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Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) develops and copyrights executable software codes under the prime contract with Los Alamos National Security, LLC, manager of the Laboratory for the U.S. Department of Energy. Los Alamos licenses these codes for commercial use, internal use, government, and academic use to encourage scientific collaboration aimed at further development and application of our software codes.

LANL-developed and -owned software is made available upon request at no cost to U.S. federal government agencies for their own internal use. Los Alamos often provides its software code to universities and nonprofit organizations for their own internal research and development through reduced cost, restricted-use licenses. All commercial use of LANL software requires a commercial license that can be negotiated as a running royalty or a fully paid up-front fee.

Please direct general inquiries concerning the LANL software program to: software@lanl.gov

Selected software available for licensing:

cell signal flag

BioNetGengenerates mathematical models that account for the full spectrum of molecular species implied by user-specified activities, potential modifications, and interactions of the domains of signaling molecules (a way to predict molecular outcome(s) of, e.g., a drug interacting with a receptor molecule involved in some kind of intracellular signaling pathway, a comprehensive output of all subsequent intracellular interactions).Available for Direct License
Web Site

Network Automated Response & Quarantine (NARQ™) —instantaneous device quarantine for WORM intrusion includes mapping of heterogeneous networks, regardless of equipment and software. In use at LANL for two years, NARQ™ has reduced WORM response from several weeks to under 15 minutes.
Seeking Commercialization Partners

computer simulation

CartaBlanca—a state-of-the-art, object-oriented simulation software package poised to offer next-generation modeling and simulation capabilities to scientists in a number of disciplines. Written in the developer-friendly Java language, it enable computer code developers to simulate complex nonlinear effects such as airflow through a turbo booster, blast effects on buildings, or heat transfer along a semiconductor.
Available for End User License
Technology Description

beam line for PARMELA

PARMELA— or "phase and radial motion in electron linear accelerator," is designed to simulate the performance of electron and ion accelerators and beam-transport lines. The major goals of the PARMELA code are flexibility and changeability. Potential uses of PARMELA computer code are the design of particle accelerators and the characterization of accelerator performance. PARMELA has become standard and is used as a benchmark to assess other codes.
Seeking Commercialization Partners
Presentation about PARMELA (pdf)

EnergyFit—a system software layer that constantly tunes CPUs for optimal performance, adjusting CPU speed to reduce heat and electrical costs by 10–25% or more while maintaining the speed and performance that customers and users expect from their systems.
Exclusive License Pending: Contact LANL for Availability and Sublicensing Guidelines

PixelVizion computer screen

PixelVizion—the first NPU-based computer visualization tool for bringing single-pass network data transmission and on-the-fly image compositing to process, analyze, sort, and manipulate large data sets. A hardware-assisted, lossless, highly scalable, high frame-rate solution, it yields an order-of-magnitude increase in interactive response times. This cost-effective, off-the-shelf solution removes the need for an expensive network interconnect and accommodates a variety of software rendering packages.
Seeking Commercialization Partners
Technical Description
Video (.wmv or RealMedia)

filescrub washing machine

File Scrub & File Scrub Trusted Copy—In use by thousands of government workers and in development at LANL since 1997, File Scrub is designed to help prevent inadvertent and deliberate leaks of classified and sensitive information. File Scrub reviews and cleanses files of embedded objects, metadata, and hidden imagery, text, and files as well as providing a keyword-based search to ensure electronic documents meet organizational standards for external release.

File Scrub Trusted Copy provides a trusted method for transferring non-sensitive information out of sensitive or dedicated computing environments, and transferring the files to removable media.

File Scrub and File Scrub Trusted Copy run on Windows, Linux, Macintosh, and Solaris operating systems and clean standard office productivity binary files, PDFs, and source code.
Seeking Commercialization Partners
Web Site: filescrub.lanl.gov

RaveGrid (Raster to vector Graphics for image data) version 2.5 is the leading image vectorization and image segmentation application available today, taking your raster images and turning them into smaller, editable vector images in the SVG format. Not only is the speed and scale of converting complex image raster files greater than any other product in the market, RaveGrid can accommodate images with noise and low contrast; anomalies that cause other products to fail during the conversion process.

Web site
Fact Sheet

small region example

Genie Pro— a learning software package that discovers new image analysis algorithms for Earth remote sensing and biomedical imaging applications. It uses machine learning and evolutionary computation techniques to build robust automated feature extraction (AFE) algorithms for panchromatic (greyscale), multispectral, and multi-sensor fused imagery. Programming skills are not required to use Genie Pro: the system is trained to solve problems using an intuitive, point-and-click interface. Results can be exported as vector layers for use in standard GIS systems. Genie Pro's algorithms can be applied to new images, and analyzed to determine the spatial-spectral signatures of features.
Overview (pdf)
Video (Real Media, 7.7MB)

protein structure

SOLVE/RESOLVE—Ver. 2.0 is widely used for determining protein structures using X-ray crystallography. SOLVE performs automated crystallography. SOLVE performs automated crystallographic structure solution for MIR, SAD, and MAD. RESOLVE conducts statistical density modification, local pattern matching, automated model building, automated ligand fitting, and prime-and-switch minimum bias phasing.
Available for End User License
Web Site


Influenza Sequence DatabaseThe Influenza Sequence Database (ISD), established in 1998, comprises all published influenza A, B, and C sequences and a large number of unpublished sequences. The LANL database is the largest collection of such codes in existence. The ISD stores alignment of flu DNA sequences, providing a unique view of pathogens and their "family" of members. The ISD provides expert curation and is available to all flu researchers, both public and private, on a subscription basis.
Available for End User License
Web Site

telluride mountain

TRUCHAS—a modeling package used for simulating multi-scale casting processes (i.e., from dental fillings to engine blocks to large mining equipment).
Available for End User License

arrow Other LANL software available for license

Licensed Software :

DiSARM  EpiCast  MrSID  Nethead

Operated by Los Alamos National Security, LLC for the U.S. Department of Energy's NNSA

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