9  
16. 2 to 30 days 6.52   16,603   980   508   38.2   37.1   5.5   82.9   11.9  
17.   Minimal risk 5.89   853   1,912   353   5.8   50.7   .7   41.1   10.9  
18.   Low risk 6.19   2,348   1,827   478   16.2   50.9   4.2   95.4   11.9  
19.   Moderate risk 6.47   7,231   1,492   499   43.2   31.7   4.1   82.1   13.2  
20.   Other 7.26   3,173   441   359   46.3   35.2   8.9   82.9   14.0  
21. 31 to 365 days 6.93   9,531   643   657   41.0   23.1   9.6   82.5   12.8  
22.   Minimal risk 6.27   350   414   596   33.5   37.3   6.2   98.4   18.9  
23.   Low risk 6.86   1,228   609   359   30.3   40.0   7.5   91.4   13.6  
24.   Moderate risk 6.86   3,185   569   856   47.5   25.2   3.6   72.2   10.1  
25.   Other 7.61   2,580   809   368   54.4   10.9   20.2   95.7   17.4  
26. More than 365 days 7.47   6,354   506   62   42.2   51.6   22.2   71.4   11.5  
27.   Minimal risk 6.90   56   194   47   53.9   38.0   26.9   56.6   9.6  
28.   Low risk 5.72   1,291   1,400   39   10.0   86.0   1.7   96.9   12.9  
29.   Moderate risk 7.87   2,717   682   68   24.4   65.3   22.5   46.6   11.5  
30.   Other 8.27   1,519   545   50   85.8   7.9   46.0   88.8   12.9  
Size of loan
($ thousands)
average risk
31.   1 - 99 8.67   2,781   3.3   164   83.2   9.7   70.3   84.0   7.2  
32.   100 - 999 8.15   9,789   3.2   178   72.7   13.1   65.7   89.8   9.8  
33.   1,000 - 9,999 7.20   18,767   3.2   147   46.7   27.0   32.9   87.7   13.1  
34.   10,000+ 6.32   41,803   2.6   165   21.3   37.3   9.5   72.8   10.5  
    Base rate of loan7   Average size
($ thousands)
35.   Prime8 8.42   18,522   3.3   110   62.7   9.3   191   89.4   10.2  
36.   Other 6.36   54,618   2.7   180   28.4   37.5   1,211   75.9   11.3  
...  The number of loans was insufficient to provide a meaningful value.

E.2 SURVEY OF TERMS OF BUSINESS LENDING, NOVEMBER 6-10, 2006                       For immediate release
2. Commercial and industrial loans made by domestic banks1                             December 15, 2006
Maturity/repricing interval2
and risk3 of loans
loan rate4
Total value of
($ millions)
loan size
($ thousands)
Percent of value of loans Commitment status
Subject to
Prime based Percent
made under
since loan
terms set6
 1. All C&I loans 7.22   48,506   350   709   45.3   18.8   35.8   78.2   12.2  
 2.   Minimal risk 5.82   2,524   887   240   23.6   16.0   15.0   47.1   10.1  
 3.   Low risk 6.61   6,152   552   683   35.4   37.1   23.8   86.0   15.6  
 4.   Moderate risk 7.08   22,947   485   686   33.9   16.0   30.1   73.1   12.6  
 5.   Other 8.25   9,660   217   684   79.2   10.2   51.5   93.8   12.9  
 6. Zero interval 7.59   18,022   258   517   51.0   8.0   60.3   86.2   9.5  
 7.   Minimal risk 6.98   350   530   348   78.5   .8   81.4   89.8   6.0  
 8.   Low risk 7.21   1,672   334   488   51.9   4.8   43.5   73.9   11.9  
 9.   Moderate risk 7.32   8,764   367   378   38.7   4.5   47.9   92.7   9.7  
10.   Other 8.73   3,444   144   703   79.0   6.4   83.9   93.4   9.8  
11. Daily 6.71   10,631   414   346   29.2   16.1   32.3   57.7   17.9  
12.   Minimal risk 5.37   1,455   2,182   61   10.8   14.6   4.6   25.7   3.0  
13.   Low risk 6.66   1,230   549   556   42.7   37.3   42.9   82.9   29.4  
14.   Moderate risk 6.56   6,177   660   314   16.4   11.3   28.1   49.8   18.6  
15.   Other 8.42   976   130   386   89.6   4.7   60.7   92.9   16.6  
16. 2 to 30 days 6.82   7,587   488   632   45.8   20.5   10.9   88.7   12.8  
17.   Minimal risk 6.01   416   1,073   505   4.1   16.1   1.5   54.9   10.2  
18.   Low risk 6.49   1,164   1,121   625   26.7   24.4   8.5   94.4   13.4  
19.   Moderate risk 6.74   3,115   712   762   40.6   13.4   7.6   89.4   15.4  
20.   Other 7.56   1,723   252   470   80.6   29.2   15.0   95.6   11.9  
21. 31 to 365 days 7.21   5,861   415   667   60.0   19.5   13.5   84.3   13.3  
22.   Minimal risk 6.22   242   296   360   46.7   41.3   2.9   97.7   26.7  
23.   Low risk 6.94   783   417   409   43.8   43.6   11.2   86.6   10.6  
24.   Moderate risk 7.04   2,138   395   1,005   66.3   17.0   5.4   70.4   11.2  
25.   Other 7.88   2,000   665   325   68.3   6.0   25.8   96.5   17.0  
26. More than 365 days 7.48   6,324   505   62   42.1   51.3   22.3   71.6   11.5  
27.   Minimal risk 6.90   56   194   47   53.9   38.0   26.9   56.6   9.6  
28.   Low risk 5.72   1,291   1,400   39   10.0   86.0   1.7   96.9   12.9  
29.   Moderate risk 7.87   2,716   683   68   24.4   65.3   22.5   46.6   11.5  
30.   Other 8.31   1,496   539   50   86.2   6.5   46.7   89.9   12.8  
Size of loan
($ thousands)
average risk
31.   1 - 99 8.67   2,766   3.3   165   83.3   9.6   70.3   84.0   7.2  
32.   100 - 999 8.21   9,249   3.3   188   74.9   11.5   67.8   89.7   9.5  
33.   1,000 - 9,999 7.43   13,904   3.2   188   56.4   18.1   41.0   89.0   13.3  
34.   10,000+ 6.50   22,586   2.8   294   21.8   23.4   15.2   66.1   13.5  
    Base rate of loan7   Average size
($ thousands)
35.   Prime8 8.40   17,360   3.3   117   65.7   9.1   181   89.2   10.2  
36.   Other 6.56   31,145   2.9   302   34.0   24.1   736   72.0   13.5  
...  The number of loans was insufficient to provide a meaningful value.

E.2 SURVEY OF TERMS OF BUSINESS LENDING, NOVEMBER 6-10, 2006                       For immediate release
3. Commercial and industrial loans made by large domestic banks1                       December 15, 2006
Maturity/repricing interval2
and risk3 of loans
loan rate4
Total value of
($ millions)
loan size
($ thousands)
Percent of value of loans Commitment status
Subject to
Prime based Percent
made under
since loan
terms set6
 1. All C&I loans 7.05   42,571   562   669   40.4   20.3   32.8   78.0   13.2  
 2.   Minimal risk 5.75   2,235   2,022   229   22.7   17.6   15.7   49.1   10.5  
 3.   Low risk 6.39   5,385   952   682   28.8   41.7   19.7   87.6   16.1  
 4.   Moderate risk 6.90   20,447   916   690   27.8   16.6   25.5   71.5   13.8  
 5.   Other 8.14   7,975   322   641   78.1   10.5   47.9   96.6   14.2  
 6. Zero interval 7.43   15,708   349   538   46.4   8.0   56.5   85.5   10.0  
 7.   Minimal risk 6.98   341   604   349   78.2   .7   82.0   89.6   6.1  
 8.   Low risk 7.01   1,448   420   507   48.1   4.3   36.8   72.4   12.9  
 9.   Moderate risk 7.09   7,486   583   389   30.6   3.7   40.7   92.9   10.5  
10.   Other 8.64   2,790   196   762   79.7   6.4   82.0   93.6   10.2  
11. Daily 6.51   9,509   729   333   25.2   17.6   27.3   55.7   19.9  
12.   Minimal risk 5.26   1,266   5,346   56   11.2   16.8   4.1   28.4   3.0  
13.   Low risk 6.35   1,032   1,377   558   36.6   44.3   36.4   84.2   33.7  
14.   Moderate risk 6.42   5,807   1,232   308   13.3   11.9   24.0   47.0   20.4  
15.   Other 8.10   639   216   315   94.0   2.2   44.2   97.1   21.5  
16. 2 to 30 days 6.73   7,165   619   630   44.1   21.0   8.0   89.4   13.2  
17.   Minimal risk 5.99   388   2,733   508   2.3   17.2   .1   52.0   10.5  
18.   Low risk 6.40   1,102   1,811   559   23.6   25.8   6.2   94.1   13.8  
19.   Moderate risk 6.67   2,979   1,078   774   39.9   13.1   5.5   90.0   15.8  
20.   Other 7.40   1,545   277   469   79.4   31.0   8.0   99.0   12.5  
21. 31 to 365 days 7.05   5,031   1,521   695   55.0   21.8   12.7   87.0   14.2  
22.   Minimal risk 6.06   197   2,155   376   35.9   49.3   1.1   99.7   31.0  
23.   Low risk 6.58   592   1,033   434   29.9   55.4   10.8   95.8   8.1  
24.   Moderate risk 6.80   1,769   1,864   1,106   60.6   19.7   4.0   68.7   13.3  
25.   Other 7.84   1,854   1,506   292   66.2   5.4   24.8   99.4   17.7  
26. More than 365 days 7.37   5,110   1,976   54   30.5   60.5   24.5   71.5   13.6  
27.   Minimal risk 7.17   38   806   49   35.6   40.9   39.4   79.1   10.1  
28.   Low risk 5.57   1,199   5,471   38   3.1   92.2   1.7   99.0   12.0  
29.   Moderate risk 7.82   2,388   2,490   68   14.8   69.7   22.4   43.1   14.1  
30.   Other 8.41   1,140   1,587   45   83.0   5.6   58.2   95.8   15.7  
Size of loan
($ thousands)
average risk
31.   1 - 99 8.40   1,493   3.4   46   84.1   14.9   71.9   89.0   7.9  
32.   100 - 999 8.08   6,647   3.3   92   72.8   13.7   71.1   92.7   10.8  
33.   1,000 - 9,999 7.36   12,269   3.2   151   53.1   18.7   40.0   90.3   14.5  
34.   10,000+ 6.48   22,162   2.8   295   20.7   23.5   14.6   66.0   13.6  
    Base rate of loan7   Average size
($ thousands)
35.   Prime8 8.27   13,944   3.3   123   62.1   9.5   259   90.4   11.3  
36.   Other 6.46   28,627   2.9   257   29.8   25.5   1,300   71.9   14.3  
...  The number of loans was insufficient to provide a meaningful value.

E.2 SURVEY OF TERMS OF BUSINESS LENDING, NOVEMBER 6-10, 2006                       For immediate release
4. Commercial and industrial loans made by small domestic banks1                       December 15, 2006
Maturity/repricing interval2
and risk3 of loans
loan rate4
Total value of
($ millions)
loan size
($ thousands)
Percent of value of loans Commitment status
Subject to
Prime based Percent
made under
since loan
terms set6
 1. All C&I loans 8.40   5,934   95   1,015   80.8   8.1   57.6   79.5   5.1  
 2.   Minimal risk 6.34   289   166   519   30.8   3.3   10.2   31.7   5.3  
 3.   Low risk 8.18   767   140   683   81.9   4.9   52.3   74.6   11.6  
 4.   Moderate risk 8.53   2,500   100   641   83.3   11.1   67.7   86.1   3.9  
 5.   Other 8.77   1,684   86   896   84.1   9.1   68.3   80.9   5.4  
 6. Zero interval 8.72   2,314   93   369   82.7   7.9   86.0   91.0   6.0  
 7.   Minimal risk 7.20   9   91   284   88.0   5.9   55.9   97.6   4.2  
 8.   Low risk 8.47   224   143   376   76.4   8.1   87.0   83.3   6.2  
 9.   Moderate risk 8.63   1,278   116   306   86.1   9.4   90.1   91.2   4.9  
10.   Other 9.08   654   68   470   75.9   6.7   92.0   92.4   8.0  
11. Daily 8.34   1,122   89   495   62.6   3.4   74.7   74.0   4.9  
12.   Minimal risk 6.15   189   439   461   7.6   .0   7.4   7.8   2.1  
13.   Low risk 8.28   198   133   547   74.4   .4   76.8   75.8   4.3  
14.   Moderate risk 8.83   370   80   420   65.0   1.3   92.8   95.2   4.5  
15.   Other 9.03   337   74   548   81.3   9.5   92.0   85.0   6.0  
16. 2 to 30 days 8.47   422   107   671   74.2   12.9   61.0   76.8   4.8  
17.   Minimal risk 6.37   29   116   124   28.1   .8   20.9   94.2   7.7  
18.   Low risk 8.02   62   144   1,732   83.2   .0   49.2   99.3   6.8  
19.   Moderate risk 8.25   135   84   468   55.0   21.8   52.9   75.9   4.5  
20.   Other 9.00   178   140   477   91.4   13.8   75.3   66.1   3.9  
21. 31 to 365 days 8.18   830   77   488   90.0   6.0   18.3   68.3   6.4  
22.   Minimal risk 6.92   45   62   275   93.5   6.9   10.4   88.8   5.3  
23.   Low risk 8.04   192   147   332   86.9   7.0   12.2   58.1   23.6  
24.   Moderate risk 8.19   370   83   526   93.5   4.0   11.7   78.4   2.2  
25.   Other 8.38   146   82   851   95.6   12.9   38.4   60.0   1.6  
26. More than 365 days 7.95   1,214   122   94   91.0   12.9   13.0   71.8   2.3  
27.   Minimal risk 6.31   18   73   42   93.5   31.6   .0   7.8   .0  
28.   Low risk 7.68   92   131   53   100.0   5.3   1.4   68.6   28.2  
29.   Moderate risk 8.30   328   109   70   94.2   32.9   23.3   72.0   .3  
30.   Other 7.99   356   173   68   96.7   9.4   10.1   71.0   .5  
Size of loan
($ thousands)
average risk
31.   1 - 99 8.99   1,273   3.3   305   82.4   3.4   68.5   78.1   6.1  
32.   100 - 999 8.53   2,602   3.2   432   80.4   5.7   59.4   82.1   5.7  
33.   1,000 - 9,999 7.95   1,635   3.1   468   81.1   13.3   48.6   79.2   3.1  
34.   10,000+ ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...  
    Base rate of loan7   Average size
($ thousands)
35.   Prime8 8.92   3,416   3.3   90   80.0   7.6   81   84.1   5.5  
36.   Other 7.69   2,518   2.9   817   81.9   8.8   124   73.3   4.6  
...  The number of loans was insufficient to provide a meaningful value.

E.2 SURVEY OF TERMS OF BUSINESS LENDING, NOVEMBER 6-10, 2006                           For immediate release
5. Commercial and industrial loans made by U.S. branches and agencies of foreign banks1    December 15, 2006
Maturity/repricing interval2
and risk3 of loans
loan rate4
Total value of
($ millions)
loan size
($ thousands)
Percent of value of loans Commitment status
Subject to
Prime based Percent
made under
since loan
terms set6
 1. All C&I loans 6.22   24,635   6,757   338   20.8   53.1   4.7   81.6   8.8  
 2.   Minimal risk 5.78   4,133   22,441   175   25.0   61.3   4.0   92.4   .7  
 3.   Low risk 6.00   5,091   7,496   178   2.7   81.0   4.8   92.3   4.8  
 4.   Moderate risk 6.21   8,439   6,924   265   31.1   51.7   3.9   70.6   12.1  
 5.   Other 6.91   3,153   3,249   374   7.1   28.7   6.4   77.3   22.5  
 6. Zero interval 7.02   1,609   2,502   537   72.6   .7   29.3   100.0   5.1  
 7.   Minimal risk 6.20   1,142   18,600   298   85.1   .0   7.3   100.0   .9  
 8.   Low risk 7.87   100   1,005   1,062   34.9   5.4   77.9   100.0   11.6  
 9.   Moderate risk 8.67   158   719   1,110   50.6   .0   100.0   100.0   22.7  
10.   Other 9.84   208   801   1,206   38.6   2.3   73.3   100.0   11.8  
11. Daily 5.92   10,205   12,123   129   6.6   72.5   4.6   82.3   6.7  
12.   Minimal risk 5.57   2,446   64,371   70   .9   87.4   2.8   100.0   .0  
13.   Low risk 5.88   3,362   17,250   82   .1   91.0   4.8   89.6   .5  
14.   Moderate risk 5.92   3,106   9,574   64   19.0   66.2   3.0   59.4   14.1  
15.   Other 6.39   891   5,717   278   1.6   11.5   2.3   78.5   35.5  
16. 2 to 30 days 6.27   9,016   6,381   409   31.8   51.0   .9   78.1   11.1  
17.   Minimal risk 5.77   437   7,472   218   7.4   83.7   .0   28.1   12.3  
18.   Low risk 5.90   1,184   4,786   343   5.8   76.9   .0   96.5   10.4  
19.   Moderate risk 6.26   4,116   8,747   308   45.1   45.4   1.5   76.5   11.3  
20.   Other 6.91   1,450   4,112   237   5.5   42.3   1.7   67.9   17.6  
21. 31 to 365 days 6.48   3,670   5,210   642   10.7   28.8   3.4   79.7   11.9  
22.   Minimal risk ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...  
23.   Low risk 6.72   445   3,239   275   6.5   33.7   1.2   99.9   18.1  
24.   Moderate risk 6.49   1,047   5,595   561   9.2   42.0   .0   75.9   8.0  
25.   Other 6.67   580   3,150   514   6.5   27.8   .7   93.0   18.8  
26. More than 365 days ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...  
27.   Minimal risk ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...  
28.   Low risk ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...  
29.   Moderate risk ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...  
30.   Other ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...  
Size of loan
($ thousands)
average risk
31.   1 - 99 7.85   15   3.3   40   53.4   33.5   66.0   91.5   11.3  
32.   100 - 999 7.18   540   3.1   21   35.2   40.5   29.8   90.1   15.6  
33.   1,000 - 9,999 6.55   4,863   3.1   32   18.9   52.5   9.6   84.0   12.3  
34.   10,000+ 6.10   19,217   2.4   13   20.8   53.7   2.7   80.7   7.7  
    Base rate of loan7   Average size
($ thousands)
35.   Prime8 8.66   1,162   2.6   11   18.4   12.4   1,295   92.1   9.4  
36.   Other 6.09   23,473   2.5   17   20.9   55.2   8,540   81.1   8.8  
...  The number of loans was insufficient to provide a meaningful value.

E.2 SURVEY OF TERMS OF BUSINESS LENDING, NOVEMBER 6-10, 2006                                For immediate release
6. Commercial and industrial loans by date pricing terms were set and commitment status         December 15, 2006
Date pricing terms were set
and commitment status
loan rate4
Amount of
($ millions)
loan size
($ thousands)
average risk
Percent of value of loans
Subject to
Prime based
All commercial banks
 1. During survey week 6.54   30,155   706   2.6   214   28.0   44.1   16.0  
 2.   Not under commitment 6.48   15,118   668   2.8   306   25.7   32.5   13.0  
 3.   Informal commitment 6.05   10,022   830   2.0   23   16.3   76.2   7.3  
 4.   Formal commitment 7.71   5,014   627   3.1   324   58.0   14.9   42.6  
    Before survey week9
 5.   Up to 90 days 7.56   7,561   285   3.2   158   56.4   18.5   44.8  
 6.   91 to 365 days 6.82   19,976   396   2.9   122   36.3   20.4   28.5  
 6.   More than 365 days 7.29   15,439   694   3.3   114   46.4   22.4   29.8  
Domestic banks
 8. During survey week 7.10   15,472   374   2.9   407   38.3   14.9   27.8  
 9.   Not under commitment 6.66   10,579   478   2.7   429   24.2   15.1   17.7  
10.   Informal commitment 8.52   1,028   90   3.1   175   65.8   4.4   59.7  
11.   Formal commitment 7.91   3,865   494   3.3   409   69.3   17.2   47.0  
    Before survey week9
12.   Up to 90 days 7.71   5,811   221   3.3   199   59.3   17.0   55.7  
13.   91 to 365 days 6.94   16,091   324   2.9   144   38.8   17.6   34.7  
14.   More than 365 days 7.53   11,121   528   3.3   149   57.3   26.8   38.1  
Large domestic banks
15. During survey week 6.77   11,917   1,021   2.8   353   25.9   16.7   21.9  
16.   Not under commitment 6.49   9,364   1,125   2.7   411   17.4   15.9   14.2  
17.   Informal commitment 8.11   301   160   3.1   49   62.0   1.6   37.3  
18.   Formal commitment 7.74   2,252   1,534   3.4   153   56.5   22.0   51.6  
    Before survey week9
19.   Up to 90 days 7.57   5,072   295   3.3   207   55.4   17.6   53.0  
20.   91 to 365 days 6.82   15,002   461   2.9   151   35.6   18.7   31.9  
21.   More than 365 days 7.47   10,580   736   3.3   148   56.3   27.9   36.6  
Small domestic banks
22. During survey week 8.20   3,555   120   3.1   591   79.6   8.9   47.7  
23.   Not under commitment 7.98   1,215   88   2.8   575   77.0   8.7   44.6  
24.   Informal commitment 8.69   727   76   3.1   227   67.3   5.5   69.0  
25.   Formal commitment 8.14   1,613   254   3.3   766   87.0   10.5   40.5  
    Before survey week9
26.   Up to 90 days 8.70   739   82   3.2   143   85.8   12.6   74.1  
27.   91 to 365 days 8.64   1,089   64   3.2   45   83.6   3.7   73.5  
28.   More than 365 days 8.79   541   81   3.2   176   76.1   6.1   66.8  
Foreign banks
29. During survey week 5.95   14,682   10,927   2.2   10   17.1   74.8   3.6  
30.   Not under commitment 6.06   4,539   9,372   3.0   18   29.2   72.9   2.0  
31.   Informal commitment 5.76   8,994   13,206   1.9   5   10.6   84.4   1.3  
32.   Formal commitment 7.04   1,149   6,445   2.0   10   20.1   7.2   27.8  
    Before survey week9
33.   Up to 90 days 7.04   1,749   5,925   3.0   25   46.7   23.3   8.7  
34.   91 to 365 days 6.34   3,885   4,764   2.9   33   25.9   31.6   2.9  
35.   More than 365 days 6.66   4,318   3,624   3.2   25   18.2   10.9   8.5  
...  The number of loans was insufficient to provide a meaningful value.

Summary statistics All commercial
Large domestic
Small domestic
Average reported prime rate 8.26   8.26   8.25   8.32   8.26  
Standard error of loan rate4 .17   .22   .23   .12   .11  


The Survey of Terms of Business Lending collects data on gross loan extensions made during the first full business week in the middle month of each quarter. The authorized panel size for the survey is 348 domestically chartered commercial banks and 50 U.S. branches and agencies of foreign banks. The sample data are used to estimate the terms of loans extended during that week at all domestic commercial banks and all U.S. branches and agencies of foreign banks. The terms on loans extended during the survey week may differ from those extended during other weeks of the quarter. The estimates reported here are not intended to measure the average terms on all business loans in bank portfolios.

1. As of March 31, 2003, assets of the large banks were at least $3.7 billion. Median total assets for all insured banks were roughly $93 million. Assets at all U.S. branches and agencies averaged $3.3 billion.

2. The "maturity/repricing" interval measures the period from the date the loan is made until it first may be repriced or matures. For floating-rate loans that are subject to repricing at any time--such as many prime-based loans--the maturity/repricing interval is zero. For floating-rate loans that have a scheduled repricing interval, the maturity/repricing interval measures the number of days between the date the loan is made and the date on which it is next scheduled to reprice. For loans having rates that remain fixed until the loan matures (fixed-rate loans), the maturity/repricing interval measures the number of days between the date the loan is made and the date on which it matures. Loans that reprice daily mature or reprice on the business day after they are made. Because of weekends and holidays, such loans may have maturity/repricing intervals in of more thanone day; nevertheless, such loans are not included in the 2 to 30 day category.

3. A complete description of these risk categories is available in the survey instructions, available at "http://www.federalreserve.gov/boarddocs/reportforms/ReportDetail.cfm?WhichFormId=FR_2028a/s". The category "Moderate risk" includes the average loan, under average economic conditions, at the typical lender. The "Other" category includes loans rated "Acceptable" as well as special mention or classified loans. The weighted-average risk ratings published for loans in rows 31-39 are calculated by assigning a value of 1 to minimal risk loans, 2 to low risk loans, 3 to moderate risk loans, 4 to acceptable risk loans, and 5 to special mention and classified loans. These values are weighted by loan amount and exclude loans with no risk rating. Some of the loans in table rows 1, 6, 11, 16, 21, 26, and 31-36 are not rated for risk.

4. Effective (compounded) annual interest rates are calculated from the stated rate and other terms of the loans and weighted by loan amount. For the standard error of the loan rate for all C&I loans in the current survey (tables 1-5, line 1, column 1), see the summary statistics table. The chances are about two out of three that the average rate shown will differ by less than this amount from the average rate that would be found by a complete survey of the universe of all banks.

5. Average maturities are weighted by loan amount and exclude loans with no stated maturities.

6. For loans made under formal commitments, the average time interval between the date on which the loan pricing was set and the date on which the loan was made, weighted by the loan amount. For loans under informal commitment, the time interval is zero.

7. Prime-based loans are based on the lending bank's own prime rate, any other lender's prime rate, a combintation of prime rates, or a publicly reported prime rate. Loans with "other" base rates include loan rates expressed in terms of any other base rate (e.g., the federal funds rate or LIBOR) and loans for which no base rate is used to determine the loan rate.

8. See the summary statistics tables for the average reported prime rate weighted by the dollar value of loans priced relative to a prime base rate.

9. For loans made under formal commitments.

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