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SGP ARM-FIRE Water Vapor Experiment
November - December 2000

General Description:
The Water Vapor Working Group conducted a collaborative effort between NASA and the ARM Water Vapor Working Group (overlapping the Fall SCM IOP) focusing on the accurate measurement of upper tropospheric water vapor.

In addition to the ARM raman lidar and Vaisala RS-80 radiosondes, the following guest instruments were located at the SGP central facility:

In addition to the ground-based instruments, the NASA DC-8 provided an airborne platform for the following instruments:

Scientific hypothesis:
1. Aircraft with continuous profiling capabilities from DIAL, which parallel the ground-based CART Raman lidar capabilities, will be sufficient to handle sampling related problems to compare observations with the Raman lidar and radiosondes.

2. Coupling the absolute calibration of DIAL with state-of-the- art in-situ sensors is adequate airborne truth

3. Nighttime Raman lidar has adequate sensitivity and stability to transfer IOP-based aircraft truth to long-term observations and to satellite remote sensing validation. More details are given in the Science Plan.

Activity summary for the IOP:
This field mission experience indicated that it is possible for several sensors to be used in a coordinated fashion over a period of several weeks to achieve a mean water water profile that is accurate at the +/- 5% level using the ARM microwave radiometer (MWR) as the total water column reference. The fall was chosen for this experiment since this is the season that offers the highest probability of clear skies due to the strong frontal passages that occur then. The winter also possesses these strong fronts but the likelihood of snow or ice is much higher in the winter.

AFWEX consisted of both airborne and ground-based instruments. The main result of AFWEX was to demonstrate that, with careful analysis, a core group of 5 instruments was accurate at the 5% level for the profile of water vapor. These 5 instruments were the airborne NASA LaRC LASE water vapor lidar and Diode Laser Hygrometer (DLH), the ground-based Vaisala RS-80H (after application of corrections for time-lag, temperature and total column water), DOE CART Raman Lidar (CARL) and the NASA/GSFC Scanning Raman Lidar (SRL).

A follow-on experiment called AIRS Water Vapor Experiment-Ground (AWEX-G) has been scheduled for (held in) October/November 2003.

Data samples and/or availability:

Henry Revercomb, Lead Scientist
Doug Sisterson, SGP CART Site Program Manager
Marv Wesely, ARM SGP Instrument Team Leader
Dave Turner, Data and Science Integration Team (DSIT) Contact