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Captain Gilbert T. Rude (1881 - 1962)

Photograph of Captain Gilbert T. Rude

The NOAA Ship RUDE is named for Gilbert T. Rude, one time Chief of the Division of Coastal Surveys, U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey. Captain Rudy entered the Survey as Deck Officer on January 19, 1903. He was born in Sharps, Virginia on September 13, 1881, and received his education at Washington College.

On entering the Service, he served 2 years aboard the Schooner MATCHLESS, then a 2-year tour of duty in the Philippines. For 8 years he was Commanding Officer of the Ship TAKU in Alaska. From 1915 to 1917 he commanded the Ship ISIS on the Atlantic Coast and during World War I, he was transferred to the Navy, serving first as Commanding Officer of the USS USIS and then as navigating officer on the USS MERCURY. He was transferred back to the Coast Survey in March 1919 and became Chief of the then Section of Tides and Currents, which under his guidance soon became a division.

In his early boyhood he had been interested in a "gadget" installed on the waterfront near his home, and during his service as Chief of Tides and Currents, his interest in this first hobby bore fruit, as the standard tide gage was started and a new portable automatic tide gage developed. He wrote many articles and publications relating to tides and currents, and for one entitled "Tides and Their Engineering Aspects," he was presented with the Norman Medal in 1929 by the American Society of Civil Engineers.

From August 1928 to March 1931 he was inspector of construction of the Ship HYDROGRAPHER, which he delivered to Washington in April 1931. He became Chief of Coastal Surveys, which position he held until retirement.

Some of the outstanding developments and improvements during this period were the advancement of echo sounding; the development of submarine valley surveys; the use of taut wire; the use of radio acoustic ranging; study and development of radar for use in surveying; the construction of the new survey vessels EXPLORER, PATHFINDER, LESTER JONES, PATTON, HILGARD and WAINWRIGHT, and the acquisition of the ships PARKER, BOWEN, STIRNI, and SOSBEE.

Captain Rude took an active part in scientific meetings and attended several of the International Hydrographic Bureau meetings at Monaco. His invention, the Mariners Practical Star Finder and Identifier, was purchased by the Navy and is furnished to all naval vessels.

Captain Rude was a member of several engineering and scientific societies, including the American Society Civil Engineers, Philosophical Society of Washington, Association of American Geographers, Society of American Military Engineers, International Aeroarctic Society and others.

During his service in the Bureau, Captain Rude was untiring in his efforts to improve surveying methods and equipment and he was always alert to encourage others to do likewise.

The above photo of Captain Rude was taken just prior to his retirement. The photo is from the NOAA Photo Library. Credit: Family of Captain Gilbert T. Rude, C&GS

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