September 18, 2000

Jeff Sherwood, 202/586-5806

Energy Department Research Garners 20
Top R&D Awards

Secretary of Energy Bill Richardson today announced that Department of Energy-funded researchers have won 20 of the 100 awards given this year by R&D Magazine for the most outstanding technology developments with commercial potential. Their work ranges from new technologies that will help reduce waste in landfills to new products that will help detect and identify chemical and biological warfare agents.

"This year's R&D 100 awards recognize the Department of Energy's continued scientific contributions to our nation's economic prosperity and well being," said Secretary of Energy Bill Richardson. "Energy Department laboratories are a wellspring of innovation."

The researchers winning the R&D 100 Awards work at 11 of the department's laboratories across the country. Ten of the awards are shared between the department's labs and companies. This year's awards bring the department's cumulative total to 549 since 1977. The winning technologies were selected by an independent panel of some 70 experts and the editors of R&D Magazine. The awards will be presented at a ceremony at the Chicago Museum of Science and Industry on September 27.

A list of the winning technologies and the laboratories associated with each award follows.

Department of Energy R&D 100 Award Winners

Argonne National Laboratory (Argonne, Ill.)

Brookhaven National Laboratory (Upton, NY)

Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory (Idaho Falls, Idaho)

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley, Calif.)

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (Livermore, Calif.)

Los Alamos National Laboratory (Los Alamos, NM)

National Energy Technology Laboratory (Morgantown, W. Va. and Pittsburgh, Pa.)

National Renewable Energy Laboratory (Golden, Colo.)

Oak Ridge National Laboratory (Oak Ridge, Tenn.)

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (Richland, Wash.)

Sandia National Laboratories (Albuquerque, N.M.)


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¨ Updated: 09/19/00