Protecting America's Future — The Y-12 National Security Complex stands ready to address the existing and emerging national security challenges
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Y-12 is proud of its accomplishments as a world leader in manufacturing technology. It is not uncommon to find us in the media spotlight.

  • Ecological health of East Fork Poplar Creek continues to improve
    East Fork Poplar Creek, which originates within the Oak Ridge Y‑12 National Security Complex before flowing through the City of Oak Ridge, continues to recover from its Cold War legacy of contamination. more...
  • Y-12 Closes the Circle
    The Y‑12 National Security Complex has received a 2006 White House Closing the Circle award for its Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle team's efforts. The Office of the Federal Environmental Executive presented the awards at ceremony in Washington. more...
  • Responding to the call
    In September 2005, President George W. Bush directed the leaders of federal departments and agencies to “take appropriate actions to conserve natural gas, electricity, gasoline and diesel fuel” and directed the U.S. Department of Energy to take a leadership role in the reduction of energy use. Y‑12 responded to that call but in fact had already initiated efforts to conserve energy. more...
  • First impressions, lasting impacts
    The workers at the Y-12 National Security Complex are actually stewards for the nation. It's no secret that Y-12 provides stewardship over the materials for our nation's nuclear weapons. We are committed to perform these activities with taxpayers' money, so our further responsibility is to carry out our mission in a cost-effective and efficient manner. more...
  • Jack Case: The ultimate facelift
    Increased productivity is just one benefit that will be realized when the Jack Case Center is occupied. Employees will be able to interface easily with co-workers who used to sit a half mile (or more) away. Access to service organizations, like Reproduction, will be more convenient, and with many organizations under one roof, fewer vehicles will be needed. more...