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There are worlds out there cold enough to instantly freeze an explorer into a human popsicle. And others hot enough to boil a person into a wisp of steam in seconds flat. There's also poisonous air, steel-crushing atmospheric pressure and winds that make Earth's most intense tornados seem tame. Pick a planet and read on to find out more amazing facts about our extreme solar system.
Spectacular Spacecraft
The Cassini spacecraft now traveling to Saturn is the largest interplanetary spacecraft ever built. With a total mass of about 5,650 kilograms (6 tons), the two-story tall spacecraft is roughly equal in mass to an empty 30-passenger school bus.

Mega Crater
Saturn's moon Mimas sports a massive impact crater more than 130 km (81 80 miles) across and 5 km (3 miles) deep. The battered moon is only 400 km (250 km) across. A crater of the same proportion on Earth would cover the entire United States.

Cosmic Bath Toy
It's hard to imagine, but Saturn is the only planet in our solar system that is less dense than water. The giant gas planet could float in a bathtub - if such a colossal thing existed.

Lord of the Rings
Even though Saturn's rings are more than 250,000 km (155,000 miles) across - most of the distance between Earth and its Moon - they are less than one kilometer (3,200 feet) thick. The rings - ranging in size from a pebble to a house - are probably the remains of a shattered moon or comet.

Slow Ride
If you retraced the 3,200,000,000 km (1,988,000,000 miles) Cassini will travel to reach Saturn in a car at 100 kph (62 mph), the ride would last about 3,653 years. Fortunately, spacecraft are much faster. Cassini will make the trip in less than seven years.

True Titan
Saturn's haze-covered moon Titan is larger than the planets Mercury and Pluto. Among moons, only Jupiter's Ganymede is larger. Titan is the only moon in our solar system with an atmosphere thicker than Earth's.
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