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FLC Awards Archive — 1997
Awards for Excellence in Technology Transfer

Department of Energy

AlliedSignal Federal Manufacturing and Technologies

Jack Quint, Janie Carr, Bob Helen, Chris Baumgart, Jim Creager, Dick Neyer, Tim Troupe, Dave Mauntjoy, Kim Linder
For development and transfer of the detection of Karnal bunt (a fungal disease of wheat) using digital optics and a pattern recognition system.

Tom E. Hand, George W. Bohnert, Mike Powers
For the development and transfer of Synergy CCS precision cleaning agent; An Elegant Solution To A Complex Environmental Problem.

Argonne National Laboratory

G.W. Crabtree, U. Welp, V.K. Vlasko-Vlasov, V.I. Nikitenko
For the development and transfer of a noninvasive technique for the evaluation of the performance of superconducting components using magneto-optical imaging of the magnetic fields in superconductors.

Mitchell D. Erickson, Kent Orlandini, Lesa Smith, Gary Goken, Keith M. Hoffman, Ron L. Bruening
For the development and transfer of Empore Rad Disks, which replace conventional radiochemical sample preparation methods, reducing the number of steps and therefore reagent and waste volumes and overall costs.

Brookhaven National Laboratory

Peter Z. Takacs, Manfred Grindel
For the commercialization of the Long Trace Profiler, and ultraprecision optical surface-profiling instrument.

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

Thomas E. McEwan, Patrick Welsh, Gregory Dallum
For the development and transfer of an electronic dipstick which determines fluid level by measuring the time it takes for an electrical impulse to reflect from the surface of liquid in a container.

Booth R. Myers, Hao-Lin Chen, Glenn Meyer, Dino Ciarlo
For the development and transfer of a sealed-tube electron-beam gun for material processing.

Luis E. Zapata, Lloyd A. Hackel, Damon Mateo
Transferred high-power, high-uniformity diffuse reflector technology for a rapid thermal processor for semiconductor crystallization, activation, and annealing.

National Renewable Energy Laboratory

Dave Benson, Steve Burch, Matt Keyse, Tom Potter, Ed Tracy, Robert Rehn, Terry Penney, Richard Boss, Andreas Vlahinos
For the development and transfer of a variable-conductance vacuum-insulated catalytic converter to eliminate cold-start automotive pollution.

Jerry Olson, Sarah Kurtz, Alan Kibbler, Charlene Kramer, Daniel Friedman
For the development and transfer of gallium-indium phosphide/gallium-arsenide monolithic series-connected tandem solar cells for powering satellites.

Oak Ridge National Laboratory

L.A. Boathner, Ron Feenstra
For the development and production of new single-crystal substrates for the growth of epitaxial electro-optic and superconducing thin films.

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

James E. Carroll III, Gregory A. Silva, Roy D. Wiprud
Developed software for Pacific Northwest use, creating a company, obtaining a license to commercialize the invention, and pioneering the lab's entrepreneurial leave program

Jeffrey E. Surma, Wesley E. Lawrence, Gautam Pillay, Loren H. Schmid, Garry H. Bryan
For expanding catalyzed electrochemical oxidation form limited defense use to broad waste treatment applications and attracting a commercial partner through expertise and customer responsiveness.

Craig C. Conner, Linda M. Connell, Robert G. Lucas, Eric J. Makela, Z. Todd Taylor
For the development and transfer of MECcheck, an innovative took kit that makes the Model Energy Code understandable and accessible to thousands of users.

David W. Koppenaal, Charles J. Barinaga, Gregory C. Elden
For coupling ion-trap spectrometry with plasma ionization, then convincing an industrial partner that this revolutionary technology would be a valuable produce line.

Pittsburgh Energy Technology Center

Henry Pennline
For the transfer of a flue-gas cleanup technology, the moving-bed Copper oxide process.

Sandia National Laboratories

Harold S. Morgan
For the development and validation of modeling tools for use in finite element analysis to predict tire performance and improved tire manufacturing processes.



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