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AMSR-E Logos

U.S. AMSR-E logo (220 KB)

JAXA (NASDA) AMSR logo (182 KB)

AMSR-E Data Management Plan, August 2001

AMSR-E Science Computing Facility Plan

AMSR-E Software Management Plan

AMSR-E Team Algorithm Development Plan

AMSR-E Project Documents

AMSR-E Project Implementation Plan; Document # 422-12-17-04

Interface Control Document between the EOSDIS Core System (ECS) and the Science Investigator-Led Processing System (SIPS) Volume 0 Interface Mechanisms

AMSR-E SIPS Documents

Working Agreement between the ESDIS Project and the Advanced Microwave Sounding Radiometer- Enhanced (AMSR-E) U.S. Principal CH01 Investigator (PI) for Standard Data Production Using the AMSR-E Science Investigator-led Processing System (SIPS); Document # 423-10-35

Interface Control Document between the EOSDIS Core System (ECS) and the Science Investigator-Led Processing Systems (SIPS) Volume 7: AMSR-E Science Investigator-Led Processing System Data Flows

AMSR-E Science Team Meeting Minutes, as reported in The Earth Observer

March 2001
March 2000
March 1999
March 1998
March 1997
October 1996
April 1996

Joint AMSR Science Team Meeting
La Jolla, CA
6-8 September 2006

All presentations are in PDF.

Wednesday, 6 September
8:30 Welcome and Introduction Spencer
8:40 View from NASA HQ Kakar
8:50 Project update: JAXA Yamanashi
9:20 Activities at the TLSCF Conway
9:50 Processing Status at JAXA/EOC Imanaka
10:20 SIPS Processing Status Regner
10:50 AMSR-E status at NSIDC Leon
11:10 NSIDC - Validation data Holm
11:30 Lunch  
1:00 Some details on the Senior Review
Terra Senior Review Table of Contents
1:30 Science updates  
  Operational Use of AMSR-E radiance data in the JMA Global Analysis Sato
  A method of typhoon center estimation using AMSR-E data Saitoh
  Passive microwave sensor inter-calibration using stable land surface targets Armstrong
  Geolocation and re-sampling 6.9 and 10.7 GHz Channels: Implications for Applications Brewer

Thursday, 7 September
8:00 Science update (15 min. each):  
  AMSR-E Ocean Products for Climate Research Wentz
  Improvement of AMSR SST by considering the air-sea temperature difference Shibata
  NRT global daily 9 km multi-sensor SSTs from MODIS, AMSR-E, and TMI Gentemann
  Biases in total precipitable water vapor climatologies from AIRS and AMSR Hearty
  AMSR-E snow algorithm: encapsulating snowpack properties in the retrievals Kelly
  Update on Canadian Snow Science Activities using AMSR-E Walker
Sea Ice
  AMSR-E Studies of Thin Sea Ice in the Ross Sea Kwok
  Snow depth on sea ice: Processing update and an overview of the val campaign in March 06 Markus
  In Situ Observations during the Arctic AMSRIce03 and AMSRIce06 Validation Campaigns Maslanik
  Comparative studies of AMSR-E and MODIS sea ice data Comiso
  AMSR-E rainfall and Cloud water Kummerow
  Revised Estimates of the Impact of Drop Size Distribution on Rainfall Retrieval Uncertainties Wilheit
  Preliminary validation of mid- and high-latitude ocean precipitation using island stations Petty
  AMSR and other Aqua Data in Global Precipitation Analysis: Progress and Plans Adler
Soil Moisture
  AMSR-E land surface emissivity database Moncet
  Space-Time Variability of AMSR-E and Modeled Soil Moisture Njoku
  Update on Ground Based Soil Moisture Validation Jackson
  Current status of soil moisture monitoring by AWS and ASSH and its data analysis Kaihotsu
  Using in-situ, modeled and AMSR-E retrieved soil moisture for AMSR-E validation Wood
  Data assimilation of AMSR-E soil moisture Reichle
  Dev. and Val. of AMSR-E Soil Temp. and Moisture Alg. for pan-Arctic Basin Land Surfaces Jones
  Relationship between rainfall and soil moisture based on AMSR-E data Jin

Friday, 8 September
8:30 Discussion
  Activities in 2007:JAXA AMSR Workshop: when, where, how long… JAXA
Senior review Lobl
IGARSS07 (4x1/2 sessions/AMSR only: Cryosphere, soil moist., rainfall, operations??)
Midori AMSR US algorithm
JAXA, Lobl
  GCOM-W: estimated launch date, data for US science use JAXA
  Coordinated AMSR-E Algorithm Kummerow
  AMSR-E Data Management Plan (AMSR-E data User's Guide) review Lobl
  Short ATBD Lobl
  Next meeting location options: end of August in a 'cool' (temp wise) place (Vancouver,
Canada, Seattle,WA,….)
end of May or September in Huntsville or WDC??





Site Manager: Dawn Conway