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Ask the Expert:  Renee Gerger, Intervention Specialist, Gerger and Associates
Topic: The Individual and Familial Dynamics of Recovery

June 2004



photo of Renee Gerger

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View the answers to questions submitted below for this month's expert: Renee Gerger, Intervention Specialist, Gerger and Associates.

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Ask the Expert Transcript


Does help exist for treatment communities in the Caribbean?

Response by Renee Gerger:

Yes, there is a treatment center called Crosswinds in Antigua. It was developed by Eric Clapton, and he just had a concert dedicated to raising funds for the center. It has a fine reputation.

Try and research this program if you are interested. You will find treatment centers eager to educate you regarding their facility. If this is for a family member or friend, gather the information and then be sure to tell them you have done so and you believe it is time for them to take advantage of the same. In a surprising number of cases, no one has said this to the addicted individual, which is too bad because in a small percentage of people approached thus, they agree to treatment. If it does not work, you may then consider an intervention, which is a very caring and supportive way to present the information that everyone sees but the addict and how his/her behavior is affecting those around him/her. Generally, people who enter treatment as a result of an intervention do as well—if not better—than those who are initially motivated. The reason is that they enter with dignity as a result of experiencing the love and care of the group. The family and friends benefit also by knowing they have done all that was possible. Ultimately, the decision is the addict's. The family and friends also benefit greatly, no matter what the outcome, if they commit to participating in Al-Anon, the support group for them. Fortunately, the result of a person entering treatment after an intervention is very high—over 95 percent, so everybody wins.

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