Judy Guiraud
August 11, 2007   [email]

Dear Bill Botten

These are my comments if you have any further information use either email. I am a disability advocate and would appreciate being kept in the loop.

Thank you Judy Guiraud

Docket No. 2007 –02     Proposed Architectural Barriers Act Accessibility Guidelines for Outdoor Developed Areas

Question 3  having some idea of what to expect on a trail for a wheelchair user is imperative for the disabled.  Manual chair users have requirements different than a power chair user.  It is simple to use a symbol of a manual or power with batteries chair.  The length of the trail is concern of those who have batteries.  Use things we know in a symbol the disabled do not just drop in on a hike it is planned.  We will look up where we can go and with that a lengthier key to explain more details.

The cruelest aspect of my spinal cord injury is the loss of wilderness.  Though Yosemite has a valley paved with trails, there is no chance to hear the sounds of wilderness from the valley floor.  Also it is a cruel joke to have a ¼-½ mile trail labeled accessible in a tens of thousand acre park.

This is a vital task being undertaken with more and more disabled wanting to roll through the woods please work quickly.

Judy Guiraud
Lincoln, California

Judy Guiraud and Gizmo my service dog