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ADS Bibliographic Codes: Non-refereed Publications

This list contains Bibliographic Code abbreviations for non-refereed publications

Shortcuts:    A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   X   Y   Z  

1989jrsb.conf    100 Jahre Dr. Remeis-Sternwarte Bamberg
2005ygaf.conf    100 Years of Gravity and Accelerated Frames: The Deepest Insights of Einstein and Yang-Mills    100 years of relativity
2007AIPC..907    10th ESAFORM Conference on Material Forming
2003ESASP.524    10th European Space Mechanisms and Tribology Symposium
1977lupl.symp    10th ISAS Lunar and Planetary Symposium
2001ASPC..223    11th Cambridge Workshop on Cool Stars, Stellar Systems and the Sun
2005ESASP.591    11th European Space Mechanisms and Tribology Symposium, ESMATS 2005
1999ASPC..169    11th European Workshop on White Dwarfs
1978lupl.symp    11th ISAS Lunar and Planetary Symposium
1980NASCP2150    11th Space Simulation Conference
1979NASCP2080    12th Aerospace Mechanisms Symposium
2001ASPC..226    12th European Workshop on White Dwarfs
1979lupl.symp    12th ISAS Lunar and Planetary Symposium
2005yosc.conf    12th Young Scientists' Conference on Astronomy and Space Physics
1978vkpr.conf    12-ya Vses. Konf., po Rasprostr. Radiovoln, Tomsk
2005ESASP.560    13th Cambridge Workshop on Cool Stars, Stellar Systems and the Sun
1983eumi.conf    13th European Microwave Conference
1980lupl.symp    13th ISAS Lunar and Planetary Symposium
1987txra.symp    13th Texas Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics
2006yosc.conf    13th Young Scientists' Conference on Astronomy and Space Physics
1981riss.conf    13-ya Vses. Konf. po Radioastron. Issled. Soln. Sistemy
2008ASPC..384    14th Cambridge Workshop on Cool Stars, Stellar Systems, and the Sun
2005ASPC..334    14th European Workshop on White Dwarfs
1981lupl.symp    14th ISAS Lunar and Planetary Symposium
2007ysc..conf    14th Young Scientists Conference on Astronomy and Space Physics
1989pulk.conf    150 let Pulkovskoj Observatorii
2007ASPC..372    15th European Workshop on White Dwarfs
1982lupl.symp    15th ISAS Lunar and Planetary Symposium
2005ASPC..342    1604-2004: Supernovae as Cosmological Lighthouses
1991NASCP3096    16th Space Simulation Conference: Confirming Spaceworthiness into the Next Millennium
1977isss.conf    17 Convegno Internazionale Scientifico Sullo Spazio
2005ESASP.590    17th ESA Symposium on European Rocket and Balloon Programmes and Related Research
2008AIPC..996    17th IAEA Technical Meeting on Research Using Small Fusion Devices
2007AIPC..915    17th International Spin Physics Symposium
1972amcu.conf    18th Astrometrical Conference of the USSR
2004ESASP.548    18th International Symposium on Space Flight Dynamics
1994NASCP3280    18th Space Simulation Conference Space Mission Success Through Testing
1958hep..conf    1958 International Conference on High-Energy Physics at CERN
1962hep..conf    1962 International Conference on High-Energy Physics at CERN
1965soec.conf    1965 Solar Eclipse Symposium    1976 DUMAND Summer Workshop    1979 DUMAND Summer Workshops at Khabarovsk and Lake Baikal
1980dspw.conf    1980 DUMAND Signal Processing Workshop
1985eepa.rept    1982-1984 Eclipse of Epsilon Aurigae
1992smmel        The 1984 - 1987 Solar Maximum Mission Event List
1988jopl.conf    1988 Journées de Planétologie
1987ybas.conf    1988 Yearbook of Astronomy
1988ybas.conf    1989 Yearbook of Astronomy
1992NASCP3160    The 1991 International Conference on Aging Aircraft and Structural Airworthiness
1990ybas.conf    1991 Yearbook of Astronomy
1991ybas.conf    1992 Yearbook of Astronomy
1993NASCP3191    1993 Space and Earth Science Data Compression Workshop
1992ybas.conf    1993 Yearbook of Astronomy
1998ASPC..138    1997 Pacific Rim Conference on Stellar Astrophysics
1998tx19.conf    19th Texas Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics and Cosmology
1997ASPC..118    1st Advances in Solar Physics Euroconference.  Advances in Physics of Sunspots
1977mgm..conf    1st Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity    1st Workshop of Astronomy and Astrophysics for Students
2003cnam.conf    1er Congreso Nacional de Astrofísica Molecular: Una visión general del potencial de los grupos de química españoles anters los nuevos desafíos de la Astrofísica
2002spod.conf    2001 -- A Spacetime Odyssey
2003trso.conf    2001: A Relativistic Spacetime Odyssey
2001syod.conf    2001: a Symplectic Odyssey
2001aprs.conf    2001 Asia-Pacific Radio Science Conference AP-RASC '01
2002hstc.conf    The 2002 HST Calibration Workshop : Hubble after the Installation of the ACS and the NICMOS Cooling System
2005AIPC..790    2004 Physics Education Research Conference
2006ESASP.611    2005 Dragon Symposium
2006hstc.conf    The 2005 HST Calibration Workshop: Hubble After the Transition to Two-Gyro Mode
2007AIPC..883    2006 Physics Education Research Conference
2008AIPC.1020    2008 Seismic Engineering Conference Commemorating the 1908 Messina and Reggio Calabria Earthquake
1994smao.conf    200th Anniversary of F. G. W. Struve and J. H. Mädler and the 100th Anniversary of E. J. Öpik
1987aum..conf    20th All-Union Meteoritic Conference
1998stel.conf    20th Stellar Conference of the Czech and Slovak Astronomical Institutes
2001AIPC..586    20th Texas Symposium on relativistic astrophysics    222: Remembering Edith Alice Mueller
2004ESASP.561    22nd Internation Laser Radar Conference (ILRC 2004)
1976nusc.conf    22nd Nuclear Science Symposium and 7th Nuclear Power System Symposium    236: Laboratory astrophysics and space research
1999rasc.conf    24th National Conference on Radio Science
1991ceme.symp    24th Symposium on Celestial Mechanics,
2005tyad.conf    25 Years After the Discovery: Some Current Topics on Lensed QSOs
1990taco.conf    250th Anniversary of the Celsius Observatory
1991NASCP3113    25th Aerospace Mechanisms Symposium
1998fuph.conf    25th International Winter Meeting on Fundamental Physics.  Selected Topics on High Energy and Astropartical Physics.
1992ceme.symp    25th Symposium on Celestial Mechanics,
2000AIPC..516    26th International Cosmic Ray Conference, ICRC XXVI
1994pas..conf    26th Meeting of the Polish Astronomical Society
1994ceme.symp    26th Symposium on Celestial Mechanics,
1996vsr..conf    27th Conference on Variable Star Research
1995ceme.symp    27th Symposium on Celestial Mechanics,
1997vsr..conf    28th Conference on Variable Star Research
1996ceme.symp    28th Symposium on Celestial Mechanics,
1998vsr..conf    29th Conference on Variable Star Research
2006jhw..conf    29th Johns Hopkins Workshop on Current Problems in Particle Theory: Strong Matter in the Heavens
1997ceme.symp    29th Symposium on Celestial Mechanics,
1980iue..conf    2nd European IUE Conference
1985ESASP.231    2nd European Space Mechanisms and Tribology Symposium
1994evji.conf    2nd EVN/JIVE Symposium
1996hell.conf    2nd Hellenic astronomical conference    2nd Millimeter-VLBI Science Workshop    2nd UN/NASA Workshop on International Heliophysical Year and Basic Space Science
1995ttf..conf    3 × Foerster
1996tyli.conf    30 Years of the Landau Institute
2000tjab.conf    300 Jahre Astronomie in Berlin und Potsdam
1998ceme.symp    30th Symposium on Celestial Mechanics
2000ceme.symp    31st Symposium on Celestial Mechanics
2001ceme.symp    32nd Symposium on Celestial Mechanics
2002ceme.symp    33rd Symposium on Celestial Mechanics, Dedicated to Donald Saari for his 60th Birthday
2002cosp...34    34th COSPAR Scientific Assembly
2004cosp...35    35th COSPAR Scientific Assembly
2005LPI....36    36th Annual Lunar and Planetary Science Conference
2005ptti.conf    36th Annual Precise Time and Time Interval (PTTI) Systems and Applications Meeting
2006cosp...36    36th COSPAR Scientific Assembly
2006LPI....37    37th Annual Lunar and Planetary Science Conference
2005ESASP.598    39TH ESLAB Symposium on Trends in Space Science and Cosmic Vision 2020
2003ASPC..293    3D Stellar Evolution
1999AIPC..476    3K cosmology
1990grra.conf    3rd Canadian Conference on General Relativity and Relativistic Astrophysics
1982iue..conf    3rd European IUE Conf.
1990asos.conf    3rd International Collogium of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences
1996cosm.conf    3rd Paris Cosmology Colloquium
1976rast.conf    4. Réun. Annu. Sci. Terre; Paris, 1976
1998fyc..conf    40 Years of COSPAR
1988fypp.conf    40 Years of Particle Physics
2008AIPC..983    40 Years of Pulsars: Millisecond Pulsars, Magnetars and More
1989fapi.conf    40th Anniversary of the Principle of Invariance Introduction to the Radiation Transfer Theory
1992grra.conf    4th Canadian Conference on General Relativity and Relativistic Astrophysics
2005ESASP.589    4th European Conference on Space Debris
2004ESASP.555    4th International Spacecraft Propulsion Conference
2005fysx.conf    5 years of Science with XMM-Newton
1985vago.conf    50 Years Scientific Work of VAGO
1975abnc.conf    The 500th Anniversary of the Birth of Nicholas Copernicus
1951astr.conf    50th Anniversary of the Yerkes Observatory and Half a Century of Progress in Astrophysics
2003ESASP.516    5th ESA International Conference on Spacecraft Guidance, Navigation and Control Systems
1988ffnp.conf    5th Force: Neutrino Physics
1981goje.symp    5th Göttingen-Jerusalem Symposium on Astrophysics
2001hell.conf    5th Hellenic Astronomical Conference
2004ESASP.552    5th INTEGRAL Workshop on the INTEGRAL Universe
2004ESASP.554    5th International Conference on Space Optics
1992ESASP.360    6th European Frequencey and Time Forum
2008AIPC..992    6th Ibero-American Conference on Optics (RIAO) 9th Latin-American Meeting on Optics, Lasers and Applications (OPTILAS)
2007AIPC..911    6th International Symposium on Therapeutic Ultrasound
2007AIPC..949    6th International Workshop on Information Optics (WIO'07)
1988sfam.conf    6th Soviet-Finnish Astronomical Meeting
1998sct..conf    6th Spacecraft Charging Technology
1994ASPC...63    75 Years of Hirayama Asteroid Families:  The Role of Collisions in the Solar System History
1997ESASP.410    7th European Space Mechanisms and Tribology Symposium
1996mgm..conf    7th Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity
1976pss..conf    7th Power Sources Symposium
2001ASPC..241    The 7th Taipei Astrophysics Workshop on Cosmic Rays in the Universe
1986mnap.conf    '86 Massive Neutrinos in Astrophysics and in Particle Physics
1988eiut.conf    '88 Electroweak Interactions and Unified Theories
1989eiut.conf    '89 Electroweak Interactions and Unified Theories
2002aprm.conf    8th Asian-Pacific Regional Meeting, Volume II
1999ESASP.438    8th European Space Mechanisms and Tribology Symposium
1999ESASP.446    8th SOHO Workshop: Plasma Dynamics and Diagnostics in the Solar Transition Region and Corona
1991eiut.conf    '91 Electroweak Interactions and Unified Theories
1991hehi.conf    '91 High Energy Hadronic Interactions
1992eiut.conf    '92 Electroweak Interactions and Unified Theories
1993eiut.conf    '93 Electroweak Interactions and Unified Theories
1994eiut.conf    '94 Electroweak Interactions and Unified Theories
1995eiut.conf    '95 Electroweak Interactions Unified Theories
1995qheh.conf    '95 QCD and High Energy Hadronic Interactions
2001ESASP.480    9th European Space Mechanisms and Tribology Symposium
2003ESASP.519    9th Information Youth Forum
2006elsn.conf    9th International Conference on Electromagnetic and Light Scattering by Nonspherical Particles
    AASHS        AAS Hist. Ser.
    AASPB        AAS Photo Bulletin
    asdy.conf    AAS/AIAA Astrodynamics Conference
    DPS..        AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts
    DDA..        AAS/Division of Dynamical Astronomy Meeting
    HEAD.        AAS/High Energy Astrophysics Division
    HAD..        AAS/Historical Astronomy Division
    SPD..        AAS/Solar Physics Division Meeting
    AAN..        AAVSO Alert Notice
    AAVSC        AAVSO Circular
    AAVSN        AAVSO Newsletter
    AbaOB        Abastumanskaia Astrofizicheskaia Observatoriia Biulleten
    AbbOO        Abbadia Observatory Observations
1999asmm.conf    The Abdus Salam Memorial Meeting
    ABWG.        Abh. Braunschweigische Wissenschaftliche Ges.
    AbhP.        Abh. der Preuß. Akademie der Wissenschaften Jahrg
    AbhKP        Abh. Konigl. Preuss. Akad. Wissenschaften Jahre 1906,92, Berlin,1907
    AbhBr        Abh. naturwiss. Verein Bremen
    AADDR        Abhandlungen Akad. Wiss. DDR
    AAGot        Abhandlungen Akad. Wiss. Göttingen
    AbhHS        Abhandlungen aus der Hamburger Sternwarte
1951asa1.conf    Abhandlungen Aus Der Sowjetischen Astronomie, Folge I
1951asa2.conf    Abhandlungen Aus Der Sowjetischen Astronomie, Folge II
1953asa3.conf    Abhandlungen Aus Der Sowjetischen Astronomie, Folge III
1971amre.conf    The Absolute Magnitudes of the RR Lyrae Stars
1966IAUS...26    Abundance Determinations in Stellar Spectra
1976IAUS...72    Abundance Effects in Classification
1998ASPC..147    Abundance Profiles: Diagnostic Tools for Galaxy History
1989asgc.conf    The Abundance Spread within Globular Clusters: Spectroscopy of Individual Stars
1988asgc.conf    The Abundance Spread within Globular Clusters: Spectroscopy of Individual Stars JCM 5 and CM 37/3
    ASFAS        Academia Scientiarum Fennica Annales Series Physica
2000ESASP.470    Academic and Industrial Cooperation in Space Research
    AOIJ.        Academic Open Internet Journal
    MeARB        Academie Royale de Belgique Classe des Sciences Memoires
    ASSAB        Academie Serbe des Sciences et des Arts Bulletin Classe des Sciences Techniques
    ASLLR        Accademia di Scienze e Lettere Istituto Lombardo Rendiconti Serie della Classe di Scienze Matematiche e Naturali Sezione Scienze Matematiche Fisiche Chimiche e Geologiche
    ANLAM        Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei Atti Rendiconti Classe di Matematica e Applicazioni
    ANLAF        Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei Atti Rendiconti Classe di Scienze Fisiche e Naturali
    ANLAR        Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei Atti Rendiconti Classe di Scienze Fisiche Matematiche e Naturali
2000AIPC..528    Acceleration and Transport of Energetic Particles Observed in the Heliosphere
2001alep.conf    Accelerator and Large Experimental Physics Control Systems
    AcChR        Accounts Chem. Res.
1982ans..conf    Accreting Neutron Stars
2004adjh.conf    Accretion Discs, Jets and High Energy Phenomena in Astrophysics
1989ASSL..156    Accretion Disks and Magnetic Fields in Astrophysics    Accretion Disks in Compact Stellar Systems
1998apas.conf    Accretion Processes in Astrophysical Systems: Some Like it Hot!
1986apa..proc    Accretion Processes in Astrophysics
1983adsx.conf    Accretion-Driven Stellar X-ray Sources
1990apcb.conf    Accretion-Powered Compact Binaries
1977aaos.conf    Accuracy of Astrometrical Observations of Small Bodies and of Time
1990aeas.conf    Accuracy of Element Abundances from Stellar Atmospheres
1973aoca.conf    The Accuracy of Orbits of Comets and Artificial Earth Satellites
1984ESASP.217    Achievements of the International Magnetospheric Study (IMS)
    AcBu.        Acoust. Bull.
2006aren.conf    Acoustic and Radio EeV Neutrino Detection Activities
1968agwa.conf    Acoustic-Gravity Waves in the Atmosphere
1990apaa.conf    Acquisition, Processing and Archiving of Astronomical Images
    ACIP.        Acta Cienc. Indica Phys.
1994aao..conf    Active and Adaptive Optics
1979agn..conf    Active Galactic Nuclei
1985agn..conf    Active Galactic Nuclei
1988agn..conf    Active Galactic Nuclei
1989IAUS..134    Active Galactic Nuclei
1990agn..conf    Active Galactic Nuclei
2003ASPC..290    Active Galactic Nuclei: From Central Engine to Host Galaxy
1987ansc.conf    Active Nuclei and Stellar Cosmogony
1982ang..proc    Active Nuclei of Galaxies
2007ASPC..361    Active OB-Stars: Laboratories for Stellare and Circumstellar Physics
1984apoa.conf    Active Phenomena in the Outer Atmosphere of the Sun and Stars
1989ats..conf    Active Telescope Systems
1998axrs.symp    The Active X-ray Sky: Results from BeppoSAX and RXTE
1988ASSL..143    Activity in Cool Star Envelopes
1999IAUS..194    Activity in Galaxies and Related Phenomena
    AdAs.        Ad Astra
1996adop.conf    Adaptive Optics    Adaptive Optics in Astronomy
    ARPM.        Adgeziia Rasplavov i Paika Materialov
1990atcu.conf    Advance Towards Cognition of the Universe
2006AIPC..877    Advanced Accelerator Concepts: 12th Advanced Accelerator Concepts Workshop
2002AIPC..647    Advanced Accelerator Concepts: Tenth Workshop
1972NASSP.309    Advanced Approaches to Fatigue Evaluation
2003adpa.conf    Advanced Design Problems in Aerospace Engineering
2001sac..conf    Advanced Lectures on the Starburst-AGN
2006amos.conf    The Advanced Maui Optical and Space Surveillance Technologies Conference
2007amos.conf    Advanced Maui Optical and Space Surveillance Technologies Conference
2001amcr.conf    Advanced Monte Carlo for Radiation Physics, Particle Transport Simulation and Applications.
1964apt..conf    Advanced Plasma Theory
2001ASPC..236    Advanced Solar Polarimetry -- Theory, Observation, and Instrumentation
2007AIPC..885    Advanced Summer School in Physics 2006: Frontiers in Contemporary Physics: EAV06
1997atma.conf    Advanced techniques and methods for astronomical image handling    Advanced Technologies for Planetary Instruments
1970axra.conf    Advanced X-ray Analysis
2002aibq.conf    Advances in the Interplay between Quantum and Gravity Physics
1995aafp.conf    Advances in Astrofundamental Physics,
1995aap..conf    Advances in Astrofundamental Physics    Advances in astronomy
2008AIPC..985    Advances in Cryogenic Engineering
2002AIPC..613    Advances in Cryogenic Engineering CEC
2002AIPC..614    Advances in Cryogenic Engineering ICMC
2008AIPC..986    Advances in Cryogenic Engineering Materials
2006AIPC..823    Advances in Cryogenic Engineering: Transactions of the Cryogenic Engineering Conference
2006AIPC..824    Advances in Cryogenic Engineering: Transactions of the International Cryogenic Materials Conference
1997adp..conf    Advances in Dusty Plasmas
1966aes..conf    Advances in Earth Science
1989afmo.conf    Advances in Fabrication and Metrology for Optics and Large Optics
2006aogs....1    Advances in Geosciences, Volume 1: Solid Earth (SE)
2006aogs....2    Advances in Geosciences, Volume 2: Solar Terrestrial (ST)
2006aogs....3    Advances in Geosciences, Volume 3: Planetary Science (PS)
2006aogs....4    Advances in Geosciences, Volume 4: Hydrological Science (HS)
2006aogs....5    Advances in Geosciences, Volume 5: Oceans & Atmospheres (OA)
1988agfm.conf    Advances in Gravity Field Modelling
1988IAUS..123    Advances in Helio- and Asteroseismology
2008aiop.conf    Advances in Information Optics and Photonics
1982als1.conf    Advances in Laser Spectroscopy, Volume 1
1983als2.conf    Advances in Laser Spectroscopy, Volume 2
1979alr..conf    Advances in Lunar Research. Luna-24 Samples
1991amva.conf    Advances in Molecular Vibrations and Collision Dynamics
    amva.conf    Advances in Molecular Vibrations and Collision Dynamics, A Research Annual
1994amva.conf    Advances in Molecular Vibrations and Collision Dynamics, A Research Annual, Volume 2A
1994amvb.conf    Advances in Molecular Vibrations and Collision Dynamics, A Research Annual, Volume 2B
2007AIPC..959    Advances in Nanophotonics II    Advances in Nonlinear Dynamics
1985ands.conf    Advances in Nonlinear Dynamics and Stochastic Processes    Advances in Nuclear Astrophysics
1968anp.....1    Advances in Nuclear Physics, Volume 1
1969anp.....2    Advances in Nuclear Physics, Volume 2
1969anp.....3    Advances in Nuclear Physics, Volume 3
1968app1.conf    Advances in Particle Physics, Volume I
1968app2.conf    Advances in Particle Physics, Volume II
1983app..conf    Advances in Photoelectric Photometry, Vol. 1.
1984app..conf    Advances in Photoelectric Photometry, Vol. 2.    Advances in Planetary Geology
    AdPlP        Advances in Plasma Physics
1961aqe..conf    Advances in Quantum Electronics
2007aqmc.conf    Advances in Quantum Monte Carlo
2006ESASP.613    Advances in SAR Oceanography from Envisat and ERS Missions
1998asct.conf    Advances in Solar Connection with Transient Interplanetary Phenomena
1994asp..conf    Advances in solar physics
1991assm.conf    Advances in Solar System Magnetohydrodynamics
1992stsc.conf    Advances in Solar-Terrestrial Science of China
1978nisa.symp    Advances in Space Exploration
1985aspp.conf    Advances in Space Plasma Physics
1959adsp.conf    Advances in Spectroscopy
1961adsp.conf    Advances in Spectroscopy    Advances in Stellar Evolution
1990atp..conf    Advances in Theoretical Physics
1965atp..conf    Advances in Theoretical Physics, Volume 1
1968atp..conf    Advances in Theoretical Physics, Volume 2
2007adtu.conf    Advances in Turbulence XI
1982auva.nasa    Advances in Ultraviolet Astronomy
1963auar.conf    Advances in Upper Atmosphere Research
1960avst.conf    Advances in Vacuum Science and Technology
1959aeco.conf    Aéronomie Communications
    ATTM.        AEG Telefunken Technische Mitteilungen
    Aekv.        Aerodinamika kanalov i ventiliatorov
1975NASSP.347    Aerodynamic Analyses Requiring Advanced Computers
2001adrt.conf    Aerodynamic Drag Reduction Technologies. Proceedings of the CEAS/DragNet European Drag Reduction
1960IAUS...12    Aerodynamic Phenomena in Stellar Atmospheres
1967IAUS...28    Aerodynamic Phenomena in Stellar Atmospheres
2003attp.conf    Aerodynamics, Thermophysics, Thermal Protection    Aeromechanics and Gas Dynamics
1975NASSP.381    Aeronautical Propulsion
1993acci.conf    Aerosol-Cloud-Climate Interactions
1987spmp.conf    Aerospace Century XXI: Space missions and Policy
1974aero.rept    Aerospace Corp. Interim Report, El Segundo, CA. Lab. Operations.
1969NASSP5075    Aerospace Related Technology for Industry
    ARBl.        Aerospace Research in Bulgaria
1978aesy.conf    Aerospace Systems
1995ESASP.367    Aerothermodynamics for space vehicles
1999ESASP.426    Aerothermodynamics for space vehicles
    AFGL.        AFGL-TR-0208 Environemental Research papers    African Cultural Astronomy
    AfrSk        African Skies
1999AIPC..470    After the Dark Ages: When Galaxies were Young (the Universe at 2 < Z < 5)
1991AIPC..222    After the first three minutes
1998aums.conf    The Age of the Universe, Dark Matter, and Structure Formation
2004ASPC..311    AGN Physics with the Sloan Digital Sky Survey
    AGUFM        AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts
    AGUSM        AGU Spring Meeting Abstracts
1992aks..conf    Ahnerts Kalender für Sternfreunde 1993
1975thph.conf    AIAA, 10th Thermophysics Conference    AIAA, Aerospace Sciences Meeting
1978aiaa.conf    AIAA, Astrodynamics Conference
1981aiaa.conf    AIAA, Astrodynamics Specialist Conference
1975aiaa.conf    AIAA Conference on the Exploration of the Outer Planets
1974aiaa.conf    AIAA Conference on Scientific Experiments of Skylab
1990aiaa.conf    AIAA, Space Programs and Technologies Conference
1992aiaa.conf    AIAA/AAS Astrodynamics Conference
    aifo.rept    Air Force Interim Report
    AFMa.        Air Force Magazine
1984abas.symp    Airborne Astronomy Symposium
1972NASSP.311    Aircraft Engine Noise Reduction
    AirE.        Aircraft Engineering
1976NASSP.416    Aircraft Safety and Operating Problems
1955aiau.conf    The Airglow and the Aurorae
    AkAtP        Akademia Athenon Praktika
    IzAze        Akademiia Nauk Azerbaidzhanskoi SSR Izvestiia Seriia Fiziko Tekhnicheskikh i Matematicheskikh Nauk
    IFBel        Akademiia Nauk Belorusskoi SSR Institut Fiziki Nauchnaia Sessiia Minsk Belorussian SSR Zhurnal Prikladnoi Spektroskopii
    SoGru        Akademiia Nauk Gruzii Soobshcheniia
    VeKaz        Akademiia Nauk Kazakhskoi SSR Vestnik
    IzLat        Akademiia Nauk Latviiskoi SSR Izvestiia Seriia Fizicheskikh i Tekhnicheskikh Nauk
    IzMol        Akademiia Nauk Moldavskoi SSR Izvestiia Seriia Fiziko Tekhnicheskikh i Matematicheskikh Nauk
    IzFZ.        Akademiia Nauk SSSR, Izvestiia, Fizika Zemli
    IzSSR        Akademiia Nauk SSSR Izvestiia Seriia Fizicheskaia
    FiMos        Akademiia Nauk SSSR Otdelenie Obshchei Fiziki i Astronomii Nauchnaia Sessiia Moscow USSR Uspekhi Fizicheskikh Nauk
    IzSib        Akademiia Nauk SSSR Sibirskoe Otdelenie Izvestiia
    SiSSR        Akademiia Nauk SSSR Sibirskoe Otdelenie Izvestiia Seriia Tekhnicheskie Nauki
    KzSib        Akademiia Nauk SSSR Sibirskoi Otdelenie Izvestiia Seriia Tekhnicheskikh Nauk
    VeSSR        Akademiia Nauk SSSR Vestnik
    ABTad        Akademiia Nauk Tadzhikskoi SSR Institut Astrofiziki Biulleten
    IzTur        Akademiia Nauk Turkmenskoi SSR Izvestiia Seriia Fiziko Tekhnicheskikh Khimicheskikh i Geologicheskikh Nauk
    IzUkr        Akademiia Nauk Ukrainian SSSR Izvestiia Seriia Fizicheskaia
    PrUkr        Akademiia Nauk Ukrains koi RSR Dopovidi Matematika Prirodoznavstvo Tekhnichni Nauki
    ViUkr        Akademiia Nauk Ukrains koi RSR Visnik
    MGUkr        Akademiia Nauk Ukrainskoi SSR Morskie Gidrofizicheskie Issledovaniia
    IzUzb        Akademiia Nauk Uzbekskoi SSR Izvestiia Seriia Fiziko Matematicheskikh Nauk
    VeNav        Akademiia Navuk BSSR Vestsi Seryia Fizika Tekhnichnykh Navuk
1976apsp.conf    Akt. Protsessy na Solntse i Probl. Soln. Nejtrino
1988avms.conf    Aktual'nye Voprosy Meteoritiki v Sibiri
1979aass.conf    Aktuelle Anwendungen des Schmidt-Spiegels in der Astronomie
    AkTek        Akustika i Ul trazvukovaia Tekhnika
    alab.rept    Alabama Univ., Huntsville Report
2006AIPC..861    Albert Einstein Century International Conference    The Albuquerque Meeting, Vol. 2.    Allen's Astrophysical Quantities
1997asxo.proc    All-Sky X-Ray Observations in the Next Decade
    AAIzN        Alma Ata Izdatel Nauka
1965abgs.conf    Alpha-, Beta- and Gamma-ray Spectroscopy
2000ASPC..220    Amateur - Professional Partnerships in Astronomy
1996amli.conf    Amazing Light
    Ambio        Ambio
    AVSOA        American Association of Variable Stars Observers Abstracts
    AVSOM        American Association of Variable Stars Observers Monographs
    AVSOQ        American Association of Variable Stars Observers Quarterly Reports
    AVSOR        American Association of Variable Stars Observers Reports    American Astronautical Society Meeting
    aans.symp    American Astronautical Society Symposium
    AAS..        American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts    The American Astronomical Society's first century
    ACSB.        American Ceramic Society Bulletin    American Chemical Society Meeting
    aiaa.conf    American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Conference
    AIPC.        American Institute of Physics Conference Series
    AMSBu        American Meteorological Society Bulletin
    ASME.        American Society of Mechanical Engineers
2002ASPC..257    AMiBA 2001: High-Z Clusters, Missing Baryons, and CMB Polarization
1994aisi.conf    Amplitude and Intensity Spatial Interferometry
1974amst.iafc    Amsterdam International Astronautical Federation Congress
1976anah.iafc    Anaheim International Astronautical Federation Congress
    AnCoi        Anais do Observatorio Astronomico da Universidade de Coimbra
1986adss.conf    Analit. Dvizheniya tel Soln. Sistemy i Ikh Nablyud.
1972amud.conf    Analit. Mekh., Ustojchivosti Dvizheniya i Optimal'n. Upr., 1973    Analyse Extraterrestrischen Materials
2007asfd.conf    Analysis and Simulation of Fluid Dynamics
1988amcb.conf    Analysis of the Motion of Celestial Bodies and Estimate of the Accuracy of their Observations
1994aelp.conf    The Analysis of Emission Lines
1994AIPC..310    Analysis of Interplanetary Dust Particles    Analysis of Returned Comet Nucleus Samples
1997arcn.rept    Analysis of Returned Comet Nucleus Samples
1988asa..conf    Analysis of Satellite Altimetry
1972NASSP.284    Analysis of Surveyor 3 material and photographs returned by Apollo 12
1976apig.conf    Analysis, Processing and Interpretation of Geophysical Data    Analytical Chemistry in Space
1986ambs.conf    Analyzing the Motion of Bodies of the Solar System
1986ansp.conf    Anatomy of Space-'86    Ancient Astronomy and Celestial Divination
1980asfr.symp    The Ancient Sun: Fossil Record in the Earth, Moon and Meteorites
1984anop.conf    Angewandte Optik
    AAONw        Anglo-Australian Observatory Epping Newsletter
    AAOPr        Anglo-Australian Observatory Epping Preprint
    CSMPA        Ankara Universite Faculte des Sciences Communications Serie Mathematiques Physique et Astronomie
    AASF.        Ann. Acad. Sci. Fennicae
1973afcm.conf    Ann. Fr. Chronom. Micromec., 8e année
1972afcm.conf    Ann. Fr. Chronométrie Micromécanique, Année 1972
1975afcm.conf    Ann. Fr. Chronométrie Micromécanique, Année 1974
1971afcm.conf    Ann. Françaises Chronométrie Micromécanique, Année 1971
1969afcm.conf    Ann. Françaises Chronométrie Micromécanique, Année 4
    AnMun        Annalen der Koeniglichen Sternwarte bei Muenchen
    AnWie        Annalen der Universitaets-Sternwarte Wien
    AnWiD        Annalen der Universitaets-Sternwarte Wien, Dritter Folge
    AnLei        Annalen van de Sterrewacht te Leiden
    ASSB.        Annales de la Societe Scietifique de Bruxelles
    AnIHP        Annales de L'Institut Henri Poincare Section Physique Theorique
    AnTou        Annales de l'Observatoire Astron. et Meteo. de Toulouse
    AOTok        Annales de l'Observatoire astronomique de Tokyo
    AnBes        Annales de l'Observatoire de Besancon
    AnBor        Annales de l'Observatoire de Bordeaux
    AnNic        Annales de l'Observatoire de Nice
    AnPar        Annales de l'Observatoire de Paris
    AnPOb        Annales de l'Observatoire de Paris. Observations
    AnStr        Annales de l'Observatoire de Strasbourg
    AnRio        Annales de l'Observatoire Imperial de Rio de Janeiro
    AnAth        Annales de l'Observatoire national d'Athènes
    AnOB.        Annales de l'Observatoire Royal de Belgique
    AnOBN        Annales de l'Observatoire Royal de Belgique Nouvelle serie
    AnBru        Annales de l'Observatoire Royal de Bruxelles
    AnPBM        Annales de Physique Biologique et Medicale
    AnGVP        Annales du Bureau des Longitudes, Gauthier-Villars, Paris
    AnSAO        Annals of the Astrophysical Observatory of the Smithsonian Institution
    AnBos        Annals of the Bosscha Observatory Lembang (Java) Indonesia
    AnCap        Annals of the Cape Observatory
    AnDea        Annals of the Dearborn Observatory
    AnDud        Annals of the Dudley Observatory
    AnIPS        Annals of the Israel Physical Society
    AnLow        Annals of the Lowell Observatory
    AnLL.        Annals of the Observatory of Lucien Libert
    AnLun        Annals of the Observatory of Lund
    AnOLL        Annals of the Private Observatory of Lucien Libert
    AnEdi        Annals of the Royal Observatory, Edinburgh
    AnTok        Annals of the Tokyo Astronomical Observatory
    AnHar        Annals of Harvard College Observatory
    AnCGH        Annals of Royal Observatory, Cape of Good Hope
1999ASPC..157    Annapolis Workshop on Magnetic Cataclysmic Variables
1999anmi.conf    Anni Mirabiles
1990angg.nasa    Annihilation in Gases and Galaxies
1987aasi.conf    Annual AAS International Conference
    AnBSJ        Annual Bulletin of the Societe Jersiaise
1991amms.conf    Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society
    YalAR        Annual report of the Astronomer of the Winchester Observatory of Yale College
    ARKod        Annual Report of the Kodaikanal Observatory
    MMAAR        Annual Report of the Maria Mitchell Association    Annual Report of the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, Volume 6
    WinAR        Annual Report of the Windsor Observatory, New South Wales    Anorthosites of the Earth and the Moon
    AnMN.        Antarctic Meteorite Newsletter
1990amss.conf    Antarctic Meteorite Stranding Surfaces
1984anme....9    Antarctic Meteorites IX
1981anme....6    Antarctic Meteorites VI
1982anme....7    Antarctic Meteorites VII
1983anme....8    Antarctic Meteorites VIII
1985anme...10    Antarctic Meteorites X
1986anme...11    Antarctic Meteorites XI
1987anme...12    Antarctic Meteorites XII
1988anme...13    Antarctic Meteorites XIII
1989anme...14    Antarctic Meteorites XIV
1994anme...19    Antarctic Meteorites XIX
1990anme...15    Antarctic Meteorites XV
1991anme...16    Antarctic Meteorites XVI
1992anme...17    Antarctic Meteorites XVII
1993anme...18    Antarctic Meteorites XVIII
1995anme...20    Antarctic Meteorites XX
1996anme...21    Antarctic Meteorites XXI
1997anme...22    Antarctic Meteorites XXII
1998anme...23    Antarctic Meteorites XXIII
1999anme...24    Antarctic Meteorites XXIV
2000anme...25    Antarctic Meteorites XXV
2001anme...26    Antarctic Meteorites XXVI
2002anme...27    Antarctic Meteorites XXVII
1993amc..conf    Antarctic Meteorology and Climatology: Studies Based on Automatic Weather Stations
    Antk.        Antarktika
1985ap...conf    Antennas and Propagation (ICAP 85)
1993anpr.conf    The Anthropic Principle
1997ESASP1191    Anthrorack on the Spacelab D2 Mission
1983appw.conf    Antiproton Proton Physics and the W Discovery
    IORA.        Anuario publicado pelo Imperial Observatorio do Rio de Janeiro
    IORAS        Anuario publicado pelo Imperial Observatorio do Rio de Janeiro Suplemento
2000ESASP.444    AP 2000 - Antennas and Propagation
    ApAN.        Apatity Akademiia Nauk SSSR
    ApKF.        Apatity Kol skii Filial AN SSSR
1999ahp..conf    APCTP Workshop on Astro-Hadron Physics.  Properties of Hadrons in Matter
1971NASSP.272    Apollo 14: Preliminary Science Report
1972afls.conf    The Apollo 15 Lunar Samples
1972NASSP.289    Apollo 15: Preliminary Science Report
1973NASSP.330    Apollo 17: Preliminary Science Report
1976apso.nasa    Apollo-Soyuz Test Project
1977NASSP.411    The Apollo-Soyuz Test Prokect Medical Report
1980apba.conf    Application de la Photométrie Bidimensionelle à l'Astronomie
2003AIPC..680    Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry
1969ampe.conf    The Application of Modern Physics to the Earth and Planetary Interiors
1986asta.conf    Application of Space Techniques to Astronomy and Geophysics
2000ESASP.479    Applications of the ERS Along-Track Scanning Radiometer
1984amcm.conf    Applications of the Monte Carlo Method in Statistical Physics
1975NASSP.390    Applications of Computer Graphics in Engineering
2001acos.conf    Applications of Constellation Observing System for Meteorology, Ionosphere & Climate
1977adip.conf    Applications of Digital Image Processing
1978aeis.conf    Applications of Electronic Imaging Systems
1974amg..conf    Applications of Marine Geodesy
2007AIPC..946    Applications of Mathematics in Engineering and Economics' 33
2003ESASP.529    Applications of SAR Polarimetry and Polarimetric Interferometry
1982aacp....1    Applied Atomic Collision Physics, Volume 1: Atmospheric Physics and Chemistry
1984aacp....2    Applied Atomic Collision Physics, Volume 2: Plasmas
1982aacp....3    Applied Atomic Collision Physics, Volume 3: Gas Lasers
1983aacp....4    Applied Atomic Collision Physics, Volume 4: Condensed Matter
1982aacp....5    Applied Atomic Collision Physics, Volume 5: Special Topics
1987apge.conf    Applied Geodesy
1988amfm.conf    Applied Mathematics, Fluid Mechanics, Astrophysics
1965aooe....1    Applied Optics and Optical Engineering, Volume I
1965aooe....2    Applied Optics and Optical Engineering, Volume II
1965aooe....3    Applied Optics and Optical Engineering, Volume III
1967aooe....4    Applied Optics and Optical Engineering, Volume IV
1969aooe....5    Applied Optics and Optical Engineering, Volume V
1980aooe....6    Applied Optics and Optical Engineering, Volume VI
1980aooe....8    Applied Optics and Optical Engineering, Volume VIII
1992aooe...11    Applied Optics and Optical Engineering, Volume XI
    arcl.rept    Applied Research Corp. Annual Report
1970asru.conf    Applied Sciences Research and Utilization of Lunar Resources
1998ascr.conf    Applied Spectroscopy: A compact reference for practitioners
1991afa..conf    Applying Fractals in Astronomy
1995ESASP.384    Approaches in Communicating Space Applications to Society
1992anr..conf    Approaches to Numerical Relativity
    APS..        APS Meeting Abstracts
1978apsi.conf    Ap-Stars in the Infrared
1979apsi.conf    Ap-Stars in the Infrared
1976arsa.conf    Arbeiten zur Satellitengeodäsie
1989arch.conf    Archaeoastronomy
1984aars.conf    Archaeoastronomy and the Roots of Science
1981aram.conf    Archaeoastronomy in the Americas
1982arnw.conf    Archaeoastronomy in the New World
1982aow..conf    Archaeoastronomy in the Old World
1975apca.conf    Archaeoastronomy in Pre-Columbian America
1994aret.conf    Archeoastronomy & Ethnoastronomy
1991aras.conf    Archeologia e Astronomia
1990arco.conf    Archivalia Cosmologica
    asu..rept    Arizona State University Technical Report
    uat..rept    Arizona Univ., Tucson Report
    ArMAF        Ark. Mat. Astr. Fys.
    ArmOL        Armagh Observatory Leaflet
1997asca.conf    The Art and Science of CCD Astronomy
1999ESASP.440    Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and Automation in Space
1990aita.proc    Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Astronomy    ArXiv Astrophysics e-prints
    cs...        ArXiv Computer Science e-prints
    cond.mat.    ArXiv Condensed Matter e-prints
    arXiv        ArXiv e-prints
    gr.qc        ArXiv General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology e-prints
    hep.ex...    ArXiv High Energy Physics - Experiment e-prints    ArXiv High Energy Physics - Lattice e-prints    ArXiv High Energy Physics - Phenomenology e-prints    ArXiv High Energy Physics - Theory e-prints    ArXiv Mathematical Physics e-prints
    math.        ArXiv Mathematics e-prints
    nlin.        ArXiv Nonlinear Sciences e-prints
    nucl.ex..    ArXiv Nuclear Experiment e-prints    ArXiv Nuclear Theory e-prints
    physics..    ArXiv Physics e-prints    ArXiv Quantum Physics e-prints
1991apph.conf    Asia Pacific Physics Conference
    ATJEP        ASME Transactions Series Journal of Engineering Power    Aspects of the Complex Investigation of the Moon
1986awph.conf    Aspen Winter Physics Conference
    ATMAB        Association Technique Maritime et Aeronautique Bulletin
    ATMAS        Association Technique Maritime et Aeronautique Session Paris France ONERA TP
    AVSVB        Associazione Veneta Osservatori di Stelle Variabili Bulletin
2004IAUS..224    The A-Star Puzzle    Asteroids
1978astd.nasa    Asteroids: An Exploration Assessment
2002ESASP.500    Asteroids, Comets, and Meteors: ACM 2002
1984acm..proc    Asteroids, Comets, Meteors
2006IAUS..229    Asteroids, Comets, Meteors
1992acm..proc    Asteroids, Comets, Meteors 1991
1994IAUS..160    Asteroids, Comets, Meteors 1993
1986acm..proc    Asteroids, Comets, Meteors II
1990acm..proc    Asteroids, Comets, Meteors III
1989aste.conf    Asteroids II
1991atq..conf    Asteroids to Quasars. A Symposium Honouring William Liller
2003aahd.conf    Asteroseismology Across the HR Diagram
2004ASSL..305    Astrobiology: Future Perspectives    Astrobiology Workshop: Leadership in Astrobiology
1987IAUS..120    Astrochemistry
2006AIPC..855    Astrochemistry - From Laboratory Studies to Astronomical Observations
1992IAUS..150    Astrochemistry of Cosmic Phenomena
2005IAUS..231    Astrochemistry: Recent Successes and Current Challenges
1980asdy.conf    Astrodynamics
1982asdy.conf    Astrodynamics 1981
1986asdy.conf    Astrodynamics 1985
1988asdy.conf    Astrodynamics 1987
1990asdy.conf    Astrodynamics 1989
1992asdy.conf    Astrodynamics 1991
2004NYASA1019    Astrodynamics, Space Missions, and Chaos
    ads..conf    Astrodynamics Specialist Conference
1982akfm.conf    Astrofiz. Kosm. Fiz.
    AISAO        Astrofizicheskie Issledovaniia Izvestiya Spetsial'noj Astrofizicheskoj Observatorii
    AISof        Astrofizicheskie Issledovaniya Sofia
    Agrph        The Astrograph
1984agmc.conf    Astrométrie, Géodésie, Mécanique Céleste
1978anmm.conf    Astrometr. i Nebesn. Mekh. Moskva-Leningrad
1976aokn.conf    Astrometr. Opredeleniya Koordinat Nebesn. Obektov. Sverdlovsk
1974acda.conf    Astrometric Conference in connection with the Dedication of the 41-inch Astrometric Reflector of the Observatory of Torino    Astrometric investigations
1986IAUS..109    Astrometric Techniques
1974amap.nasa    Astrometrics and Astrophysics
1973aars.conf    Astrometry and Astrophysics, No. 9 Research of the Sun and Stars
2005ASPC..338    Astrometry in the Age of the Next Generation of Large Telescopes
1989aic..conf    Astrometry: Into the 21st Century
    AUBas        Astron. Inst. Univ. Basel
1979asmm.conf    Astron. Metodol. Mirovozzrenie. Moskva
    Anews        ASTRON Newsletter
1990asru.conf    Astron. Rumfart
    asi..nasa    Astron. Soc. Inform.
1980aust.conf    Astron. Uses for the Space Telescope
1973anre.conf    Astronautical Research 1972
    ATel.        The Astronomer's Telegram
1975asex.conf    Astronomia Extragalactica
1976asex.conf    Astronomia Extragalactica
1995IAUS..166    Astronomical and Astrophysical Objectives of Sub-Milliarcsecond Optical Astrometry
    USNOM        Astronomical and Meteorological Observations made at the U.S. Naval Observatory
1991acy..conf    Astronomical Calendar for the Year 1991
1992ASPC...23    Astronomical CCD Observing and Reduction Techniques
    ACiCh        Astronomical Circular
    ACMan        Astronomical Contributions from the University of Manchester
    TamCo        Astronomical Contributions from the University of South Florida Tampa
    adass        Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems
2004ASPC..314    Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems (ADASS) XIII
1992ASPC...25    Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems I
1993ASPC...52    Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems II
1994ASPC...61    Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems III
1995ASPC...77    Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems IV
2000ASPC..216    Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems IX
1996ASPC..101    Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems V
1997ASPC..125    Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems VI
1998ASPC..145    Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems VII
1999ASPC..172    Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems VIII
2001ASPC..238    Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems X
2002ASPC..281    Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XI
2003ASPC..295    Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XII
2005ASPC..347    Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XIV
2006ASPC..351    Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XV
2007ASPC..376    Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XVI
2008ASPC..394    Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XVII
    ADCBu        Astronomical Data Center Bulletin
1986aprm.conf    Astronomical Education in the Asian-Pacific Region
1998aei..conf    Astronomical Education with the Internet
1981asge.conf    Astronomical Geodynamics
    AstHe        Astronomical Herald
1993ASPC...41    Astronomical Infrared Spectroscopy: Future Observational Directions
1974aiu..conf    Astronomical Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Uzbek SSR - 100 years
2002ASPC..270    Astronomical Instrumentation and Astrophysics
1985aimo.conf    Astronomical Instruments and Methods of Observations    Astronomical Measuring Machines Workshop
1984amd..conf    Astronomical Microdensitometry Conference
    ANote        Astronomical Notes University of Gothenburg Sweden Section of Astronomy
1965IAUS...23    Astronomical Observations from Space Vehicles
    USNOA        Astronomical Observations made at the U.S. Naval Observatory
1995aokt.conf    Astronomical Observatory of the Kiev Taras Shevchenko University - 150 years
1956aors.conf    Astronomical Optics and Related Subjects
1978bs...symp    Astronomical Papers Dedicated to Bengt Stromgren
    UCLAP        Astronomical Papers University of California Los Angeles
1954asph.conf    Astronomical Photoelectric Conference
    asph.conf    Astronomical Photography
1981asph.conf    Astronomical Photography 1981
1984asph.conf    Astronomical Photography 1984
2005ASPC..343    Astronomical Polarimetry: Current Status and Future Directions
    AReg.        Astronomical register
2002ASPC..266    Astronomical Site Evaluation in the Visible and Radio Range
    ASPC.        Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series
    ASSA.        Astronomical Society of South Africa, Cape Centre    Astronomical techniques
1997ASSL..218    Astronomical Time Series
1979aust.conf    Astronomical USes of the Space Telescope
1985agi..conf    Astronomical-Geodetical Investigations
1986agi..conf    Astronomical-Geodetical Investigations
1987agis.conf    Astronomical-Geodetical Investigations. Statistical Methods
    ATsir        Astronomicheskij Tsirkulyar
    KazOB        Astronomicheskoj Observatorii Kazan Byulleten
1995akmb.conf    Astronomie, Kosmographie und Mathematik am Beginn der Neuzeit
    AAHam        Astronomische Abhandlungen der Hamburger Sternwarte
    ABMun        Astronomische Beobachtungen angestellt auf der K. Sternwarte zu Bogenhausen bei Muenchen
    ABSBe        Astronomische Beobachtungen auf der Koniglichen Sternwarte zu Berlin
    ABKie        Astronomische Beobachtungen auf der Sternwarte der Koeniglichen Christian-Albrechts-Universitaet zu Kiel
    AGAb.        Astronomische Gesellschaft Abstract Series
    AGM..        Astronomische Gesellschaft Meeting Abstracts
    MiZur        Astronomische Mitteilungen der Eiden�ssischen Sternwarte Z�rich
    MiBre        Astronomische Mitteilungen der Koeniglichen Universitaets-Sternwarte zu Breslau
    MiGoe        Astronomische Mitteilungen der Universitaets-Sternwarte zu Goettingen
    ANS..        Astronomische Nachrichten Supplement
    AJB..        Astronomischer Jahresbericht
    MiARI        Astronomisches Rechen-Institut Heidelberg Mitteilungen Serie A
    MiARB        Astronomisches Rechen-Institut Heidelberg Mitteilungen Serie B
    ATi..        Astronomisk Tidsskrift
    Ast..        Astronomy
    Astro        Astronomy
    A&AA.        Astronomy and Astrophysics Abstracts Heidelberg    Astronomy and Astrophysics at Sub Millimeter Wavelengths
1982asas.conf    Astronomy and Astrophysics for the 1980's
1991aap..rept    Astronomy and Astrophysics Panel Reports
2001aard.conf    Astronomy and Astrophysics: Recent Developments
1997ascu.conf    Astronomy and Culture
1969ages.conf    Astronomy and Geodesy in the Estonian SSR (1940 - 1966)
1975asge.conf    Astronomy and Geodesy Vypusk 5
    A&G..        Astronomy and Geophysics
1998attc.conf    Astronomy and Technology in the 21st Century
1980aars.conf    Astronomy. Automatic Registration of Star Transit Moments
1996abt..conf    Astronomy Before the Telescope
2003ASSL..290    Astronomy Communication
1989ASSL..155    Astronomy, Cosmology and Fundamental Physics
2003acfp.conf    Astronomy, Cosmology and Fundamental Physics
    ADIL.        Astronomy Data Image Library
1996ASPC...89    Astronomy Education: Current Developments, Future Coordination
2007adw..conf    Astronomy for the Developing World
1972afsp.conf    Astronomy from a Space Platform
1988alds.proc    Astronomy from Large Databases
1992ald2.proc    Astronomy from Large Databases II
1984afmm.conf    Astronomy from Measuring Machines    Astronomy from Space: Sputnik to Space Telescope
1994IAUS..161    Astronomy from Wide-Field Imaging
2003ala..conf    Astronomy in Latin America
    AstNw        Astronomy Now    Astronomy of the Ancients
2000RSPTA.358    Astronomy, physics and chemistry of H+3
1970ast2.conf    Astronomy: Volume 2
1994awca.conf    Astronomy with the CFHT Adaptive Optics Bonnette
1999aaop.conf    Astronomy with adaptive optics : present results and future programs
1994ASSL..190    Astronomy with Arrays, The Next Generation
1999asra.conf    Astronomy with Radioactivities
    AASPP        Astrononomy and Astrophysics Series
1991asph.conf    Astroparticle Physics
1996app..conf    Astro-Particle Physics
2002asph.conf    Astroparticle Physics
1988astr.conf    Astrophotography
1990aadm.conf    Astrophysical Ages and Dating Methods
2001ASPC..245    Astrophysical Ages and Times Scales
1988als..conf    Astrophysical and Laboratory Spectroscopy
1996IAUS..173    Astrophysical Applications of Gravitational Lensing
1995ASPC...78    Astrophysical Applications of Powerful New Databases
1991aame.conf    Astrophysical Aspects of the Most Energetic Cosmic Rays
1982ac...proc    Astrophysical Cosmology Proceedings
1999ASPC..160    Astrophysical Discs - an EC Summer School
1992NYASA.675    Astrophysical Disks    Astrophysical Disks
1993afd..conf    Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics - Les Houches 1987
1997ails.conf    Astrophysical Implications of the Laboratory Study of Presolar Materials
1983ASSL..103    Astrophysical Jets
1998ajop.conf    Astrophysical Jets: Open Problems
1978aprc.conf    Astrophysical Phenomena and Radiocarbon
2000aprs.conf    Astrophysical Phenomena Revealed by Space VLBI
2002AIPC..609    Astrophysical Polarized Backgrounds
1990apsu.conf    Astrophysical Processes and Structures in the Universe
1986arh..conf    Astrophysical Radiation Hydrodynamics
1994spmt.nasa    Astrophysical Science with a Spaceborne Photometric Telescope
2001AIPC..575    Astrophysical Sources for Ground-Based Gravitational Wave Detectors
2001ashe.conf    Astrophysical Sources of High Energy Particles and Radiation
2005AIPC..801    Astrophysical Sources of High Energy Particles and Radiation
2002apsp.conf    Astrophysical Spectropolarimetry
2003IAUS..208    Astrophysical Supercomputing using Particle Simulations
2000NYASA.898    Astrophysical Turbulence and Convection
1990arpf.conf    Astrophysics - Recent Progress and Future Possibilities    Astrophysics and the Many-Body Problem
1998asal.conf    Astrophysics and Algorithms    Astrophysics and Cosmic Physics
2007acag.conf    Astrophysics and Cosmology After Gamow
1980aepc.conf    Astrophysics and Elementary Particles, Common Problems
1969agr..conf    Astrophysics and General Relativity, Volume 1
1974asgr.proc    Astrophysics and Gravitation    Astrophysics, and How to Attract Young People into Physics
1983asph.conf    Astrophysics and Space Physics (High-Energy Astrophysics and Cosmogony)
    ASSL.        Astrophysics and Space Science Library
1984atca.conf    Astrophysics and Twentieth-Century Astronomy to 1950
1990AIPC..207    Astrophysics from the Moon
1998ASPC..141    Astrophysics From Antarctica
1980ASSL...81    Astrophysics from Spacelab
2006ASPC..348    Astrophysics in the Far Ultraviolet: Five Years of Discovery with FUSE
1989AIPC..198    Astrophysics in Antarctica
    MKAtl        Astrophysics monographs University of Chicago Press
1985aagq.conf    Astrophysics of Active Galaxies and Quasi-Stellar Objects
1986abd..proc    Astrophysics of Brown Dwarfs
2005ASPC..330    The Astrophysics of Cataclysmic Variables and Related Objects
2008AIPC..968    Astrophysics of Compact Objects
2003asdu.conf    Astrophysics of Dust
2004ASPC..309    Astrophysics of Dust
2003AIPC..686    The Astrophysics of Gravitational Wave Sources
2005asli.symp    Astrophysics of Life
2006ASPC..349    Astrophysics of Variable Stars    Astrophysics on the Threshold of the 21st Century
1974aaoi.conf    Astrophysics. Part A: Optical and Infrared
1976abrt.conf    Astrophysics. Part B: Radio Telescopes
1990arpf.symp    Astrophysics: Recent Progress and Future Possibilities
    ArBei        Astrophysics Reports Publications of the Beijing Astronomical Observatory
    asd..soft    Astrophysics Software Database
2002asap.conf    Astrophysics, Symmetries, and Applied Physics at Spallation Neutron Sources    Astrophysics Update.  Topical and Timely Reviews on Astrophysics    Astrophysics Update 2
1999anot.conf    Astrophysics with the NOT
1990ASPC...14    Astrophysics with Infrared Arrays
1999ASPC..177    Astrophysics with Infrared Surveys: A Prelude to SIRTF
1989amt..conf    Astrophysics with Modern Technology - Space-Based and Ground-Based Systems
1975assp.conf    Astrophysique et Spectroscopie
1995AnIPS..11    Asymmetrical Planetary Nebulae
2000ASPC..199    Asymmetrical Planetary Nebulae II: From Origins to Microstructures
2004ASPC..313    Asymmetrical Planetary Nebulae III: Winds, Structure and the Thunderbird
1999IAUS..191    Asymptotic Giant Branch Stars    Asymptotic Realms of Physics
1977asst.conf    Asymptotic Structure of Space-Time
2001aax..proc    Atelier d'astronomie X
1969arsm.conf    Atlas of the Reverse Side of the Moon, Part II.    Atlas of galaxies useful for measuring the cosmological distance scale
    AtlVS        Atlas Poiskovykh Kart Peremennykh Zvezd
1974atop.conf    Atmosf. Optika
1974atti.conf    The Atmosphere of Titan
1975atve.conf    The Atmosphere of Venus    Atmospheres in the Solar System: Comparative Aeronomy
1949aep..conf    The Atmospheres of the Earth and Planets
1975ASSL...51    Atmospheres of Earth and the Planets    Atmospheres of Jupiter and Saturn
1985atst.rept    The Atmospheres of Saturn and Titan    The Atmospheres of Venus and Mars
1982aafo.conf    Atmospheric Aerosols: Their Formation, Optical Properties, and Effects
    aeri.rept    Atmospheric and Environmental Research, Inc. Report
1982atch.conf    Atmospheric Chemistry
1959accs.conf    Atmospheric Chemistry of Chlorine and Sulfur Compounds
2004ESASP.562    Atmospheric Chemistry Validation of ENVISAT (ACVE-2)
1969atem.conf    Atmospheric Emissions
1958atex.conf    Atmospheric Explorations
1981visi.rept    Atmospheric Infrared Radiance Variability
1970atop.conf    Atmospheric Optics
1972atop.conf    Atmospheric optics, Volume 2
1960atoz.conf    Atmospheric Ozone
1977atoz.conf    Atmospheric Ozone
1980aovh.conf    Atmospheric Ozone and its Variation and Human Influences
1985atoz.proc    Atmospheric ozone; Proceedings of the Quadrennial
1976ASSL...61    Atmospheric Physics from Spacelab
1972atra.conf    Atmospheric Radiation
    atra.conf    Atmospheric Radiation Conference
1993ars..conf    Atmospheric Remote Sensing By Microwave Radiometry
2006ESASP.628    Atmospheric Science Conference
1985asom.conf    Atmospheric Studies by Optical Methods
1982atc..conf    Atmospheric Trace Constituents    Atmospheric Transport on Mars
1987atra.conf    Atmospheric Turbulence Relative to Aviation, Missile, and Space Programs
1968aepa.conf    Atomic and Electronic Physics
1960amb..conf    Atomic and Molecular Beams
2001amb..conf    Atomic and Molecular Beams, the State of the Art 2000    Atomic and Molecular Cluster Research
1998AIPC..434    Atomic and Molecular Data and their Applications
2002AIPC..636    Atomic and Molecular Data and Their Applications
2005AIPC..771    Atomic and Molecular Data and their Applications
2007AIPC..901    Atomic and Molecular Data and Their Applications
2000AIPC..543    Atomic and Molecular Data and their Applications, ICAMDATA
1995amdr.conf    Atomic and molecular data for radiotherapy and radiation research
1991amp..conf    Atomic and Molecular Physics
1994amp..conf    Atomic and Molecular Physics
1975ampi.conf    Atomic and Molecular Physics and the Interstellar Matter
1962amp..conf    Atomic and Molecular Processes
1995ampf.conf    Atomic and Molecular Processes in Fusion Edge Plasmas
1995anc..conf    Atomic and Nuclear Clusters
2001acn..conf    Atomic Clusters and Nanoparticles
1964acp..conf    Atomic Collision Processes
2000adnx.conf    Atomic Data Needs for X-ray Astronomy
1971adiu.conf    Atomic Data of Importance for Ultraviolet and X-ray Astronomy
1985aere.conf    Atomic Excitation and Recombination in External Fields
1985aisp.conf    Atomic Inner-Shell Physics
1975aisp....1    Atomic Inner-Shell Processes. Volume I: Ionization and Transition Probabilities
1975aisp....2    Atomic Inner-Shell Processes. Volume II: Experimental Approaches and Applications
1968atin.conf    Atomic Interactions Part A
1967atma.conf    Atomic Masses
1969agph.conf    Atomic Physics
1969atph.conf    Atomic Physics
1987atph.conf    Atomic Physics 10 (ICAP-X)
1995AIPC..323    Atomic Physics 14
2005AIPC..770    ATOMIC PHYSICS 19: XIX International Conference on Atomic Physics
1971atph.conf    Atomic Physics 2
2006AIPC..869    Atomic Physics 20
1973atph.conf    Atomic Physics 3
1975atph.conf    Atomic Physics 4
1977atph.conf    Atomic Physics 5
1978atph.conf    Atomic Physics 6
1983atph.conf    Atomic Physics 8    Atomic physics and astrophysics. Vol.1
1981apns.conf    Atomic Physics at the National Synchrotron Light Source
1999aphi.conf    Atomic Physics with Heavy Ions
1988AIPC..168    Atomic Processes in Plasmas
1992AIPC..257    Atomic Processes in Plasmas
2000app..conf    Atomic Processes in Plasmas
2002AIPC..635    Atomic Processes in Plasmas
2007AIPC..926    Atomic Processes in Plasmas
1995AIPC..322    Atomic Processes in Plasmas (Ninth)
1996AIPC..381    Atomic Processes in Plasmas (Tenth)
2000AIPC..547    Atomic Processes in Plasmas (Twelfth)
1978astm.conf    Atomic Scattering Theory: Mathematical and Computational Aspects
1988asce.conf    Atomic Spectra and Collisions in External Fields
1979amct.conf    Atom-molecule Collision Theory; a Guide for the Experimentalist
    AVET.        Atomno Vodorodnaia Energetika i Tekhnologiia
1972ama..conf    Atoms and Molecules in Astrophysics
1998amse.conf    Atoms and Molecules in Strong External Fields.
1983aia..conf    Atoms in Astrophysics
1992ailf.conf    Atoms in Intense Laser Fields
1991ASPC...16    Atoms, Ions and Molecules: New Results in Spectral Line Astrophysics
1974aml..conf    Atoms, Molecules and Lasers
    AALST        Atti Accad. Ligure Sci. Lett.
    AAPon        Atti Accad. Pontaniana
    AAST.        Atti Accad. Sco. Torino I
1964susp.conf    Atti del Convegno Sulle Macchie Solari
1997como.conf    Atti Del SVI Congresso Nazionale Di Storia Della Fisica E Dell'Astornomia    The Attraction of Gravitation: New Studies in the History of General Relativity
1967auai.conf    Aurora and Airglow
1968auai.conf    Aurorae and Airglow
1965apet.conf    Auroral Phenomena: Experiments and Theory
1991auph.conf    Auroral Physics    Auroral Plasma Dynamics, Geophysical Monograph 80
1979aupr.conf    Auroral Processes
1971auro.rept    Auroras, A Collection of Articles
    AuJCE        Australian Journal of Chemical Education
1966aatl.conf    Autoionization: Astrophysical, Theoretical, and Laboratory Experimental Aspects
2002adaa.conf    Automated Data Analysis in Astronomy
1992ASPC...28    Automated Telescopes for Photometry and Imaging
1999aca..conf    Automatic Control in Aerospace 1998
1986apt..conf    Automatic Photoelectric Telescopes
1971auoa.conf    Automation in Optical Astronomy
1981aao..conf    Automation of Astronomical Observations
1972ailt.conf    Auxiliary Instrumentation for Large Telescopes
1979apuo.conf    Avtomatiz. Protsessov Upr. i Obrab. Inf.
1978apuo.conf    Avtomatiz. Protsessov Upr. i Obrab. Inf. Leningrad
    Avtme        Avtometriia
1979LNP...111    Axiomatic Characterization of Physical Geometry
1966aft1.conf    Axiomatic Field Theory, Volume 1
1966aft2.conf    Axiomatic Field Theory, Volume 2
1982bsel.nasa    B Stars With and Without Emission Lines
    BBUSS        Babes Bolyai Universitas Studia Series Mathematica
    BBUSM        Babes Bolyai Universitas Studia Series Physica
1993AIPC..278    Back to the Galaxy
2005bmri.conf    Background Microwave Radiation and Intracluster Cosmology
2001bmya.conf    Balkan Meeting of Young Astronomers    Balloon Studies of Fluxes of Gamma Rays and Charged Particles in the Equatorial Region
    BamKV        Bamberg Kleine Veroeffentlichungen der Remeis-Sternwarte
1991bsig.conf    Banff Summer Institute on Gravitation
1994bang.conf    BANG: The Evolving Cosmos.  Nobel Conference XXVII.
1988bang.iafc    Bangalore International Astronautical Federation Congress
1971brab.rept    Barium Release at Altitudes Between 200 and 1000 Kilometers
2004bdmh.conf    Baryons in Dark Matter Halos
1993bvapcrept    Basaltic Volcanism and Ancient Planetary Crusts    Basic Astronomical Data. Stars and Stellar Systems
1976IAUS...71    Basic Mechanisms of Solar Activity
1974zlms.nasa    Basic Models for Interpretation of Zodiacal Light Measures and Light Scattering by Dust Particles of Different Shapes
1996bpad.conf    Basic Physics of Accretion Disks
1983bpp..conf    Basic Plasma Physics: Selected Chapters, Handbook of Plasma Physics, Volume 1
1984bpp..conf    Basic Plasma Physics: Selected Chapters, Handbook of Plasma Physics, Volume 1
1990IAUS..142    Basic Plasma Processes on the Sun
2002bss..conf    Basic Space Sciences    Basics and Highlights in Fundamental Physics    BATSE Gamma Ray Burst Workshop
    BAVRu        BAV Rundbrief
    BAVSR        BAV Rundbrief - Mitteilungsblatt der Berliner Arbeits-gemeinschaft fuer Veraenderliche Sterne
    BAWMN        Bayerische Akademie Wissenschaften mathematisch naturwissenschaftliche Klasse Sitzungsberichte
2001AIPC..568    Bayesian Inference and Maximum Entropy Methods in Science and Engineering
2002AIPC..617    Bayesian Inference and Maximum Entropy Methods in Science and Engineering
2003AIPC..659    Bayesian Inference and Maximum Entropy Methods in Science and Engineering
2004AIPC..707    Bayesian Inference and Maximum Entropy Methods in Science and Engineering
2005AIPC..803    Bayesian Inference and Maximum Entropy Methods in Science and Engineering
2006AIPC..872    Bayesian Inference and Maximum Entropy Methods In Science and Engineering
2007AIPC..954    Bayesian Inference and Maximum Entropy Methods in Science and Engineering
    BBCEn        BBC Engineering
1976IAUS...70    Be and Shell Stars
    BeSN.        Be Star Newsletter
1982IAUS...98    Be Stars
1998ASSL..233    B[e] stars
2006AIPC..821    Beam Cooling and Related Topics
2002AIPC..648    Beam Instrumentation Workshop 2002
2006AIPC..868    Beam Instrumentation Workshop 2006
2003AIPC..664    Beamed Energy Propulsion
2004AIPC..702    Beamed Energy Propulsion
2005AIPC..766    Beamed Energy Propulsion
2006AIPC..830    Beamed Energy Propulsion
2008AIPC..997    Beamed Energy Propulsion
1968bfs..conf    Beam-Foil Spectroscopy
1970bfs..conf    Beam-Foil Spectroscopy
1976bfs1.conf    Beam-Foil Spectroscopy, Atomic Structure and Lifetimes, Volume 1
1976bfs2.conf    Beam-Foil Spectroscopy, Collisional and Radiative Processes, Volume 2
2003AIPC..693    Beam-Halo Dynamics, Diagnositcs, and Collimation
2002bjgr.conf    Beaming and Jets in Gamma Ray Bursts
2002AIPC..650    Beams 2002    Beams and Jets in Astrophysics
    BRMIC        Behavior Research Methods Instruments and Computers
    BUAAJ        Beijing University Aeronautics and Astronautics Journal
    BeiGe        Beitraege zur Geophysik
1989bgad.conf    Beiträge zur Geschichte der Astronomie in Deutschland
    BROGS        Belgian Royal Observatory Communications Series Geophysics Series
    BLabR        Bell Laboratories Record
1989btqt.conf    Bell's Theorem, Quantum Theory and Conceptions of the Universe
    BESBe        Beobachtungs-Ergebnisse der Koniglichen Sternwarte zu Berlin
    ANZi.        Beobachtungs-Zirkular der Astronomischen Nachrichten
    BBGPC        Berichte der Bunsen-Gesellschaft Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics Berichte
    BADPG        Berlin East Germany Akademie Verlag GmbH Ergebnisse Plasmaphysik und Gaselektronik
    BAVMM        Berlin East Germany Akademie Verlag GmbH Shriftenreihe des Zentralinstituts Mathematik und Mechanik
    BGBGM        Berlin Gebrueder Borntraeger Geoexploration Monographs Series
    BAVSM        Berliner Arbeitsgemeinschaft fuer Veraenderliche Sterne - Mitteilungen
2006bcs..conf    Bernard's Cosmic Stories: From Primordial Fluctuations to the Birth of Stars and Galaxies
    BeElM        Beskontaktnye Elektricheskie Mashiny    Between Necessity and Probability: Searching for the Definition and Origin of Life    Between Quantum and Cosmos
1980baey.rept    Beyond the Atmosphere: Early Years of Space Science
1998bdan.conf    Beyond the Desert 1997: Accelerator and Non-Accelerator Approaches
1998AIPC..415    Beyond the Standard Model.  From Theory to Experiment
1998bsm..conf    Beyond the Standard Model.  From Theory to Experiment
1997bsm..conf    Beyond the Standard Model V.
1983bsm..conf    Beyond the Standard Model, Volume 2
2001bcao.conf    Beyond Conventional Adaptive Optics
2002bcao.conf    Beyond Conventional Adaptive Optics : a Conference Devoted to the Development of Adaptive Optics for Extremely Large Telescopes
2006bept.conf    Beyond Einstein - Physics for the 21st Century    Beyond Geometry: Classic Papers from Riemann to Einstein    Beyond Spaceship Earth: Environmental Ethics and the Solar System
    BGIBI        BGI Bulletin d'Information
    AstBa        Biblioteca "Astrei Basarabene"
    BEPM.        Bielefeld Encounters in Physics and Mathematics
1989bbag.conf    Big Bang, Active Galactic Nuclei and Supernovae
1984bbgl.symp    Big-Bang Cosmology Symposium in honour of G. Lemaitre
1989bcag.conf    Bimolecular Collisions: Advances in Gas-Phase Photochemistry and Kinetics
1984bims.symp    Binary and Multiple Systems
2005ASPC..328    Binary Radio Pulsars
1991bioa.conf    Bioastronomie
2004IAUS..213    Bioastronomy 2002: Life Among the Stars
2000ASPC..213    Bioastronomy 99
    BMNAS        Biographical Memoirs National Academy of Sciences
    BMFRS        Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society
1993beps.proc    Biological Effects and Physics of Solar and Galactic Cosmic Radiation
2008AIPC..978    Biological Physics
2008AIPC.1025    Biomagnetism and Magnetic Biosystems Based on Molecular Recognition Processes
1977NASSP.377    Biomedical Results from Skylab
1995ESASP1162    Biorack on Spacelab IML-1
1985biof.conf    Birth and the Infancy of Stars
1990beeu.symp    The Birth and Early Evolution of Our Universe
2001beu..conf    Birth and Evolution of the Universe
1985ASSL..120    Birth and Evolution of Massive Stars and Stellar Groups    Birth and Evolution of Neutron Stars: Issues Raised by Millisecond Pulsars
1985bis..conf    Birth and Infancy of Stars
1982botu.conf    The Birth of the Universe
1983bopp.conf    The Birth of Particle Physics
    BOTor        Biuletyn Obserwatoium Astronomicznego Uniwersytetu M. Kopernika w Toruniu
    BIAst        Bjull. Inst. Astrofizikii
1978bllo.conf    BL Lac Objects
1999ASPC..159    BL Lac Phenomenon
1998blho.conf    The Black Hole: 25 years after.
2002bhap.conf    Black Hole Astrophysics 2002    Black Holes: The Membrane Paradigm
2000bhsu.conf    Black Holes and the Structure of the Universe
1998bhrs.conf    Black Holes and Relativistic Stars
1999bhgr.conf    Black Holes, Gravitational Radiation, and the Universe: Essays in Honor of C.V. Vishveshwara
2001bhbg.conf    Black Holes in Binaries and Galactic Nuclei
1973blho.conf    Black Holes (Les Astres Occlus)
1993bhmw.conf    Black Holes, Membranes, Wormholes and Superstrings    Black Holes: Selected Reprints
1998bhto.conf    Black Holes: Theory and Observation
2003bhto.conf    Black Holes: Theory and Observation
2002babs.conf    Blazar Astrophysics with BeppoSAX and Other Observatories
1996ASPC..110    Blazar Continuum Variability
2001ASPC..227    Blazar Demographics and Physics
1999bmtm.proc    Blazar Monitoring towards the Third Millennium
2006ASPC..350    Blazar Variability Workshop II: Entering the GLAST Era
1993ASPC...53    Blue Stragglers
1987bnln.conf    BNL Neutrino Workshop: Opportunities for Neutrino Physics at BNL
1986boaq.conf    Bol. Obs. Astron. Quito
1990boaq.conf    Bol. Obs. Astron. Quito.
1992boaq.conf    Bol. Obs. Astron. Quito
    BAAA.        Boletin de la Asociacion Argentina de Astronomia La Plata Argentina
    BOTT.        Boletin de los Observatorios Tonantzintla y Tacubaya
    BIMAF        Boletin del Instituto de Matematica Astronomica y Fisica Universidad Nacional de Cordoba Argentina
    BITon        Boletin del Instituto de Tonantzintla
    BMOE.        Boletin mensual del Observatorio del Ebro
    BSVit        Bolletino della Societa dei Variabilisti Italiani
    BonD.        Bonner Durchmusterung
1995bmsb.conf    The Bottom of the Main Sequence - and Beyond
    BVVSA        Bratislava Veda Vydavatelstvo Slovenskej Akademie Vied
    BFWSG        Braunschweig Friedr Vieweg und Sohn GmbH
    BTUM.        Braunschweig Technische Universitaet Mitteilungen
2003evlb.conf    "Breaking through the magnetic media barrier with fibre-optic networks". Proceedings of the 2nd e-VLBI Workshop
    BrWK.        Brennstoff Waerme Kraft
2001bbbb.conf    The Bridge Between the Big Bang and Biology: Stars, Planetary Systems, Atmospheres, Volcanoes: Their Link to Life
2007bget.conf    Bridging the Gap II:  Effect of Target Properties on the Impact Cratering Process
1987brig.iafc    Brighton International Astronautical Federation Congress
    BTE..        British Telecommunications Engineering
2000bbxs.conf    Broad Band X-ray Spectra of Cosmic Sources
2003IAUS..211    Brown Dwarfs
1998ASPC..134    Brown Dwarfs and Extrasolar Planets
    BIRM.        Brussels Institute Royal Meteorologique de Belgique
    BSSR.        AN BSSR Institut Teplo i Massoobmena Vsesoiuznaia Konferentsiia Teplomassoobmenu Minsk Belorussian SSR Preprint
1967bscp.conf    Bubble and Spark Chambers: Principles and Use
1967bsc1.conf    Bubble and Spark Chambers: Volume I; Principles and Use
1967bsc2.conf    Bubble and Spark Chambers: Volume II; Principles and Use
    BuAkK        Budapest Akademiai Kiado
1983buda.iafc    Budapest International Astronautical Federation Congress
1994bbc..conf    Building Blocks of Creation, From Microfermis to Megaparsecs
2000bgfp.conf    Building Galaxies; from the Primordial Universe to the Present
    BlMat        Bulgarska Akademiia Naukite Matematicheski Institut Izvestiia
    BSAO.        Bull. Special Astrophys. Obs.
    BAFOE        Bulletin Association Fran. Obs. Etoiles Variables
    BuAst        Bulletin Astronomique
    BABel        Bulletin Astronomique de Belgrade
    BuAsR        Bulletin Astronomique, Revue Generale des Travaux Astronomiques
    BuAsI        Bulletin Astronomique, Serie I
    BCrAO        Bulletin Crimean Astrophysical Observatory
    BSAF.        Bulletin de la Societe Astronomique de France
    BSAFR    Bulletin de la Societe Astronomique de France et Revue Mensuelle d'Astronomie, de Meteorologie et de Physique du Globe
    BSBA.        Bulletin de la Societe Belge d'Astronomie
    BSRSL        Bulletin de la Societe Royale des Sciences de Liege
    BMai.        Bulletin de la Station Astrophotographique de Mainterne
    BAPSS        Bulletin de l'Academie Polonaise des Sciences Series des Sciences Mathematiques Astronomiques et Physiques
    BARB.        Bulletin de l'Academie Royale de Belgique
    AFOEV        Bulletin de l'Association Francaise d'Observateurs d'Etoiles Variables
    BOBeo        Bulletin de l'Observatoire Astronomique de Belgrade
    BuLyo        Bulletin de l'Observatoire de Lyon
    BBSAG        Bulletin der Bedeckungsveraenderlichen-Beobachter der Schweizerischen Astronomischen Gesellschaft
    BIM..        Bulletin d'Information des Marees Terrestres
    BIBGI        Bulletin d'Information du Bureau Gravimetrique International
    BICDS        Bulletin d'Information du Centre de Donnees Stellaires
    BCFHT        Bulletin d'information du telescope Canada-France-Hawaii
    BGeod        Bulletin Geodesique
    BuBIH        Bulletin Horaire du Bureau International de l'Heure
    BOPul        Bulletin (Izvestiya) de l'Observatoire Central a Poulkovo
    BuMat        Bulletin Mathematique
    BAAPG        Bulletin of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists
    BAVSO        Bulletin of the American Association of Variable Stars Observers
    BAAS.        Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society
    BAMS.        Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society
    BAPS.        Bulletin of the American Physical Society
    BAORB        Bulletin of the Astronomical Observatoire Royale de Belgique
    IllOB        Bulletin of the Astronomical Observatory of the University of Illinois
    BASBr        Bulletin of the Astronomical Society of Brazil
    BuIPS        Bulletin of the Israel Physical Society
    BKobO        Bulletin of the Kobe Marine Observatory Kobe Japan
    BRASP        Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Science, Phys.
    BSAst        Bulletin of the Section of Astronomy
    BSAE.        Bulletin of the Soviet Antarctic Expedition
    BTok.        Bulletin of the Tokyo Astronomical Observatory
    BToIT        Bulletin of the Tokyo Institute of Technology
    BUBes        Bulletin of the University of Besancon Observatory
    BYam.        Bulletin of the Yamagata University Yamagata Japan
    YerOB        Bulletin of the Yerkes Observatory of the University of Chicago
    BKoAS        Bulletin of Korean Astronomical Society
    BMBp.        Bulletin of Mathematical Biophysics
    BVol.        Bulletin of Volcanology
    BCNRS        Bulletin Signaletique - Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique
    burg.conf    Burghausen 4th International Conference on Solar Wind
2008AIPC..988    Burning Plasma Diagnostics
    BDus.        Byulleten' Instituta Astrofiziki Dushanbe Akademiya Nauk Tadzhikskoj SSR
    BITA.        Byulleten' Instituta Teoreticheskoj Astronomii (Leningrad)
    BStaO        Byulleten' Stalinabadskoj Astronomicheskoj Observatorii Akademiya Nauk Tadzhikskoj SSR
    ByuRe        Byurakan Astrophysical Observatory Armenia USSR Reprints
    ByuPr        Byurakanskaya Astrofizicheskaya Observatoriya Preprint
2007AIPC..881    Cairo International Conference on High Energy Physics (CICHEP II)
1983cdmk.conf    Calculation of Deformations of Mechanical Knots of a Telescope
2007AIPC..942    Calculation of Double-Beta-Decay Matrix Elements (MEDEX'07)
1995cuhe.conf    Calibrating and Understanding HST and ESO Instruments
1994chst.conf    Calibrating Hubble Space Telescope
1995chst.conf    Calibrating Hubble Space Telescope.  Post Servicing Mission
2003ESASP.481    The Calibration Legacy of the ISO Mission
1968cmux.conf    Calibration Methods in the Ultraviolet and X-ray Regions of the Spectrum
1985IAUS..111    Calibration of Fundamental Stellar Quantities
1988csa..conf    Calibration of Stellar Ages
1988csa..proc    Calibration of Stellar ages
    cait.rept    California Institute of Technology Report
    cit..rept    California Instute of Technology Technical Report
    ucb..rept    California Univ., Berkeley Report
    ucla.rept    California Univ., Los Angeles Report
    ucsd.rept    California Univ., San Diego Report
2006AIPC..867    Calorimetry in High Energy Physics: XII
1966lupl.conf    Caltech-JPL Lunar and Planetary Conference
    CAS..        Cambridge Astrophysics Series
    CCA..        Cambridge Contemporary Astrophysics    The Cambridge Illustrated History of Astronomy
    CLNP.        Cambridge Lecture Notes in Physics
    CMP..        Cambridge Monographs in Physics
    CMAMC        Cambridge Monographs on Atomic Molecular and Chemical Physics
    CMMP.        Cambridge Monographs on Mathematical Physics
    CamRe        Cambridge Observatories Reprints
    CSLPT        Cambridge Studies in Low Temperature Physics
    CTMPC        Cambridge Topics in Mineral Physics and Chemistry
    BCNRC        Canada National Research Council Division Mechanical Engineering National Aeronautical Establishment Quarterly Bulletin
    CIPSG        Canadian Information Processing Society Graphics Interface
1993casi.proc    Canadian Space Agency, CASI Conference on Astronautics
    CPhD.        Cape Photographic Durchmusterung
1988cgrs.conf    Capture Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy 1987
2006AIPC..819    Capture Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy and Related Topics
1979NASCP2074    Carbon Fiber Risk Analysis
1990cgse.nasa    Carbon in the Galaxy: Studies from Earth and Space
2000IAUS..177    The Carbon Star Phenomenon    Cargèse Lectures in Theoretical Physics, Application of Mathematics to Problems in Theoretical Physics
    CLP..        Cargese Lectures in Physics    Cargese Lectures in Physics, Volume 6    Carl Sagan's Universe
    GCRV.        Carnegie Institute Washington D.C. Publication
    CarOB        Carter Observatory Wellington New Zealand Astronomical Bulletins
    CarRe        Carter Observatory Wellington New Zealand Reprints
1978cmm..conf    Cartography of the Moon and Mars
1984cmar.conf    The Case for Mars
1985cmar.conf    The Case for Mars II
1989cmar.conf    The Case for Mars III: Strategies for Exploration - Technical
    CasRe        Case Western Reserve University Warner and Swasey Observatory Cleveland Ohio Reprints
1992ASPC...29    Cataclysmic Variable Stars
1995ASSL..205    Cataclysmic Variables
1985ASSL..113    Cataclysmic Variables and Low-Mass X-ray Binaries
1993AnIPS..10    Cataclysmic Variables and Related Physics
1980cam..proc    Catalog of Antarctic Meteorites
    CSVS.        Catalogue of suspected variable stars. Acad. of Sciences USSR Shternberg.
1970cps..conf    Catalogues of Positions of Stars
1989ceas.proc    Catastrophes and Evolution: Astronomical Foundations
2001caev.conf    Catastrophic Events and Mass Extinctions: Impacts and Beyond    Catastrophic Events Caused by Cosmic Objects
1999ASPC..174    Catching the Perfect Wave:  Adaptive Optics and Interferometry for the 21st Century
1998clmp.conf    Causality and Locality in Modern Physics
1965ccc..conf    Causes of Climatic Change
    CCDA.        CCD Astronomy
1990ASPC....8    CCDs in astronomy
1990ccd2.proc    CCDs in Astronomy. II. New Methods and Applications of CCD Technology
    CEGB.        CEGB Research
1972ceme.conf    Celestial Mechanics
2002cmds.conf    Celestial Mechanics, Dedicated to Donald Saari for his 60th Birthday
2006cmrt.conf    Celestial Mechanics: Recent Trends
1993ceau.conf    Cellular Automata
1948cent.symp    Centennial Symposia
1992ASSL..180    The center, bulge, and disk of the Milky Way
1992cbdm.conf    The Center, Bulge, and Disk of the Milky Way
    CfAPr        Center for Astrophysics Cambridge Mass Preprint Series
1989IAUS..136    The Center of the Galaxy
1993cagf.conf    Central Activity in Galaxies.  From Observational Data to Astrophysical Diagnostics
    CBET.        Central Bureau Electronic Telegrams
2007ASPC..373    The Central Engine of Active Galactic Nuclei
2001ASPC..249    The Central Kiloparsec of Starbursts and AGN: The La Palma Connection
1999ASPC..186    The Central Parsecs of the Galaxy
1998IAUS..184    The Central Regions of the Galaxy and Galaxies
    CPH..        Centre de Physique des Houches
2006AIPC..841    A Century of Relativity Physics: ERE 2005    The Century of Space Science, Volume I
1975cemo.nasa    Cepheid Modeling    Cerenkov Detectors and their Application in Science and Technology
    CCpFS        Ceskoslovensky Casopis pro Fyziku Sekce
1971cesra...1    CESRA-1, Committee of European Solar Radio Astronomers
1971cesra...2    CESRA-2, Committee of European Solar Radio Astronomers
1972cesra...3    CESRA-3, Committee of European Solar Radio Astronomers
1974cesra...4    CESRA-4, Committee of European Solar Radio Astronomers
1975cesra...5    CESRA-5, Committee of European Solar Radio Astronomers
1978cesra...7    CESRA-7, Committee of European Solar Radio Astronomers
    CFDAA        CFD Advances Applications
1984cms..conf    Champs Magnétiques Stellaires
2001chfe.symp    Chandra Fellows Symposium 2001
    ChNew        Chandra News
    cxo..prop    Chandra Proposal
1995cdhs.conf    Chaos and diffusion in Hamiltonian systems
    coas.conf    Chaos in Astrophysics
1985chas.conf    Chaos in Astrophysics
1992IAUS..152    Chaos, Resonance, and Collective Dynamical Phenomena in the Solar System    Chaotic Phenomena in Astrophysics    Chaotic Worlds: from Order to Disorder in Gravitational N-Body Dynamical Systems
2007AIPC..931    Characterization and Metrology for Nanoelectronics
2003AIPC..683    Characterization and Metrology for ULSI Technology
2005AIPC..788    Characterization and Metrology for ULSI Technology 2005.
1979chtv.conf    Characterization of High Temperature Vapors and Gases
1994ctds.conf    Charge-transfer Devices in Spectroscopy
2006cams.conf    Chemical Abundances and Mixing in Stars in the Milky Way and its Satellites
2002ASPC..253    Chemical Enrichment of Intracluster and Intergalactic Medium
    ceol.symp    Chemical Evolution and the Origin and Evolution of Life
1999cezh.conf    Chemical Evolution from Zero to High Redshift    Chemical Evolution of the Giant Planets
1987cega.proc    Chemical Evolution of Galaxies with Active Star Formation
1994cpms.conf    Chemically Peculiar and Magnetic Stars
1981cpsu.conf    Chemically Peculiar Stars of the Upper Main Sequence
1998cpmg.conf    Chemistry and Physics of Molecules and Grains in Space.  Faraday Discussions No. 109
1986cptp.conf    Chemistry and Physics of Terrestrial Planets
1992csim.conf    Chemistry and Spectroscopy of Interstellar Molecules
2002cdsf.conf    Chemistry as a Diagnostic of Star Formation
1993clo..conf    The Chemistry of Life's Origins
    ChiLP        Chicago Lectures in Physics
    ChUDA        Chile Universidad Departamento de Astronomia Publicaciones
    ChRST        China Rept Sci Technol JPRS CST    Chiral Dynamics 2006
    CMDRG        Chislennye Metody Dinamike Razrezhennykh Gazov    Choas, Noise and Fractals
    CHOCS        CHOCS
1964IAUS...19    Le choix des sites d'observatoires astronomiques (site testing)
2005ASPC..341    Chondrites and the Protoplanetary Disk
1994cpd..conf    Chondrules and the Protoplanetary Disk
1996cpd..conf    Chondrules and the Protoplanetary Disk
1983chto.conf    Chondrules and their Origins
1969cctr.conf    Chromosphere-Corona Transition Region
2005ESASP.596    Chromospheric and Coronal Magnetic Fields
1985cdm..proc    Chromospheric Diagnostics and Modelling
1994chdy.conf    Chromospheric Dynamics
1974IAUS...56    Chromospheric Fine Structure    Chronology of Meteorites and the Early Solar System
1974cprn.conf    Chtenij, Posvyashch. Razrab. Nauch. Naslediya i Razvitiyu idej F. A. Tsandera
    CITM.        Chubu Institute Technology Memoirs
    CIDA.        CIDA
    CTE..        Ciencias de la Tierra y del Espacio
    CiSSV        Circolare Interna della Sezione Stelle Variabili dell'Unione Astrofili Italiani
1980csc..conf    Circuits, Systems, and Computers Conference
    CAFOE        Circulaire de l'Association Francaise d'Observateurs d'Etoiles Variables
    CiBAA        Circular of the British Astronomical Association
    CiUO.        Circular of the Union Observatory Johannesburg
    CiPoJ        Circumpolar Journal
1994cddp.conf    Circumstellar Dust Disks and Planet Formation
1996chz..conf    Circumstellar Habitable Zones
1987IAUS..122    Circumstellar Matter
1994cmls.conf    Circumstellar Media in Late Stages of Stellar Evolution
1986cqag.conf    Classical and Quantum Aspects of Gravitation
1992cqg..conf    Classical and Quantum Gravity
2000cqnl.conf    Classical and Quantum Nonlocality
1979LNP...110    Classical Dynamics and Its Quantum Analogues
1984cgr..conf    Classical General Relativity
1993cgr..conf    Classical General Relativity
2002AIPC..637    Classical Nova Explosions
1989clno.conf    Classical Novae    Classics in Radio Astronomy    Clay Minerals Society Meeting    Clifford Algebras and their Applications in Mathematical Physics, Volume 1: Algebra and Physics    Clifford Algebras and their Applications in Mathematical Physics, Volume 2: Clifford Analysis
1992ccep.conf    Climate Change and Energy Policy
1985cias.conf    Climate Impact Assessment
1990cisv.nasa    Climate Impact of Solar Variability
1969cfa..conf    Climate of the Free Atmosphere. World Survey of Climatology, Volume 4    Climatic Change: Evidence, Causes, and Effects
1984ccym.conf    Climatic Changes on a Yearly to Millennial Basis
1972ciap.conf    Climatic Impact Assessment Program
1980IAUS...88    Close Binary Stars: Observations and Interpretation
1978clus.nasa    A Close-up of the Sun
1994ASPC...65    Clouds, Cores, and Low Mass Stars
2008cihw.conf    Clumping in Hot-Star Winds
2006ESASP.598    Cluster and Double Star Symposium
1993ESASP1159    Cluster: Mission, Payload and Supporting Activities
2000ESASP.449    Cluster-II Workshop Multiscale / Multipoint Plasma Measurements
2000ASPC..200    Clustering at High Redshift
1983clun.proc    Clustering in the Universe
1995clun.conf    Clustering in the Universe
1984ASSL..111    Clusters and Groups of Galaxies
1991csg..conf    Clusters and Superclusters of Galaxies
1996ASPC...88    Clusters, Lensing, and the Future of the Universe
1989clga.conf    Clusters of Galaxies
1990clga.conf    Clusters of Galaxies
1994clga.conf    Clusters of Galaxies
2001cghr.conf    Clusters of Galaxies and the High Redshift Universe Observed in X-rays
1977cgci.conf    Clusters of Galaxies, Cosmology and Intergalactic Matter
2004cgpc.symp    Clusters of Galaxies: Probes of Cosmological Structure and Galaxy Evolution
2006cmb..conf    CMB and Physics of the Early Universe
1994caty.conf    CMB Anisotropies Two Years after COBE: Observations, Theory and the Future
1977ASSL...67    CNO Isotopes in Astrophysics
1996IAUS..170    CO: Twenty-Five Years of Millimeter-Wave Spectroscopy
    CODAB        CODATA Bulletin
    Coel.        Coelum Periodico Bimestrale per la Divulgazione dell'Astronomia
2004cbhg.symp    Coevolution of Black Holes and Galaxies
1986ccf..conf    Coherence, Cooperation and Fluctuations
1988cacp.conf    Coherence in Atomic Collision Physics
2001camw.conf    Coherent Atomic Matter Waves
1985crs..conf    Coherent Radiation Sources    Cold Aqueous Planetary Geochemistry with FREZCHEM
1996ASSL..206    Cold Gas at High Redshift
1994coun.conf    The Cold Universe    A Collection of Articles on Dynamic Meteorology
    AeSc.        Collection of Papers on Aerospace Science
2008AIPC.1028    Collective Dynamics: Topics on Competition and Cooperation in the Biosciences
2007AIPC..928    Collicers to Cosmic Rays
1978cosp.conf    Collision Spectroscopy
2001cpss.conf    Collisional Processes in the Solar System
1984chcl.conf    Collisions and Half-Collisions with Lasers
2000ccr..conf    Colloquium on Cosmic Rotation
1971css..conf    Colloquium on Supergiant Stars
1972css..conf    Colloquium on Supergiant Stars
1998csat.conf    Color for Science, Art and Technology
    cub..rept    Colorado Univ. Boulder Technical Report
    colo.rept    Colorado University Report
1981cpg..conf    Colors and Populations of Galaxies
    cuny.rept    Columbia Univ. Annual Report    Comet Encounters    The Comet Halley archive: Summary volume
1981ESASP.174    The Comet Halley. Dust and Gas Environment    Comet Halley: Investigations, Results, Interpretations. Vol. 1: Organization, Plasma, Gas    Comet Halley: Investigations, Results, Interpretations. Vol. 2: Dust, Nucleus, Evolution
1979ESASP.153    Comet Halley Micrometeoroid Hazard Workshop
1981chpp.rept    The Comet Halley Probe.  Plasma Environment
1975coko.conf    Comet Kohoutek
1986ESASP.249    Comet Nucleus Sample Return Mission    Cometary and Solar Plasma Physics
1984coas.conf    Cometary Astrometry
1983coex....1    Cometary Exploration    Cometary Missions Workshop
1987cra..proc    Cometary Radio Astronomy
1982come.conf    Comets
1997coel.conf    Comets and the Origin and Evolution of Life
2006coel.conf    Comets and the Origin and Evolution of Life
1981col..proc    Comets and the Origin of Life
1991cphe.conf    Comets in the Post-Halley Era
1972csdm.conf    Comets: Scientific Data and Missions
1983cvet.conf    Commemorative Volume on the Occasion of Erik Tengström's 70th Birthday
    CoKon        Commmunications of the Konkoly Observatory Hungary    Communication With Extraterrestrial Intelligence
    CoORB        Communications de l'Observatoire Royal de Belgique
    MonAP        Communications du Departement d'Astrophysique de la Faculte des Sciences de Mons Mons Astrophysical Papers
    CoDDO        Communications from the David Dunlap Observatory
    CoRad        Communications from the Radcliffe Observatory Pretoria South Africa
    CoROE        Communications from the Royal Observatory Edinburgh
    CoOxf        Communications from the University Observatory Oxford
    CoStA        Communications from the University Observatory St Andrews Scotland
    CEST.        Communications Gillies Inc Electronic Systems in Transportation
    CoAnk        Communications of the Department of Astronomy of Ankara University
    CoLPL        Communications of the Lunar and Planetary Laboratory
    CoLon        Communications of the University of London Observatory
    ComSo        Communications Society    Comology Now
1994cers.conf    Compact Extragalactic Radio Sources    Compact Galactic X-Ray Sources
2004csqn.conf    Compact Stars: The Quest for New States of Dense Matter
1996IAUS..165    Compact Stars in Binaries
1990cssg.conf    Compact Steep-Spectrum & GHZ-peaked Spectrum Radio Sources
1983chcn.conf    The Comparative H I Content of Normal Galaxies
1982chcn.conf    Comparative HI Content of Normal Galaxies
1978copl.conf    Comparative Planetology
1984copl.conf    Comparative Planetology
1982csp..conf    The Comparative Study of the Planets
1986csms.coll    Comparative Study of Magnetospheric Systems
2005cdep.conf    A Comparison of the Dynamical Evolution of Planetary Systems
1958IAUS....5    Comparison of the Large-Scale Structure of the Galactic System with that of Other Stellar Systems
1982coas.conf    Compendium in Astronomy, Cosmology and Astrophysics
    ccic.conf    Compilation of Contributions to the 15th International Cosmic Ray Conference
1996ASPC..107    Completing the Inventory of the Solar System
1982cis..conf    Complex Investigations of the Sun
2008AIPC..982    Complex Systems
2007AIPC..965    Complexity, Metastability, and Nonextensivity
2007AIPC..940    COMPLIFE 2007: Computational Life Science
1985ccev.conf    La Composition Chimique des Étoiles dans le Voisinage Solaire    The Composition of Matter
2008AIPC.1005    Compound-Nuclear Reactions and Related Topics
    CRABS        Comptes Rendus de l'Academie Bulgare des Sciences    The Compton Observatory Science Workshop
1997ASPC..123    Computational Astrophysics; 12th Kingston Meeting on Theoretical Astrophysics
1990canp.conf    Computational Atomic and Nuclear Physics
    cfd..symp    Computational Fluid Dynamics Symposium
2007AIPC..963    Computational Methods in Science and Engineering
2006cmt..conf    Computational Methods in Transport
2007AIPC..952    Computational Models of Life Sciences CMLS '07
1975ctqc.conf    Computational Techniques in Quantum Chemistry and Molecular Physics
    csc..rept    Computer Sciences Corp. Final Report
1967cspm.conf    Computer Simulation of Plasma and Many-body Problems
1985cssp.conf    Computer Simulation of Space Plasmas
2002AIPC..627    Computing Anticipatory Systems: CASYS 2001
2006AIPC..839    Computing Anticipatory Systems: CASYS'05
1976cppa.conf    Computing in Plasma Physics and Astrophysics
1979LNP....91    Computing Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, II
1964cmop.conf    Computing Methods in Optimizing Problems
    COMTR        COMSAT Technical Review
    CoCoi        Comunicacoes do Observatonio Astronomico da Universidade de Coimbra
1971chp..conf    Concepts in Hadron Physics    Concepts in Space Science
1999cfqf.conf    Conceptual Foundations of Quantum Field Theory
1991cpqg.conf    Conceptual Problems of Quantum Gravity
2005ESASP.609    The Concluding Workshop The Extended ESA History Project
1981lajo.conf    Conf. held in La Jolla, Calif.
1977asob.conf    Conférences d'Astronomie de l'Observatoire    Conferències de les Jornades de Commemoració i Estudi de l'Eclipsi Total de Sol a la Mallorca de 1905
2000emr..conf    Conference Earth-Moon Relationships
1973denv.conf    Conference held at Denver, 17-30 Aug. 1973
1990hotx.conf    Conference held in Houston, TX
2001gdwm.conf    Conference on the Geophysical Detection of Subsurface Water on Mars
1998herb.conf    Conference on the High Energy Radiation Backgroun in Space
1998ESASP.432    Conference on Academic and Industrial Cooperation in Space Research
2001csqp.conf    Conference on Compact Stars in the QCD Phase Diagram
1955IAUS....1    Conference on Co-ordination of galactic research
1958eht..conf    Conference on Extremely High Temperatures
1971cltd.conf    Conference on Large Telescope Design
1975aso..conf    Conference on Scientific Research by Artificial Satellites Observations
1973saa..conf    Conference on Stellar Astronomy and Astrophysics
1999ccmn.conf    Confluence of Cosmology, Massive Neutrinos, Elementary Particles, and Gravitation
2002csst.conf    The Conformal Structure of Space-Time
1990ASPC...11    Confrontation Between Stellar Pulsation and Evolution
1990cbto.conf    Confrontation between Theories and Observations in Cosmology: Present Status and Future Programmes
1974IAUS...63    Confrontation of Cosmological Theories with Observational Data
    CDT..        Connaissance des Temps
    CoFra        Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche Italia. Laboratorio di Astrofisica Frascati Roma Contributi
2000cucg.conf    Constructing the Universe with Clusters of Galaxies
1966IAUS...27    The Construction of Large Telescopes
2007cmgt.conf    Contemporary Mathematics: Geometric and Topological Methods for Quantum Field Theory
1992cno..conf    Contemporary Nonlinear Optics
1969cp1..conf    Contemporary Physics, Volume 1
1969cp2..conf    Contemporary Physics, Volume 2
1981ctep.conf    Contemporary Theoretical and Experimental Problems of General Relativity and Gravitation
1974sgra.rept    Context and Status of Gamma Ray Astronomy
1974csgr.conf    The Context and Status of Gamma-Ray Astronomy
1968IAUS...32    Continental Drift, Secular Motion of the Pole, and Rotation of the Earth
2002ASPC..264    Continuing the Challenge of EUV Astronomy: Current Analysis and Prospects for the Future
1986ceagnwork    Continuum Emission in Active Galactic Nuclei
1976babo.conf    Contrib. Astron. Obs. Univ. "Babes-Bolyai"
    CoIAP        Contributions de l'Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris Serie A
    CoIAB        Contributions de l'Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris Serie B
    CoAsi        Contributions dell'Osservatorio Astrofisica dell'Universita di Padova in Asiago
    CoMil        Contributions dell'Osservatorio Astrononia di Milano-Merate
    CoArm        Contributions from the Armagh Observatory
    CoThe        Contributions from the Astronomical Department of the University of Thessaloniki
    CoBos        Contributions from the Bosscha Observervatory
    CoCam        Contributions from the Cambridge Observatory England
    CoTol        Contributions from the Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory
    CoTok        Contributions from the Department of Astronomy University of Tokyo
    CoDAO        Contributions from the Dominion Astrophysical Observatory in Victoria
    CoDun        Contributions from the Dunsink Observatory Dublin Ireland
    CoKyo        Contributions from the Institute of Astrophysics and Kwasan Observatory Kyoto
    CoKit        Contributions from the Kitt Peak National Observatory
    CoKwa        Contributions from the Kwasan and Hida Observatories University of Kyoto
    CoIoa        Contributions from the Laboratory of Astronomy - University of Ioannina Greece
    CoMcD        Contributions from the McDonald Observatory University of Texas Fort Davis
    CMWCI        Contributions from the Mount Wilson Observatory / Carnegie Institution of Washington
    CoPri        Contributions from the Princeton University Observatory
    CoAth        Contributions from the Research and Computing Center Academy of Sciences of Athens Series I Astronomy
    CoRut        Contributions from the Rutherford Observatory of Columbia University New York
    CoWas        Contributions from the Washburn Observatory of the University of Wisconsin
    CoWro        Contributions from the Wroclaw Astronomical Observatory
    CoSkL        Contributions of the Astronomical Observatory Skalnate Pleso Letters
    CoLou        Contributions of the Louisiana State University Observatory Baton Rouge Louisiana
1976conm....1    Contributions of the Observatory of New Mexico State University
    CoNMx        Contributions of the Observatory of New Mexico State University Las Cruces New Mexico
    CoBrn        Contributions of the Public Observatory and Planetarium in Brno
    CSASG        Contributions of the Slovak Academy Sciences Geophysical Institute
    CoWat        Contributions of the University of Waterloo Observatory
    CoVVO        Contributions of the Van Vleck Observatory
1984xras.rept    Contributions of the X-Ray Astronomy Group
    CoLic        Contributions of Lick Observatory
    CLic2        Contributions of Lick Observatory, Series II
    CoPer        Contributions of Perkins Observatory
1993csgg.conf    Contributions of Space Geodesy to Geodynamics: Earth Dynamics
1981cicc.conf    Contributions to the International Cosmic Ray Conference
1965crws.conf    Contributions to the Theory of Weak and Strong Interactions of Elementary Particles
    CoMP.        Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology
    CoPP.        Contributions to Plasma Physics
    CoUCL        Contributions Universite Catholique de Louvain
    CoSte        Contributions University of Arizona Steward Observatory Tucson Arizona
    CoRHO        Contributions University of Florida Rosemary Hill Observatory Gainesville
1970cwlr.conf    Controlling the Weather: A Study of Law and Regulatory Procedures
1982ctip.conf    Convective Transport and Instability Phenomena
1973coco.conf    Convivium Cosmologicum
1990ASPC....9    Cool Stars, Stellar Systems, and the Sun
1992ASPC...26    Cool Stars, Stellar Systems, and the Sun
1994ASPC...64    Cool Stars, Stellar Systems, and the Sun
1996ASPC..109    Cool Stars, Stellar Systems, and the Sun
1998ASPC..154    Cool Stars, Stellar Systems, and the Sun
1985ASSL..114    Cool Stars with Excesses of Heavy Elements
2005ASPC..344    The Cool Universe: Observing Cosmic Dawn
1999ESASP.430    Cooperation in Space
2007AIPC..887    Cooperative Behavior in Neural Systems
1971csa..conf    Coordinate Systems in Astronomy
1959IAUS....7    Co-ordination of Galactic Research
1988copa.conf    Coordination of Observational Projects in Astronomy
    CopRe        Copenhagen University Observatory Reprints    The Copernican Achievement
1975cyt..conf    Copernicus, Yesterday and Today
    CorD.        Cordoba Durchmusterung
2005ccsf.conf    Cores to Clusters: Star Formation with Next Generation Telescopes
    cuni.rept    Cornell Univ. Final Report
1991cwlt.conf    Coronae and Winds in Late-Type Stars
1986copp.nasa    Coronal and Prominence Plasmas
2005IAUS..226    Coronal and Stellar Mass Ejections
1974IAUS...57    Coronal Disturbances
1977chhs.conf    Coronal Holes and High Speed Wind Streams
1992ESASP.348    Coronal Streamers, Coronal Loops, and Coronal and Solar Wind Composition
1974ASSL...42    Correlated Interplanetary and Magnetospheric Observations
1997ESASP.415    Correlated Phenomena at the Sun, in the Heliosphere and in Geospace
2003AIPC..697    Correlation and Polarization in Photonic, Electronic, and Atomic Collisions
2002AIPC..604    Correlations, Polarization, and Ionization in Atomic Systems
1996ASPC...99    Cosmic Abundances
2005ASPC..336    Cosmic Abundances as Records of Stellar Evolution and Nucleosynthesis
1989AIPC..183    Cosmic Abundances of Matter
1990coax.conf    Cosmic Axions
2002IAUS..187    Cosmic Chemical Evolution
1964NYASA.119    Cosmic Dust    Cosmic Dust
1993IAUS..157    The Cosmic Dynamo
2001coev.conf    Cosmic evolution
2000ASPC..215    Cosmic Evolution and Galaxy Formation: Structure, Interactions, and Feedback
2004cetd.conf    Cosmic explosions in three dimensions
2000ASPC..201    Cosmic Flows Workshop
2007ASPC..379    Cosmic Frontiers
1989cgrc.conf    Cosmic Gamma Rays and Cosmic Neutrinos
2004ASSL..304    Cosmic Gamma-Ray Sources
2002IAUS..206    Cosmic Masers: From Proto-Stars to Black Holes
1986coma.conf    Cosmic Matter
1986cme..conf    Cosmic Matter and the Earth
1998ASPC..151    Cosmic Microwave Background and Large Scale Structure of the Universe
1990ASSL..164    The Cosmic Microwave Backround: 25 Years Later    Cosmic Pathways: Contemporary Perpectives in Physics and Astrophysics    Cosmic Perspectives
1997cpyt.conf    Cosmic Physics in the Year 2000
1972cpp..conf    Cosmic Plasma Physics
2001coqu.conf    Cosmic Questions
1986crca.conf    Cosmic Radiation in Contemporary Astrophysics
1949cr...conf    Cosmic Radiation: Volume I of the Colston Papers    Cosmic Ray and High Energy Gamma Ray Experiments for the Space Station Era
1995crac.conf    Cosmic Ray Astrophysics on Currents in High-Energy Astrophysics
1983cric.conf    Cosmic Ray Intensity and Cosmogenic Isotopes
    crnm.conf    Cosmic Ray NM-64 Neutron Monitor Data
1969crs..conf    Cosmic Ray Studies    Cosmic Ray Studies
1968crsr.conf    Cosmic Ray Studies in relation to recent developments in Astromomy and Astrophysics
1960cora.symp    Cosmic Ray Symposium
1989crs..conf    Cosmic Ray Symposium
1970cora.conf    Cosmic Rays
1975cora.nasa    Cosmic Rays
1977cora.conf    Cosmic Rays
1980cora.conf    Cosmic Rays
1983crgp.nasa    Cosmic Rays.  Results of Researches on the International Geophysics Project
1992crat.conf    Cosmic Rays Above 10^19 eV    Cosmic Rays and High-Energy Nuclear Interactions
1979AIPC...49    Cosmic Rays and Particle Physics
1967crps.conf    Cosmic Rays and Problems of Space Physics
1961cora.conf    Cosmic Rays: IGY Program
1981crh..conf    Cosmic Rays in the Heliosphere
1978crsn.conf    Cosmic Rays in the Stratosphere and in Near Space    Cosmic Rays in the Stratosphere and in Near Space (Russian)    Cosmic Rays in the Stratosphere and in Near Space (Translation)    Cosmic Rays in Interplanetary Space and the Earth's Ionosphere
1963crsp.conf    Cosmic rays, solar particles and space research
    CosSe        Cosmic Search Summer
1988cscs.conf    Cosmic strings. The current status
1993cvf..conf    Cosmic Velocity Fields
1997cwh..conf    Cosmic Winds and the Heliosphere
1985ESASP.239    Cosmic X-Ray Spectroscopy Mission
1958IAUS....8    Cosmical Gas Dynamics
1985cgd..conf    Cosmical Gas Dynamics
1973coge.conf    Cosmical Geophysics
1993cmcp.conf    Cosmical Magnetism
1994cmcp.conf    Cosmical Magnetism
1987cpnc.conf    Cosmic-Physics National Conference
1996co94.conf    Cosmion-94.  Proceedings of the First International Conference on Cosmoparticle Physics dedicated to the 80th Anniversary of YA. B. Zeldovich and to the 5th Memorial of A. D. Sakharov
1981coge.conf    Cosmo- and Geochemistry    COSMO-97, First International Workshop on Particle Physics and the Early Universe
1999AIPC..478    COSMO-98
2000ppeu.conf    COSMO-99, International Workshop on Particle Physics and the Early Universe
1973ASSL...40    Cosmochemistry
2004cmpe.conf    Cosmochemistry. The melting pot of the elements
1983col..conf    Cosmochemistry and the Origin of Life
1984come.conf    Cosmochemistry and Meteoritics
1977cmp..conf    Cosmochemistry of the Moon and Planets,
1980cmmp.conf    Cosmochemistry of Meteorites, the Moon and Planets
1990cnpr.conf    Cosmogenic Nuclide Production Rates    Cosmogenic Nuclides
1986copr.conf    Cosmogonical Processes
1994caxc.conf    Cosmological Aspects of X-Ray Clusters of Galaxies
1997cbr..conf    Cosmological Background Radiation
1996cceu.conf    Cosmological Constant and the Evolution of the Universe
1986coco.conf    Cosmological Constants
1994cdm..conf    Cosmological Dark Matter
1999IAUS..183    Cosmological Parameters and the Evolution of the Universe
2001cpgl.conf    Cosmological Physics with Gravitational Lensing    Cosmology: the Physics of the Universe
2000cosm.conf    Cosmology 2000    Cosmology and Astrophysics: Essays in honor of Thomas Gold
2002AIPC..624    Cosmology and Elementary Particle Physics
1989cep..conf    Cosmology and Elementary Particles
1992cep..conf    Cosmology and Elementary Particles
1994cogr.conf    Cosmology and Gravitation
2003AIPC..668    Cosmology and Gravitation
1996cogr.conf    Cosmology and Gravitation II.  VII Brazilian School of Cosmology and Gravitation II
1989cgl..conf    Cosmology and Gravitational Lensing
1996clss.conf    Cosmology and Large Scale Structure
1992ASPC...24    Cosmology and Large-Scale Structure in the Universe
1996ASPC...24    Cosmology and Large-scale Structure in the Universe
1987cpp..conf    Cosmology and Particle Physics
1988cpp..conf    Cosmology and Particle Physics
2001AIPC..555    Cosmology and Particle Physics
1981cp...proc    Cosmology and Particles
1981copa.conf    Cosmology and Particles - 16TH Moriond
1986cafp.proc    Cosmology, Astronomy and Fundamental Physics
1972cht..conf    Cosmology, Fusion & Other Matters    Cosmology, Fusion and Other Matters
1977cht..conf    Cosmology, History, and Theology    Cosmology of the Early Universe
1977coin.conf    Cosmophysical Investigations
1978cosm.conf    Cosmophysics
1986coec.conf    Cosmos: An Educational Challenge    COSPAR, Plenary Meeting
1977cpmaa        COSPAR Plenary Meeting and Associated Activities
1990csi..conf    Cours de structure interne: Evolution stellaire données de base de physique atomique et nucléaire    CP Violation
1995cpvl.conf    CP Violation and the Limits of the Standard Model
2006cvql.conf    CP Violation: from Quarks to Leptons
1990cpvp.conf    CP Violation in Particle Physics and Astrophysics
1991cp90.conf    CP90 Europhysics Conference on Computational Physics
1971IAUS...46    The Crab Nebula    The Crab Nebula and Related Supernova Remnants
    CraRe        Cracow Observatory Reprints
1977ctep.conf    Cretaceous-Tertiary Extinctions and Possible Terrestrial and Extraterrestrial Causes
1989ESASP.300    Crew Safety and Rescue in Space
1997cdc..conf    Critical Dialogues in Cosmology
1988covp.conf    Critical Observations Versus Physical Models for Close Binary Systems
1976LNP....54    Critical Phenomena: Sitges International School on Statistical Mechanics
1997cpp..conf    Critical Problems in Physics
1972cpmp.conf    Critical Problems of Magnetospheric Physics
1998ESASP.417    Crossroads for European Solar and Heliospheric Physics.  Recent Achievements and Future Mission Possibilities
1995cscs.conf    Cross-Scale Coupling in Space Plasmas, Geophysical Monograph 93
1982cren.conf    Cryogenic Engineering Conference    Current aspects of neutrino physics
1990NASCP3089    Current Collection from Space Plasmas    Current Concepts Regarding the Moon
2002chee.conf    Current high-energy emission around black holes
1976LNP....56    Current Induced Reactions    Current Issues in Cosmology
1988cihp.conf    Current Issues in Hadron Physics
2008AIPC.1017    Current Issues of Physics in Malaysia
1994clis.conf    Current Loop Interaction in Solar Flares
1996cphe.conf    Current Perspectives in High Energy Astropyhsics
1974cphe.conf    Current Problems in High Energy Particle Theory
1978cphe.conf    Current Problems in High Energy Particle Theory II
1979cphe.conf    Current Problems in High Energy Particle Theory III
1980cppt.conf    Current Problems in Particle Theory
1981cppt.conf    Current Problems in Particle Theory. 5: Unified Field Theories and Beyond    Current Problems in Stellar Pulsation Instabilities
1993crfl.conf    Current Research on Fusion, Laboratory and Astrophysical Plasmas
    CSci.        Current Science
2003ASPC..286    Current Theoretical Models and Future High Resolution Solar Observations: Preparing for ATST
1992ctap.conf    Current Topics in Astrofundamental Physics
1993ctap.conf    Current Topics in Astrofundamental Physics
2001ctap.conf    Current Topics in Astrofundamental Physics: the Cosmic Microwave Background
2007ctam.conf    Current Topics in Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics
1984ctsc.conf    Current Topics in Chinese Science
1998ctmc.conf    Current Topics in Mathematical Cosmology
1998ctcr.conf    Current Topics of Cosmic Ray Research with EAS Research
1990ctcm.conf    Current Trends in Condensed Matter, Particle Physics and Cosmology
1981cto..conf    Current Trends in Optics    Currents in Astrophysics and Cosmology
1995chea.conf    Currents in High-Energy Astrophysics
2008AIPC.1002    Curvature and Variational Modeling in Physics and Biophysics
1998cvsw.conf    Cyclical Variability in Stellar Winds
2001AIPC..600    Cyclotrons and Their Applications 2001    Cygnus A -- Studay of a Radio Galaxy
1976dlvp.conf    Daily and Latitude Variations of the Parameters of the Atmosphere and Corpuscular Radiation
1997ASPC..117    Dark and Visible Matter in Galaxies and Cosmological Implications
1995AIPC..336    Dark Matter    Dark Matter, 8th Moriond Astrophysics Meeting
1989dmsu.conf    Dark Matter and the Structure of the Universe
1998dm97.conf    Dark Matter: DM97
1987dmu..conf    Dark Matter in the Universe
1987IAUS..117    Dark matter in the universe
1990dmiu.conf    Dark Matter in the Universe
1996dmu..conf    Dark Matter in the Universe    Dark Matter in the Universe
1997dmud.conf    Dark matter in the Universe and its Direct Detection.
2001dmap.conf    Dark Matter in Astro- and Particle Physics
2005dmap.conf    Dark matter in astro- and particle physics
1997dark.conf    Dark matter in Astro- and Particle Physics : (DARK '96)
2002dmap.conf    Dark Matter in Astro- and Particle Physics, DARK 2002
1999dmap.conf    Dark matter in Astrophysics and Particle Physics
1995dmcc.conf    Dark Matter in Cosmology, Clocks and Tests of Fundamental Laws
1996dmcq.conf    Dark Matter in Cosmology Quantam Measurements Experimental Gravitation
2004IAUS..220    Dark Matter in Galaxies    Dark Matter: New Research
1988dama.conf    Dark matter; Proceedings of the Twenty-third Rencontre de Moriond
1971dngp.conf    Dark nebulae, Globules and Protostars
2006AIPC..878    The Dark Side of the Universe
1994dsu..conf    The Dark Side of the Universe - Experimental Efforts and Theoretical Framework
1996dsu..conf    The Dark Side of the Universe; Experimental Efforts and Theoretical Framework
2003dume.symp    The Dark Universe: Matter, Energy and Gravity
    dchn.rept    Dartmouth College, Report
2000ESASP.451    Darwin and Astronomy : the Infrared Space Interferometer
1978hrd..conf    Das Hertzsprung-Russell-Diagramm
2003ESASP.532    DASIA 2003
2005ESASP.602    DASIA 2005 - Data Systems in Aerospace
2006ESASP.630    DASIA 2006 - Data Systems in Aerospace
1998ESASP.422    DASIA 98 - Data Systems in Aerospace
1985daa..conf    Data Analysis in Astronomy
1989daa..conf    Data Analysis in Astronomy
1992daia.conf    Data Analysis in Astronomy
1997daa..conf    Data Analysis in Astronomy
1986daa..conf    Data Analysis in Astronomy II
1997daia.conf    Data Analysis in Astronomy IV    Data Analysis Workshop
1991deas.rept    Data Evaluation, Analysis, and Scientific Study
2007AIPC..953    Data Mining, Systems Analysis and Optimization in Biomedicine
1999ESASP.447    Data Systems in Aerospace
2000ESASP.457    Data Systems in Aerospace
2001ESASP.483    Data Systems in Aerospace
2002ESASP.509    Data Systems in Aerospace
1997ESASP.409    Data Systems in Aerospace - DASIA 97
1992dvim.conf    Data Validation of Ionospheric Models and Maps (VIM)
1991ASSL..171    Databases and On-line Data in Astronomy    Databases for Galactic Structure
    DDORe        David Dunlap Observatory Richmond Hill Reprints
2003dmci.conf    The Davis Meeting On Cosmic Inflation
1996udh..conf    De l'Utilisation des Données HIPPARCOS
1988dcev.conf    Détection et Classification des Étoiles Variables
1988drpd.conf    Dévelopments Récents en Planétologie Dynamique
    DeaCo        Dearborn Observatory Contributions
2004ASPC..324    Debris Disks and the Formation of Planets
2000dhst.conf    A Decade of HST Science : Poster Papers
2003dhst.symp    A Decade of Hubble Space Telescope Science
1988uvai....1    A Decade of UV Astronomy with the IUE Satellite, Volume 1
1988uvai....2    A Decade of UV Astronomy with the IUE Satellite, Volume 2
2003dacw.conf    Decoherence and the Appearance of a Classical World in Quantum Theory
1994depv.conf    Deep Earth and Planetary Volatiles
2001defi.conf    Deep Fields
2005AIPC..792    Deep Inelastic Scattering
2001dmsi.conf    Deep Millimeter Surveys: Implications for Galaxy Formation and Evolution
    dsn..nasa    Deep Space Network
    DSNPR        Deep Space Network Progress Report
2007ASPC..380    Deepest Astronomical Surveys
    DSRMC        Defense Systems Review Military Communications
    udnw.rept    Delaware Univ., Newark Report
1993dunw.rept    Delaware University Semiannual Report
2000ASPC..210    Delta Scuti and Related Stars
    DSSN.        Delta Scuti Star Newsletter
2004dimg.conf    The Dense Interstellar Medium in Galaxies
2002AIPC..651    Dense Z-Pinches
2006AIPC..808    Dense Z-Pinches
1994hhvg.conf    Der Himmel hat Viele Gesichter. Winfried Petri zum 80
    Sterb        Der Sternenbote Monatsschrift fuer Oesterreichs Amateur-astronomen
2006dclw.conf    Deserfest: A Celebration of the Life and Works of Stanley Deser
1992dpas.conf    Desktop Publishing in Astronomy and Space Sciences
1991dgw..conf    The Detection of Gravitational Waves
1981dccb.conf    Determination of the Coordinates of Celestial Bodies
1991dgpf.conf    Determination of the Geoid: Present and Future
1996dgps.conf    The Determination of Geophysical Parameters from Space
1967IAUS...30    Determination of Radial Velocities and their Applications
1982das..conf    Detrimental Activities in Space
    DGKBA        Deutsche Geodaetische Kommission Bayer. Akad. Wiss.
    DGKGN        Deutsche Geodaetische Kommission Gravity Network West Germany DSGN Data Adjustment    Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Luft- und Raumfahrt
2000dgc..conf    Deutsche Gesellschaft für Chronometrie. Jahresschrift 2000
    DeHyZ        Deutsche Hydrographische Zeitschrift    Developing Basic Space Science World-Wide
1992dhrl.nasa    Development of a High Resolution Liquid Xenon Imaging Telescope for Medium Energy Gamma Ray Astrophysics
1999dad..conf    Development of Astronomical Databases
2005daas.conf    Development of Astronomy Among Serbs III
1976LNP....52    Development of Magnetic ß-Ray Spectroscopy
1988drau.conf    The Development of Radio Astronomy in the USSR
2005dsr..conf    Development of Solar Research
1993IAUS..156    Developments in Astrometry and their Impact on Astrophysics and Geodynamics
1974sdua.conf    Developments in Atmospheric Science, 1: Structure and Dynamics of the Upper Atmosphere
1990dgra.conf    Developments in General Relativity, Astrophysics and Quantum Theory
2000dmep.conf    Developments in Mathematical and Experimental Physics, Volume A: Cosmology and Gravitation
2002dmep.conf    Developments in Mathematical and Experimental Physics, Volume A: Cosmology and Gravitation    Developments in Observations and Theory for Solar Cycle 22
1967dtt..conf    Developments in Transport Theory
1999drtb.conf    DFG-Rundgespräch zum Thema Bezugssysteme
    DFVLR        DFVLR
1995dtap.conf    Diagnostic Tools in Atmospheric Physics
1979dfe..conf    Diagnostics for Fusion Experiments
1991dsoo.conf    Diagnostics of Solar Oscillation Observations
1983dnpc.conf    Dialektika v Nauk. o Prir. i Cheloveke. Tr. 3 Vses. Soveshch. po Filos. Vopr. Sovrem. Estestvozn.
1990dana.conf    Differences between Antarctic and non-Antarctic Meteorites
    DnU..        Differentsial nye Uravneniia
1974dggi.conf    Diffraction Gratings and Grating Instruments
1988dli..conf    Diffraction-Limit.Imaging/ Very Large Telescopes
1995deps.rept    Diffuse Emission and Pathological Seyfert Spectra
1997ASPC..124    Diffuse Infrared Radiation and the IRTS
1994dib..nasa    The Diffuse Interstellar Bands
1995ASSL..202    The Diffuse Interstellar Bands    Diffuse Matter from Star Forming Regions to Active Galaxies
1983dmg..conf    Diffuse Matter in Galaxies
1999dtrp.conf    Diffuse Thermal and Relativistic Plasma in Galaxy Clusters
2001ESASP.499    The Digital Airborne Spectrometer Experiment (DAISEX)
1991dir..conf    Digital Image Restoration
1992ASSL..174    Digitised Optical Sky Surveys
1976dkp..conf    Din. Kosm. Plazmy.
    DiSis        Dinamicheskie Sistemy
    DPM..        Dinamika i Prochnost Mashin
    DiRaG        Dinamika razrezhennykh gazov
    DIO..        DIO
2008AIPC..976    Diophantine Analysis and Related Fields
1963dinr.conf    Direct Interactions and Nuclear Reaction Mechanisms
1993dgr1.conf    Directions in General Relativity: Papers in Honor of Charles Misner, Volume 1
1993dgr2.conf    Directions in General Relativity: Papers in Honor of Dieter Brill, Volume 2
    DISA.        DISA Information
1997dima.conf    Discovery of the Magnetosphere
1999dicb.conf    Disk Instabilities in Close Binary Systems
2002ASPC..275    Disks of Galaxies: Kinematics, Dynamics and Peturbations
2000ASPC..219    Disks, Planetesimals, and Planets
1964drcc.conf    Dispersion Relations and their Connection with Causality
1972desm.conf    Dissociative Excitation of Simple Molecules
    drte.conf    Dissociative Recombination: Theory, Experiment and Applications
1993drte.conf    Dissociative Recombination: Theory, Experiment, and Applications
1962dmim.conf    The Distribution and Motion of Interstellar Matter in Galaxies
1972dmim.conf    The Distribution and Motion of Interstellar Matter in Galaxies
1992daec.conf    Distribution of Matter in the Universe
2003GMS...142    Disturbances in Geospace: The Storm-substorm Relationship
1987ESASP.278    Diversity and Similarity of Comets
    DLGRM        DLGR Magnetofluiddyn
    DLRNa        DLR Nachrichten
2006AIPC..859    DNA-Based Nanoscale Integration
    DOCi.        Documentation des Observateurs Circulaire
    DOIAP        Documentation des Observateurs Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris
1990sdsr.rept    A Documentation on Space Research in North-Rhineland-Westphalia in the Period 1985-1990
    DokAN        Doklady Akad Nauk Minerologia USSR
    DAOAR        Dominion Astrophysical Observatory Annual Report
1992daoa.conf    Doscientos Años del Observatorio Astronómico de Madrid
1993dlon.conf    Double Layers and Other Nonlinear Potential Structures in Plasma
1987dla..conf    Double Layers in Astrophysics    Double Layers: Potential Formation and Related Nonlinear Phenomena in Plasmas
    DSO..        Double Star Observer
1990dres.iafc    Dresden International Astronautical Federation Congress
1989AIPC..197    Drops and Bubbles
1990AIPC..197    Drops and Bubbles
1978dubr.iafc    Dubrovnik International Astronautical Federation Congress
1975mpth.proc    Dudley Observatory Report
    DudOR        Dudley Observatory Reports
1979duma....1    DUMAND Summer Workshop
1979uina....1    DUMAND Summer Workshop, Volume 1
1979uina....2    DUMAND Summer Workshop, Volume 2
1981duma.conf    DUMAND-80
    PODE.        Dun Echt Observatory Publications
    DunOP        Dunsink Observatory Publications
    DunRe        Dunsink Observatory Reprints
    DurOO        Durham Observatory Observations
    IzDus        Dushanbe Izdatel Donish    Dust and Chemistry in Astronomy
2002AIPC..649    Dust Crystal in the Electrode Sheath of a Gaseous Discharge
1988duun.conf    Dust in the Universe
1989duma.conf    Dust on Mars    Dust Plasma Interaction in Space
1994ddpn.conf    Dusty and Dirty Plasmas, Noise, and Chaos in Space and in the Laboratory
2005dmu..conf    The Dusty and Molecular Universe: A Prelude to Herschel and ALMA
1990ASSL..165    Dusty Objects in the Universe    The Dusty Universe    Dwarf Galaxies
2001dge..conf    Dwarf galaxies and their environment
    DyeRe        Dyer Observatory Reprints
1998dcar.conf    Dymanics of Comets and Asteroids and their Role in    The Dynamic Evolution of Cosmic Systems
1990dysu.conf    The Dynamic Sun    Dynamic Sun
2005ESASP.600    The Dynamic Sun: Challenges for Theory and Observations
2001dysu.conf    The Dynamic Sun, Proceedings of the Summerschool and Workshop held at the Solar Observatory
1977dycc.conf    Dynamical and Chemical Coupling between the Neutral and Ionized Atmosphere
1982dyas.conf    Dynamical Astronomy
1985dyas.conf    Dynamical Astronomy
1997dbps.conf    The Dynamical Behaviour of our Planetary System
1976LNP....45    Dynamical Concepts on Scaling Violation and the New Resonances in e+e- Annihilation
1979LNP...104    Dynamical Critical Phenomena and Related Topics
1996IAUS..174    Dynamical Evolution of Star Clusters: Confrontation of Theory and Observations
2002dfsb.conf    Dynamical Friction Strikes Back
1967dpss.conf    Dynamical Processes in Solid State Optics
1978dyps.conf    Dynamical Processes on the Sun
1974dqsg.conf    Dynamical Questions of Satellite Geodesy    Dynamical Spacetimes and Numerical Relativity
1998dssc.conf    Dynamical Studies of Star Clusters and Galaxies
1997dsc..conf    Dynamical Systems in Cosmology
1994dana.conf    Dynamics and Astrometry of Natural and Artificial Celestial Bodies
1975dses.conf    Dynamics and Evolution of Stellar Systems, p. 54 - 57
1979LNP...105    Dynamics and Instability of Fluid Interfaces    Dynamics and Interactions of Galaxies    Dynamics and Physics of Astrophysical Systems
1989ASSL..150    Dynamics and Structure of Quiescent Solar Prominences
1987dssp.conf    Dynamics and Structure of Solar Prominences
2008AIPC..970    Dynamics and Thermodynamics of Systems with Long Range Interactions: Theory and Experiments
1996IAUS..172    Dynamics, Ephemerides, and Astrometry of the Solar System
1983fdag.conf    Dynamics in Astrophysics and Geophysics
2000dmkm.conf    Dynamics: Models and Kinetic Methods for Non-equilibrium Many Body Systems    Dynamics of the Galaxy and Extragalactic Systems
1979ASSL...78    Dynamics of the Magnetosphere
1980dma..conf    Dynamics of the Magnetosphere
1984dma..conf    Dynamics of the Middle Atmosphere
1979IAUS...81    Dynamics of the Solar System
1975IAUS...69    Dynamics of the Solar Systems
1989dad..conf    Dynamics of Astrophysical Discs
1982dcsp.conf    Dynamics of Current Sheaths and Physics of Solar Activity    The Dynamics of Current Sheets and the Physics of Solar Activity    Dynamics of Dense Stellar Systems
1991dodg.conf    Dynamics of Disc Galaxies
1993dedi.conf    Dynamics of Earth's Deep Interior and Earth Rotation    Dynamics of Elementary Gas-phase Reactions
1966dfp..conf    Dynamics of Fluids and Plasmas
1998dggn.conf    Dynamics of Galaxies and Galactic Nuclei
1973dgsc.conf    Dynamics of Galaxies and Star Clusters
1991IAUS..146    Dynamics of Galaxies and Their Molecular Cloud Distributions
2000ASPC..197    Dynamics of Galaxies: from the Early Universe to the Present    Dynamics of Gravitating Systems
1971dig..conf    Dynamics of Ionized Gases    Dynamics of Molecular Photofragmentation
1978dmae.conf    Dynamics of Motion of Artificial Earth Satellites
2002dnac.conf    Dynamics of Natural and Artificial Celestial Bodies
1970dysa.conf    Dynamics of Satellites
1985IAUS..113    Dynamics of Star Clusters
2001ASPC..228    Dynamics of Star Clusters and the Milky Way
1975dss..conf    Dynamics of Stellar Systems
2002ASPC..273    The Dynamics, Structure & History of Galaxies: A Workshop in Honour of Professor Ken Freeman
1975dgs..conf    La Dynamique des galaxies spirales    The Early Earth:  The Interval from Accretion to the Older Archean
1983IAUS..104    Early Evolution of the Universe and its Present Structure
1976ehe..conf    The Early History of the Earth
1985ASSL..118    Early History of Cosmic Ray Studies
1997LPICo.916    Early Mars: Geologic and Hydrologic Evolution, Physical and Chemical Environments, and the Implications for Life    Early Mars: How Warm and How Wet?
1991eoud.conf    The Early Observable Universe from Diffuse Backgrounds    Early Planetary Differentiation
1980essp.conf    Early Solar System Processes and the Present Solar System
1977esse.conf    Early Stages of Stellar Evolution    The Early Universe    The Early Universe and the Cosmic Microwave Background: Theory and Observations    The Early Universe: Reprints
1997euvl.conf    The Early Universe with the VLT.    The Early Years of Radio Astronomy - Reflections Fifty Years after Jansky's Discovery
1994ehci.conf    The Earth, the Heavens and the Carnegie Institution of Washington
1958eas..conf    Earth, Air and Space    The Earth and the Universe
1957eaat.conf    The Earth and its Atmosphere    The Earth as a Planet    The Earth in the Universe    The Earth in Space
2006AIPC..852    Earth Observation for Vegetation Monitoring and Water Management
1982eras.nasa    Earth Radiation Science Seminars
1972NASSP.283    Earth Resources Survey Systems
1985ertr.conf    Earth Rotation and the Terrestrial Reference Frame
1990ercr.conf    Earth Rotation and Coordinate Reference Frames
1989erag.conf    Earth Rotation, Astrometry, and Geodesy
1990erag.conf    Earth Rotation, Astrometry, and Geodesy
1991erag.conf    Earth Rotation, Astrometry, and Geodesy
1986ersu.conf    Earth Rotation: Solved and Unsolved Problems    The Earth Today
2002ESASP.514    Earth-like Planets and Moons
1966ems..conf    The Earth-Moon System
1970ASSL...20    Earthquake Displacement Field and the Rotation of the Earth
1990ecvs.conf    The Earth's Climate and Variability of the Sun over Recent Millennia: Geophysical, Astronomical and Archaeological Aspects
2003ESASP.539    Earths: DARWIN/TPF and the Search for Extrasolar Terrestrial Planets
1973egfs.conf    The Earth's Gravitational Field and Secular Variations in Position
1974egfs.conf    Earth's Gravitational Field and Secular Variations in Position
1972ASSL...32    Earth's Magnetospheric Processes
1968epf..conf    Earth's Particles and Fields
1988IAUS..128    The Earth's Rotation and Reference Frames for Geodesy and Geodynamics
1990ered.conf    Earth's Rotation from Eons to Days
    EAS..        EAS Publications Series
    EERSA        East Europe Rept Sci Affairs JPRS
    EERST        East European Rept Sci. Technol. JPRS ESA
    EBCi.        Eclipsing Binaries Circulars
    EcGH.        Eclogae geologae Helvetii
1989epag.conf    Ecole de Printemps d'Astrophysique de Goutelas: Traitement de l'information
1993rgog.conf    Ecole d'Ete de Physique des Particules
1972eucr.conf    Edinoobrazie Uskoreniya Chastits v Razlich. Masshtabakh Kosmosa
1978NASSP.360    Educator's guide for Mission to Earth LANDSAT views the world
    ETATF        Eesti NSV Teaduste Akadeemia Toimetised Fuusika Matemaatika
1975eiss.conf    Effect of the Ionosphere on Space Systems and Communications
2006AIPC..816    Effective Models for Low-Dimensional Strongly Correlated Systems    Effects in Optical and Radio Astronomy
1972eaag.conf    Effects of Atmospheric Acousitic Gravity Waves on Electromagnetic
1977esae.rept    Effects of Solar Activity on the Earth's Atmosphere and Biosphere
1984evml.conf    Effects of Variable Mass Loss on the Local Stellar Environment
    IzmP.        Ege University Izmir Publications of the Department of Astronomy
1977esan.conf    Ehff. Soln. Aktivnosti v Nizhn. Atmos.
1987eiok.conf    Ehksp. Issled. Okolozem. Kosm. Prostranstva
1998tsra.conf    Eighteenth Texas Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics
1997stt..conf    Eighth International Symposium on Space Terahertz Technology
1977NYASA.302    Eighth Texas Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics
1992slew.rept    Einstein All-Sky Slew Survey
1989ehgr.conf    Einstein and the History of General Relativity
1980ecs1.conf    Einstein Centenary Symposium, Volume I
1980ecs2.conf    Einstein Centenary Symposium, Volume II
2004eels.conf    The Einstein Equations and the Large Scale Behavior of Gravitational Fields    Einstein Studies in Russia
1979LNP...100    Einstein Symposion Berlin
1980eamb.conf    Ejection and Accretion of Matter in Binary Systems
1982eamb.conf    Ejection and Accretion of Matter in Binary Systems
    eds..conf    Elastic and Diffractive Scattering
1987eds..conf    Elastic and Diffractive Scattering
1992eds..conf    Elastic and Diffractive Scattering
1962NASSP..22    Electric Propulsion for Spacecraft
1992ecim.nasa    Electrical and Chemical Interactions at Mars
1970eem..conf    Electrmagnetic Exploration of the Moon
1974eaa..conf    Electrography and Astronomical Applications
2005elsn.conf    Electromagnetic and Light Scattering by Nonspherical Particles    Electromagnetic and Plasma Processes from the Sun to the earth's Core
1989ecpc.conf    Electromagnetic Coupling in the Polar Clefts and Caps
1978efe..conf    Electromagnetic Field of the Earth
1958IAUS....6    Electromagnetic Phenomena in Cosmical Physics
1971epg..conf    Electromagnetic Probing in Geophysics
1967emrs.conf    Electromagnetic Radiation in Space
1963eta..conf    Electromagnetic Theory and Antennas
1962efdg.conf    Electromagnetics and Fluid Dynamics of Gaseous Plasma
1992AIPC..267    Electromechanical Coupling of the Solar Atmosphere
1965epih.conf    Electron and Photon Interactions at High Energies
1967epih.conf    Electron and Photon Interactions at High Energy
1976epia.conf    Electron and Photon Interactions with Atoms
2001AIPC..572    Electron Beam Ion Sources and Traps and their Applications
1994ecmc.conf    Electron Collisions with Molecules, Clusters, and Surfaces
1974ecxa.conf    Electron Contamination in X-ray Astronomy Experiments
2005AIPC..749    Electron Cyclotron Resonance Ion Sources
1967edtm.conf    Electron Density and Temperature Measurements in the Ionosphere
1964eddi.conf    Electron Density Distribution in Ionosphere and Exosphere
1962edpi.conf    Electron Density Profiles in the Ionosphere and Exosphere
1966edpi.conf    Electron Density Profiles in Ionosphere and Exosphere
2008AIPC..999    Electron Microscopy and Multiscale Modeling- EMMM-2007
1983eaem.conf    Electron-Atom and Electron-Molecule Collisions
1983eac..conf    Electronic and Atomic Collisions
1984eac..conf    Electronic and Atomic Collisions
1984eicc.conf    Electronic and Ionic Collision Cross Sections Needed in the Modeling of Radiation Interactions with Matter
1997ESASP.395    Electronic Component Conference - EECC'97
2005AIPC..786    Electronic Properties of Novel Nanostructures: XIX
1997ASSL..224    Electronic Publishing for Physics and Astronomy
1978easy.conf    Electronics and Aerospace Systems Conference
1979empm.conf    Electron-Molecule and Photon-Molecule Collisions
1984emc..conf    Electron-molecule Collisions
1983emcp.conf    Electron-Molecule Collisions and Photoionization Processes
1984emia....1    Electron-molecule Interactions and Their Applications, Volume 1
1984emia....2    Electron-molecule Interactions and Their Applications, Volume 2    Electron-Molecule Scattering
1988emsp.conf    Electron-Molecule Scattering and Photoionization
2000ewp..conf    Electroweak Physics
    ETRE.        Elektrosviaz Telecommunications Radio Engineering Telecommunications
1988eaa..conf    Elemental Abundance Analyses
1965ephe.conf    Elementary Particle and High Energy Physics    Elementary Particle Physics and Field Theory 1
1970epps....2    Elementary Particle Physics and Scattering Theory, volume 2
1996eppp.conf    Elementary Particle Physics: Present and Future
1970epcr.conf    Elementary Particles and Cosmic Rays
1992eatc.conf    Elements and the Cosmos
1979eisu.conf    The Elements and their Isotopes in the Universe
2001eag..conf    Eleventh Annual V. M. Goldschmidt Conference
1998AIPC..430    The Eleventh International Conference on Fourier Transform Spectroscopy
1991eati.conf    Eleventh International Symposium on Earth Tides
1974evrw.conf    ELF-VLF Radio Wave Propogation
1976eear.conf    Emergence and Evolution of Active Regions of the Sun
2003AIPC..666    The Emergence of Cosmic Structure
1998ESASP.424    Emerging Scatterometer Applications - From Research to Operations    The Emerging Universe
1948esns.conf    The Emission Spectra of the Night Sky and Aurorae    Emulsion Chamber Experiments at Mt. Chacaltaya and Pamirs
1990egre.symp    The Energetic Gamma-Ray Experiment Telescope (EGRET) Science Symposium
1983eice.conf    Energetic Ion Composition in the Earth's Magnetosphere
1984epps.conf    Energetic Particles and Photons of Solar Flares
1986epos.conf    Energetic Phenomena on the Sun
1989epos.conf    Energetic Phenomena on the Sun
1976enph.conf    Energy and Physics
1977ebhs.conf    The Energy Balance and Hydrodynamics of the Solar Chromosphere and Corona
2007ebhe.conf    Energy Budget in the High Energy Universe
1996ASPC..100    Energy Transport in Radio Galaxies and Quasars
1982eas..conf    Engineering and Science
1985eas..conf    Engineering and Science
1962eam..conf    Engineering Aspects of Magnetohydrodynamics
    ecos.proc    Engineering, Construction, and Operations in Space
1991ewst.conf    Entrance Windows of Solar Telescopes
1971LNP.....7    Entropy and dissipative structure
1993ASSL..188    The Environment and Evolution of Galaxies
1996ESASP.392    Environment Modeling for Space-Based Applications
1992eocm.rept    Environment Observation and Climate Modelling Through International Space Projects    Environmental and Space Electromagnetics    Environmental Effects on Volcanic Eruptions: From Deep Oceans to Deep Space
1991emma.proc    The Environmental Model of Mars
    erp..rept    Environmental Research Papers Air Force Cambridge Research Labs
2004ESASP.558    Environmental Testing for Space Programmes
1990ESASP.304    Environmental Testing for Space Programmes Test: Facilities and Methods
1997ESASP.408    Environmental Testing for Space Programms
2005ESASP.572    Envisat & ERS Symposium
    EOSTr        EOS Transactions
2008ASPC..389    EPO and a Changing World: Creating Linkages and Expanding Partnerships
    EPRIJ        EPRI Journal
2004AIPC..731    Equation-of-State and Phase-Transition in Models of Ordinary Astrophysical Matter
1974esr..nasa    Equipment for Space Research
1997eunu.conf    Die Erfindung des Universums? Neue Überlegungen zur philosophischen Kosmologie
    AnErg        Ergaenzungshefte zu den Astronomischen Nachrichten
1990ebua.conf    Errors, Bias and Uncertainties in Astronomy
1996ESASP.383    ERS Applications
1997ESASP.406    ERS SAR Interferometry
1986eps..conf    Eruptive Phenomena in Stars
1970esis.conf    Eruptive Stars. Instationary Stars and Methods of Their Investigation
    ESABu        ESA Bulletin
    ESAHR        ESA History Study Reports
    ESASM        ESA Scientific & Technical Memoranda
    ESASR        ESA Scientific Report
    ESAST        ESA Scientific Technical Review
    ESASP        ESA Special Publication
2002rcs..conf    ESA SR-002: The Radiometric Calibration of SOHO    ESA SR-003: The solar system and beyond : ten years of ISSI
    ESATM        ESA Training Manual    ESA Workshop on Dwarf Galaxies
    esla.symp    ESLAB Symposium
1986ESASP.250    ESLAB Symposium on the Exploration of Halley's Comet    ESO Conf. Proc. 34: 2nd ESO/ST-ECF Data Analysis Workshop    ESO Conf. Proc. 38: 3rd ESO/ST-ECF Data Analysis Workshop    ESO Conf. Proc. 41: 5th ESO/ST-ECF Data Analysis Workshop Garching    ESO Infrared Workshop    ESO Workshop on the Virgo Cluster    ESO Workshop on SN 1987 A    ESO's Very Large Telescope
1989eeda.conf    ESO/ST-ECF Data Analysis Workshop
1982ena..conf    Essays in Nuclear Astrophysics
    EssPh        Essays in Physics
1987ess..nasa    Essays in Space Science
1984etp..conf    Essays in Theoretical Physics    Essays presented to W.B. Bonnor on his 65th birthday
2001eepi.conf    e+e- Physics at Intermediate Energies
2001ASPC..242    Eta Carinae and Other Mysterious Stars: The Hidden Opportunities of Emission Spectroscopy
1999ASPC..179    Eta Carinae at The Millennium
1981ebds.conf    Etoiles Bleues en-Dessous de la Séquence Principale
1994ESASP.363    Euro-Latin American Space Days
1996ESASP.396    EUROMIR 95 Crew Debriefing and Lessons Learnt
    ERST.        Europe Report Science Technology
1985ashc.rept    The European Astrometry Satellite HIPPARCOS: Scientific Aspects of the Input Catalog Preparation
2006ESASP.626    The European Conference on Antennas and Propagation: EuCAP 2006
1981ecap.conf    European Conference on Atomic Physics
2006epsc.conf    European Planetary Science Congress 2006
1976ESASP.115    European Programmes on Sounding-Rocket and Balloon Research in the Auroral Zone
1987eram....1    European Regional Astronomy Meeting of the IAU, Volume 1
1987eram....2    European Regional Astronomy Meeting of the IAU, Volume 2
1987eram....3    European Regional Astronomy Meeting of the IAU, Volume 3
1987eram....4    European Regional Astronomy Meeting of the IAU, Volume 4
1987eram....5    European Regional Astronomy Meeting of the IAU, Volume 5
1985ESASP.233    European Remote Sensing Opportunities: Systems, Sensors and Applications
1985ESASP.229    European Rocket & Balloon Programmes and Related Research
1987ESASP.270    European Rocket & Balloon Programmes and Related Research
1989ESASP.291    European Rocket & Balloon Programmes and Related Research
1983ESASP.183    European Rocket and Balloon Programmes and Related Research
1995ESASP.370    European rocket and balloon programmes and related research
1997ESASP.397    European Rocket and Balloon Programmes and Related Research
2001ESASP.471    European Rocket and Balloon Programmes and Related Research
2003ESASP.530    European Rocket and Balloon Programmes and Related Research
    erbp.symp    European Rocket and Balloon Programs and Related Research
1999ESASP.437    European Rocket and Balloon Programs and Related Research
    eurb.rept    European Rocket Ballong Programmes
1980urbp.symp    European Rocket Balloon Program
1979esa..conf    European Satellite Astrometry
1995esl9.conf    European Shoemaker-Levy 9 Conference    European Solar Meeting
    esrb.rept    European Sounding Rocket, Balloon and Related Research with Emphasis on Experiments at High Latitudes
1978ESASP.135    European Sounding Rocket, Balloon and Related Research, with Emphasis on Experiments at High Latitudes
1974esrs.conf    European Sounding-Rocket and Scientific-Balloon Activity at High Latitudes
    ESOAR        European Southern Observatory Annual Reports
    ESOC.        European Southern Observatory Astrophysics Symposia
    ESOB.        European Southern Observatory ESO Bulletin
    eso..rept    European Southern Observatory Report
    ESOSP        European Southern Observatory Scientific Preprints
    ESOSR        European Southern Observatory Scientific Report
2000ESASP.439    European Space Components Conference : ESCCON 2000
1995ESASP.374    European Space Mechanisms and Tribology Symposium
1995ESASP.369    European Space Power
1989ESASP.294    European Space Power Conference
1997ESASP.398    European Spacecraft Propulsion Conference
    ETTRT        European Transactions Telecommunications Related Technologies
1988evga.conf    European VLBI for Geodesy and Astrometry
1993evga.conf    European VLBI for Geodesy and Astrometry
1999evga.conf    European VLBI for Geodesy and Astrometry
2001vlbi.conf    European VLBI for Geodesy and Astrometry
2004evn..conf    European VLBI Network on New Developments in VLBI Science and Technology
2003ESASP.525    EuroSTARRS, WISE, LOSAC Campaigns. Proceedings of the First Results Workshop
1990exrg.conf    EUV, X-Ray, and Gamma-Ray Instrumentation for Astronomy
    euve.prop    EUVE Proposal
1961egt..conf    Evidence for Gravitational Theories
2000evn..conf    EVN Symposium 2000, Proceedings of the 5th european VLBI Network Symposium
2008AIPC.1001    Evolution and Nucleosynthesis in AGB Stars
1980epl..conf    Evolution der Planetenatmosphären und des Lebens
1990ehcb.conf    Evolution: From Cosmogenesis to Biogenesis
1982eitu.conf    Evolution in the Universe
1990iuea.rept    Evolution in Astrophysics: IUE Astronomy in the Era of New Space Missions
1981evea.conf    Evolution of the Earth
1992eeop.conf    Evolution of the Earth and Other Planetary Bodies: Physics and Evolution of the Earth's Interior 5    Evolution of the Earth and Planets
    evci.conf    The Evolution of the Galaxies and its Cosmological Implications
1990ASPC...12    The Evolution of the Interstellar Medium    Evolution of the Martian Atmosphere
2000emw..conf    The Evolution of the Milky Way: Stars versus Clusters
1987esbs.conf    The Evolution of the Small Bodies of the Solar System
1976evss.nasa    Evolution of the Solar System
1994euoq.conf    Evolution of the Universe and its Observational Quest
1990ASPC...10    Evolution of the Universe of Galaxies    The Evolution of the Universe: report of the Dahlem Workshop on the Evolution of the Universe
2001ASPC..229    Evolution of Binary and Multiple Star Systems
1977egsp.conf    Evolution of Galaxies and Stellar Populations
1993egte.conf    Evolution of Galaxies and their Environment
1989egao.conf    Evolution of Galaxies Astronomical Observations
1998egdg.conf    Evolution of Galaxies: Dynamics of Galaxies and Galactic Nuclei
1999ASPC..187    The Evolution of Galaxies on Cosmological Timescales
2008AIPC.1035    The Evolution of Galaxies Through the Neutral Hydrogen Window
1996eiaf.conf    Evolution of Igneous Asteroids: Focus on Vesta and the HED Meterorites
1989eidr.proc    Evolution of Interstellar Dust and Related Topics
1992eoim.conf    Evolution of Interstellar Matter and Dynamics of Galaxies
1999elss.conf    Evolution of Large Scale Structure : From Recombination to Garching
1998elss.conf    Evolution of Large-Scale Structure: From Recombination to Garching
1990embm.conf    Evolution of Magma Bodies on Mars
1994ems..conf    Evolution of Massive Stars
1978epac.conf    Evolution of Planetary Atmospheres and Climatology of the Earth
1979epac.conf    Evolution of Planetary Atmospheres and Climatology of the Earth
1972teps.proc    The Evolution of Population II Stars
2005AIPC..783    The Evolution of Starbursts
1991IAUS..145    Evolution of Stars: the Photospheric Abundance Connection
1994AIPC..308    The Evolution of X-ray Binariese
1991epu..conf    Evolutionary Phenomena in the Universe
1989epg..conf    Evolutionary Phenomena in Galaxies
1992IAUS..151    Evolutionary Processes in Interacting Binary Stars
2002ASPC..269    The Evolving Sun and its Influence on Planetary Environments
1998ASSL..231    The Evolving Universe    Exact Solutions and Scalar Fields in Gravity: Recent Developments
1996IAUS..168    Examining the Big Bang and Diffuse Background Radiations
1981ebas.conf    Excitation and Broadening in Atomic Spectra of Astrophysical Interest
1967eeva.conf    Excitation Électronique d'une Vapeur Atomique: Application a la Spectroscopie
2001ESASP.496    Exo-/Astro-Biology
2002ESASP.518    Exo-Astrobiology
1966esel.conf    Exobiology: The Search for Extraterrestrial Life
1989exmm.nasa    Exobiology and Future Mars Missions
1989eeo..conf    Exobiology in Earth Orbit
1992esse.nasa    Exobiology in Solar System Exploration
    EXOSA        EXOSAT Express
2002AIPC..644    Exotic Clustering
2005AIPC..802    Exotic Nuclear Systems
2003enam.conf    Exotic Nuclei and Atomic Masses
2008AIPC..972    Exotic Nuclei and Nuclear/Particle Astrophysics (II)
2002ASPC..279    Exotic Stars as Challenges to Evolution    Exozodiacal Dust Workshop:    The Expanding Worlds of General Relativity
1902egh..conf    The Expansion of Gases by Heat
1991eahe.conf    Experimental Apparatus for High Energy Particle Physics and Astrophysics
2002AIPC..622    Experimental Chaos
2003AIPC..676    Experimental Chaos
2002AIPC..616    Experimental Cosmology at Millimetre Wavelengths
1974exgr.conf    Experimental Gravitation
1994exgr.conf    Experimental Gravitation
1988egp..conf    Experimental Gravitational Physics
1993ehtf.conf    Experimental Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics, and Thermodynamics 1993
2000epgw.conf    Experimental Physics of Gravitational Waves
1987eprs.nasa    Experiments in Planetary and Related Sciences and the Space Station
1988ASSL..149    Experiments on Cosmic Dust Analogues
1964ew2..conf    Exploding Wires, Volume 2
1964ew3..conf    Exploding Wires, Volume 3
1968ew4..conf    Exploding Wires, Volume 4
2003ESASP.511    Exploiting the ISO Data Archive. Infrared Astronomy in the Internet Age
2000ESASP.462    Exploration and Utilisation of the Moon
1974IAUS...65    Exploration of the Planetary System
1988ehc..conf    Exploration of Halley's Comet
2007epd..conf    Exploration of Phobos and Deimos
1960exsp.conf    The Exploration of Space    Exploration of Space: Issues and Status    Exploring the Cosmic Frontier: Astrophysical Instruments for the 21st Century
1992eepg.conf    Exploring the Earth: Progress in geophysics since the 17th century
2001ESASP.459    Exploring the Gamma-Ray Universe
1987ASSL..129    Exploring the Universe with the IUE Satellite
1973exnu.conf    Explosive Nucleosynthesis
2001AIPC..556    Explosive Phenomena in Astrophysical Compact Objects
1973IAUS...51    Extended Atmospheres and Circumstellar Matter in Spectroscopic Binary Systems
1972IAUS...44    External Galaxies and Quasi-Stellar Objects
1988esna.conf    Extra Solar Neutrino Astronomy
    Extr.        Extraction
1979aers.conf    Extragalactic Astronomy - Meeting "Sol-Espace"
1997eai..proc    Extragalactic Astronomy in the Infrared
1993ebr..proc    Extragalactic Background Radiation: A Meeting in Honor of Riccardo Giacconi
1988ASPC....4    The Extragalactic Distance Scale
1997eds..proc    The Extragalactic Distance Scale
1985ees..conf    Extragalactic Energetic Sources
2002ASPC..254    Extragalactic Gas at Low Redshift
2003egcs.conf    Extragalactic Globular Cluster Systems
1981ehea.conf    Extragalactic High Energy Astrophysics
2001IAUS..204    The Extragalactic Infrared Background and its Cosmological Implications
2008ASPC..386    Extragalactic Jets: Theory and Observation from Radio to Gamma Ray
1981exmo.conf    Extragalactic Molecules Workshop
1982IAUS...97    Extragalactic Radio Sources
1996IAUS..175    Extragalactic Radio Sources    Extragalactic Radio Sources. From Beams to Jets
2002IAUS..207    Extragalactic Star Clusters    Extranuclear Activity in Galaxies
2005ASPC..331    Extra-Planar Gas
2008expl.conf    Extrasolar Planets
2004ASPC..321    Extrasolar Planets: Today and Tomorrow
1969exma.conf    Extraterrestrial Matter
1968exre.conf    Extraterrestrial Resources    Extraterrestrials - Where are they?
1985esai.conf    Extraterrestrials. Science and Alien Intelligence
1991eua..coll    Extreme Ultraviolet Astronomy
2003ehcr.conf    Extremely High-Energy Cosmic Ray
2006fdg..conf    The Fabulous Destiny of Galaxies: Bridging Past and Present
1995fvmr.conf    The Face of Venus. The Magellan Radar-Mapping Mission
1993faas.conf    Facetten der Astronomie
    PMtv.        Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias Universidad de la Republica Montevideo
1997ESASP.401    The Far Infrared and Submillimetre Universe.    Far Infrared Astronomy
1986fast.conf    FAST Working Paper (October 1986)
2005ASPC..332    The Fate of the Most Massive Stars
1970AIPC....1    Feedback and Dynamic Control of Plasmas
1993fces.conf    The Feedback of Chemical Evolution on the Stellar Content of Galaxies
1960fesu.conf    The Fermi Surface
1994fbig.conf    Festband zum fünfzigjährigen Bestehen des Instituts für Geschichte der Naturwissenschaften der Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main    Festschrift für Elis Strömgren
1968fbpl.conf    Few Body Problems Light Nuclei, and Nuclear Interactions
1987fbpp.conf    Few-Body Problems in Particle, Nuclear, Atomic, and Molecular Physics
2005AIPC..768    Few-Body Problems in Physics
2007fbpp.conf    Few-Body Problems in Physics
1999fbpp.conf    Few-Body Problems in Physics '98
2000fbpp.conf    Few-Body Problems in Physics '99
1979LNP...106    Feynman Path Integrals    FGK stars and T Tauri stars    Fhe future Tf theoretical Physics and Cosmology
1988ASPC....3    Fiber Optics in Astronomy
1993ASPC...37    Fiber Optics in Astronomy II
1998ASPC..152    Fiber Optics in Astronomy III
1986fpwe.conf    Field, Particle and Wave Experiments on Cometary Missions
1980NASCP2155    Field Study for Remote Sensing: An Instructor's Manual
1982ftep.conf    Field Theory in Elementary Particles    Field Trip and Workshop on the Martian Highlands and Mojave Desert Analogs
1971NASSP.282    Fifth Aerospace Mechanisms Symposium
1967etpc.conf    Fifth Annual Eastern Theoretical Physics Conference
1992NASCP3127    Fifth Annual Workshop on Space Operations Applications and Research (SOAR '91)    Fifth EISCAT Scientific Workshop: Programme and Abstracts
2005ESASP.563    Fifth European Symposium on Aerothermodynamics for Space Vehicles
1999ficm.conf    The Fifth International Conference on Mars
2000ESASP.443    Fifth International Conference on Substorms
1958cora.conf    Fifth International Congress on Cosmic Radiation
1994AIPC..317    Fifth Mexican School of Particles and Fields
1997ESASP.404    Fifth SOHO Workshop:  The Corona and Solar Wind Near Minimum Activity
2007AIPC..895    Fifty Years of Romanian Astrophysics
1987fdem.conf    Figure and Dynamics of the Earth, Moon and Planets
    raincrept    Final Radiophysics, Inc. Report
1990fas..conf    Finnish Astronomical Society
1992fnps.conf    Finnish Physical Society
1991fnps.conf    Finnish Physical Society Conference Proceedings    Finnish Space Researchers Meeting
1988fsra.conf    Finnish-Soviet Symposium on Radio Astronomy
    FeMik        Finommechanika Mikrotechnika
1980csss....1    First Cambridge Workshop on Cool Stars, Stellar Systems, and the Sun
1965cfbs.conf    First Conference on Faint Blue Stars    First COROT/MONS/MOST  Ground  Support Workshop
2006AIPC..822    First Crisis in Cosmology Conference
1995gwe..conf    First Edoardo Amaldi Conference on Gravitational Wave Experiments
2007AIPC..921    The First GLAST Symposium
1996nuig.conf    First Informal Meeting of Nuclear Astrophysics Italian Groups
1998mps..conf    First International Conference on Mars Polar Science and Exploration
1997ESASP.419    The first ISO workshop on Analytical Spectroscopy    First Landing Site Workshop for the 2003 Mars Exploration Rovers
1993flus.conf    First Light in the Universe. Stars or QSO's?
1967mage.symp    First Marine Geodesy Symposium
2000ESASP.452    First MSG RAO Workshop    First Panoramic Photographs of the Venus Surface
2008ASPC..397    First Results From Hinode
1977fsya.conf    First school of Young Astronomers of Multilateral Cooperation of the Academies of Sciences of the Socialist Countries on the Problem of Physics and Evolution of Stars
2000fist.conf    The First Stars
2008AIPC..990    First Stars III
2001fsol.conf    First Steps in the Origin of Life in the Universe
1994ASPC...58    The First Symposium on the Infrared Cirrus and Diffuse Interstellar Clouds
2006ESASP.633    First Workshop on Innovative System Concepts
1991fyho.conf    The First Year of HST Observations    Fitness of the Cosmos for Life: Biochemistry and Fine-Tuning
1977fayk.conf    Fiz. Atom. Yadra i Kosm. Luchej. Alma-Ata
1976femi.conf    Fiz. i Ehmpirich. Modelir. Ionos
1979fkyf.conf    Fiz. Kosm. Yader. Fiz., Fiz.-Khim. Issled.
1980fosk.conf    Fiz. Osnovy Izm. Sovrem. Klimata.
1984fpop.conf    Fiz. Protsessy v Okolozem. Plazme.
1977fpva.conf    Fiz. Protsessy Verkhn. Atmos.
1980fsam.conf    Fiz. Soln. Aktivnosti
1988fsa..conf    Fiz. Soln. Aktivnosti
1976fsam.conf    Fiz. Soln. Aktivnosti. Moskva
1976fsp..conf    Fiz. Soln. Pyaten. Moskva
1973fsyv.conf    Fiz. Solnech. Yavlenij. Vladivostok
1979fsif.conf    Fiz. Solntsa. Issled. po Fiz. Soln. Aktivnosti
1997flst.conf    Flamsteed's stars: new perspectives on the life and work of the first Astronomer Royal, 1646-1719.    Flare Processes in Plasmas    Flare Research at the Next Solar Maximum
1976fsfh.conf    Flare Stars
1977fsfh.conf    Flare Stars
1986fsro.conf    Flare Stars and Related Objects
1980fsfh.conf    Flare Stars, Fuors and Herbig-Haro Objects
1990IAUS..137    Flare Stars in Star Clusters, Associations and the Solar Vicinity
1974fpsw.conf    Flare-Produced Shock Waves in the Corona and in Interplanetary Space
2002fpcv.conf    Flavor Physics and CP Violation
1985fmcv.conf    Flavour Mixing and CP Violation
    FliIn        Flight International
    fmet.symp    Flight Mechanics/Estimation Theory Symposium    Florilegium astronomicum. Festschrift für Felix Schmeidler    Flow at Ultra-High Reynolds and Rayleigh Numbers
2006AIPC..832    Flow Dynamics
    F&CRe        Flower and Cook Observatory Reprints
2007AIPC..934    Flows, Boundaries, and Interactions
1997fqqf.conf    Fluctuations Quantiques/Quantum Fluctuations
    FRFI.        Flug Revue Flugwelt International
2005fdda.conf    Fluid Dynamics and Dynamos in Astrophysics and Geophysics
    FMAG.        Fluid Mechanics of Astrophysics and Geophysics
1976NASSP.415    Flutter Testing Techniques
1989ftsa.conf    Flux Tubes in the Solar Atmosphere
1977fost.conf    Focus on the Stars    Focus on Black Hole Research
2006fqgr.conf    Focus on Quantum Gravity Research
2004ceme.symp    A fool in space. Proceedings of the 36th Symposium on Celestial Mechanics
1974IAUS...58    The Formation and Dynamics of Galaxies
1990fecs.conf    The Formation and Evolution of Cosmic Strings
1994feg..conf    The Formation and Evolution of Galaxies
2004ASPC..322    The Formation and Evolution of Massive Young Star Clusters    The Formation and Evolution of Planetary Systems
1991ASPC...13    The Formation and Evolution of Star Clusters
1996ASPC...92    Formation of the Galactic Halo...Inside and Out
1995fmw..conf    The Formation of the Milky Way
2001IAUS..200    The Formation of Binary Stars
1999fgb..conf    The Formation of Galactic Bulges
1982fps..conf    Formation of Planetary Systems
1990fspe.rept    Formation of Stars and Planets, and the Evolution of the Solar System
1999fsu..conf    Formation of Structure in the Universe
1981fseg.conf    Formation, Structure and Evolutino of Galaxies
1984rts..conf    FORTH Conference on Real Time Systems    Forum on Innovative Approaches to Outer Planetary Exploration 2001-2020
2001fpld.conf    Forward Physics and Luminosity Determination at LHC
1977fstt.conf    Foundation of Space-Time Theories
1989fbbc.conf    Foundations of Big Bang Cosmology
2005AIPC..750    Foundations of Probability and Physics - 3
2007AIPC..889    Foundations of Probability and Physics - 4
2006fqmh.conf    The Foundations of Quantum Mechanics: Historical Analysis and Open Questions
    sbim....1    Foundations of Space Biology and Medicine
1997fose.conf    Four Seas Conference
1971fosp.conf    Fourier Spectroscopy
2001heds.conf    Fourth Annual HEDS-UP Forum
1991NASCP3103    Fourth Annual Workshop on Space Operations Applications and Research (SOAR '90)
1984iue..conf    Fourth European IUE Conf.
1984ESASP.218    Fourth European IUE Conference
2001ESASP.467    Fourth International Symposium Environmental Testing for Space Programmes
1986mgm..conf    Fourth Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity
2002ESASP.487    Fourth Symposium on Aerothermodynamics for Space Vehicles
1996frph.conf    Fractals in Physics
1991IAUS..147    Fragmentation of Molecular Clouds and Star Formation
    FrInJ        Franklin Institute Journal
1989fsm..conf    Frequency Standards and Metrology
1995ASPC...86    Fresh Views of Elliptical Galaxies
2004ESASP.550    FRINGE 2003 Workshop
2006ESASP.610    Fringe 2005 Workshop
2000ESASP.478    Fringe '99 - Advancing ERS SSAR Interferometry from Applications Towards Operations    From the Planck Length to the Hubble Radius
1987fpsw.conf    From the Planck Scale to the Weak Scale: Toward a Theory of the Universe
1998fsam.conf    From the Sun, Auroras, Magnetic Storms, Solar Flares, Cosmic Rays
1990faa..conf    From Actions to Answers
2006ASPC..345    From Clark Lake to the Long Wavelength Array: Bill Erickson's Radio Science
2001ASPC..243    From Darkness to Light: Origin and Evolution of Young Stellar Clusters
1989fdtm.conf    From Data to Model
2000fdtp.conf    From Dust to Terrestrial Planets
2000fepc.conf    From Extrasolar Planets to Cosmology: The VLT Opening Symposium
1995ASPC...73    From Gas to Stars to Dust
2000ASPC..212    From Giant Planets to Cool Stars    From Integrable Models to Gauge Theories
2005IAUS..228    From Lithium to Uranium: Elemental Tracers of Early Cosmic Evolution
1990fmm..conf    From Mantle to Meteorites: A Garland of Perspectives
1992fmtg.conf    From Mars to Greenland : Charting Gravity with Space
1990fmpn.coll    From Miras to Planetary Nebulae: Which Path for Stellar Evolution?
2000IAUS..197    From Molecular Clouds to Planetary
1995fntc.conf    From Newton to Chaos
1986fns..conf    From Nuclei to Stars
1989fptp.conf    From Particles to Plasmas
2006AIPC..851    From Physics to Biology: The Interface between Experiment and Computation
1972fpp..conf    From Plasma to Planet
1997ASPC..126    From Quantum Fluctuations to Cosmological Structures
2004fqgq.conf    From Quarks and Gluons to Quantum Gravity
2002ESASP.508    From Solar Min to Max: Half a Solar Cycle with SOHO
1997ASPC..122    From Stardust to Planetesimals
1996ASPC...98    From Stars to Galaxies: the Impact of Stellar Physics on Galaxy Evolution
2007ASPC..374    From Stars to Galaxies: Building the Pieces to Build Up the Universe
1999fsgu.conf    From Stars to Galaxies to the Universe
1989stq..conf    From Stars to Quasars    From SU(3) to Gravity
1994fsts.conf    From superconductivity to supernovae: The Ginzburg Symposium
1995spdp.conf    From Superstring to Present-day Physics
1994fss..conf    From Superstrings to Supergravity
2003fthp.conf    From Twilight to Highlight: The Physics of Supernovae
2007ASPC..375    From Z-Machines to ALMA: (Sub)Millimeter Spectroscopy of Galaxies
2004fapc.conf    Frontier in Astroparticle Physics and Cosmology
1989foap.conf    Frontier Objects in Astrophysics and Particle Physics
1991foap.conf    Frontier Objects in Astrophysics and Particle Physics
2001foap.conf    Frontier Objects in Astrophysics and Particle Physics
1998ftqp.conf    Frontier Tests of QED and Physics of the Vacuum
1992ftna.conf    Frontier Topics in Nuclear and Astrophysics -- Graduate Lectures
2006AIPC..809    Frontiers in Contemporary Physics
2007AIPC..960    Frontiers in Contemporary Physics-EAV07
1992NYASA..65    Frontiers in Cosmic Physics
2007fcrr.conf    Frontiers in Cosmic Ray Research
2000fdp..conf    Frontiers in Dusty Plasmas
2007fgrq.conf    Frontiers in General Relativity and Quantum Cosmological Research: Horizons in World Physics
2005fmpp.conf    Frontiers in Magnetospheric Plasma Physics
2006AIPC..831    Frontiers in Nuclear Structure, Astrophysics, and Reactions
2008AIPC.1012    Frontiers in Nuclear Strucutre, Astrophysics, and Reactions: Finustar 2    Frontiers in Numerical Relativity
1996fqft.conf    Frontiers in Quantum Field Theory
1998fqp..conf    Frontiers in Quantum Physics
2007ftcs.conf    Frontiers in Turbulence and Coherent Structures
1990fvlb.conf    Frontiers in VLBI
1984faa..conf    Frontiers of Astronomy and Astrophysics
1976fras.conf    Frontiers of Astrophysics
1995fras.conf    Frontiers of Astrophysics
2008ASPC..395    Frontiers of Astrophysics: A Celebration of NRAO's 50th Anniversary
2005frco.conf    Frontiers of Cosmology    Frontiers of Cosmology and Gravitation
2006ffp..conf    Frontiers of Fundamental and Computational Physics
2008AIPC.1018    Frontiers of Fundamental and Computational Physics
1984ffp..conf    Frontiers of Fundamental Physics
2007AIPC..905    Frontiers of Fundamental Physics    Frontiers of fundamental physics 4
1992frli.conf    Frontiers of Life
1993fna..conf    Frontiers of Neutrino Astrophysics
2003AIPC..656    Frontiers of Nuclear Structure
2005fosi.conf    Frontiers of Optical Spectroscopy: Investigating Extreme Physical Conditions with Advanced Optical Techniques
1990ftph.conf    Frontiers of Physics
1994ASSL..187    Frontiers of Space and Ground-Based Astronomy
1991ASPC...20    Frontiers of Stellar Evolution
2001ftp..conf    Frontiers of Theoretical Physics: A General View of Theoretical Physics at the Crossing of Centuries
2006AIPC..863    Frontiers of Time: Retrocausation - Experiment and Theory
1991frvl.conf    Frontiers of VLBI    Frontiers of X-ray astronomy
1992fxra.conf    Frontiers Science Series
1998bhhe.conf    Frontiers Science Series 23: Black Holes and High Energy Astrophysics
1998psrd.conf    Frontiers Science Series No. 23: Pulsating Stars: Recent Developments in Theory and Observation
    IzFru        Frunze Izdatel Ilim
    FSTJ.        Fujitsu Scientific Technical Journal
1973falp.conf    Fundamental and Applied Laser Physics
2007AIPC..935    Fundamental and Applied Spectroscopy
2002fuin.conf    Fundamental Interactions
2005fuin.conf    Fundamental Interactions
1985fic..conf    Fundamental Interactions and Cosmology
2005AIPC..767    Fundamental Interactions and Twistor-Like Methods
1973fip..conf    Fundamental Interactions in Physics
1973fipa.conf    Fundamental Interactions in Physics and Astrophysics
2006fuin...20    Fundamental Interactions: Proceedings of the 20th Lake Louise Winter Institute
2006fuin...21    Fundamental Interactions: Proceedings of the 21th Lake Louise Winter Institute
2008fuin.conf    Fundamental Interactions: Proceedings of the 22nd Lake Louise Winter Institute
    OOPS.        Fundamental nye Osnovy Opticheskoi Pamiati i Sredy
1998AIPC..423    Fundamental Particles and Interactions, Frontiers in Contemporary Physics
1997ESASP.420    Fundamental Physics in Space
2000fps..conf    Fundamental Physics in Space
2001ESASP.469    Fundamental Physics in Space and Related Topics
2002AIPC..626    Fundamental Physics of Ferroelectrics 2002
2003AIPC..677    Fundamental Physics of Ferroelectrics 2003
1981IAUS...93    Fundamental Problems in the Theory of Stellar Evolution
1995NYASA.755    Fundamental Problems in Quantum Theory
1978fpsm.conf    Fundamental Problems in Statistical Mechanics IV
1998IAUS..189    Fundamental Stellar Properties
1990fsnp.conf    Fundamental Symmetries in Nuclei and Particles
1967fnt..conf    Fundamentals in Nuclear Theory
2000fdso.conf    Further Developments in Scientific Optical Imaging
    fuse.prop    FUSE Proposal
2006AIPC..853    Fusion06: Reaction Mechanisms and Nuclear Structure at the Coulomb Barrier
1988faom.conf    Future Astronomical Observatories on the Moon
2003fdhr.conf    Future Directions in High Resolution Astronomy
2005ASPC..340    Future Directions in High Resolution Astronomy
1985ESASP.235    Future Missions in Solar, Heliospheric & Space Plasma Physics
1985shpp.rept    Future Missions in Solar, Heliospheric and Space Plasma Physics
1961IAUS...13    The Future of the International Latitude Service
2000fufc.conf    The Future of the Universe and the Future of our Civilization.
2007ASPC..364    The Future of Photometric, Spectrophotometric and Polarimetric Standardization    The Future of Small Telescopes In The New Millennium. Volume I - Perceptions, Productivities, and Policies    The Future of Small Telescopes In The New Millennium. Volume II - The Telescopes We Use    The Future of Small Telescopes In The New Millennium. Volume III - Science in the Shadow of Giants
2002ASPC..272    The Future of Solar System Exploration (2003-2013) -- First Decadal Study contributions
1984fiue.rept    Future of Ultraviolet Astronomy Based on Six Years of IUE Research
1995fpa..conf    Future Physics and Accelerators
1995ESASP.379    Future Possibilities for bstrometry in Space
2007fpca.conf    Future Professional Communication in Astronomy
1980fsoo.conf    Future Solar and Optical Observations Needs and Constraints
1978fsoo.conf    Future solar optical observations needs and constraints    Future Space Activities Workshop
1994fvlt.conf    Future VLT Instruments: Scientific Drivers and Concept Definitions
1995fvlt.conf    Future VLT Instruments: Scientific Drivers and Concept Definitions
1986glaa.conf    Gagarin lectures on Aeronautics and Aviation
2003ASPC..298    GAIA Spectroscopy: Science and Technology
1990IAUS..139    The Galactic and Extragalactic Background Radiation
1985gecx.conf    Galactic and Extra-Galactic Compact X-ray Sources
1982ESASP.192    Galactic and Extragalactic Infrared Spectroscopy
1984ASSL..108    Galactic and Extragalactic Infrared Spectroscopy    Galactic and Extra-Galactic Radio Astronomy    Galactic and Extragalactic Radio Astronomy
1990IAUS..140    Galactic and Intergalactic Magnetic Fields
1994gsso.conf    Galactic and Solar System Optical Astrometry
1970gaas.conf    Galactic Astronomy    The Galactic Black Hole
1993IAUS..153    Galactic Bulges
1982AIPC...83    The Galactic Center
1987AIPC..155    The Galactic Center
1996ASPC..102    The Galactic Center
    GCNew        Galactic Center Newsletter
1997ASPC..115    Galactic Cluster Cooling Flows
1981gaev.conf    Galactic Evolution    Galactic Foreground Polarization
1998ASPC..136    Galactic Halos
1974IAUS...60    Galactic Radio Astronomy
2003ASPC..287    Galactic Star Formation Across the Stellar Mass Spectrum
1965gast.conf    Galactic Structure
1985gsvs.conf    Galactic Structure and Variable Stars
1977gsdp.conf    Galactic Structure in the Direction of the Polar Caps
1982gxrs.conf    Galactic X-ray Sources
1982gxs..conf    Galactic X-ray sources
1981gse..conf    Galaktische Struktur und Entwicklung
1986gala.conf    Galaxias
2001gtd..conf    Galaxies: the Third Dimension
2002ASPC..282    Galaxies: the Third Dimension    Galaxies and the Universe    Galaxies and the Universe
1974gra..conf    Galaxies and Relativistic Astrophysics
2001IAUS..205    Galaxies and their Constituents at the Highest Angular Resolutions
2003ghr..conf    Galaxies at High Redshift
1985gasr.conf    Galaxies, Axisymmetric Systems and Relativity    Galaxies, Quasars and Cosmology
1987gala.conf    The Galaxy
1976RGOB..182    The Galaxy and the Local Group
1964IAUS...20    The Galaxy and the Magellanic Clouds
1986gss..conf    The Galaxy and the Solar System
2001ASPC..230    Galaxy Disks and Disk Galaxies
1999ASPC..182    Galaxy Dynamics - A Rutgers Symposium
1993ASPC...49    Galaxy Evolution. The Milky Way Perspective
1999gecd.conf    Galaxy Evolution: Connecting the Distant Universe with the Local Fossil Record
2002geto.conf    Galaxy evolution, theory and observations
1994gafo.conf    Galaxy Formation
1999IAUS..186    Galaxy Interactions at Low and High Redshift
1997gsr..proc    Galaxy Scaling Relations: Origins, Evolution and Applications
1985gamf.conf    The Galileo Affair: A Meeting of Faith and Science    Galileo in Context    Galileo Reappraised
2001AIPC..587    Gamma 2001: Gamma-Ray Astrophysics
1993grnc.conf    Gamma Ray - Neutrino Cosmology and Planck Scale
1981gra..rept    Gamma Ray Astrophysics    Gamma Ray Observatory Science Workshop
1995grsc.conf    Gamma Ray Sky with Compton GRO and SIGMA
1978grsa.rept    Gamma Ray Spectroscopy in Astrophysics
1982AIPC...77    Gamma Ray Transients and Related Astrophysical Phenomena
1982grap.symp    Gamma-Ray Astronomy in Perspective of Future Space Experiments
1973gra..conf    Gamma-Ray Astrophysics
2003AIPC..662    Gamma-Ray Burst and Afterglow Astronomy 2001: A Workshop Celebrating the First Year of the HETE Mission
1992hgrb.symp    Gamma-Ray Bursts
1994AIPC..307    Gamma-Ray Bursts
1999ASPC..190    Gamma-Ray Bursts: The First Three Minutes    Gamma-Ray Bursts - Observations, Analyses and Theories
2004AIPC..727    Gamma-Ray Bursts: 30 Years of Discovery
1998AIPC..428    Gamma-Ray Bursts, 4th Hunstville Symposium
2000AIPC..526    Gamma-ray Bursts, 5th Huntsville Symposium
2001grba.conf    Gamma-ray Bursts in the Afterglow Era
2006AIPC..836    Gamma-Ray Bursts in the Swift Era
2007AIPC..906    Gamma-Ray Bursts: Prospects for GLAST
1996grea.conf    Gamma-ray Emitting AGN
1991AIPC..232    Gamma-Ray Line Astrophysics
1986gaco.conf    Gamow Cosmology
1986goco.conf    Ganow Cosmology
2003gafe.conf    The Garrison Festschrift
2001ASPC..240    Gas and Galaxy Evolution
1955IAUS....2    Gas Dynamics of Cosmic Clouds
1984gim..conf    Gas in the Interstellar Medium
1978gael.conf    Gaseous Electronics, Volume 1: Electrical Discharges
1986ghg..conf    Gaseous halos of Galaxies
1976gtmf.conf    Gauge Theories and Modern Field Theory    Gauge Theory and the Early Universe
    GGMit        Gauss-Gesellschaft e.V. Göttingen, Mitteilungen
    GVPOO        Gauthier-Villars Paris Observatory Observations
1996gggp.conf    Gemeinsame Gedenkveranstaltung zum 200. Geburtstag von Peter Andreas Hansen
    Gemin        GEMINI Newsletter Royal Greenwich Observatory
1977grep.conf    General Relativistic Effects in Physics and Astrophysics
1972grec.conf    General Relativity
1996gere.conf    General Relativity
1979grec.conf    General Relativity: An Einstein centenary survey
1971grc..conf    General Relativity and Cosmology
1980grg..conf    General Relativity and Gravitation
1987grg..conf    General Relativity and Gravitation
1989grg..conf    General Relativity and Gravitation
1997grg..conf    General Relativity and Gravitation
2002grg..conf    General Relativity and Gravitation
2005grg..conf    General Relativity and Gravitation
1975grg..conf    General Relativity and Gravitation 1974
1977grg..conf    General Relativity and Gravitation 1977
1983grg..conf    General Relativity and Gravitation 1980
1990grg..conf    General Relativity and Gravitation, 1989
1993grg..conf    General Relativity and Gravitation 1992
1984grg..conf    General Relativity and Gravitation Conference
1980grg2.conf    General Relativity and Gravitation II
1983grg1.conf    General Relativity and Gravitation, Volume 1
    grgp.proc    General Relativity and Gravitational Physics
1987grgp.conf    General Relativity and Gravitational Physics
1991grgp.conf    General Relativity and Gravitational Physics
1994grgp.conf    General Relativity and Gravitational Physics
1996grgp.conf    General Relativity and Gravitational Physics
1997grgp.conf    General Relativity and Gravitational Physics
2005AIPC..751    General Relativity and Gravitational Physics
1999AIPC..493    General Relativity and Relativistic Astrophysics
2005grrt.conf    General Relativity Research Trends
1971gkls.conf    Generatsiya kosmich. luchej na Solntse
2007ggr..conf    The Genesis of General Relativity
2007ggr1.conf    The Genesis of General Relativity
1976gimn.conf    Genet. Issled. v Mineral. Novosibirsk
2003ESASP.522    GENIE - DARWIN Workshop - Hunting for Planets
1984geco.conf    Geochemistry and Cosmochemistry
1976gcig.conf    Geochronology, Cosmochronology and Isotope Geology
1974gru..conf    Geod. Raboty na Urale. Sverdlovsk
1976gaa..conf    Geodätische Astronomie und Astrometrie
1974gpe..conf    Geodesy and Physics of the Earth
1977gpe..symp    Geodesy and Physics of the Earth
1989gpe..conf    Geodesy and Physics of the Earth
1993gpe..conf    Geodesy and Physics of the Earth
1992gpe..conf    Geodesy and Physics of the Earth: Geodetic Contributions to Geodynamics
1961gsa..symp    Geodesy in the Space Age
1982gari.conf    Geodetic Applications of Radio Interferometry
1984gere.conf    Geodetic Refraction
1979sdp..conf    Geodetic Symposium on Satellite Doppler Positioning
1991gvmg.conf    Geodetic VLBI: Monitoring Global Change
1980gafm.conf    Geodynamics and Astrometry. Foundations, Methods, Results
1976gbep.rept    A Geological Basis for the Exploration of the Planets
1971gplp.conf    Geological Problems in Lunar and Planetary Research
    GSAMB        Geological Society of America Bulletin
1971gpm..conf    Geology and Physics of the Moon. A Study of Some Fundamental Problems
1985ga15.conf    Geology of the Apollo 15 Landing Site
1992ga17.conf    Geology of the Apollo 17 Landing Site
1984gtp..rept    Geology of the Terrestial Planets    The Geology of Mars: Evidence from Earth-Based Analog
1991geom.conf    Geomagnetism
1998gash.conf    Geomagnetism and Aeronomy
1997gash.conf    Geomagnetism and Aeronomy with Special Historical Case Studies
2000gmad.conf    Geomatic Methods for the Analysis of Data in the Earth Sciences
1983gedy.conf    Geometric Dynamics
2007AIPC..956    Geometrical Methods in Physics
2008AIPC.1023    Geometry and Physics
1991gamp.conf    Geophysical and Astrophysical MHD
1961gacr.conf    Geophysical Aspects of Cosmic Rays
    GDS..        Geophysical Developments Series
1978gim..conf    Geophysical Interpretation Methods
    GeoSu        Geophysical Surveys
1958gigy.conf    Geophysics and the IGY
1963gege.conf    Geophysique Exterieure -- Geophysics: The Earth's Environment
1997ASPC..129    George Gamow Symposium
    gmu..rept    George Mason Univ. Technical Report
    GeoOM        Georgetown Observatory Monogram
    GeoRe        Georgetown Observatory Reprints
    gita.rept    Georgia Institute of Technology Final Report
    GEOCE        GEOS Circular on Eclipsing Binaries
    GEOCR        GEOS Circular on RR Lyr Type Variables
    GEOCA        GEOS Circular on Small-Amplitude Variables
    GEOSN        GEOS Note Circulaire
1998gmef.conf    Geospace Mass and Energy Flow
    TrGRC        Geothermal Resources Council Transactions
    Geot.        Geotimes    Gerard and Antoinette de Vaucouleurs: A life for Astronomy
1987geko.conf    Geschichte der Kometenforschung
    GUL..        Geschichte und Lichtwechsel der Veraenderlichen Sterne (Potsdam)
    GATAN        Gesellschaft Aerosolforschung Tagung ueber Aerosole Naturwissenschaft Medizin und Technik Messtechnik und technische Anwendung
    GMMWJ        Gesellschaft angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik Jahrestagung Goettingen West Germany Zeitschrift Flugwissenschaften
    GaMuM        Gesellschaft Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik Workshop Paris France
    GMuD.        Gesellschaft Mathematik und Datenverarbeitung mbH Multigrid Methods Special Topics Applications
2000gtgr.conf    GeV-TeV Gamma Ray Astrophysics Workshop : towards a major atmospheric Cherenkov detector    Giant Molecular Clouds in the Galaxy
    GVMK.        Gibridnye Vychislitel nye Mashiny i Kompleksy
1985gki..conf    Gidroaehromekh. i Kosm. Issled.
    GiGi.        Gidroprivod i Gidropnevmoavtomatika
1979LNP....98    G.I.F.T. International Seminar on Theoretical Physics
1997gpsc.conf    Gigahertz Peaked Spectrum and Compact Steep Spectrum Radio Sources
    GTPZ.        Gigiena Truda i Professional nye Zabolevaniia
1969gsse.conf    Giornate di Studio Sull'Elio
1970gsse.conf    Giornate di Studio Sull'Elio, Frascati Luglio 1969
2008AIPC.1009    GIS in Geology and Earth Sciences
1983gst..conf    Glass: Science and Technology
1990grgd.conf    Global and Regional Geodynamics    Global Catastrophes in Earth History
1988gceh.conf    Global Catastrophes in Earth History: An Interdisciplinary Conference on Impacts, Volcanism, and Mass Mortality
1996gchg.conf    Global Change and History of Geophysics
1995geph.conf    Global Earth Physics: A Handbook of Physical Constants
1996ggft.conf    Global Gravity Field and its Temporal Variations
1985gmgm.rept    Global Mega-Geomorphology    Global Weather Predication: The Coming Revolution
1993ASPC...48    The Globular Cluster-Galaxy Connection
1980glcl.conf    Globular Clusters
1999glcl.conf    Globular Clusters
1983ghf..conf    Gluons and Heavy Flavours, Volume 1
1991gcsa.conf    Goddard Conference on Space Applications of Artificial Intelligence : 6
    GLORe        Goethe Link Observatory Reprints
1993ASPC...42    GONG 1992. Seismic Investigation of the Sun and Stars
1995ASPC...76    GONG 1994. Helio- and Astro-Seismology from the Earth and Space
2003ESASP.517    GONG+ 2002. Local and Global Helioseismology: the Present and Future
    GPSW.        GPS World
1988gimo.conf    Gradient-Index Optics and Miniature Optics
2006AIPC..843    Graduate School in Astronomy: X
2007AIPC..930    Graduate School in Astronomy: XI Special Courses at the National Observatory of Rio de Janeiro (XI CCE)    Graduate Workshop on Star Formation
1983grun.conf    Grand Unification    Grand Unification With and Without Supersymmetry and Cosmological
1983gute.conf    Grand Unified Theories and the Early Universe (KEK-13)
1984gutc.conf    Grand Unified Theories and Cosmology
2008AIPC.1015    Grand Unified Theories: Current Status and Future Prospects
1994gss..conf    Gravitation: the Spacetime Structure, SILARG VIII
2000graa.conf    Gravitation and Astrophysics
2007gras.conf    Gravitation and Astrophysics
1988grco.conf    Gravitation and Cosmology
1997ASSL..211    Gravitation and Cosmology
2005AIPC..758    Gravitation and Cosmology
2002gchr.conf    Gravitation and Cosmology : from the Hubble Radius to the Planck Scale
1991gamc.conf    Gravitation and Modern Cosmology. The Cosmological Constant Problem
1995grqu.conf    Gravitation and Quantizations, Session LVII of Les Houches
1984grap.conf    Gravitation and Relativistic Astrophysics
1998grtm.conf    Gravitation and Relativity: At the Turn of the Millennium    Gravitation, Electromagnetism and Cosmology: Toward a New Synthesis,
2002gfpi.conf    Gravitation: Following the Prague Inspiration    Gravitation: From the Hubble Length to the Planck Length
1989ggte.conf    Gravitation, Gauge Theories and the Early Universe
1987gac..conf    Gravitation in Astrophysics - Cargèse 1986
1980gqu..conf    Gravitation, Quanta and the Universe
1988gqfs.conf    Gravitation, Quantum Fields, and Superstrings
1988grko.conf    Gravitation und Kosmos
1991gaid.conf    Gravitational Astronomy: Instrument Design and Astrophysical Prospects
1986gcr..conf    Gravitational Collapse and Relativity
1996grdy.conf    Gravitational dynamics
1989gfpg.conf    Gravitational Force Perpendicular to the Galactic Plane
1989glhb.conf    Gravitational Lenses in Honor of Bernard F. Burke's 60th Birthday
2005IAUS..225    Gravitational Lensing Impact on Cosmology
2001ASPC..237    Gravitational Lensing: Recent Progress and Future Go
1989gmca.conf    Gravitational Magneto-Convection and Accretion
1983grr..proc    Gravitational Radiation
1974IAUS...64    Gravitational Radiation and Gravitational Collapse
1986rac..conf    Gravitational Radiation and Relativity
1980grco.symp    Gravitational Radiation, Collapsed Objects, and Exact Solutions
1979grt..conf    Gravitational radiation theory
1997gwd..conf    Gravitational Wave Detection
2000gwd..conf    Gravitational Wave Detection II
1995grwa.conf    Gravitational Wave Experiments
2001gwvs.conf    Gravitational Waves
1974gwr..conf    Gravitational Waves and Radiations
1997gwsd.conf    Gravitational Waves: Sources and Detectors
    GrTOn        Gravitatsiia i Teoriia Otnositel nosti
1995grge.conf    Gravity and Geoid
1966gaua.conf    Gravity Anomalies: Unsurveyed Areas
2005ggsm.conf    Gravity, Geoid and Space Missions
1990ggg..conf    Gravity, Gradiometry, and Gravimetry
1996gpst.conf    Gravity Particles and Space-time
1952grwa.conf    Gravity Waves
1993graz.iafc    Graz International Astronautical Federation Congress
    GCN..        GRB Coordinates Network
1995gcci.conf    The Great Comet Crash: the Impact of Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 on Jupiter
2000gesb.conf    The Greatest Explosions Since the Big Bang : Supernovae and Gamma-Ray Bursts
2001ESASP.484    Green Propellents for Space Propulsion
    gmd..rept    Greenbelt, Md. Workshop
    gtr..rept    Greenwich Time Report
1983grc..conf    Gregorian Reform of the Calendar
    GriO.        Griffith Observer
1986gsih.conf    Ground and Space Investigations of the Halley Comet 1985-1986
1996gbaa.conf    Ground-Based Astronomy in Asia
1971LNP.....6    Group Representations in Mathematics and Physics
1976LNP....50    Group Theoretical Methods in Physics
1979LNP....94    Group Theory and Mathematical Physics
1974gtnp.conf    Group Theory in Non-Linear Problems
1995ASPC...70    Groups of Galaxies
2007ggnu.conf    Groups of Galaxies in the Nearby Universe
2005gbha.conf    Growing Black Holes: Accretion in a Cosmological Context    Growth of Continental Crust
1975grhe.conf    Growth Rhythms and the History of the Earth's Rotation
    GICi.        Gruppo Italiano RV Tauri Circolare
1988guco.conf    Guidance and Control Conference
1989guco.conf    Guidance and Control Conference
2006ESASP.606    Guidance, Navigation and Control Systems
1993gmii.conf    Guide to Magellan Image Interpretation
1973gnrp.conf    The Gum Nebula and Related Problems
2004gntp.conf    Gunnar Nordström Symposium on Theoretical Physics
1974hrgc.conf    H II Regions and the Galactic Centre
1999h2sp.conf    H2 in Space
1974hrgc.rept    H2 Regions and the Galactic Centre
2005AIPC..753    Hadron Collider Physics
2005haph.conf    Hadron Physics
2003AIPC..660    Hadron Physics: Effective Theories of Low Energy QCD
2002AIPC..619    Hadron Spectroscopy
2006AIPC..814    Hadron Spectroscopy
1971hiep.conf    Hadronic Interactions of Electrons and Photons
2005AIPC..775    Hadronic Physics: Joint Meeting Heidelberg-Liège-Paris-Rostock; HLPR 2004
2007AIPC..896    Hadronic Shower Simulition Workshop
1979haob.rept    Hale Observatories Annual Report
    HalRe        Hale Observatories Reprints
1998ASPC..135    A Half Century of Stellar Pulsation Interpretation
    LS...        Hamburger Sternw. Warner & Swasey Obs.
    BSD..        Hamburger Sternwarte Bergedorf
    HamS.        Hamburger Sternwarte Sonderdrucke
1972LNP....13    Hamiltonian Cosmology
2000hscm.conf    Hamiltonian Systems and Celestial Mechanics (HAMSYS-98)    Handbook of the Solar-Terrestrial Environment
    HAAG.        Handbook of Astronomy Astrophysics and Geophysics
    HBP..        Handbook of Biological Physics
    HGE..        Handbook of Geophysical Exploration
    HPlPh        Handbook of Plasma Physics
    HPCRE        Handbook on the Physics and Chemistry of Rare Earths
    HDA..        Handbuch der Astrophysik
    HDP..        Handbuch der Physik
1994hadg.conf    Handling and Archiving Data from Ground-Based Telescopes
1992hoae.conf    Hands-on Astronomy for Education
1991hels.conf    The Hanle Effect and Level-Crossing Spectroscopy    Hans Bethe and his Physics
1988IAUS..126    The Harlow-Shapley Symposium on Globular Cluster Systems in Galaxies
1999ASPC..167    Harmonizing Cosmic Distance Scales in a Post-HIPPARCOS Era
    HarZi        Harthaer Beobachtungs-Zirkular
    HarAC        Harvard College Observatory Announcement Card
    HarAR        Harvard College Observatory Annual Report
    BHarO        Harvard College Observatory Bulletin
    HarCi        Harvard College Observatory Circular
    HarPa        Harvard College Observatory Papers
    HarRe        Harvard College Observatory Reprints
1981hrse.conf    Haute Resolution Spectrale en Astrophysique Applications au Telescope
    huha.rept    Hawaii Univ., Honolulu Report
    hawi.rept    Hawaii University Technical Report
1994hdtc.conf    Hazards Due to Comets and Asteroids
1985hdce.conf    Heat and Detachment in Crustal Extension on Continents and Planets
1967hmt..conf    Heat and Mass Transfer
1974hta..conf    Heat Transfer in the Atmosphere
2007hvcg.conf    Heating versus Cooling in Galaxies and Clusters of Galaxies
    Heavn        Heavens
2002AIPC..618    Heavy Flavor Physics
1989hipn.conf    Heavy Ion Physics and Nuclear Astrophysical Problems
1968hpc..conf    Heavy Particle Collisions
1998heds.conf    HEDS-UP Mars Exploration Forum
1998hume.conf    HEDS-UP Mars Exploration Forum
1977hewi.conf    Heinrich Wild 1877 - 1951
1974hsde.rept    Helios Satellite Sci. Data Evaluation
1980hsp..conf    Helios Solar Probes, Science Summaries
1995ESASP.376    Helioseismology
1995help.conf    Helioseismology
1971heun.conf    Helium in the Universe
2004hell.conf    Hellenic Astronomical Society Sixth Astronomical Conference
    HelOB        Helwan Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics Bulletins
    HemD.        Hemel en Dampkring
1997IAUS..182    Herbig-Haro Flows and the Birth of Stars
1974hctp.conf    The Heritage of Copernicus: Theories "Pleasing to the Mind"
1976LNP....46    Hermitian and Kählerian Geometry in Relativity
1959IAUS...10    The Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram
1976hepl.conf    Het Planetenstelsel    Heteogeneous Atmospheric Chemistry, Geophysical Monograph 26
1987huba.conf    HE-UHE Behaviour of Accreting X-ray Sources
    hea..conf    High Energy Astrophysics
1975hea..conf    High Energy Astrophysics    High Energy Astrophysics
1988hea..conf    High Energy Astrophysics    High Energy Astrophysics
1983heac.conf    High Energy Astrophysics and Cosmology
1984heac.conf    High Energy Astrophysics and Cosmology
1993heac.conf    High Energy Astrophysics and Cosmology
1972hear.conf    High Energy Astrophysics and its Relation to Elementary Particle Physics
1974hear.conf    High Energy Astrophysics and its Relation to Elementary Particle Physics
1991heac.conf    High Energy Astrophysics: Compact Stars and Active Galaxies    High Energy Astrophysics Meeting
1967hea1.conf    High Energy Astrophysics, Volume 1
1967hea2.conf    High Energy Astrophysics, Volume 2
1967hea3.conf    High Energy Astrophysics, Volume 3
2003ASPC..299    High Energy Blazar Astronomy
1997hecn.conf    High Energy Cosmic Neutrinos: Origin, Production and Detection
2003AIPC..691    High Energy Density and High Power RF
2006AIPC..807    High Energy Density and High Power RF
1967heif.conf    High Energy Electromagnetic Interactions and Field Theory
1991AIPC..220    High Energy Gamma Ray Astronomy
2001hegr.proc    High Energy Gamma-Ray Astronomy
2005AIPC..745    High Energy Gamma-Ray Astronomy
1990hehi.conf    High Energy Hadronic Interactions
1992hena.conf    High Energy Neutrino Astrophysics
1974hepq.conf    High Energy Particles and Quanta in Astrophysics
1987hepa.conf    High Energy Phenomena around Collapsed Stars
1973heps.conf    High Energy Phenomena on the Sun
1989hep..conf    High Energy Physics
1991hep..conf    High Energy Physics
1995hep..conf    High Energy Physics
2003AIPC..687    High Energy Physics
2006hep..conf    High Energy Physics
1986hep..conf    High Energy Physics, 1985, Vol. 2.
2008AIPC.1006    High Energy Physics and Applications
1991hepc.conf    High Energy Physics and Cosmology
1993hepc.conf    High Energy Physics and Cosmology
1995hepc.conf    High Energy Physics and Cosmology
1997hepcbconf    High Energy Physics and Cosmology
1998hepc.conf    High Energy Physics and Cosmology, 1997 Summer School
1999hepc.conf    High Energy Physics and Cosmology, 1998 Summer School
1967hepn.conf    High Energy Physics and Nuclear Structure
1999AIPC..488    High Energy Physics at the Millennium: MRST '99,
1996hep..conf    High Energy Physics, HEP 95
2007hepi.conf    High Energy Physics: ICHEP '06
1967hep.....1    High Energy Physics, Volume 1
1967hep.....2    High Energy Physics, Volume 2
1969hep.....3    High Energy Physics, Volume 3
1969hep.....4    High Energy Physics, Volume 4
1972hep.....5    High Energy Physics, Volume 5
2003IAUS..214    High Energy Processes and Phenomena in Astrophysics
1999ASPC..161    High Energy Processes in Accreting Black Holes
1997herb.conf    High Energy Radiation Background in Space
1999herb.conf    High Energy Radiation Background in Space
1996hesp.conf    High Energy Solar Physics
2000ASPC..206    High Energy Solar Physics Workshop - Anticipating Hess!    High Energy Transients
1984heta.conf    High Energy Transients in Astrophysics
2001heus.conf    High Energy Universe at Sharp Focus: Chandra Science
2002ASPC..262    The High Energy Universe at Sharp Focus: Chandra Science
2002AIPC..642    High Intensity and High Brightness Hadron Beams
2005AIPC..773    High Intensity and High Brightness Hadron Beams
1995hlh..conf    The High Latitude Heliosphere
1965hlpi.conf    High Latitude Particles and the Ionosphere -- ALPBACH 1964
1962hmf..conf    High Magnetic Fields
1989hpn..conf    High Precision Navigation
1963hppc....1    High Pressure Physics and Chemistry, Volume 1
1963hppc....2    High Pressure Physics and Chemistry, Volume 2    High Redshift and Primeval Galaxies
1989hrft.conf    High Resolution Fourier Transform Spectroscopy
2005hris.conf    High Resolution Infrared Spectroscopy in Astronomy
1999ASPC..183    High Resolution Solar Physics: Theory, Observations, and Techniques
1978hrs..conf    High resolution spectrometry
1981hrs..conf    High Resolution Spectroscopy
1992hrsw.conf    High Resolution Spectroscopy with the VLT
2006hrxs.conf    High Resolution X-ray Spectroscopy: towards XEUS and Con-X
2002hrxs.conf    High Resolution X-ray Spectroscopy with XMM-Newton and Chandra
1989hsrs.conf    High spatial resolution solar observations
2008AIPC..984    High Time Resolution Astrophysics: The Universe at Sub-Second Timescales
2004ASSL..312    High Velocity Clouds
1996AIPC..366    High Velocity Neutron Stars
1981hea..conf    High-Energy Astrophysics
1991heaa.conf    High-Energy Astrophysics. American and Soviet Perspectives
1990AIPC..211    High-Energy Astrophysics in the 21st Century
1968hech.conf    High-Energy Collisions of Hadrons
1985heia.conf    High-Energy Ion-Atom Collisions    High-Energy Nuclear Reactions in Astrophysics    High-Energy Particles in Space - Experimental Methods and Techniques
1997hep..conf    High-Energy Physics
1997hepc.conf    High-Energy Physics and Cosmology: Celebrating the Impact of 25 Years of Coral Gables Conferences
1965hepe.conf    High-Energy Physics and Elementary Particles
1970hepn.conf    High-Energy Physics and Nuclear Structure
1975AIPC...26    High-Energy Physics and Nuclear Structure
1985heph.conf    High-Energy Physics: In Nonor of P. A. M. Dirac in his Eightieth Year
1989AIPC..186    High-Energy Radiation Background in Space
1994AIPC..294    High-Energy Solar Phenomena - a New Era of Spacecraft Measurements
2000hcmp.conf    Highlights in Condensed Matter Physics
2003AIPC..695    Highlights in Condensed Matter Physics
1988hgc..conf    Highlights in Gravitation and Cosmology
1999hxra.conf    Highlights in X-ray Astronomy
    HiA..        Highlights of Astronomy    Highlights of Modern Astrophysics: Concepts and Controversies
2001hsa..conf    Highlights of Spanish astrophysics II
2003hsa..conf    Highlights of Spanish Astrophysics III
2007hsa..conf    Highlights of Spanish Astrophysics IV
2000IAUS..195    Highly Energetic Physical Processes and Mechanisms for Emission from Astrophysical Plasmas
1999ASPC..156    Highly Redshifted Radio Lines
1991hpes.conf    High-Pressure Equations of State: Theory and Applications
1988hrii.conf    High-Resolution Imaging by Interferometry
1992hrii.conf    High-Resolution Imaging by Interferometry
1976hrls.conf    High-Resolution Laser Spectroscopy
1996hsra.proc    High-Sensitivity Radio Astronomy
1997ESASP.402    Hipparcos - Venice '97
1989hmps....2    The Hipparcos Mission. Prelaunch Status. Volume 2: The Input Catalog
1989hmps....3    The Hipparcos Mission. Prelaunch Status. Volume 3: The Data Reductions
1985ESASP.234    Hipparcos. Scientific Aspects of the Input Catalogue Preparation
    HARSB        Histoire de l'Academie Royale des Sciences et des Belles-Lettres de Berlin
1980hiun.conf    Histoire de l'Univers
1987hao..conf    Histoire et Avenir de l'OHP
2001ASPC..252    Historical Development of Modern Cosmology
1999ESASP.436    The history of the European Space Agency
1996ASPC..112    The History of the Milky Way and Its Satellite System
2005hroo.conf    A History of the Radcliffe Observatory: The biography of a Building
    HGeo.        History of Geophysics
2006hmkm.conf    The History of Meteoritics and Key Meteorite Collections: Fireballs, Falls and Finds
1989hra..conf    History of Rocketry and Astronautics
    HUFEB        Hokkaido University Faculty Engineering Bulletin
    HUFEM        Hokkaido University Faculty Engineering Memoirs
1970hia..conf    Holographic Instrumentation Applications    Homage to Galileo
1999fftq.conf    Horizons in World Physics 227: Frontiers of Field Theory, Quantum Gravity and Strings
1989hoph.conf    Horizons of Physics
1985hbuv.proc    Horizontal-Branch and UV-Bright Stars
2002ASPC..267    Hot Star Workshop III: The Earliest Phases of Massive Star Birth
1994hsgh.conf    Hot Stars in the Galactic Halo
2003ESASP.521    Hot Structures and Thermal Protection Systems for Space Vehicles
2008ASPC..392    Hot Subdwarf Stars and Related Objects
1998IAUS..188    The Hot Universe
    LHBl.        La Houille Blanche
2007hwgb.conf    How and Where to go Beyond the Standard Model
2004ASSL..315    How Does the Galaxy Work?
1978IAUS...80    The HR Diagram - The 100th Anniversary of Henry Norris Russell
    hst..prop    HST Proposal
1998hdf..symp    The Hubble Deep Field
1997hsth.conf    The Hubble Space Telescope and the High Redshift Universe
    hsth.        Hubble Space Telescope Handbook
2003ASPC..291    Hubble's Science Legacy: Future Optical/Ultraviolet Astronomy from Space
    hstx.rept    Hughes STX, Inc. Technical Report    Humidity and Moisture: Measurement and Control in Science and Industry
1997ESASP1177    Huygens: Science, Payload and Mission    Hydroaeromechanics and Space Research
1986hmps.conf    Hydrodynamic and Magnetodynamic Problems in the Sun and Stars
1989hyat.conf    The Hydrogen Atom
1996ASPC...96    Hydrogen Deficient Stars
2003AIPC..671    Hydrogen in Materials and Vacuum Systems
2006AIPC..837    Hydrogen in Matter
2008ASPC..391    Hydrogen-Deficient Stars
1984hms..rept    The Hydromagnetics of the Sun
1999hefi.conf    Hyperbolic Equations and Frequency Interactions
    HyInt        Hyperfine Interactions
2007hspp.conf    Hypernuclear and Strange Particle Physics, HYP 2006
    hvi..symp    Hypervelocity Impact Symposium
1999ASPC..193    The Hy-Redshift Universe: Galaxy Formation and Evolution at High Redshift
2002iaf..conf    IAF abstracts, 34th COSPAR Scientific Assembly
    IAGBu        IAGA Bulletin
    IaIaF        Iakutsk Iakutskii Filial SO AN SSSR
    BSEEA        Iasi Institutul Politehnic Buletinul Sectia Electrotehnica Electronica Automatizari
    BSMMT        Iasi Institutul Politehnic Buletinul Sectia Matematica Mecanica Teoretica Fizica
    BSMT.        Iasi Institutul Politehnic Buletinul Sectia Mecanica Tehnica
1972pvgc.coll    IAU Colloq. 1: The Problem of the Variation of the Geographical Coordinates in the Southern Hemisphere
1972ASSL...31    IAU Colloq. 10: Gravitational N-Body Problem
1987fuas.conf    IAU Colloq. 100: Fundamentals of Astrometry
1988srim.conf    IAU Colloq. 101: Supernova Remnants and the Interstellar Medium
1988ASSL..145    IAU Colloq. 103: The Symbiotic Phenomenon
1988sasf.conf    IAU Colloq. 104: Solar and Stellar Flares
1990teas.conf    IAU Colloq. 105: The Teaching of astronomy
1989eprg.proc    IAU Colloq. 106: Evolution of Peculiar Red Giant Stars
1989lisa.conf    IAU Colloq. 110: Library and Information Services in Astronomy
1989upsf.conf    IAU Colloq. 111: The Use of pulsating stars in fundamental problems of astronomy
1991ASPC...17    IAU Colloq. 112: Light Pollution, Radio Interference, and Space Debris
1989ASSL..157    IAU Colloq. 113: Physics of Luminous Blue Variables
1990hrxr.conf    IAU Colloq. 115: High Resolution X-ray Spectroscopy of Cosmic Plasmas
1991ASSL..167    IAU Colloq. 116: Comets in the post-Halley era
1971psmp.coll    IAU Colloq. 12: Physical Studies of Minor Planets
1990ASSL..159    IAU Colloq. 121: Inside the Sun
1990ASSL..166    IAU Colloq. 123: Observatories in Earth Orbit and Beyond
1990pig..coll    IAU Colloq. 124: Paired and Interacting Galaxies
1990ASSL..163    IAU Colloq. 125: Radio Recombination Lines: 25 Years of Investigation
1991ASSL..173    IAU Colloq. 126: Origin and Evolution of Interplanetary Dust
1991resy.coll    IAU Colloq. 127: Reference Systems
1992msem.coll    IAU Colloq. 128: Magnetospheric Structure and Emission Mechanics of Radio Pulsars
1991sepa.conf    IAU Colloq. 129: The 6th Institute d'Astrophysique de Paris (IAP) Meeting: Structure and Emission Properties of Accretion Disks
1973eppm.coll    IAU Colloq. 13: Evolutionary and Physical Properties of Meteoroids
1991ASPC...19    IAU Colloq. 131: Radio Interferometry. Theory, Techniques, and Applications
1993icpc.proc    IAU Colloq. 132: Instability, Chaos and Predictability in Celestial Mechanics and Stellar Dynamics
1992ASPC...32    IAU Colloq. 135: Complementary Approaches to Double and Multiple Star Research
1993spct.conf    IAU Colloq. 136: Stellar Photometry - Current Techniques and Future Developments
1993ASPC...40    IAU Colloq. 137: Inside the Stars
1993ASPC...44    IAU Colloq. 138: Peculiar versus Normal Phenomena in A-type and Related Stars
1993npsp.conf    IAU Colloq. 139: New Perspectives on Stellar Pulsation and Pulsating Variable Stars
1994ASPC...59    IAU Colloq. 140: Astronomy with Millimeter and Submillimeter Wave Interferometry
1993ASPC...46    IAU Colloq. 141: The Magnetic and Velocity Fields of Solar Active Regions
1994svs..coll    IAU Colloq. 143: The Sun as a Variable Star: Solar and Stellar Irradiance Variations
1994scs..conf    IAU Colloq. 144: Solar Coronal Structures
1996ssr..conf    IAU Colloq. 145: Supernovae and Supernova Remnants
1994esa..conf    IAU Colloq. 147: The Equation of State in Astrophysics
1995ASPC...84    IAU Colloq. 148: The Future Utilisation of Schmidt Telescopes
1995ASPC...71    IAU Colloq. 149: Tridimensional Optical Spectroscopic Methods in Astrophysics
1971ndnf.coll    IAU Colloq. 15: New Directions and New Frontiers in Variable Star Research
1996ASPC..104    IAU Colloq. 150: Physics, Chemistry, and Dynamics of Interplanetary Dust
1996aeu..conf    IAU Colloq. 152: Astrophysics in the Extreme Ultraviolet
1996mpsa.conf    IAU Colloq. 153: Magnetodynamic Phenomena in the Solar Atmosphere - Prototypes of Stellar Magnetic Activity
1995ASPC...83    IAU Colloq. 155: Astrophysical Applications of Stellar Pulsation
1996ccsl.proc    IAU Colloq. 156: The Collision of Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 and Jupiter
1996ASPC...91    IAU Colloq. 157: Barred Galaxies
1996ASSL..208    IAU Colloq. 158: Cataclysmic Variables and Related Objects
1997ASPC..113    IAU Colloq. 159: Emission Lines in Active Galaxies: New Methods and Techniques
1996ASPC..105    IAU Colloq. 160: Pulsars: Problems and Progress
1997abos.conf    IAU Colloq. 161: Astronomical and Biochemical Origins and the Search for Life in the Universe
1998ntat.coll    IAU Colloq. 162: New Trends in Astronomy Teaching,
1997ASPC..121    IAU Colloq. 163: Accretion Phenomena and Related Outflows
1998ASPC..144    IAU Colloq. 164: Radio Emission from Galactic and Extragalactic Compact Sources
1997dana.coll    IAU Colloq. 165: Dynamics and Astrometry of Natural and Artificial Celestial Bodies
1998ASPC..150    IAU Colloq. 167: New Perspectives on Solar Prominences
1972ade..coll    IAU Colloq. 17: Age des Etoiles
1999ASPC..185    IAU Colloq. 170: Precise Stellar Radial Velocities
1998imda.coll    IAU Colloq. 172: Impact of Modern Dynamics in Astronomy
1999esra.conf    IAU Colloq. 173: Evolution and Source Regions of Asteroids and Comets
2000ASPC..209    IAU Colloq. 174: Small Galaxy Groups
2000ASPC..214    IAU Colloq. 175: The Be Phenomenon in Early-Type Stars
2000ASPC..203    IAU Colloq. 176: The Impact of Large-Scale Surveys on Pulsating Star Research
2000ASPC..202    IAU Colloq. 177: Pulsar Astronomy - 2000 and Beyond
2000ASPC..208    IAU Colloq. 178: Polar Motion: Historical and Scientific Problems
2000tmcs.conf    IAU Colloq. 180: Towards Models and Constants for Sub-Microarcsecond Astrometry
2002dsso.conf    IAU Colloq. 181: Dust in the Solar System and Other Planetary Systems
2001ASPC..246    IAU Colloq. 183: Small Telescope Astronomy on Global Scales
2002ASPC..284    IAU Colloq. 184: AGN Surveys
2002ASPC..259    IAU Colloq. 185: Radial and Nonradial Pulsationsn as Probes of Stellar Physics
1973stch.coll    IAU Colloq. 19: Stellar Chromospheres
2004ASPC..315    IAU Colloq. 190: Magnetic Cataclysmic Variables
2005coex.conf    IAU Colloq. 192: Cosmic Explosions, On the 10th Anniversary of SN1993J
2004ASPC..310    IAU Colloq. 193: Variable Stars in the Local Group
2004ogci.conf    IAU Colloq. 195: Outskirts of Galaxy Clusters: Intense Life in the Suburbs
2005tvnv.conf    IAU Colloq. 196: Transits of Venus: New Views of the Solar System and Galaxy
2005dpps.conf    IAU Colloq. 197: Dynamics of Populations of Planetary Systems
2005nfcd.conf    IAU Colloq. 198: Near-fields cosmology with dwarf elliptical galaxies
2005pgqa.conf    IAU Colloq. 199: Probing Galaxies through Quasar Absorption Lines
1970sfss.coll    IAU Colloq. 2: Spectrum Formation in Stars with Steady-State Extended Atmospheres
2006dies.conf    IAU Colloq. 200: Direct Imaging of Exoplanets: Science & Techniques
1973ASSL...36    IAU Colloq. 21: Variable Stars in Globular Clusters and in Related Systems    IAU Colloq. 22: Asteroids, Comets, Meteoric Matter
1974psns.coll    IAU Colloq. 23: Planets, Stars, and Nebulae: Studied with Photopolarimetry
1976scom.nasa    IAU Colloq. 25: The Study of Comets
1975rcse.proc    IAU Colloq. 26: On Reference Coordinate Systems for Earth Dynamics    IAU Colloq. 28: Planetary Satellites
1976ASSL...60    IAU Colloq. 29: Multiple Periodic Variable Stars
1976jsia.coll    IAU Colloq. 30: Jupiter: Studies of the Interior, Atmosp here, Magnetosphere and Satellites
1976idzl.coll    IAU Colloq. 31: Interplanetary Dust and Zodiacal Light
1976paps.coll    IAU Colloq. 32: Physics of Ap Stars
1977ASSL...64    IAU Colloq. 35: Compilation, Critical Evaluation, and Distribution of Stellar Data
1977ebhs.coll    IAU Colloq. 36: The Energy Balance and Hydrodynamics of the Solar Chromosphere and Corona
1977dreu.coll    IAU Colloq. 37: Decalages vers le Rouge et Expansion de L'Univers
1977stco.coll    IAU Colloq. 38: Problems of Stellar Convection
1977cami.coll    IAU Colloq. 39: Comets, Asteroids, Meteorites: Interrelations, Evolution and Origins
1970stro.coll    IAU Colloq. 4: Stellar Rotation
1977aaid.coll    IAU Colloq. 40: Astronomical Applications of Image Detectors with Linear Response
1978ASSL...72    IAU Colloq. 41: Dynamics of Planets and Satellites and Theories of their Motion
1977ivsw.conf    IAU Colloq. 42: The Interaction of Variable Stars with their Environment
1977uxsa.coll    IAU Colloq. 43: Fifth Conference on UV and X-Ray Spectroscopy of Astrophysical and Laboratory Plasmas
1979phsp.coll    IAU Colloq. 44: Physics of Solar Prominences
1978cdeo.coll    IAU Colloq. 45: Chemical and Dynamical Evolution of our Galaxy
1979ctvs.conf    IAU Colloq. 46: Changing Trends in Variable Star Research
1979RA......9    IAU Colloq. 47: Spectral Classification of the Future
1978moas.coll    IAU Colloq. 48: Modern Astrometry
1979ASSL...76    IAU Colloq. 49: Image Formation from Coherence Functions in Astronomy
1979hars.proc    IAU Colloq. 50: High Angular Resolution Stellar Interferometry
1978prpl.conf    IAU Colloq. 52: Protostars and Planets
1979wdvd.coll    IAU Colloq. 53: White Dwarfs and Variable Degenerate Stars
1980srst.coll    IAU Colloq. 54: Scientific Research with the Space Telescope
1981ASSL...86    IAU Colloq. 56: Reference Coordinate Systems for Earth Dynamics
1981saju.coll    IAU Colloq. 57: Satellites of Jupiter
1981ASSL...89    IAU Colloq. 59: Effects of Mass Loss on Stellar Evolution
1970mlec.coll    IAU Colloq. 6: Mass Loss and Evolution in Close Binaries
1982urop.coll    IAU Colloq. 60: Uranus and the Outer Planets
1982come.coll    IAU Colloq. 61: Comet Discoveries, Statistics, and Observational Selection
1982ASSL...94    IAU Colloq. 63: High-Precision Earth Rotation and Earth-Moon Dynamics: Lunar Distances and Related Observations
1982ASSL...97    IAU Colloq. 64: Automated Data Retrieval in Astronomy
1982ASSL...92    IAU Colloq. 67: Instrumentation for Astronomy with Large Optical Telescopes
1981apgc.conf    IAU Colloq. 68: Astrophysical Parameters for Globular Clusters
1982ASSL...98    IAU Colloq. 69: Binary and Multiple Stars as Tracers of Stellar Evolution
1970prmo.coll    IAU Colloq. 7: Proper Motions
1982ASSL...95    IAU Colloq. 70: The Nature of Symbiotic Stars
1983ASSL..102    IAU Colloq. 71: Activity in Red-Dwarf Stars
1983ASSL..101    IAU Colloq. 72: Cataclysmic Variables and Related Objects
1982uxsa.coll    IAU Colloq. 73: Seventh International Colloquium on UV and X-Ray Spectroscopy of Astrophysical and Laboratory Plasmas
1983ASSL..106    IAU Colloq. 74: Dynamical Trapping and Evolution in the Solar System
1984prin.conf    IAU Colloq. 75: Planetary Rings
1983nssl.conf    IAU Colloq. 76: Nearby Stars and the Stellar Luminosity Function    IAU Colloq. 77: Some Background about Satellites
1984ASSL..110    IAU Colloq. 78: Astronomy with Schmidt-Type Telescopes
1984vlti.conf    IAU Colloq. 79: Very Large Telescopes, their Instrumentation and Programs
1984lim..conf    IAU Colloq. 81: Local Interstellar Medium
1985cto..conf    IAU Colloq. 82: Cepheids: Theory and Observation
1985ASSL..115    IAU Colloq. 83: Dynamics of Comets: Their Origin and Evolution
1985loze.conf    IAU Colloq. 84: Longitude Zero 1884-1984
1985ASSL..119    IAU Colloq. 85: Properties and Interactions of Interplanetary Dust
1984uxsa.coll    IAU Colloq. 86: Eighth International Colloquium on UV and X-Ray Spectroscopy of Astrophysical and Laboratory Plasmas
1986ASSL..128    IAU Colloq. 87: Hydrogen Deficient Stars and Related Objects
1985srv..proc    IAU Colloq. 88: Stellar Radial Velocities
1986ASSL..125    IAU Colloq. 90: Upper Main Sequence Stars with Anomalous Abundances
1987hooa.coll    IAU Colloq. 91: History of Oriental Astronomy
1987pbes.coll    IAU Colloq. 92: Physics of Be Stars
1988ASSL..138    IAU Colloq. 94: Physics of Formation of FE II Lines Outside LTE
1987fbs..conf    IAU Colloq. 95: Second Conference on Faint Blue Stars
1988ASSL..140    IAU Colloq. 96: The Few Body Problem
1988scaa.conf    IAU Colloq. 98: Stargazers. The Contribution of Amateurs to Astronomy
1988ASSL..144    IAU Colloq. 99: Bioastronomy - The Next Steps
    IAUCo        IAU Colloquia
    IAUCB        IAU Commission on Close Binary Stars
    IAUDS        IAU Commission on Double Stars
    IAUIn        IAU Commission on Instruments
    IAUP.        IAU Proceedings
1974IAUS...61    IAU Symp. 61: New Problems in Astrometry
    IAUS.        IAU Symposium
    IBMJ.        IBM Journal Research Development
    ICAOB        ICAO Bulletin
1963elsc.conf    ICES Electromagnetic Scattering
1963ices.conf    ICES, Electromagnetic Scattering
1967elsc.conf    ICES Electromagnetic Scattering
1967ices.conf    ICES II: Electromagnetic Scattering
2004iche.conf    ICHEP 2004: Volume I: Proceedings of the 32nd International Conference on High Energy Physics
    ISTP.        ICTP Series in Theoretical Physics    Icy Worlds of the Solar System
1994isra.conf    Ideas for Space Research After the Year 2000    Identification of Dark Matter
1999idm..conf    The Identification of Dark Matter
2001idm..conf    Identification of Dark Matter
2003idm..conf    Identification of Dark Matter
2005idm..conf    The Identification of Dark Matter    Identification, Optimization and Protection of Optical Telescope Sites
1987iopo.conf    Identification, Optimization, and Protection of Optical Telescope Sites
1987iop..conf    Identitification, Optimization, and Protection of Optical Telescope Sites
    IPEPA        IEE Proceedings B: Electric Power Applications
    IPGTD        IEE Proceedings C: Generation Transmission Distribution
    IPCSV        IEE Proceedings: Communications Speech and Vision
    IPCTA        IEE Proceedings D: Control Theory Applications
    IPCDT        IEE Proceedings E: Computers and Digital Techniques
    IPCRP        IEE Proceedings F: Communications and Radar Processing
    IPCRS        IEE Proceedings F: Communications Radar and Signal Processing
    IPRSP        IEE Proceedings F: Radar and Signal Processing
    IPMAP        IEE Proceedings H: Microwaves Antennas and Propagation
    IPMOA        IEE Proceedings H: Microwaves Optics and Antennas
    IPOpt        IEE Proceedings J: Optoelectronics
    IPPSM        IEE Proceedings: Physical Science Measurement and Instrumentation Management and Education Reviews
    IPSSE        IEE Proceedings: Solid-State Electron Devices
    IAESM        IEEE Aerospace Electronic Systems Magazine
    IASSP        IEEE ASSP Magazine
1985easc.conf    IEEE EASCON'85
    ILCSM        IEEE LCS Magazine
    ILTS.        IEEE LTS
    IEEEN        IEEE Network
    IEEEP        IEEE Proceedings
    IEEES        IEEE Spectrum    IERS Workshop on Site Co-Location
2005AIPC..794    IFAE 2005: 17th Italian Meeting on High Energy Physics
2007ifae.conf    IFAE 2006: Incontri di Fisica dele Alte Energie    IFAE 2007
2003ASSL..281    The IGM/Galaxy Connection. The Distribution of Baryons at z=0
1977ASSL...69    Illustrated Glossary for Solar and Solar-Terrestrial Physics
1988iaia.conf    Image Analysis in Astronomy
1961NASSP...2    Image Intensifier Symposium
1979ipia.coll    Image Processing in Astronomy
1998ESASP.434    Image Processing Techniques
1997ESASP.407    Image Processing Techniques, First Latino-American Seminar on Radar Remote Sensing
1975ASSL...54    Image Processing Techniques in Astronomy
1991imun.conf    Images of the Universe
2000ASPC..195    Imaging the Universe in Three Dimensions
2000ASPC..217    Imaging at Radio through Submillimeter Wavelengths
1976imat.conf    Imaging through the Atmosphere
1990ixra.conf    Imaging X-Ray Astronomy. A Decade of Einstein Observatory Achievements
1977iecp.symp    Impact and Explosion Cratering: Planetary and Terrestrial Implications
2003icbg.conf    Impact Cratering: Bridging the Gap Between Modeling and Observations    Impact Craters of the Mesozoic-Cenozoic Boundary
1997ASSL..210    The Impact of Large Scale Near-IR Sky Surveys
1998ASSL..230    The Impact of Near-Infrared Sky Surveys on Galactic and Extragalactic Astronomy
1977iuos.conf    The Impact of Ultraviolet Observations on Spectral Classification
1988IAUS..132    The Impact of Very High S/N Spectroscopy on Stellar Physics
1988IAUS..129    The Impact of VLBI on Astrophysics and Geophysics
2005imte.conf    Impact Tectonics
1988isvn.conf    Impacts des Surveys du Visible sur Notre Connaissance de la Galaxie    Improvements to Photometry    The IMS source book: Guide to the International Magnetospheric Study data analysis
1974inbe.conf    In the beginning
1985hipp.conf    In: The European Astrometry Satellite HIPPARCOS - Scientific Aspects of the Input Catalogue Preparation
2007lyot.conf    In the Spirit of Bernard Lyot:  The Direct Detection of Planets and Circumstellar Disks in the 21st Century
1974ihsp.conf    In honorem S. Placidis
2005ca05.conf    In IAU Commission 55: Communicating Astronomy with the Public 2005
1988imdk.conf    In Memoriam D. Kotsakis
1998seti.conf    In Search for the Extraterrestrial Life
2003AIPC..667    Increasing the AGS Polarization
    IASAP        Indian Academy of Science Aryabhata Proj
    InEPS        Indian Academy of Sciences Proceedings: Earth and Planetary Sciences
    InMS.        Indian Academy of Sciences Proceedings Mathematical Sciences
    InASP        Indian Academy of Sciences Proceedings Section
    InES.        Indian Academy of Sciences Proceedings: Section C Engineering Sciences
    IIApN        Indian Institute of Astrophysics Newsletter
    InSST        Indian Institute of Science Space Science Technology Applications: An Overview
    InJAE        Indian Journal of Aerospace Engineering Division
    InJBB        Indian Journal of Biochemistry and Biophysics
    InJET        Indian Journal of Electronics Telecommunication Engineering Division
    InJME        Indian Journal of Mechanical Engineering Division
    INSAP        Indian National Science Academy Proceedings Supplement
    IUMJ.        Indiana University Mathematics Journal
1984iimp.conf    Indirect Imaging. Measurement and Processing for Indirect Imaging
2000ESASP.489    INDREX (Indonesian Radar Experiment) Final Results Workshop
2005AIPC..765    Industrial Applications of the Mössbauer Effect
1963isn1.conf    Inelastic Scattering of Neutrons, Volume I
1965isn2.conf    Inelastic Scattering of Neutrons, Volume II
1990IAUS..141    Inertial Coordinate System on the Sky
2000iagt.conf    INES Access Guide No. 2, International Ultraviolet Explorer - IUE Newly Extracted Spectra Normal Galaxies    Infinite Vistas : New Tools for Astronomy    Inflationary Cosmology
2002iorb.conf    Inflows, Outflows, and Reprocessing around Black Holes
2001ASSL..264    The Influence of Binaries on Stellar Population Studies
1982iag..conf    Informatics in Astronomy and Geodesy
1995ASSL..203    Information & On-Line Data in Astronomy
2000ASSL..250    Information handling in astronomy    Information Handling in Astronomy - Historical Vistas
2006AIPC..860    Information OpticsDNA-Based Nanoscale Integration
1999iprs.conf    Information Processing for Remote Sensing
    IBSH.        Informational Bulletin of the Southern Hemisphere
1974imra.conf    Infrared and Millimeter Range Astronomy
1981imw..conf    Infrared and Millimeter Waves
1984imw..conf    Infrared and Millimeter Waves
1990imw..conf    Infrared and Millimeter Waves
1979imwa.conf    Infrared and Millimeter Waves and their Applications
1977ASSL...63    Infrared and submillimeter astronomy
1977isma.conf    Infrared and Submillimeter Astronomy    Infrared Astronomy
1981IAUS...96    Infrared Astronomy
1993inas.conf    Infrared Astronomy
1985iras.rept    Infrared Astronomy Satellite (IRAS) Catalogs and Atlases
1987iawa.conf    Infrared astronomy with arrays
1992iawi.conf    Infrared Astronomy with ISO
1972ASSL...30    Infrared Detection Techniques for Space Research
1976inde.conf    Infrared detectors
2008ASPC..381    Infrared Diagnostics of Galaxy Evolution
1988ioch.rept    Infrared Observations of Comets Halley and Wilson and Properties of the Grains
1976irph.conf    Infrared Physics (CIRP)    Infrared Radiation in the Earth's Atmosphere and in Space
1994IAUS..154    Infrared Solar Physics
2000isat.conf    Infrared Space Astronomy, Today and Tomorrow
1997ASSL..215    Infrared Space Interferometry : Astrophysics & the Study of Earth-Like Planets
1991isrs.conf    The Infrared Spectral Region of Stars
1991insp.conf    Infrared Spectroscopy
1989ESASP.290    Infrared Spectroscopy in Astronomy
1989isc..conf    Infrared Systems and Components
1995itsa.conf    Infrared tools for solar astrophysics: What's next?
    Ingeg        Ingegneria
    IngAr        Ingenieur Archiv
1995icm..conf    Inhomogeneous Cosmological Models
2005ASSL..327    The Initial Mass Function 50 Years Later
2005GMS...155    The Inner Magnetosphere: Physics and Modeling
1973inip.conf    Inner Shell Ionization Phenomena and Future Applications    Inner Space/Outer Space: The Interface between Cosmology and Particle Physics
2006AIPC..838    Innovations in Nonlinear Acoustics
1998icmn.conf    Innovative Computational Methods in Nuclear Many-Body Problems, Towards a New Generation of Physics in Finite Quantum Systems (INNOCOM97)
1992iiis.conf    Innovative Instrumentation for the In Situ Study of Atmosphere-Surface Interactions on Mars
1986inns.iafc    Innsbruck International Astronautical Federation Congress
1989icis.conf    Inside the Sun
1983ihaa.conf    Instabilités Hydrodynamiques et Applications Astrophysiques
1979idsa.conf    Instabilities in Dynamical Systems
1992iesh.conf    Instabilities in Evolved Super- and Hypergiants
1987ASSL..136    Instabilities in Luminous Early Type Stars
1971isme.conf    Instationary Stars and Methods of their Investigation. Eclipsing Variables
1974ismi.conf    Instationary Stars and Methods of their Investigation. Phenomena of Instationary and Stellar Evolution
    IAL1K        Institut d'Astronomie de Lausanne
    IRMBP        Institut Royal Meteorologique de Belgique Publications Serie
    ITAB.        Institut Teoreticheskoi Astronomii Biulleten
    TrITA        Institut Teoreticheskoi Astronomii Trudy
    ieee.conf    Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. Conference
    JIECE        Institute of Electronics Communication Engineers of Japan Transactions Section E English
    IPASA        Institute of Physics Academia Sinica Annual Report
    OslR.        Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics Blindern Oslo Reports
    IEAEE        Institution Engineers Australia Electrical Engineering Transactions
    IEEP.        Institution of Electrical Engineers Proceedings
1975iafe.rept    Instituto de Astronomia y Fisica del Espacio
    IAFET        Instituto de Astronomia y Fisica del Espacio Buenos Aires
    MerRe        Instituto Venezolano de Astronomia Merida Venezuela    Instrumentation and Methods for Space Exploration
1986IAUS..118    Instrumentation and Research Programmes for Small Telescopes
1987inco.conf    Instrumentation for Cosmology
1988igbo.conf    Instrumentation for Ground-Based Optical Astronomy
1966ihep.conf    Instrumentation for High Energy Physics
1961ihep.conf    Instrumentation for High-Energy Physics    Instrumentation for Large Telescopes
1994imfm.conf    Instrumentation for Magnetic Field Measurements
1972inas.conf    Instrumentation in Astronomy
1974inas.conf    Instrumentation in Astronomy II
1979SPIE..172    Instrumentation in Astronomy III
2003AIPC..674    Instrumentation in Elementary Particle Physics
    InLoP        Instytut Lotnictwa Prace
    InMP.        Instytut Maszyn Przeplywowych
    InMPP        Instytut Maszyn Przeplywowych Prace
1975iugg.conf    Int. Union Geod. Geophys. Gen. Assem. 16
    IntaC        Inta Conie    Integrated Optics for Astronomical Interferometry    Inteligencia Extraterrestre
1995ESASP.378    Intellectual Property Rights and Space Activities
1993ASSL..182    Intelligent Information Retrieval: The Case of Astronomy and Related Space Sciences
2008AIPC.1019    Intelligent Systems and Automation
1994imoj.conf    Intensive Monitoring of OJ 287
2005AIPC..797    Interacting Binaries: Accretion, Evolution, and Outcomes    Interacting Binary Stars
1994ASPC...56    Interacting Binary Stars
2002ASPC..260    Interacting Winds from Massive Stars
1964ibcr.conf    Interaction Between Cosmic Rays & High Energy Physics
1979icrm.conf    Interaction of Cosmic Rays with Matter
1967ihep.conf    Interaction of High-Energy Particles with Nuclei
1975imme.conf    Interaction of Meteor Matter with the Earth and Estimate of Meteor Matter Influx on the Earth and on the Moon
1980imme.conf    Interaction of Meteoritic Matter with the Earth
1997ise..conf    The Interaction of Stars with their Environment
    Inter        Interavia
    IntSM        Interavia Space Markets    The Intercosmos Program
1977issp.conf    Intercosmos Symposium on Solar Physics
1966iart.conf    The Interdisciplinary Aspects of Radiation Transfer    Interdisciplinary Aspects of Turbulence
    ISRv.        Interdisciplinary Science Reviews
1983iie..conf    Interference Identification and Excision
1987iia..conf    Interferometric Imaging in Astronomy
1982iie..conf    Interferometry, Identification and Excision
    IPAUC        INTERKOSMOS Prague Astronomicky Ustav Ceskoslovenske Akademie Ved
1973LNP....22    Intermediate Processes in Nuclear Reactions
1968isnr.conf    Intermediate Structure in Nuclear Reactions
1980isdp.conf    Intermolecular Spectroscopy and Dynamical Properties of Dense Systems
1983IAUS..100    Internal Kinematics and Dynamics of Galaxies
1987ASSL..137    The Internal Solar Angular Velocity
    iapp.rept    International Amateur-Professional Photoelectric Photometric Communications
    IAPPP        International Amateur-Professional Photoelectric Photometry Communications
    IAUC.        International Astronomical Union Circular    International Astronomical Union Meeting
    IAEAP        International Atomic Energy Agency Proceedings Series 3
    ICTP.        International Center for Theoretical Physics
    ictp.rept    International Centre for Theoretical Physics Technical Report
1992venu.coll    International Colloquium on Venus
    ICQ..        International Comet Quarterly
1966icep.conf    International Conference Elementary Particles
    IrPh.        International Conference Infrared Physics Zurich Switzerland
1961elpa.conf    International Conference on Elementary Particles
2005AIPC..769    International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology
1967ics1.conf    International Conference on Spectroscopy, Volume 1
1996ESASP.389    International Conference on Substorms
1992iccv.conf    International Cooperation and Coordination in Astronomical Research
1995ESASP.372    International Cooperation in Satellite Communications
    ICRC.        International Cosmic Ray Conference
1960igyc.conf    International Geophysical Year and Cooperation in Czechoslovakia, 1957-1959
    InGeo        International Geophysics Series
1969igaw.conf    International Gravity and Acoustic Waves
2004ilc..conf    International Lunar Conference 2003
1977neut.conf    International Neutrino Conference
1967inpc.conf    International Nuclear Physics Conference
1976opco.conf    International Optical Computing Conference
1999ESASP.442    International Organizations and Space Law : Their Role and Contributions
2003ipao.symp    International Progress on Advanced Optics and Sensors
1972irs..conf    International Radiation Symposium    International School of Physics Course CXXXII
1992paco.conf    International School on Particles and Cosmology
1994paco.conf    International School on Particles and Cosmology
1960plph.conf    International Summer Course in Plasma Physics
1973issr.conf    International Symposium for Synchrotron Radiation Users
1980isot.symp    International Symposium on the Observatories in Islam
1999arse.conf    International Symposium on Astrophysics Research and Science Education
2007AIPC..912    International Symposium on Exotic Nuclei
2006isna.conf    International Symposium on Nuclear Astrophysics - Nuclei in the Cosmos
1998omeg.conf    International Symposium on Origin of Matter and Evolution of Galaxies 97
    rse.....1    International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment
1992itap.conf    International Trends in Astroparticle Physics
1999itop.conf    International Trends in Optics and Photonics
2002vlbi.conf    International VLBI Service for Geodesy and Astrometry
1992iwrn.conf    International Weather Radar Networking    International Workshop on Antarctic Meteorites
1999irpa.conf    Internet Resources for Professional Astronomy
1976LNP....48    Interplanetary Dust and Zodiacal Light
1974impm.nasa    Interplanetary Medium and Physics of the Magnetosphere
1972ipm..conf    The Interplanetary Medium: Part II of Solar-Terrestrial Physics/1970
    IPNPR        Interplanetary Network Progress Report
1988ippe.conf    Interplanetary Particle Environment
2004IAUS..222    The Interplay Among Black Holes, Stars and ISM in Galactic Nuclei
1996ibms.conf    The Interplay Between Massive Star Formation, the ISM and Galaxy Evolution
2003ASPC..292    Interplay of Periodic, Cyclic and Stochastic Variability in Selected Areas of the H-R Diagram
1982AIPC...82    Interpretation of Climate and Photochemical Models, Ozone and Temperature
1967ilpd.conf    Interpretation of Lunar Probe Data
1991ASPC...18    The Interpretation of Modern Synthesis Observations of Spiral Galaxies
1992ibpd.conf    Interrelations Between Physics and Dynamics for Minor Bodies in the Solar System
1986icii.conf    Interrelationships Among Circumstellar, Interstellar and Interplanetary Dust
1988AIPC..176    Intersections between Particle and Nuclear Physics
1995AIPC..338    Intersections between Particle and Nuclear Physics
2004AIPC..698    Intersections of Particle and Nuclear Physics
2006AIPC..870    Intersections of Particle and Nuclear Physics: 9th Conference CIPAN2006
1985inpr.conf    Intershock Project    Interstellar Comets Workshop    Interstellar Communication: Scientific Perspectives
1991IAUS..144    The Interstellar Disk-Halo Connection in Galaxies
1989IAUS..135    Interstellar Dust
1973IAUS...52    Interstellar Dust and Related Topics
1989idcp.rept    Interstellar Dust: Contributed Papers
1970IAUS...39    Interstellar Gas Dynamics
1968iih..conf    Interstellar Ionized hydrogen Proceedings of the Symposium on HII    Interstellar Magnetic Fields: Observation and Theory
1972inma.conf    Interstellar Matter
1988inma.conf    Interstellar Matter
1974inme.conf    The Interstellar Medium
1990ASSL..161    The Interstellar Medium in Galaxies
1980IAUS...87    Interstellar Molecules
1988imgh.conf    Interstellar Molecules and Grains in Honor of Alan H. Barrett
1987ASSL..134    Interstellar Processes
1986inpr.conf    Interstellar Processes: Abstracts of Contributed Papers
1999intu.conf    Interstellar Turbulence
1979isp..conf    Intrinsic Stochasticity in Plasmas
1976LNP....51    Introduction to the Theory of Heavy-Ion Collisions
1964idpp.conf    An Introduction to Discharge and Plasma Physics
1994mcag.conf    An Introduction to Methods of Complex Analysis and Geometry for Classical Mechanics and Non-Linear Waves
1965ASSL....2    Introduction to Solar Terrestrial Relations    Introduction to Space Science    Introduction to Space Science
1996imie.conf    Inverse Methods.  Interdisciplinary Elements of Methodology, Computation, and Applications.
    InvPr        Inverse Problems
1977NASCP.004    Inversion Methods in Atmospheric Remote Sounding
1981ASSL...91    Investigating the Universe
1976iagp.conf    Investigation of the Atmospheres of Giant Planets
1965ibml.conf    Investigation of the Bottom 300-Meter Layer of the Atmosphere
1971iim..conf    Investigation of the Ionosphere and Meteors
1973iim..conf    Investigation of the Ionosphere and Meteors
1976iaid.conf    Investigation of Astrometrical Instruments and Determination of the Coordinates of Stars and Planets    Investigation of Gamma-Ray Transients by Means of Unmanned Spacecraft
1984imfa.conf    Investigation of Magnetic Fields and Active Formations on the Sun    Investigations of the Atmospheres of Venus and Mars    Investigations of Solar Activity and the Prognoz Space System    Io After Galileo: A New View of Jupiter's Volcanic Moon
1986iami.conf    Ion Acceleration in the Magnetosphere and Ionosphere
2006AIPC..866    Ion Implantation Technology
1972ioso.conf    Ion Sources
2006AIPC..811    Ionization, Correlation, and Polarication in Atomic Collisions
1962ipg..conf    Ionization Phenomena in Gases
1960ipg1.conf    Ionization Phenomena in Gases, Volume I
1962ipg1.conf    Ionization Phenomena in Gases, Volume I
1960ipg2.conf    Ionization Phenomena in Gases, Volume II
2000ign..conf    Ionized Gaseous Nebulae
1980iszs.conf    Ionos. i Soln.-Zemn. Svyazi
1978iszs.conf    Ionos. i Soln.-Zemnye Svyazi
    Iono.        Ionosphere
1963iono.conf    The Ionosphere
1972istr.conf    Ionosphere and Solar-Terrestrial Relations
1973idir.conf    Ionosphere Disturbances and their Influence on Radio Communications    Ionospheric  Sporadic E    Ionospheric Research, No. 18 - Collection of Articles
1989isvg.conf    Ionospheric Structure and Variability on a Global Scale and Interactions with Atmosphere and Magnetosphere
    iowa.rept    Iowa University Progress Report
    ISAP.        ISA Proceedings
    ISAT.        ISA Transactions
2005ESASP.603    'i-SAIRAS 2005' - The 8th International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and Automation in Space
    IHERv        Ishikawajima Harima Engineering Review
2005AIPC..755    ISIS International Symposium on Interdisciplinary Science    Island Universes - Structure and Evolution of Disk Galaxies
1996isbn.conf    Islands in the Sky: Bold New Ideas for Colonizing Space
2000ESASP.456    ISO Beyond the Peaks: The 2nd ISO Workshop on Analytical Spectroscopy
2000ESASP.455    ISO Beyond Point Sources: Studies of Extended Infrared Emission
1966isnp.conf    Isobaric Spin in Nuclear Physics
1979igsg.conf    Isolated Gravitating Systems in General Relativity
1993ispu.conf    Isolated Pulsars
1971icpc.conf    Isotopic Composition of the Primary Cosmic Radiation
1985irss.rept    Isotopic Ratios in the Solar System
    IsSRT        Israel Space Research and Technology Information Bulletin
    ISCJS        ISRO Satellite Centre Journal of Spacecraft Technology
1979aoyb.conf    Issled. Atmos.-Opt. Yavlenij s Borta Orbital'n. Nauchn. st. Salyut-4. Tartu
1976idpv.conf    Issled. Din. Protsessov v Verkhn. Atmos. Moskva
1975emzk.conf    Issled. Ehkstremal'no Molodykh Zvezdn. Kompleksov. Tashkent
1975kolu.conf    Issled. Kosmich. Luchej. Moskva
1975ika..conf    Issled. Kosmofiz. Aehron
1974iovi.conf    Issled. Obl. F i Vnesh. Ionosfery
1978gak..conf    Issled. po Geod. Aehrofotosemke i Kartogr. Moskva
1978gpav.conf    Issled. po Geomagn. i Probl. Aehron. v Vysok. Shirotakh. Magadan
1977isa..conf    Issled. po Soln. Aktivnosti. Vladivostok
    IssZK        Issledovanie Zemli iz Kosmosa
    IGAFS        Issledovaniia Geomagnetizmu Aeronomii i Fizike Solntsa
    IsMTD        Issledovaniia Mekhanike i Teploobmenu Dvukhfaznykh Sred
    IssUP        Issledovaniia Uprugosti i Plastichnosti
    ISKZ.        Issledovaniya Solntsa i Krasnykh Zvezd
2002ASPC..258    Issues in Unification of Active Galactic Nuclei
    IsJAP        Istanbul University Faculty of Science Journal of Astronomy Physics
    IsRvC        Istanbul University Faculty Science Review Serie C
    IINA.        Istituto Italiano di Navigazione Atti
1986iaom.conf    Istor. Astron. Obs. Mosk. Univ. i GAISh
    IAIss        Istoriko-Astronomicheskie Issledovaniya
1997foap.conf    Ital. Phys. Soc. Conf. Ser. 57: Frontier Objects in Astrophysics and Particle Physics
    IPSC.        Italian Physical Society Conference Proceedings
    INTSA        Itogi Nauki i Tekhniki Seriia Astronomiia
    INTSF        Itogi Nauki i Tekhniki Seriia Fizika Plazmy
    INTSI        Itogi Nauki i Tekhniki Seriia Issledovanie Kosmicheskogo Prostranstva
    INTMK        Itogi Nauki i Tekhniki Seriia Meteorologiia i Klimatologiia
    INTSO        Itogi Nauki i Tekhniki Seriia Okeanologiia
    INTSR        Itogi Nauki i Tekhniki Seriia Radiotekhnika
    INTSS        Itogi Nauki i Tekhniki Seriia Sovremennye Problemy Matematiki
    INTSV        Itogi Nauki i Tekhniki Seriia Vozdushnyi Transport
1980idr..conf    IUE Data Reduction    IUE Data Reduction Workshop
    IUEEN        IUE ESA Newsletter
    IUENN        IUE NASA Newsletter
    iue..prop    IUE Proposal
1965cngg.conf    IV Centenario Della Nascita di Galileo Galilei, 1564-1964
1969csph.conf    IV Consultation on Solar Physics and Hydromagnetics
1982sfam.conf    IVth Soviet-Finnish Astronomical Meeting
1998larm.conf    IX Latin American Regional IAU Meeting, "Focal Points in Latin American Astronomy"
1982ssig.conf    IXth Vses. Simp. po Stabil. Izot. v Geokhim.
1973ikli.conf    Izuchenie Kosmich. Luchej na Iskusstven. Sputnikakh Zemli
    IzSF.        Izvestiia Akademii Nauk Seriya Fizicheskaya
    IzGla        Izvestiia Glavnoi rossiiskoi astronomicheskoi observatorii
    IzAsh        Izvestiya Akademii Nauk Turkmenskoj SSR Ashkhabad
    IzArm        Izvestiya Akademiya Nauk Armyanskoi
    IzAlm        Izvestiya Astrofizicheskogo Instituta Alma-Ata
    IzKaz        Izvestiya Astronomicheskoj Engel'gardt obskoj Observatorii Kazan
    IzAOP        Izvestiya Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics
    IzKie        Izvestiya Glavnoj Astronomicheskoj Observatorii Kiev
    IzPul        Izvestiya Glavnoj Astronomicheskoj Observatorii v Pulkove
    IzAne        Izvestiya na Fizicheskiya Institut s Aneb
    IzKry        Izvestiya Ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni Krymskoj Astrofizicheskoj Observatorii
    IzPSE        Izvestiya Physics of the Solid Earth
    IzAvT        Izvestiya VUZ Aviatsionnaya Tekhnika
    IzRad        Izvestiya VUZ Radiofizika
    IzNic        Izviestiia Nikolaevskoi glavnoi astronomicheskoi observatorii
    JWUDF        Jahns Wöchentliche Unterhaltungen Für Dilettanten und Freunde der Astronomie, Georgraphie und Witterungskunde
    JASAC        Japan Astronomical Study Association Circulars
    JSPS.        Japan Society of Promotion Science    Japanese-German Workshop on High Energy Astrophysics
1980jfss.conf    Japan-France Seminar on Solar Physics
2000jena.conf    JENAM (Joint European and National Astronomical Meeting)
    jpl..rept    Jet Propulsion Lab. Report
    JBASP        Jodrell Bank Ann Ser Pt
    JBAn.        Jodrell Bank Annals
    JBRe.        Jodrell Bank Reprints
1992johe.conf    John Herschel 1792 - 1871
    JHATD        Johns Hopkins APL Technical Digest
    jhu..rept    Johns Hopkins Univ. Final Report
1992jdrr.conf    Joint Discussion 3: Results from Rosar and GRO and Other Recent High Energy Astrophysics Missions of the Max-Planck-Institut fuer Extraterrestrische Physik
2002ESASP.486    Joint ESA-NASA Space-Flight Safety Conference
1997jena.conf    Joint European and National Astronomical Meeting
1995jena.conf    Joint European and National Astronomical Meeting, JENAM-95
2001AIPC..598    Joint SOHO/ACE workshop "Solar and Galactic Composition"
    RSNSW        Journal and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New South Wales
    JAF..        Journal des Astronomes Francais
    JNanU        Journal Nanjing Univ
    JNIRE        Journal NIRE
    JASJa        Journal of the Acoustical Society of Japan
    JASCE        Journal of the American Society of Civil Engineers
    JALPO        Journal of the Association of Lunar and Planetary Observers, the Strolling Astronomer
    JASV.        Journal of the Astronomical Society of Victoria Melbourne
    JCSS.        Journal of the Chinese Silicate Society
    JWasA        Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences
    JACS.        Journal of American Ceramic Society
    JASS.        Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences
    JNUNS        Journal of Nanjing University (Natural Sciences)
1992saee.conf    Journée de Strasbourg: Stades Avancés dans l'Évolution des Étoiles Binaires Serrées
1993jmsm.conf    Journée Mètre et Système Métrique
1988srst.conf    Journées 1988: Systèmes de référence spatio-temporels
1990srst.conf    Journées 1990: Systèmes de Référence Spatio-Temporels
1996srst.conf    Journées 1996 - Systèmes de Référence Spatio-Temporels: Deux Siècles d'Évolution du Système du Monde
1998srst.conf    Journées 1997 - Systèmes de Référence Spatio-Temporels
1999srst.conf    Journées 1998 - Systèmes de Référence Spatio-Temporels: Conceptual, Conventional and Practical Studies Related to Earth Rotation    Journées 2004 - systèmes de référence spatio-temporels
1989jrrg.conf    Journées Relativistes: Relativité Générale, Astrophysique et Physique Mathématique
1986joat.conf    Jovian Atmospheres
    RpScT        JPRS Report Science Technology USSR Space
    JSMEB        JSME Bulletin
1976jupi.conf    Jupiter
1980jupi.conf    Jupiter    Jupiter. The Planet, Satellites and Magnetosphere    The Jupiter Radiation Belt Workshop
1982ketn.conf    K. Eh. Tsiolkovskij i Nauchn.-Tekh. Progress (K. E. Ziolkovskij and Scientific-Technical Progress)
    KKR..        Kagaku Kogaku Ronbunshu
    MmKMO        Kakioka Magnetic Observatory Memoirs
    GroR.        Kapteyn Astronomical Laboratory Groningen Reports
    KIzKU        Kazan Izdatel Kazanskogo Universiteta
    MeeRe        Kenneth Mees Observatory Reprints
1975kfhy.conf    Kepler - Four Hundred Years
1971kefe.conf    Kepler Festschrift 1971
    KernR        Kernforschungsanlage Rept Res Results Solid State Nucl Phys
    KexT.        Kexue Tongbao
    Khago        Khagol
1976ksal.conf    Kharakteristiki Shirokikh Atmos. Livnej Kosm. Luchej Sverkhvysokikh Ehnerg. Yakutsk
    KharI        Kharkov Izdanie IRE AN USSR
    KTTM.        Khimiia i Tekhnologiia Topliv i Masel
    KVnT.        Kibernetika i Vychislitel naia Tekhnika
    KiInF        Kiev Institut Fiziki AN USSR
    KiInM        Kiev Institut Matematiki AN USSR
    KIPME        Kiev Institut Problem Modelirovaniia Energetike AN USSR
    KiIND        Kiev Izdatel Naukova Dumka
    KiIzT        Kiev Izdatel Tekhnika
    KIzVS        Kiev Izdatel Vishcha Shkola
    KiePr        Kievskij Ordena Lenina Gosudarstvennyj Universitet Shevchenko Astronomicheskaya Observatoriya - Preprint
1985ESASP.226    Kilometric Optical Arrays in Space
1974kasn.conf    Kinematics and Ages of Stars Near the Sun
1983ASSL..100    Kinematics, Dynamics and Structure of the Milky Way
    KIzS.        Kishinev Izdatel Shtiintsa
    kas..conf    KITP: Astrophysics Seminars
    kbls.conf    KITP: Blackboard Lunch Series
    kcs..conf    KITP: Colloquium Series
2004fuph.conf    KITP Conference: The Future of Physics: A celebration of 25 Years of The KITP
2002ncco.conf    KITP Conference: The New Cosmology Confronts Observation
2005pmbh.conf    KITP Conference: The Paradoxes of Massive Black Holes: A Case Study in the Milky Way
2006aglu.conf    KITP Conference: Applications of Gravitational Lensing: Unique Insights into Galaxy Formation and Evolution
2000astu.conf    KITP Conference: Astrophysical Turbulence
1999bhtc.conf    KITP Conference: Black Holes: Theory Confronts Reality
2002bhty.conf    KITP Conference: Black Holes: Theory Confronts Reality, Three Years Later
2000gfe..conf    KITP Conference: Galaxy Formation and Evolution
2004gimi.conf    KITP Conference: Galaxy-Intergalactic Medium Interactions
1999grba.conf    KITP Conference: Gamma Ray Bursts and their Afterglows
2003gcfe.conf    KITP Conference: Globular Clusters: Formation, Evolution and the Role of Compact Objects
2003ndcp.conf    KITP Conference: Neutrinos: Data, Cosmos, and Planck Scale
2001ocnd.conf    KITP Conference: Observational Challenges for the Next Decade of Solar Magnetohydrodynamics
2005paoa.conf    KITP Conference: Physics of Astrophysical Outflows and Accretion Disks
2004pfte.conf    KITP Conference: Planet Formation: Terrestrial and Extra Solar
1997snns.conf    KITP Conference: Solar Neutrinos: News About SNUs
2000smcy.conf    KITP Conference: Spin, Magnetism and Cooling of Young Neutron Stars
2006sgrb.conf    KITP Conference: Supernova and Gamma-Ray Burst Remnants
2006tupn.conf    KITP Conference: Transient Universe: Popular, Not so Popular & Knowable Unknowns
2005auhe.prog    KITP Miniprogram: Astrophysics of Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays, Photons, and Neutrinos
2000pucm.prog    KITP Miniprogram: Probing the Universe with the Cosmic Microwave Background
2000rmns.prog    KITP Miniprogram: R-Modes in Neutron Stars
2002ncco.prog    KITP Program: The New Cosmology Confronts Observation: The Cosmic Microwave Background, Dark Matter, Dark Energy, and Brane Worlds
2006sgrb.prog    KITP Program: The Supernova Gamma-Ray Burst Connection
2006aglu.prog    KITP Program: Applications of Gravitational Lensing: Unique Insights into Galaxy Formation and Evolution
2000astu.prog    KITP Program: Astrophysical Turbulence
1999bha..prog    KITP Program: Black Hole Astrophysics
2000gfe..prog    KITP Program: Galaxy Formation and Evolution
2004gimi.prog    KITP Program: Galaxy-Intergalactic Medium Interactions
2003ndcp.prog    KITP Program: Neutrinos: Data, Cosmos, and Planck Scale
2005paoa.prog    KITP Program: Physics of Astrophysical Outflows and Accretion Disks
2006pgn..prog    KITP Program: Physics of Galactic Nuclei
2002smra.prog    KITP Program: Solar Magnetism and Related Astrophysics
2000smyn.prog    KITP Program: Spin and Magnetism in Young Neutron Stars
    kpls.conf    KITP: Public Lecture Series
1999bhff.conf    KITP Teachers' Conference: Black Holes: Fact and Fiction    KITP Workshop: The Physics of Ultracompact Stellar Binaries
1984ktl..conf    Kleine Teilchen und Lichtstreuung
    KVeBB        Kleine Veroeffentlichungen der Universitaetssternwarte zu Berlin Babelsberg
    KlBer        Kleinheubacher Berichte
1994kqg..conf    Knots and Quantum Gravity
2007AIPC..919    Kodai School on Solar Physics
    KodOB        Kodaikanal Observatory Bulletins
    KodRe        Kodaikanal Observatory Reprints
1979kome.conf    Kometen
    KNAB.        Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Weteschappen Proceedings Series B Physical Sciences
1983kmpc.conf    Korrel. Magmat. Porod Chekh. i Nekotor. r-nov SSSR
1982klmp.conf    Kosm. Luchi v Mezhplanet. Prostranstve i Ionos.
1980kmms.conf    Kosm. Mineral. Mater. 11-go Sezda MMA
1977koz..conf    Kosm. Okr. i Zemlya, Kiev
1976kvz..conf    Kosm. Veshchestvo na Zemle
1982kvz..conf    Kosm. Veshchestvo na Zemle
1973koik.conf    Kosmich. Ikonika
1974kost.conf    Kosmich. Strela
1987kosm.conf    Kosmofizika
1980kszm.conf    Kosmogen. Struktury Zemli. Mater. Semin.
1980kosm.conf    Kosmos
    Kozmo        Kozmos
2000kthr.conf    The Kth Reunion
    KSVH.        Kungl. Svenska Vetenskapsakademiens Handlingar
    KyoMe        Kyoto University Faculty Engineering Memoirs
    KyITB        Kyushu Institute Technology Bulletin
    KUFEM        Kyushu University Faculty Engineering Memoirs
    KyUAM        Kyushu University Research Institute Applied Mechanics Reports
    KyUSR        Kyushu University Research Institute Industrial Science Reports
    KyUTR        Kyushu University Technology Reports
    LDP..        L. Davis Press Publication
1995ASPC...81    Laboratory and Astronomical High Resolution Spectra
1984lois.conf    Laboratory and Observational Infrared Spectra of Interstellar Dust
1989lsp..conf    Laboratory and Space Plasmas
1969laas.conf    Laboratory Astrophysics
1980AIPC...64    Laboratory EXAFS Facilities
1990lrpa.conf    Laboratory Research for Planetary Atmospheres
2004AIPC..701    The Labyrinth in Nuclear Structure
1987adlg.conf    L'Activite dans les Galaxies
    AerMS        L'Aerotecnica Missili e Spazio
1982lbg6.conf    Landolt-Bornstein: Group 6: Astronomy    Landolt-Bornstein: Numerical Data and Functional Relationships in Science and Technology
1996lara.conf    Large Antennas in Radio Astronomy
1984ldrs....3    Large Deployable Reflector Science and Technology Workshop.  Vol. 3
1982lest.rept    Large European Solar Telescope
2003lmim.conf    Large Meteorite Impacts
1992lmip.conf    Large Meteorite Impacts and Planetary Evolution
1999lmip.conf    Large Meteorite Impacts and Planetary Evolution II
1961lrt..conf    Large Radio-Telescopes
1998lsst.conf    Large Scale Structure:  Tracks and Traces
1989ASSL..151    Large Scale Structure and Motions in the Universe
1995lssu.conf    Large Scale Structure in the Universe
1978lssu.conf    The Large Scale Structure of the Universe
1978IAUS...79    Large Scale Structures in the Universe
1987lssu.proc    Large Scale Structures in the Universe, Switzerland
1988lsso.conf    Large Scale Structures: Observations and Instrumentation
1988IAUS..130    Large Scale Structures of the Universe
1978NASCP2035    Large Space Systems Technology
1974lstn.conf    Large Space Telescope - A New Tool for Science
1996ltwg.conf    Large Telescope Working Group and Spherical Radio Telescopes
1979IAUS...84    The Large-Scale Characteristics of the Galaxy
2001ldpa.conf    Large-scale Dynamical Processes in the Atmosphere    Large-Scale Motions in the Universe: A Vatican study Week
1999lssu.conf    Large-Scale Structure in the Universe
1984lssu.conf    Large-Scale Structure of the Universe
1991ASPC...15    Large-scale Structures and Peculiar Motions in the Universe
2005ASPC..346    Large-scale Structures and their Role in Solar Activity
1988lssu.conf    Large-Scale Structures in the Universe. Observational and Analytical Methods
1990lsss.conf    Large-Scale Surveys of the Sky
1975laos.conf    Laser Applications to Optics and Spectroscopy
2000lgsa.conf    Laser Guide Star Adaptive Optics for Astronomy
1971lirp.conf    Laser Interaction and Related Plasma Phenomena, Volume 1
1972lirp.conf    Laser Interaction and Related Plasma Phenomena, Volume 2
1974lirp.conf    Laser Interaction and Related Plasma Phenomena, Volume 3a
1977lirp.conf    Laser Interaction and Related Plasma Phenomena, Volume 4a
1981lirp.conf    Laser Interaction and Related Plasma Phenomena, Volume 5
1984lirp.conf    Laser Interaction and Related Plasma Phenomena, Volume 6
2006AIPC..873    Laser Interferometer Space Antenna: 6th International LISA Symposium
1998AIPC..456    Laser Interferometer Space Antenna, Second International LISA Symposium on the Detection and Observation of Gravitational Waves in Space
2007AIPC..920    Laser Plasma Acceleration and Radiation
1974lasp.conf    Laser Spectroscopy
1977lasp.conf    Laser Spectroscopy III
1979lasp.conf    Laser Spectroscopy IV
1976lsam.conf    Laser Spectroscopy of Atoms and Molecules
1981lasp.conf    Laser Spectroscopy V
1983lasp.conf    Laser Spectroscopy VI
1985lasp.conf    Laser Spectroscopy VII
1982AIPC...90    Laser Techniques for Extreme Ultraviolet Spectroscopy
1984AIPC..119    Laser Techniques in the Extreme Ultraviolet    Laser Workshop, Third International Workshop on Laser Ranging Instrumentation
2008AIPC.1024    Laser-Driven Relativistic Plasmas Applied for Science, Industry, and Medicine
1979lipm.conf    Laser-Induced Processes in Molecules
1983lpin.conf    Laser-plasma Interactions: 2
2008ASSL..349    Lasers, Clocks and Drag-Free Control: Exploration of Relativistic Gravity in Space
2000ASPC..205    Last Total Solar Eclipse of the Millennium
    Astrf        L'Astrofilo Bolletino Trimestral del Gruppo Astrofili Villaggio Sereno Brescia
1974IAUS...66    Late Stages of Stellar Evolution
1987ASSL..132    Late Stages of Stellar Evolution
1967lts..conf    Late-Type Stars
1970lts..conf    Late-Type Stars
1971lts..conf    Late-Type Stars
    LatME        Latviiskii Matematicheskii Ezhegodnik
1984laus.iafc    Lausanne International Astronautical Federation Congress
1984adas.conf    L'Avenir des Données Astronomiques Non Stellaires
    llnl.rept    Lawrence Livermore National Lab. Report
    LawOB        Laws Observatory Bulletin, University of Missouri
    LBLRR        LBL Research Review
1991NASCP3134    LDEF, 69 months in space : first post-retrieval symposium
1991ldef.conf    LDEF, 69 Months in Space: First Post-Retrieval Symposium
    ASPL.        Leaflet of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific
    ASPLS        Leaflet of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific (Supplement)
2005cjce.conf    L'Eclipsi Total de Sol a la Mallorca de 1905: els observadors estrangers i els seus treballs
    LNSP.        Lecture Notes and Supplements in Physics
    LNES.        Lecture Notes in Earth Sciences, Berlin Springer Verlag
    LNEn.        Lecture Notes in Engineering, Berlin Springer Verlag
    LNM..        Lecture Notes in Mathematics, Berlin Springer Verlag
    LNPAM        Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics    Lectures in Astrobiology    Lectures in Astrobiology, Volume 1
1969lhea.conf    Lectures in High-Energy Astrophysics
1964mbp..conf    Lectures on the Many-Body Problem
2005AIPC..789    Lectures on the Physics of Highly Correlated Electron Systems IX
2003AIPC..678    Lectures on the Physics of Highly Correlated Electron Systems VII
2006AIPC..846    Lectures on the Physics of Highly Correlated Electron Systems X
2007AIPC..918    Lectures on the Physics of Strongly Correlated Systems XI
2008AIPC.1014    Lectures on the Physics of Strongly Correlated Systems XII    Lectures on Astrophysics and Weak Interactions
1970lepq....2    Lectures on Elementary Particles and Quantum Field Theory    Lectures on General Relativity
1976LNP....53    Lectures on Geometric Quantization    Lectures on Particles and Field Theory
1994lspd.conf    Lectures on Solar and Planetary Dynamos
1973lsp1.conf    Lectures on Space Physics 1: Cosmic Rays and Space Biophysics
1973lsp2.conf    Lectures on Space Physics 2: Sun and Interplanetary Medium, Relativistic Astrophysics    Lectures on Strong and Electromagnetic Interactions
1965plph.conf    Lectures presented at the Trieste Seminar on Plasma Physics
    LeBAN        Leningrad Biblioteka Akademii Nauk SSSR
    PrAtO        Leningrad Gidrometeoizdat Sovremennye Problemy Atmosfernoi Optiki
    LeIzE        Leningrad Izdatel Energiia
    LeIzG        Leningrad Izdatel Gidrometeoizdat
    LeIzK        Leningrad Izdatel Khimiia
    LeIzU        Leningrad Izdatel Leningradskogo Universiteta
    LeIzM        Leningrad Izdatel Mashinostroenie
    LeIzN        Leningrad Izdatel Nauka
    LIzNe        Leningrad Izdatel Nedra
    LeIzS        Leningrad Izdatel Sudostroenie
    IzLen        Leningrad, Izdatel'stvo Nauka
    LeLen        Leningrad Lenizdat
    LGUPM        Leningradskii Gosudarstvennyi Universitet Problemy Matematicheskoi Fiziki
    VeLen        Leningradskii Universitet Vestnik Matematika Mekhanika Astronomiia
1990lepu.conf    LEP and the Universe
1999lbnv.conf    Lepton and Baryon Number Violation in Particle Physics, Astrophysics and Cosmology
1999lpih.conf    Lepton and Photon Interactions at High Energies
1979eiu..conf    Les Éléments et Leurs Isotopes dans l'Univers
1981umsc.conf    Les Étoiles de Composition Chimique Anormale du Début de la Séquence Principale. (Upper Main Sequence Chemically Peculiar Stars)
1983bist.conf    Les Etoiles Binaires Dans le Diagramme H.R
    LHSS.        Les Houches Summer School Conference
1990mmmc.conf    Les Méthodes Modernes de la Mécanique Céleste
1967mdgs.conf    Les Methodes Dynamiques de Geodesie par Satellites
1973nepl.conf    Les Nébuleuses Planétaires
1986nepl.conf    Les Nébuleuses Planétaires
1967nmds.conf    Les Nouvelles Méthodes de la Dynamique Stellaire
1954pna..conf    Les Processus Nucléaires dans les Astres
1972saim.conf    Les Spectres des Astres dans l'Infrarouge et les Microondes
1980smsl.conf    Les Spectres des Molécules Simples au Laboratoire et en Astrophysique
1990ESASP.305    Les Stations Spatiales Habitées - Aspects Juridiques
1969tisa.conf    Les Transitions Interdites dans les Spectres des Astres
1996lqt..conf    The Lesson of Quantum Theory
2001ESASP.472    L'Essor des Recherches Spatiales en France: Première rencontre de l'I. F. H. E.
1983qgl..conf    LIA Colloq. 24: Quasars and Gravitational Lenses
1984tpss.conf    LIA Colloq. 25: Theoretical Problems in Stellar Stability and Oscillations
1987oehu.proc    LIA Colloq. 26: Origin and Early History of the Universe
1987oahp.proc    LIA Colloq. 27: Observational Astrophysics with High Precision Data
1989oca..conf    LIA Colloq. 28: Our Changing Atmosphere
1990fgbs.rept    LIA Colloq. 29: From Ground-Based to Space-Borne Sub-mm Astronomy
1992opps.conf    LIA Colloq. 30: Observations and Physical Properties of Small Solar System Bodies
1993glu..conf    LIA Colloq. 31: Gravitational Lenses in the Universe    LIA Colloq. 32: Stellar Evolution: What Should be Done    LIA Colloq. 33: Wolf-Rayet stars in the framework of stellar evolution
1998ESASP.429    LIA Colloq. 34: The Next Generation Space Telescope: Science Drivers and Technological Challenges
2000ghgc.conf    LIA Colloq. 35: The Galactic Halo : From Globular Cluster to Field Stars
2001fomi.conf    LIA Colloq. 36: From Optical to Millimetric Interferometry: Scientific and Technological Challenges
1999ASPC..171    LiBeB Cosmic Rays, and Related X- and Gamma-Rays
1998ASPC..153    Library and Information Services in Astronomy III
2003lisa.conf    Library and Information Services in Astronomy IV (LISA IV)
2007ASPC..377    Library and Information Services in Astronomy V
    LicOB        Lick Observatory Bulletin
    LIACo        Liege International Astrophysical Colloquia
    LFR..        Lietuvos Fizikos Rinkinys    Life as we know it
1981litu.conf    Life in the Universe
2004luec.conf    Life in the Universe Expectations and Constraints
2005lufm.conf    Life in the Universe: From the Miller Experiment to the Search for Life on Other Worlds
2002ESASP.501    Life in Space for Life on Earth    The Life of the Earth - Evolution of the Earth and the Planets
1979lssr.proc    Life Sciences and Space Research
1999lseb.conf    Life Sciences: Exobiology
1997ESASP1206    Life Sciences Experiments Performed on Sounding Rockets (1985-1994): TEXUS 11-32, MASER 3-6 MAXUS 1
1994ESASP.366    Life Sciences Research in Space
1996lcvs.conf    Light Curves of Variable Stars. A Pictorial Atlas
1995lea..conf    The Light Element Abundances
2000IAUS..198    The Light Elements and their Evolution
1986ASSL..124    Light on Dark Matter
2003ASSL..284    Light Pollution: The Global View
1980lsis.conf    Light Scattering by Irregularly Shaped Particles
2000lwmo.conf    Light Wave Manipulation Using Organic Nonlinear Optical Materials
2002luml.conf    Lighthouses of the Universe: The Most Luminous Celestial Objects and Their Use for Cosmology
2007lbtu.conf    Lighting the Blue Touchpaper for UK e-Science - Closing Conference of ESLEA Project
1977lpl..conf    Lightning: Physics of Lightning, Volume 1 & 2
2007lsca.conf    Lights and Shadows in Cultural Astronomy
2005ASPC..335    The Light-Time Effect in Astrophysics: Causes and cures of the O-C diagram
1966lil..conf    LIL Symposium on Research in Geosciences and Astronomy
1984loda.conf    Lilienthal oder die Astronomen
2000lina.conf    Linac 2000
    LLabJ        Lincoln Laboratory Journal
1972lfpm.conf    Line Formation in the Presence of Magnetic Fields
1975lisb.iafc    Lisbon International Astronautical Federation Congress
    Litho        Lithos
1995lns..conf    The Lives of the Neutron Stars
2003lgal.conf    The Local Group as an Astrophysical Laboratory
2006lgal.symp    The Local Group as an Astrophysical Laboratory
1994lgcg.conf    The Local Group: Comparative and Global Properties
1984lism.rept    Local Interstellar Medium
    LockH        Lockheed Horizons
    lock.rept    Lockheed Missiles and Space Co. Report
    ldef.symp    Long Duration Exposure Facility
1998lrca.conf    Long-Range Correlations in Astrophysical Systems.
1988ltdb.conf    Long-term Dynamical Behaviour of Natural and Artificial N-body Systems
1976ltpd.conf    Long-time Prediction in Dynamics
1983ltpd.conf    Long-Time Prediction in Dynamics
1976ltpd.proc    Long-time Predictions in Dynamics
1975lwi..conf    Long-Wavelength Infrared    Looking Deep in the Southern Sky
2001ESASP.461    Looking Down to Earth in the New Millennium
    lubr.rept    Louisiana State Univ., Baton Rouge Report
1995leap.conf    Low Energy Antiproton Physics
2005AIPC..796    Low Energy Antiproton Physics
1986lect.conf    Low Energy Collision Theory Techniques for Atomic Excititation and Radiative Data
1981AIPC...75    Low Energy X-ray Diagnostics
1986lfra.conf    Low Frequency Radio Astronomy
1982lfve.conf    Low Frequency Variability Extragalactic Radio Sources
1989lmsf.conf    Low Mass Star Formation and Pre-main Sequence Objects    Low Mass Star Formation in Southern Molecular Clouds
1975lrma.conf    Low Radioactivity Measurement and Applications
1999ASPC..170    The Low Surface Brightness Universe
1987ltdn.conf    Low Temperature Detectors for Neutrinos and Dark Matter
1988ltdn.conf    Low temperature detectors for Neutrinos and Dark Matter II
1990ltdn.conf    Low Temperature Detectors for Neutrinos and Dark Matter III
1992ltdn.conf    Low Temperature Detectors for Neutrinos and Dark Matter IV
1988ltdd.conf    Low Temperature Devices for the Detection of Low Energy Neutrinos and Dark Matter
2006AIPC..850    Low Temperature Physics
2003ESASP.542    Low-Cost Planetary Missions
    LowOB        Lowell Observatory Bulletin
1986lasf.symp    The Lower Atmosphere of Solar Flares; Proceedings of the Solar Maximum Mission Symposium
1969ASSL...14    Low-Frequency Waves and Irregularities in the Ionosphere
1969lls..symp    Low-Luminosity Stars
    LPICo        LPI Contributions    LPI Technical Report No. 97-01: Mars 2005 Sample Return Workshop
1997ASPC..120    Luminous Blue Variables: Massive Stars in Transition
1993ASPC...45    Luminous High-Latitude Stars
1986IAUS..116    Luminous Stars and Associations in Galaxies
1992lpem.rept    Lunar and Planetary Exploration Mission
    lpi..rept    Lunar and Planetary Inst. Technical Report
    LPI..        Lunar and Planetary Institute Conference Abstracts
    LPITR        Lunar and Planetary Institute Technical Report
    LPSC.        Lunar and Planetary Science Conference
1989lbag.rept    Lunar Base Agriculture: Soils for Plant Growth
1985lbsa.conf    Lunar Bases and Space Activities of the 21st Century
1992lbsa.conf    Lunar Bases and Space Activities of the 21st Century II
1989lfsv.conf    Lunar Far-Side Very Low Frequency Array
1988lhfp.rept    Lunar Helium-3 and Fusion Power    Lunar Highland Soil
1980luhc.conf    Lunar Highlands Crust
1992lmt..symp    Lunar Materials Technology
1992loui.rept    A Lunar Optical-Ultraviolet-Infrared Synthesis Array (LOUISA)
1975lrml.conf    Lunar Ranging from a Mobile Laser Station. Part I: Lunar Laser Ranging
1977lss..conf    Lunar Sample Studies    Lunar science: A post-Apollo view    Lunar Soil from the Sea of Fertility    Lunar Soil from Mare Crisium
1990lvgs.conf    Lunar Volcanic Glasses: Scientific and Resource Potential
1997lbal.conf    A Lunar-Based Analytical Laboratory    A Lunar-Based Chemical Analysis Laboratory
    LCEC.        Luxembourg Commission European Communities
    LIVS.        Lvov Izdatel Vishcha Shkola
    LvoTs        L'vovskij Ordena Lenina Gosudarstvennyj Universitet Tsirkulyar
1995mpfn.conf    Mach's Principle: From Newton's Bucket to Quantum Gravity
    MadOO        Madras Observatory Astronomical Observations
    MadOb        Madras Observatory Observations
1965macl.conf    Magellanic Clouds
1971ASSL...23    The Magellanic Clouds
1991IAUS..148    The Magellanic Clouds
1998mcod.conf    The Magellanic Clouds and Other Dwarf Galaxies    Magic Without Magic: John Archibald Wheeler
1975mazb.conf    Magn. Ap-zvezdy. Baku, Ehlm
1967mrs..conf    Magnetic and Related Stars
1983mvs..conf    Magnetic and Variable Stars
1995ASPC...85    Magnetic Cataclysmic Variables
2001ASPC..248    Magnetic Fields Across the Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram
1987mfeo.conf    Magnetic Fields & Extragalactic OBjects
1991mfeo.conf    Magnetic Fields and Extragalactic Objects
1999ESASP.448    Magnetic Fields and Solar Processes
2005AIPC..784    Magnetic Fields in the Universe: From Laboratory and Stars to Primordial Structures.
    MagFE        Magnetic Fusion Energy
2008AIPC.1003    Magnetic Materials
1983mago.conf    Magnetic Monopoles
1986mrt..conf    Magnetic Reconnection and Turbulence
1997ASPC..111    Magnetic Reconnection in the Solar Atmosphere
1984mrsl.conf    Magnetic Reconnection in Space and Laboratory Plasmas
1978mast.conf    Magnetic Stars
1984mast.conf    Magnetic Stars
1988mast.conf    Magnetic Stars
2004mast.conf    Magnetic Stars    Magnetic Storms, Geophysical Monograph Series, Vol. 98
1967maco.conf    Magnetism and the Cosmos
1967mmmd.conf    Magnetism and Magnetic Materials
2004mim..proc    The Magnetized Interstellar Medium
2005mpge.conf    The Magnetized Plasma in Galaxy Evolution    The Magnetodynamics of Conducting Fluids
1967mfpd.conf    Magneto-Fluid and Plasma Dynamics
1980mhda.conf    Magnetohydrodynamic Aspects / Corona
1963mhd..conf    Magnetohydrodynamics    Magnetohydrodynamics: Historical Evolution and Trends
1989mhli.conf    The Magnetosphere, the High-Latitude Ionosphere, and their Interactions
1972magn.conf    The Magnetosphere: Part III of Solar-Terrestrial Physics/1970
1975ASSL...52    The Magnetospheres of the Earth and Jupiter
1979ESASP.148    Magnetospheric Boundary Layers    Magnetospheric Current Systems    Magnetospheric Currents
1976ASSL...58    Magnetospheric Particles and Fields
1986AIPC..144    Magnetospheric Phenomena in Astrophysics
1982mpcb.conf    Magnetospheric Phenomena of Celestial Bodies
1974ASSL...44    Magnetospheric Physics
1990mpap.conf    Magnetospheric Physics: Achievements and Prospects
1998mrat.conf    Magnetospheric Research with Advanced Techniques
2006GMS...169    Magnetospheric ULF Waves: Synthesis and New Directions    Magnetotail Physics
    MTACI        Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia Csillagvizsgalo Intezetenek koezlemenyei
1994maof.conf    Main Astronomical Observatory - 50 years
    kiev.rept    Main Astronomical Observatory Kiev, Ukraine Report
1985mdai.conf    Main Directions of Astronomical Investigations at the Moscow University
    MAWMN        Mainz Akademie Wissenschaften Mathematisch Naturwissenschaftliche Klasse
    Lapa.        Majalah LAPAN
1989mala.iafc    Malaga International Astronautical Federation Congress    Man and Cosmos: Nine Guggenheim Lectures on the Solar System
1980mcfe.conf    Manifestation of Cosmic Factors on the Earth and in Stars
1969ASSL...16    Manned Laboratories in Space    Manned Mars Mission
    MWGBI        Mannheim West Germany Bibliographisches Institut AG
1978mit..conf    Man's Impact on the Troposphere: Lectures in Tropospheric Chemistry
1971mcpp.conf    Mantle and Core in Planetary Physics
1967metp.conf    Mantles of the Earth and Terrestrial Planets
1999mfs..conf    The many faces of the sun: a summary of the results from NASA's Solar Maximum Mission.
2006msu..conf    The Many Scales in the Universe: JENAM 2004 Astrophysics Reviews
1994mbp..conf    Many-body Physics
1962mbp..conf    The Many-Body Problem
1969mbp..conf    The Many-Body Problem    Many-Body Theory
1973mwiq.conf    The Many-Worlds Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics
2008mgng.conf    Mapping the Galaxy and Nearby Galaxies
2000ASPC..218    Mapping the Hidden Universe: The Universe behind the Mily Way - The Universe in HI
1988IAUS..133    Mapping the Sky: Past Heritage and Future Directions
2002AIPC..638    Mapping the Triangle
1996ASPC...94    Mapping, Measuring, and Modelling the Universe    Mapping of the Moon and Mars
2005IAUS..216    Maps of the Cosmos
1982mgm..conf    Marcel Grossmann Meeting: General Relativity
1992mgm..conf    Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity
1978mcvl.conf    Mare Crisium: The view from Luna 24    Mare Volcanism and Basalt Petrogenesis: Astoundi ng Fundamental Concepts
    MarGR        Marine Geophysical Researches
    MarPG        Marine Petroleum Geology
1979mars.conf    Mars    Mars
1992mars.conf    Mars
2006mamo.conf    Mars Atmosphere Modelling and Observations
1990mevt.conf    Mars: Evolution of Volcanism, Techtonics, and Volatiles
    mevt.rept    Mars: Evolution of Volcanism, Tectonics, and Volatiles
2004ESASP1240    Mars Express: the Scientific Payload
1990mgnm.proc    Mars Global Network Mission Workshop
1992mppf.proc    Mars: Past, Present, and Future
1993mppf.proc    Mars: Past, Present, and Future. Results from the MSATT Program    Mars Pathfinder Landing Site Workshop    Mars Pathfinder Landing Site Workshop II: Characteristics    The Mars Reference Atmosphere    Mars Sample Return Science    Mars Telescopic Observations Workshop II
2007amsw.conf    Mars2030 - AustroMars Science Workshop
1979msfc.symp    Marshall Space Flight Center HEAO Science Symposium
2004mep..conf    Martian Expedition Planning
1987mgsv.conf    Martian Geomorphology and its Relation to Subsurface Volatiles    Martian Meteorites: Where do we Stand and Where are we Going?  Abstracts from a workshop    Martian Surface and Atmosphere Through Time
    mmc..rept    Martin Marietta Corp. Report
    umd..rept    Maryland Univ. College Park Report
1986mmmo.conf    Masers, Molecules, and Mass Outflows in Star Formation Regions
1997ASPC..128    Mass Ejection from Active Galactic Nuclei
1979IAUS...83    Mass Loss and Evolution of O-Type Stars
1982mlao.conf    Mass Loss from Astronomical Objects
1984mlao.conf    Mass Loss from Astronomical Objects
1985ASSL..117    Mass Loss from Red Giants
1969ASSL...13    Mass Loss from Stars
2008ASPC..388    Mass Loss from Stars and the Evolution of Stellar Clusters
1993mlab.conf    Mass Loss on the AGB and Beyond
1996ASPC..108    M.A.S.S., Model Atmospheres and Spectrum Synthesis
1968mmsf.conf    Mass Motions in Solar Flares and Related Phenomena
1988maga.conf    The Mass of the Galaxy    Mass of the Galaxy
2003mglh.conf    The Mass of Galaxies at Low and High Redshift
2002ASPC..255    Mass Outflow in Active Galactic Nuclei: New Perspectives
1988ASSL..142    Mass Outflows from Stars and Galactic Nuclei
    mit..rept    Massachusetts Inst. of Tech. Report
    umassrept    Massachusetts Univ. Report
1986mnia.conf    Massive Neutrinos in Astrophysics
1984mnap.conf    Massive Neutrinos in Astrophysics and in Particle Physics
1991mntf.conf    Massive Neutrinos: Tests of Fundamental Symmetries
2005IAUS..227    Massive Star Birth: A Crossroads of Astrophysics
2008ASPC..387    Massive Star Formation: Observations Confront Theory
2003IAUS..212    A Massive Star Odyssey: From Main Sequence to Supernova
1993ASPC...35    Massive Stars:  Their Lives in the Interstellar Medium    Massive Stars and High-Energy Emission in OB Associations
2007ASPC..367    Massive Stars in Interactive Binaries
1990mss..conf    Massive Stars in Starbursts    Massive Stars in Starbursts
2000ASPC..211    Massive Stellar Clusters
2003ASSL..283    Mass-Losing Pulsating Stars and their Circumstellar Matter
1994mtia.conf    Mass-Transfer Induced Activity in Galaxies
    MMPhy        Masters of Modern Physics
    MsT..        Masters Thesis
1987mzpa.conf    Mat. Zadachi Priklad. Aehron.
    MFiNM        Matematicheskaia Fizika i Nelineinaia Mekhanika
    MatIs        Matematicheskie Issledovaniia
    MMFMP        Matematicheskie Metody i Fiziko Mekhanicheskie Polia
    MISTr        Matematicheskii Institut imeni Steklova Trudy
    MMTET        Matematicheskoe Modelirovanie i Teoriia Elektricheskikh Tsepei
1983mkmu.conf    Mater. Konf. Mol. Uchenykh Odess. Astron. Nauchn.-Proizv. Akad.-Univ.Kompleksa
1987mcu..conf    Material Content of the Universe
    Mater        Materialpruefung
2005msa..conf    Materials for Space Applications
2003ESASP.540    Materials in a Space Environment
2007AIPC..908    Materials Processing and Design; Modeling, Simulation and Applications; NUMIFORM '07
    MaRBu        Materials Research Bulletin
2005AIPC..759    Materials Science and Applied Physics
    MatTr        Materials Transactions JIM
1974mnkt.conf    Materialy 4-oj Nauch. Konf. Tomsk. Un-ta po Mat. i Mekh.
1974mink.conf    Materialy Itog. Nauch. Konf. Prof.-Prepodavat. Sostava. Kazakhsk.
2006AIPC..835    Mathematical Analysis and Applications
1985maps.conf    Mathematical Analysis of Physical Systems
1986mntp.conf    Mathematical and Numerical Techniques in Physical Geodesy
    MAGeo        Mathematical Approaces to Geophysics Series
2008AIPC..971    Mathematical Biology 2007: ICMB07
1976mmcm.conf    Mathematical Methods in Celestial Mechanics
2000mmp..conf    Mathematical Methods in Physics
2004mmp..conf    Mathematical Methods in Physics
2001mmos.conf    Mathematical Modeling in Optical Science
2006AIPC..834    Mathematical Modeling of Wave Phenomena
1977mmns.conf    Mathematical Models of the Near Space
2007maph.conf    Mathematical Physics
    MaPhS        Mathematical Physics Studies
1999mrqm.conf    Mathematical Results in Quantum Mechanics
2002madm.conf    Matter, Antimatter and Dark Matter
1991max..conf    Max '91/SMM Solar Flares: Observations and Theory
    MitAe        Max Planck Institut Aeronomie Mitteilungen
1998mebm.conf    Maximum Entropy and Bayesian Methods
1991mebm.conf    Maximum Entropy and Bayesian Methods, MaxEnt 90
1981mpem.conf    Mécanismes de Production d'Énergie dans le Milieu Interstellaire
1986mma..conf    Méthodes Mathématiques Pour l'Astrophysique
1967ASSL....8    Measure of the Moon
1963NASSP..31    Measurement of Thermal Radiation Properties of Solids
1998mtsf.conf    Measurement Techniques in Space Plasmas -- Fields
1998mtsp.conf    Measurement Techniques in Space Plasmas -- Particles
1999mhsl.conf    Measurement Techniques in Space Plasmas Fields
1992NASCP3161    Measurement Technology for Aerospace Applications in High Temperature Environements
    Meas.        Measurements
1999mnm..conf    Measurements for the New Millennium
1985svmf.nasa    Measurements of Solar Vector Magnetic Fields
1999mstu.conf    Measuring the Size of Things in the Universe:  HBT Interferometry and Heavy Ion Physics
2004mmu..symp    Measuring and Modeling the Universe
1987meca.symp    MECA Symposium on Mars: Evolution of its Climate and Atmosphere    MECA Workshop on Atmospheric H2O Observations of Earth and Mars.  Physical Processes, Measurements and Interpretations
1991mcch.conf    Mechanisms of Chromospheric and Coronal Heating
    MeUpp        Meddelanden fran Astronomiska Observatorium Uppsala
    MeLu1        Meddelanden fran Lunds Astronomiska Observatorium Serie I
    MeLu2        Meddelanden fran Lunds Astronomiska Observatorium Serie II
    MeAar        Meddelser fra Ole Romer Observatoriet Aarhus
    MeGen        Mededelingen Universiteit te Gent Sterrenkundig Instituut
    MeLeu        Mededelingen van het Astronomisch Instituut van de Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
2003AIPC..682    Medical Physics
2008AIPC.1032    Medical Physics
2006AIPC..854    Medical Physics: Ninth Mexican Symposium on Medical Physics
2008AIPC.1033    Meeting the Entropy Challenge    Meeting on Space Shuttle Missions of the 80's
1974mttr.conf    Mekh. Tverd. Tela. Resp. Mezhved.
    MelAR        Melbourne Observatory Annual Report
    MelOO        Melbourne Observatory Observations
    MmEbr        Memoires de l'Observatoire de l'Ebre
    MmMtS        Memoires of the Mount Stromlo Observervatory
    MmKyo        Memoirs Faculty of Sciences University of Kyoto
    MmASI        Memoirs of the Astronomical Society of India
    MmBAA        Memoirs of the British Astronomical Association
    MmNap        Memorie del R. Osservatorio di Capodimonte in Napoli
    MmSAI        Memorie della Societa Astronomica Italiana
    MSAIS        Memorie della Societa Astronomica Italiana Supplement
    MmSSI        Memorie della Societa Degli Spettroscopisti Italiani
    MmSS.        Memorie della Societa Degli Spettroscopisti Italiani, serie 2
    Mercu        Mercury    Mercury, University of Arizona Press
2002ASSL..272    Merging Processes in Galaxy Clusters
2005ESASP.597    MERIS (A)ATSR Workshop 2005
2006ESASP.615    MERIS and AATSR Calibration and Geophysical Validation (MAVT-2006)
2004ESASP.549    MERIS User Workshop
2007AIPC..950    Meson Physics at COSY-11 and WASA-at COSY
2001AIPC..603    Mesons and Light Nuclei
1981meth.conf    The Mesosphere and Thermosphere
1971ASSL...25    Mesospheric Models and Related Experiments
1998maa..conf    The Message of the Angles - Astrometry from 1798 to 1998
    Msngr        The Messenger
    MTObM        Metallovedenie i Termicheskaia Obrabotka Metallov
    MTPMM        Metallurgical Transactions Physical Metallurgy Materials Science
2008mru..conf    The Metal-Rich Universe
    MTRMA        Meteor Forschungsergebnisse Reihe B Meteorologie und Aeronomie
1967mod..conf    Meteor Orbits and Dust    Meteorite Craters, Benchmark Papers in Geology
1969ASSL...12    Meteorite Research
1979mssp.conf    Meteorite Structures on the Surface of Planets    Meteorite Structures on Planetary Surfaces    Meteorites and the Early Solar System    Meteorites and the Early Solar System II    Meteorites, Comets and Planets: Treatise on Geochemistry, Volume 1
1984mis..conf    Meteoritic Investigations in Siberia
    MetRR        Meteornoe Rasprostranenie Radiovoln
2001ESASP.495    Meteoroids 2001 Conference
1993mtpb.conf    Meteoroids and their Parent Bodies
1963mair.conf    Meteorological and Astronomical Influences on Radio Wave Propogation    Meteorological and Geophysical Fluid Dynamics
1968miua.conf    Meteorological Investigations of the Upper Atmosphere
    MSCTN        Meteorological Satellite Center Technical Note
2002memi.conf    Meteorology and the Millennium
    MetHy        Meteorology Hydrology JPRS
1982mmsa.rept    Meteors and Meteor Spectra Analysis
1999md98.conf    Meteroids 1998
1986mris.conf    Methods and Results of Investigations of the Sun
1960mtg..conf    Methods and Techniques in Geophysics, Volume 1
1966mtg..conf    Methods and Techniques in Geophysics, Volume 2
1976mar..conf    Methods for Atmospheric Radiometry
1987mieo.conf    Methods for Increasing the Efficiency of Optical Telescopes
1991mcmp.conf    Methods in Computational Molecular Physics
1975mcpr...14    Methods in Computational Physics. Volume 14 - Radio astronomy    Methods in Radiative Transfer
1974msai.conf    Methods in Stellar Atmosphere and Interplanetary Plasma Research
1980mads.conf    Methods of Abundance Determination for Stars    Methods of Investigating Variable Stars
1972LNP....14    Methods of Local and Global Differential Geometry in General Relativity
1968mowd.conf    Methods of Obtaining Winds and Densities From Radar Meteor Trail Returns
1984magi.conf    Metody Astron.-Geod. Issled.
1960mera.conf    Metrology of Radionuclides    MEVTV Workshop on the Nature and Composition of Surface Units on Mars
1989etve.conf    MEVTV Workshop on Early Tectonic and Volcanic Evolution of Mars
1972msfm.conf    Mezhplanet. Sreda i Fiz. Magnitosfery
2004AIPC..733    MHD Couette Flows: Experiments and Models
    muaa.rept    Michigan Univ. Final Report
    MicEc        Microbial Ecology
1983mca..symp    Microcomputers in Astronomy
1984mca2.conf    Microcomputers in Astronomy II
1987mfm..symp    Microgravity Fluid Management Symposium
2001mms..conf    Microgravity Materials Science Conference 2000
2001ESASP.454    Microgravity Research and Aplications in Physical Sciences and Biotechnology
2001ASPC..239    Microlensing 2000: A New Era of Microlensing Astrophysics
2006mmo..conf    Micrometeorites and the Mysteries of Our Origins
2000mfss.conf    Micropropulsion for Small Spacecraft
1999mart.conf    Microsatellites as Research Tools
1997mba..conf    Microwave Background Anisotropies
1997mba..proc    Microwave Background Anistropies
1999ASPC..181    Microwave Foregrounds
2000mfia.conf    Mid- and Far-Infrared Astronomy and Future Space Missions    Middle Atmosphere of Venus
1984maph...14    Middle Atmosphere Program. Handbook for MAP. Volume 14
1985maph...18    Middle Atmosphere Program. Handbook for MAP. Volume 18
1986maph...19    Middle Atmosphere Program. Handbook for MAP, volume 19
1981maph....2    Middle Atmosphere Program. Handbook for MAP, volume 2
1986maph...20    Middle Atmosphere Program. Handbook for MAP, volume 20
1989maph...27    Middle Atmosphere Program. Handbook for MAP, volume 27
1989maph...28    Middle Atmosphere Program. Handbook for MAP, volume 28
1989maph...29    Middle Atmosphere Program. Handbook for MAP, volume 29
1989maph...30    Middle Atmosphere Program. Handbook for MAP. Volume 30
1989maph...31    Middle Atmosphere Program. Handbook for MAP. Volume 31
1983maph....9    Middle Atmosphere Program. Handbook for MAP, volume 9
1987maph...25    Middle Atmosphere Program, Volume 25
1966must.conf    The Middle Ultraviolet: Its Science and Technology    Miklós Konkoly Thege (1842-1916). 100 Years of Observational Astronomy and Astrophysics
    MAIMT        Milan Associazione Italiana di Meccanica Teorica ed Applicata
1984mcur.conf    Milankovitch and Climate: Understanding the Response to Astronomical Forcing
    MSMFR        Milano Seminario Matematico e Fisico Rendiconti
1990mwg..conf    The Milky Way as a Galaxy
1985IAUS..106    The Milky Way Galaxy
2004ASPC..317    Milky Way Surveys: The Structure and Evolution of our Galaxy
1997msma.conf    Millimeter and Submillimeter Astronomy at 10 Milli-arcseconds Resolution
1985mswr.symp    Millimeter and Submillimeter Wave Radio Astronomy    Millimeter-VLBI Science Workshop
1999ASSL..241    Millimeter-Wave Astronomy: Molecular Chemistry & Physics in Space.
1988ASSL..147    Millimetre and Submillimetre Astronomy
1995ASPC...72    Millisecond Pulsars.  A Decade of Surprise
    MinDe        Mineralium Deposita
    MinM.        Mineralogical Magazine
2001misk.conf    Mining the Sky
1993ASPC...39    The Minnesota Lectures on the Structure and Dynamics of the Milky Way
1988ASPC....5    The Minnesota lectures on Clusters of Galaxies and Large-Scale Structure
1996ASPC..106    The Minnesota Lectures on Extragalactic Neutral Hydrogen    Minor Bodies in the Outer Solar System
    MPBu.        Minor Planet Bulletin
    MPC..        Minor Planet Circulars
    MPEC.        Minor Planet Electronic Circulars
    IzMin        Minsk Izdatel BGU
    MiINT        Minsk Izdatel Nauka i Tekhnika
2002ESASP.498    MIR Deorbiting
1956mgps.conf    Miscelanea Geofisica Publicada Pelo Servico Meteorologico de Angola em Comemoracao do X Aniversario do Servico Meteorologico Nacional
    MAPSE        Mission Analysis Program Solar Electric Propulsion MAPSEP
1998mdis.conf    Mission Design and Implementation of Satellite Constellations    Missions, Technologies, and Design of Planetary Mobile Vehicles
2004mhca.conf    Mitigation of Hazardous Comets and Asteroids
    MHITR        Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Technical Review
    MitAG        Mitteilungen der Astronomischen Gesellschaft Hamburg
    MiBon        Mitteilungen der Astronomischen Institute der Universitaet Bonn
    MiBas        Mitteilungen der Astronomisch-Meteorologischen Anstalt der Universitaet Basel Astronomische Reihe
    MiHar        Mitteilungen der Bruno-H.-Buergel-Sternwarte Hartha DDR
    MiHam        Mitteilungen der Hamburger Sternwarte in Bergedorf
    MiKon        Mitteilungen der Konkoly Sternwarte Budapest-Szabadsaghegy
    MiPul        Mitteilungen der Nikolai-Hauptsternwarte zu Pulkowo
    MiBud        Mitteilungen der Sternwarte der Ungarischen Akademie der Wissenschaften Budapest
    MiInn        Mitteilungen der Sternwarte Innsbruck
    MiMun        Mitteilungen der Sternwarte Munchen
    MiSon        Mitteilungen der Sternwarte zu Sonneberg
    MiGra        Mitteilungen der Universitaets-Sternwarte Graz
    MiWie        Mitteilungen der Universitaets-Sternwarte Wien
    MiJen        Mitteilungen der Universitaets-Sternwarte zu Jena
    MiTue        Mitteilungen des Astronomischen Instituts der Universitaet Tuebingen
    MiMue        Mitteilungen des Astronomischen Instituts des Universitaet Munster
    MiPot        Mitteilungen des Astrophysikalischen Observatoriums Potsdam
1984mpsc.conf    The MK Process and Stellar Classification
1994ASPC...60    The MK Process at 50 Years:  A Powerful Tool for Astrophysical Insight
1985SAOSR.385    The MMT and the Future of Ground-Based Astronomy    Model Nebulae
1992mja..rept    Modeling the Jovian Aurora
1989mse..proc    Modeling the Stellar Environment: How and Why?
2005AIPC..779    Modeling Cooperative Behavior in the Social Sciences
2003AIPC..661    Modeling of Complex Systems    Modeling Solar Radiation at the Earth's Surface: Recent Advances
2008mss..conf    Modelling and Simulation in Science
2003IAUS..210    Modelling of Stellar Atmospheres
1975maco.nasa    Modern Achievements of Cosmonautics
1995maa..conf    The Modern Amateur Astronomer
1991masp.conf    Modern Analysis of Scattering Phenomena
1979mams.conf    Modern Aspects of Microwave Spectroscopy
1999maa..conf    Modern Astrometry and Astrodynamics
1977moas.conf    Modern Astronomy    Modern astrophysics. A memorial to Otto Struve
2003AIPC..658    Modern Challenges in Statistical Mechanics: Patterns, Noise, and the Interplay of Nonlinearity and Complexity
2002moco.conf    Modern Cosmology    Modern Cosmology in Retrospect
1963mdht.conf    Modern Developments in Heat Transfer
1990mmcm.conf    Modern Methods in Celestial Mechanics
1981motc.conf    Modern Observational Techniques for Comets
1971momg.conf    Modern Optical Methods in Gas Dynamic Research
1967moop.conf    Modern Optics
1994mpmb.conf    Modern Perspectives in Many-Body Physics
1988AIPC..169    Modern Physics in America
1998mpse.conf    Modern Problems in Stellar Evolution
1975mppa.conf    Modern Problems of Positional Astrometry
1988mrs..conf    Modern Radio Science
1990mrs..conf    Modern Radio Science
2007msfa.conf    Modern solar facilities - advanced solar science
1978mtap.conf    Modern Techniques in Astronomical Photography    Modern Technology and its Influence on Astronomy.
1984mtep.conf    Modern Theoretical and Experimental Problems of the Theory of Relativity and Gravitation
2002ASSL..276    Modern Theoretical and Observational Cosmology
2007AIPC..888    Modern Trends in Physics Research
2005AIPC..748    Modern Trends of Physics Research
1976muit.conf    Modern Utilization of Infrared Technology Civilian and Military
1977muit.conf    Modern Utilization of Infrared Technology. III. Civilian and Military
2002ASPC..285    Modes of Star Formation and the Origin of Field Populations
1986mkls.conf    Modulyatsiya Kosm. Luchej v Soln. Sisteme. Yakutsk    Molecular Astrophysics
1998masg.conf    The Molecular Astrophysics of Stars and Galaxies
1985masa.conf    Molecular Astrophysics. State of the Art and Future Directions
1991mocl.conf    Molecular Clouds
1988mcmw.conf    Molecular Clouds / Milky-Way & External Galaxies
1995mcsf.conf    Molecular Clouds and Star Formation
2000mhs..conf    Molecular Hydrogen in Space
2003AIPC..685    Molecular Nanostructures
1994msep.conf    Molecular Opacities in the Stellar Environment, Poster Session
1982mpap.conf    Molecular Physics Atmospheric Physics
1990mps..conf    Molecular Processes in Space
1968mrad.conf    Molecular Radiation and its Application to Diagnostic Techniques
1972msmr.conf    Molecular Spectroscopy: Modern Research, Volume 1
1976msmr.conf    Molecular Spectroscopy: Modern Research, Volume II
1994AIPC..312    Molecules and Grains in Space
1973mge..conf    Molecules in the Galactic Environment
1996IAUS..178    Molecules in Astrophysics: Probes & Processes
1982miis.conf    Molecules in Interstellar Space    Molecules in Space and in the Laboratory
2007msl..conf    Molecules in Space and Laboratory
1962rwpt.conf    Monograph on Radio-wave Propagation in the Troposphere
    MPhy.        Monographs in Physique
1984mono.conf    Monopole '83
2003AIPC..690    The Monte Carlo Method in the Physical Sciences
    MNSSJ        Monthly notes of the Astronomical Society of South Africa
1991mont.iafc    Montreal International Astronautical Federation Congress
1962IAUS...14    The Moon
1972IAUS...47    The Moon
1967mopl.conf    Moon and Planets    Moon and Planets II
2002mbns.conf    The Moon Beyond 2002: Next Steps in Lunar Science and Exploration
1989mtak.conf    Moon in Transition: Apollo 14, KREEP, and Evolved Lunar Rocks    The Moon Meteorites and Comets
1999mthe.conf    More Things in Heaven and Earth : A Celebration of Physics at the Millennium
1992ASSL..178    Morphological and Physical Classification of Galaxies
1981mcsa.conf    Morphology and Cyclicity of Solar Activity
1972mqdi.conf    Morphology of the Quiet and Disturbed Ionosphere
    MorGI        Morskie Gidrofizicheskie Issledovaniia
1960mcr1.conf    Moscow Cosmic Ray Conference, Volume I
1960mcr2.conf    Moscow Cosmic Ray Conference, Volume II: Extensive Air Showers and Cascades Process
1960mcr3.conf    Moscow Cosmic Ray Conference, Volume III
1960mcr4.conf    Moscow Cosmic Ray Conference, Volume IV, Variations of Cosmic-Ray Intensity
    MoEBA        Moscow Energoatomizdat Biblioteka Automatike
    MoGid        Moscow Gidrometeoizdat
    MoIKI        Moscow Institut Kosmicheskikh Issledovanii AN SSSR
    MoIPM        Moscow Institut Prikladnoi Matematiki AN SSSR
    MoIzA        Moscow Izdatel Atomizdat
    MoIzE        Moscow Izdatel Energiia
    MIEBA        Moscow Izdatel Energiia Biblioteka Avtomatike
    MIEBR        Moscow Izdatel Energiia Biblioteka Radioelektronike
    MoIzK        Moscow Izdatel Khimiia
    MIzLI        Moscow Izdatel Legkaia Industriia
    MIzMa        Moscow Izdatel Mashinostroenie
    MIzMe        Moscow Izdatel Metallurgiia
    MoIzM        Moscow Izdatel Moskovskogo Universiteta
    MIzMU        Moscow Izdatel Moskovskogo Universiteta Pt
    MoIzN        Moscow Izdatel Nauka
    MINFI        Moscow Izdatel Nauka AN SSR Fizicheskii Institut Trudy
    MINCV        Moscow Izdatel Nauka AN SSSR Chteniia imeni Vernadskogo
    MoINA        Moscow Izdatel Nauka AN SSSR Fizicheskii Institut Trudy
    MINGI        Moscow Izdatel Nauka AN SSSR Geologicheskoi Institut Trudy
    MINMI        Moscow Izdatel Nauka AN SSSR Matematicheskii Institut Trudy
    MoINI        Moscow Izdatel Nauka Issledovaniia Geomagnetizmu Aeronomii i Fizike Solntsa
    MINTF        Moscow Izdatel Nauka Teoreticheskaia Fizika
    MINVS        Moscow Izdatel Nauka Vychislitel naia Seismologiia
    MIzNe        Moscow Izdatel Nedra
    MIzRS        Moscow Izdatel Radio Sviaz
    MIzSR        Moscow Izdatel Sovetskoe Radio
    MISRI        Moscow Izdatel Sovetskoe Radio Ionosfernye Issledovaniia
    MoIzS        Moscow Izdatel Sviaz
    MISST        Moscow Izdatel Sviaz Statisticheskaia Teoriia sviazi
    MoIzT        Moscow Izdatel Transport
    MoIzV        Moscow Izdatel VINITI
    MIzVS        Moscow Izdatel Vysshaia Shkola
    MoIzZ        Moscow Izdatel Znanie
    MIZNZ        Moscow Izdatel Znanie Novoe Zhizni Nauke Tekhnike Seriia Fizika
    MosIZ        Moscow IZMIRAN
    MoMTN        Moscow Mezhdunarodnyi Tsentr Nauchnoi i Tekhnicheskoi Informatsii
    MoMGK        Moscow Mezhduvedomstvennyi Geofizicheskii Komitet
    MoVIN        Moscow VINITI
    MosVo        Moscow Voenizdat
    MosVI        Moscow Voennoe Izdatel
    MoVNT        Moscow Vychislitel nyi Tsentr AN SSSR
    MoVyS        Moscow Vysshaia Shkola
    MoLLP        Moshchnye lazery i lazernaia plazma
    MoEIT        Moskovskii Energeticheskii Institut Trudy
    MGUMN        Moskovskii Gosudarstvennyi Universitet Institut Mekhaniki Nauchnye Trudy
    MGIMO        Moskovskii Gosudarstvennyi Universitet Institut Mekhaniki Otchet
    MVSFA        Moskovskii Universitet Vestnik Seriia Fizika Astronomiia
    MUVSK        Moskovskii Universitet Vestnik Seriia Khimiia
    MVSMM        Moskovskii Universitet Vestnik Seriia Matematika Mekhanika
    MGTVM        Moskovskij Gosudarstvennyj Tekhnicheskij Universitet Vestnik Seriya Mashinostroenie
    MGTVP        Moskovskij Gosudarstvennyj Tekhnicheskij Universitet Vestnik Seriya Priborostroenie
1999mdrg.conf    The Most Distant Radio Galaxies
1981mms..conf    The Most Massive Stars
1982mms..conf    The Most Massive Stars
1972IAUS...45    The Motion, Evolution of Orbits, and Origin of Comets
1990mcb..conf    Motion of Celestial Bodies
1983mpna.conf    The Motion of Planets and Natural and Artifical Satellites
1999ASSL..239    Motions in the Solar Atmosphere
    MotZe        Motortechnische Zeitschrift
1965mem1.conf    Mössbauer Effect Methodology, Volume 1
1966mem2.conf    Mössbauer Effect Methodology, Volume 2
1967mem3.conf    Mössbauer Effect Methodology, Volume 3
    MtSOM        Mount Stromlo Observatory Mimeographs
    MtSRe        Mount Stromlo Observatory Reprints
    MtWAR        Mount Wilson and Palomar Observatory Annual Report
    MtWRe        Mount Wilson and Palomar Observatory Reprints
    MWOAR        Mount Wilson Observatory Annual Report
    MRSBu        MRS Bulletin    MSATT Workshop on Chemical Weathering on Mars
1987mtst.rept    The M-Type Stars
    MUSS.        Muenchen Universitaets Schriften Serie
1975mpth.conf    Multicolor Photometry and the Theoretical HR Diagram
2007AIPC..924    The Multicolored Landscape of Compact Objects and Their Explosive Origins
1983vlba.conf    Multidisciplinary Use of the Very Long Baseline Array
1995ASPC...75    Multi-Feed Systems for Radio Telescopes
1985mbga.conf    Multifrequency Behaviour of Galactic Accreting Sources
1988msp..conf    Multimode Stellar Pulsations
2005ASSL..330    The Multinational History of Strasbourg Astronomical Observatory
2000mudy.conf    Multiparticle Dynamics
2003mudy.conf    Multiparticle Dynamics
2006AIPC..828    Multiparticle Dynamics XXXV
2007AIPC..914    Multiphase Flow: The Ultimate Measurement Challenge
1984mia..conf    Multiphoton Ionization of Atoms
1976mpvs.conf    Multiple Periodic Variable Stars
1981mswr.conf    Multiple Scattering and Waves in Random Media
2006mslp.conf    Multiple Scattering of Light by Particles
2008msah.conf    Multiple Stars Across the H-R Diagram
1981mrbf.conf    Multi-ring basins: Formation and Evolution
2008AIPC..973    Multiscale and Functionally Graded Materials 2006
2005mcsp.conf    Multiscale Coupling of Sun-Earth Processes
1995mscs.conf    Multi-site Continuous Spectroscopy
2004mas..conf    Multiwavelength AGN Surveys    Multiwavelength Astrophysics
1994IAUS..159    Multi-Wavelength Continuum Emission of AGN
2004IAUS..223    Multi-Wavelength Investigations of Solar Activity
2005mmgf.conf    Multiwavelength Mapping of Galaxy Formation and Evolution
2002mwoc.conf    Multi-Wavelength Observations of Coronal Structure and Dynamics
2001mwoc.conf    Multi-Wavelength Observations of Coronal Structure and Dynamics -- Yohkoh 10th Anniversary Meeting
1979muni.iafc    Munich International Astronautical Federation Congress
    MROVG        Munich R Oldenbourg Verlag GmbH
1977mpei.conf    Muon Physics, Volume I: Electromagnetic Interactions
1975mpwi.conf    Muon Physics, Volume II: Weak Interactions
1975mpcs.conf    Muon Physics, Volume III: Chemistry and Solids
2000spin.conf    MU-SPIN Ninth Annual Users' Conference
    NISZ.        Nabliudeniia Iskusstvennykh Sputnikov Zemli
1987nizs.conf    Nablyud. i Interpretatsiya Zvezd. Spektrov. Vses. Soveshch. RG Astrosoveta Akad. Nauk SSSR
1976npsa.conf    Nablyud. i Prognoz Soln. Aktivnosti
    NACAA        NACA Advance Confidential Report
    NACAC        NACA Confidential Report
    NACRA        NACA Research Memorandum A Series
    NACRE        NACA Research Memorandum E Series
    NACRL        NACA Research Memorandum L Series
    NACRB        NACA Restricted Bulletin
    NACRM        NACA Restricted Memorandum
    NACAM        NACA Technical Memorandum
    NACAN        NACA Technical Notes
    NACAR        NACA Technical Report
    NACWA        NACA Wartime Report A Series
    NACWE        NACA Wartime Report E Series
    NACWL        NACA Wartime Report L Series
    NOGB.        Nachr. Olbers-Ges. Bremen
    NacEl        Nachrichten Elektronik
    NAZ..        Nachrichtenblatt der Astronomischen Zentralstelle Heidelberg
    NVS..        Nachrichtenblatt der Vereinigung der Sternfreunde
    NGFAW        Nachrichtentechnische Gesellschaft Fachtagung ueber Antennen
    NacZe        Nachrichtentechnische Zeitschrift
    NUFEM        Nagoya University Faculty Engineering Memoirs
1981nuri...28    Nagoya University Research Institute of Atmospherics Proceedings, vol. 28
1982nuri...29    Nagoya University Research Institute of Atmospherics Proceedings, vol. 29
1987nuri...34    Nagoya University Research Institute of Atmospherics Proceedings, vol. 34
    NUSEM        Nagoya University School Engineering Memoirs
    NaAIJ        Nanjing Aeronautical Institute Journal
    NUAAJ        Nanjing University Aeronautics and Astronautics Journal
2007AIPC..929    Nanotechnology and Its Applications
    NIUNA        Napoli Istituto Universitario Navale Annali
    ASIB.        NASA Advanced Science Institutes (ASI) Series B
    ASIC.        NASA Advanced Science Institutes (ASI) Series C
    ames.rept    NASA Ames Research Center Technical Report
    NASCL        NASA Circular Letter
    NASCP        NASA Conference Publication    NASA Contractor Report Series
1961gsfc.rept    NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Technical Report    NASA Laboratory Astrophysics Workshop
1997lrc..rept    NASA Langley Research Center Report
2006nla..conf    NASA LAW 2006
1988mars.conf    The NASA Mars Conference
    msfc.rept    NASA Marshall Space Flight Center Report
    nmso.rept    NASA Marshall Space Flight Center Solar Observatory Report    NASA MEVTV Program Working Group Meeting: Volcanism on Mars
2004ASPC..319    NASA Office of Space Science Education and Public Outreach Conference
    pata.rept    NASA Patent Application
1982plap.nasa    NASA Planetary Atmospheres Program
    NASRP        NASA Reference Publication
    plas.rept    NASA Reports of Planetary Astronomy
    NASSP        NASA Special Publication
    nasa..sps    NASA Special Publication Series
    STIA.        NASA STI/Recon Technical Report A
    STIN.        NASA STI/Recon Technical Report N
    nasa..tms    NASA Technical Memorandum Series
    asee.nasa    NASA/ASEE Summer Faculty Fellowship Program
    nasa.rept    National Aeronautics and Space Administration Report
    NBSSP        National Bureau of Standards Special Publication
    NBSTN        National Bureau of Standards Technical Note
    ngdc.rept    National Geophysical Data Center Comprehensive Reports
    PolRe        National Institute Polar Research Memoirs
    BAth.        National Observatory of Athens Greece Bulletin of the Astronomical Institute
    NRAOR        National Radio Astronomy Observatory Reprints
1982nspp.conf    National Symposium on Plasma Physics
    ntis.rept    National Technical Information Service Report
    NUDTJ        National University Defense Technology Journal
1977naa..conf    Native American Astronomy
1983fpea.conf    NATO ASIB Proc. 103: Fundamental Processes in Energetic Atomic Collisions
2003whdw.conf    NATO ASIB Proc. 105: White Dwarfs
1985rcmd.conf    NATO ASIB Proc. 118: Regular and Chaotic Motions in Dynamic Systems
1985cbqs.conf    NATO ASIB Proc. 120: Chaotic Behavior in Quantum Systems: Theory and Applications
1986hic..conf    NATO ASIB Proc. 130: Heavy Ion Collisions
1985fpac.conf    NATO ASIB Proc. 134: Fundamental Processes in Atomic Collision Physics
1986tpgs.conf    NATO ASIB Proc. 138: Topological Structure of Space-Time
1986aus..conf    NATO ASIB Proc. 143: Atoms in Unusual Situations
1986apei.conf    NATO ASIB Proc. 145: Atomic Processes in Electron-Ion and Ion-Ion Collisions
1987gram.conf    NATO ASIB Proc. 151: Giant Resonances in Atoms, Molecules, and Solids
1987psf..conf    NATO ASIB Proc. 153: Physics of Strong Fields
1987scpp.conf    NATO ASIB Proc. 154: Strongly Coupled Plasma Physics
1987pcsc.conf    NATO ASIB Proc. 158: Physics and Chemistry of Small Clusters
1987tche.conf    NATO ASIB Proc. 164: Techinques and Concepts of High-Energy Physics IV
1988fpad.conf    NATO ASIB Proc. 181: Fundamental Processes of Atomic Dynamics
1989smsv.conf    NATO ASIB Proc. 186: Simple Molecular Systems at Very High Density
1988xsas.conf    NATO ASIB Proc. 187: X-ray Spectroscopy in Atomic and Solid State Physics
2005ppci.conf    NATO ASIB Proc. 188: Particle Physics and Cosmology: the Interface
2005opas.conf    NATO ASIB Proc. 198: Optics in astrophysics
1989nmhi.conf    NATO ASIB Proc. 205: Nuclear Matter and Heavy Ion Collisions
1989nand.conf    NATO ASIB Proc. 209: New Aspects of Nuclear Dynamics
2005esns.conf    NATO ASIB Proc. 210: The Electromagnetic Spectrum of Neutron Stars
1989nesa.conf    NATO ASIB Proc. 216A: The Nuclear Equation of State.  Part A: Discovery of Nuclear Shock Waves and the EOS
1989nesb.conf    NATO ASIB Proc. 216B: The Nuclear Equation of State.  Part B: QCD and the Formation of the Quark-Gluon Plasma
1990pmqf.conf    NATO ASIB Proc. 224: Probabilistic Methods in Quantum Field Theory and Quantum Gravity
1990qmcs.conf    NATO ASIB Proc. 230: Quantum Mechanics in Curved Space-Time
1977tteg.conf    NATO ASIB Proc. 27: Topics in Theoretical and Experimental Gravitation Physics
1991tche.conf    NATO ASIB Proc. 275: Techniques and Concepts of High-Energy Physics VI
1992tdqm.conf    NATO ASIB Proc. 299: Time-Dependent Quantum Molecular Dynamics
1974pclb.conf    NATO ASIB Proc. 3: Photon Correlation and Light Beating Spectroscopy
1993sila.conf    NATO ASIB Proc. 316: Super-Intense Laser-Atom Physics
1994tanc.conf    NATO ASIB Proc. 321: Topics in Atomic and Nuclear Collisions
1994hdnm.conf    NATO ASIB Proc. 335: Hot and Dense Nuclear Matter
1994epeu.conf    NATO ASIB Proc. 338: Electroweak Physics and the Early Universe
1995pmci.conf    NATO ASIB Proc. 348: Physics with Mutiply Charged Ions
1995fpp..conf    NATO ASIB Proc. 350: Frontiers in Particle Physics
1978scp..conf    NATO ASIB Proc. 36: Strongly Coupled Plasmas
1997mfp..conf    NATO ASIB Proc. 363: Masses of Fundamental Particles
1997qfqs.conf    NATO ASIB Proc. 364: Quantum Fields and Quantum Space Time
2001crfa.conf    NATO ASIB Proc. 42: Cosmic Radiations: From Astronomy to Particle Physics
1979rdg..conf    NATO ASIB Proc. 44: Recent Developments in Gravitation
1980ampc.conf    NATO ASIB Proc. 53: Atomic and Molecular Processes in Controlled Thermonuclear Fusion
1980cgst.conf    NATO ASIB Proc. 58: Cosmology and Gravitation: Spin, Torsion, Rotation, and Supergravity
1982amct.conf    NATO ASIB Proc. 71: Atomic and Molecular Collision Theory
1981nppb.conf    NATO ASIB Proc. 75: Nonlinear Phenomena in Physics and Biology
1983piie.conf    NATO ASIB Proc. 83: Physics of Ion-Ion and Electron-Ion Collisions
1983ream.conf    NATO ASIB Proc. 87: Relativistic Effects in Atoms, Molecules, and Solids
1983als..conf    NATO ASIB Proc. 95: Advances in Laser Spectroscopy
1983aphi.conf    NATO ASIB Proc. 96: Atomic Physics of Highly Ionized Atoms
1983cocr.proc    NATO ASIC Proc. 107: Composition and Origin of Cosmic Rays
1983dmg..proc    NATO ASIC Proc. 110: Diffuse Matter in Galaxies
1984fegl.proc    NATO ASIC Proc. 117: Formation and Evolution of Galaxies and Large Structures in the Universe
1984pcnr.conf    NATO ASIC Proc. 134: Problems of Collapse and Numerical Relativity
1975ocr..proc    NATO ASIC Proc. 14: Origin of Cosmic Rays
1985ppvu.conf    NATO ASIC Proc. 142: Photophysics and Photochemistry in the Vacuum Ultraviolet
1985ib...proc    NATO ASIC Proc. 150: Interacting Binaries
1985pssl.proc    NATO ASIC Proc. 152: Progress in Stellar Spectral Line Formation Theory
1985sssm.proc    NATO ASIC Proc. 154: Stability of the Solar System and its Minor Natural and Artificial Bodies    NATO ASIC Proc. 156: Ices in the Solar System
1985masa.proc    NATO ASIC Proc. 157: Molecular Astrophysics: State of the Art and Future Directions
1985cia..conf    NATO ASIC Proc. 161: Compendium in Astronomy
1986crca.proc    NATO ASIC Proc. 162: Cosmic Radiation in Contemporary Astrophysics
1986ninp.proc    NATO ASIC Proc. 163: Nucleosynthesis and its Implications on Nuclear and Particle Physics    NATO ASIC Proc. 167: The Evolution of Galactic X-Ray Binaries
1986ssds.proc    NATO ASIC Proc. 169: Seismology of the Sun and the Distant Stars    NATO ASIC Proc. 180: Galaxy Distances and Deviations from Universal Expansion
1987paha.proc    NATO ASIC Proc. 191: Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Astrophysics
1987hepa.proc    NATO ASIC Proc. 195: High Energy Phenomena Around Collapsed Stars
1987vheg.proc    NATO ASIC Proc. 199: Very High Energy Gamma Ray Astronomy
1987gal..proc    NATO ASIC Proc. 207: The Galaxy
1987ajte.proc    NATO ASIC Proc. 208: Astrophysical Jets and their Engines
1975seg..conf    NATO ASIC Proc. 21: Structure and Evolution of Galaxies
1987ppic.proc    NATO ASIC Proc. 210: Physical Processes in Interstellar Clouds
1988eaun.proc    NATO ASIC Proc. 219: The Early Universe
1988gpcr.proc    NATO ASIC Proc. 220: Genesis and Propagation of Cosmic Rays    NATO ASIC Proc. 229: Cooling Flows in Clusters and Galaxies
1988gesf.conf    NATO ASIC Proc. 232: Galactic and Extragalactic Star Formation
1988flsg.conf    NATO ASIC Proc. 234: Frontiers of Laser Spectroscopy of Gases
1988felm.conf    NATO ASIC Proc. 241: Formation and Evolution of Low Mass Stars
1988htpa.conf    NATO ASIC Proc. 249: Hot Thin Plasmas in Astrophysics
1989gwda.conf    NATO ASIC Proc. 253: Gravitational Wave Data Analysis
1989ssg..conf    NATO ASIC Proc. 263: Solar and Stellar Granulation
1989egf..conf    NATO ASIC Proc. 264: The Epoch of Galaxy Formation
1989dli..conf    NATO ASIC Proc. 274: Diffraction-Limited Imaging with Very Large Telescopes
1976pntr.conf    NATO ASIC Proc. 28: The Physics of Non-Thermal Radio Sources
1989tad..conf    NATO ASIC Proc. 290: Theory of Accretion Disks
1990dmu..conf    NATO ASIC Proc. 296: Dark Matter in the Universe
1990pphc.conf    NATO ASIC Proc. 300: Physical Processes in Hot Cosmic Plasmas
1990bdm..proc    NATO ASIC Proc. 305: Baryonic Dark Matter
1990nstb.conf    NATO ASIC Proc. 306: Neutron Stars and Their Birth Events
1990amml.conf    NATO ASIC Proc. 316: Angular Momentum and Mass Loss for Hot Stars
1990acb..proc    NATO ASIC Proc. 319: Active Close Binaries Proceedings, NATO Advanced Study Institute
1991chsp.conf    NATO ASIC Proc. 323: Chemistry in Space
1991whdw.conf    NATO ASIC Proc. 336: White Dwarfs
1991crsi.conf    NATO ASIC Proc. 337: Cosmic Rays, Supernovae and the Interstellar Medium
1991amey.conf    NATO ASIC Proc. 340: Angular Momentum Evolution of Young Stars
1991sabc.conf    NATO ASIC Proc. 341: Stellar Atmospheres - Beyond Classical Models
1991psfe.conf    NATO ASIC Proc. 342: The Physics of Star Formation and Early Stellar Evolution
1991nsto.conf    NATO ASIC Proc. 344: Neutron Stars
1991otci.conf    NATO ASIC Proc. 348: Observational Tests of Cosmological Inflation
1977dccb.conf    NATO ASIC Proc. 35: Dynamical and Chemical Coupling Between the Neutral and Ionized Atmosphere
1992issa.proc    NATO ASIC Proc. 359: The Infrared and Submillimetre Sky after COBE
1992bhp..conf    NATO ASIC Proc. 364: Black Hole Physics
1992csg..conf    NATO ASIC Proc. 366: Clusters and Superclusters of Galaxies
1992sla..conf    NATO ASIC Proc. 373: The Sun: A Laboratory for Astrophysics    NATO ASIC Proc. 375: Sunspots. Theory and Observations
1978infa.proc    NATO ASIC Proc. 38: Infrared Astronomy
1993wdao.conf    NATO ASIC Proc. 403: White Dwarfs: Advances in Observation and Theory
1994tad..conf    NATO ASIC Proc. 417: Theory of Accretion Disks - 2
1994coma.conf    NATO ASIC Proc. 422: Cosmical Magnetism
1994aoa..conf    NATO ASIC Proc. 423: Adaptive Optics for Astronomy
1994cpp..conf    NATO ASIC Proc. 427: Cosmology and Particle Physics
1994iltm.conf    NATO ASIC Proc. 436: The Impact of Long-Term Monitoring on Variable Star Research: Astrophysics
1994nngl.conf    NATO ASIC Proc. 445: The Nuclei of Normal Galaxies: Lessons from the Galactic Center
1995ctap.conf    NATO ASIC Proc. 467: Current Topics in Astrofundamental Physics : The Early Universe
1995osd..conf    NATO ASIC Proc. 469: The Opacity of Spiral Disks
1979idsa.proc    NATO ASIC Proc. 47: Instabilities in Dynamical Systems. Applications to Celestial Mechanics
1996epbs.conf    NATO ASIC Proc. 477: Evolutionary Processes in Binary Stars
1997thsu.conf    NATO ASIC Proc. 486: Thermonuclear Supernovae
1997cduc.conf    NATO ASIC Proc. 487: The Cosmic Dust Connection
1997hara.conf    NATO ASIC Proc. 501: High angular resolution in astrophysics
1997cmb..conf    NATO ASIC Proc. 502: The Cosmic Microwave Background
1997gcls.conf    NATO ASIC Proc. 503: Generation of Cosmological Large-Scale Structure.
1998ctap.conf    NATO ASIC Proc. 511: Current Topics in Astrofundamental Physics: Primordial Cosmology
1998mfns.conf    NATO ASIC Proc. 515: The Many Faces of Neutron Stars.
1999dsbs.conf    NATO ASIC Proc. 522: The Dynamics of Small Bodies in the Solar System, A Major Key to Solar System Studies
1999fess.conf    NATO ASIC Proc. 523: Formation and Evolution of Solids in Space
1999poss.conf    NATO ASIC Proc. 532: Planets Outside the Solar System: Theory and Observations
1999iip..conf    NATO ASIC Proc. 537: Interball in the ISTP Program : Studies of the Solar Wind-Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Interaction
1999osps.conf    NATO ASIC Proc. 540: The Origin of Stars and Planetary Systems
1999toc..conf    NATO ASIC Proc. 541: Theoretical and Observational Cosmology
2000vsea.conf    NATO ASIC Proc. 544: Variable Stars as Essential Astrophysical Tools
2000asre.conf    NATO ASIC Proc. 558: Advances in Solar Research at Eclipses from Ground and from Space
2001sfu..conf    NATO ASIC Proc. 565: Structure Formation in the Universe
1980xras.proc    NATO ASIC Proc. 60: X-Ray Astronomy
1981spss.proc    NATO ASIC Proc. 68: Solar Phenomena in Stars and Stellar Systems
1974gtnl.conf    NATO ASIC Proc. 7: Group Theory in Non-Linear Problems
1982csp..proc    NATO ASIC Proc. 82: The Comparative Study of the Planets
1982amdc.proc    NATO ASIC Proc. 82: Applications of Modern Dynamics to Celestial Mechanics and Astrodynamics
1982sscr.conf    NATO ASIC Proc. 90: Supernovae: A Survey of Current Research
1979nasm.conf    Natural and Artificial Satellite Motion
1998ncdb.conf    Natural Catastrophes During Bronze Age Civilisations: Archaeological, Geological, Astronomical and Cultural Perspectives
1964nepb.conf    Natural Electromagnetic Phenomena    Natural Fullerenes and Related Structures of Elemental Carbon
2008AIPC.1034    The Natural Radiation Environment
2005ASPC..337    The Nature and Evolution of Disks Around Hot Stars
1994ASPC...62    The Nature and Evolutionary Status of Herbig Ae/Be Stars
1965nls..conf    The Nature of the Lunar Surface
1979npu..conf    The Nature of the Physical Universe
1994ncoa.conf    The Nature of Compact Objects in Active Galactic Nuclei
1997ASPC..116    The Nature of Elliptical Galaxies; 2nd Stromlo Symposium    The Nature of Matter, Wolfson College Lectures
2003ntgp.conf    The Nature of Time: Geometry, Physics and Perception
2001ASSL..267    The Nature of Unidentified Galactic High-Energy Gamma-Ray Sources
2007ASPC..363    The Nature of V838 Mon and its Light Echo
1986nave.conf    Naturens Verden
1972ofi..conf    Nauch. Trudy VNII Optiko-Fiz. Izmerenij
1980ncak.conf    Nauchn. Chteniya po Aviats. i Kosmonavt.
1981ncak.conf    Nauchn. Chteniya po Aviats. i Kosmonavt. 10-e Gagarinsk. Chteniya
1985nkp..conf    Nauchn. Kosm. Priborostr.
1976nsgp.conf    Nauchn. tr. Sverdl. Gos. Pedagog. Inst.
1974ncme.conf    Nauka i Chelovechestvo
    nrl..rept    Naval Research Lab. Report
    NRRv.        Naval Research Reviews
1993nbpg.conf    N-body Problems and Gravitational Dynamics
1988nznf.conf    Near Zero: New Frontiers of Physics
2005ASPC..329    Nearby Large-Scale Structures and the Zone of Avoidance
2005nrdd.conf    Nearby Resolved Debris Disks
1997neo..conf    Near-Earth Objects
1993nag..conf    The Nearest Active Galaxies
1987nngp.proc    Nearly Normal Galaxies. From the Planck Time to the Present
1968nim..conf    Nebulae and Interstellar Matter
    NVVSR        Nederlandse Vereiniging voor Weer en Sterrenkunde Werkgroep veranderlijke Sterren Reports
1993ndoq.conf    The Need for a Dedicated Optical Quasar Monitoring Telescope
1982ncgb.conf    The Need for Coordinated Ground-based Observations of Halley's Comet    The Need for Coordinated Space and Ground-Based Observations of Halley's Comet
1973npiv.conf    Nekotor. Probl. Issled. Vselennoj
1974nvfk.conf    Nekotor. Vopr. fiz. Kosmosa
1995netr.conf    Neptune and Triton
    AnBog        Neue Annalen der Koeniglichen Sternwarte in Bogenhausen bei Muenchen
    NJMM.        Neues Jahrbuch Mineralogie Monatshefte
1976ncsp.conf    Neutral Current Sheets in Plasmas
2004ASPC..320    The Neutral ISM in Starburst Galaxies
1972neut.conf    Neutrino '72
1975neu1.conf    Neutrino '75: IUPAP Conference: Volume I
1975neu2.conf    Neutrino '75: IUPAP Conference: Volume II
1978neu1.conf    Neutrino 77, Volume 1
1978neu2.conf    Neutrino 77, Volume 2
1981neu1.conf    Neutrino 81, Volume 1
1981neu2.conf    Neutrino 81, Volume 2
1982neu1.conf    Neutrino '82, Volume 1
1982neu2.conf    Neutrino '82, Volume 2
1991ndns.rept    Neutrino Driven Neutron Star Formation
2008AIPC..981    Neutrino Factories, Superbeams, and Betabeams
2003nema.conf    Neutrino Mass
1983AIPC...99    Neutrino Mass and Gauge Structure of Weak Interactions (Telemark, 1982)
1985nmle.conf    Neutrino Mass and Low Energy Weak Interactions
1996nmdm.conf    Neutrino Mass, Dark Matter, Gravitational Waves, Monopose Condensation, and Light Cone Quantization
1987nmna.conf    Neutrino Masses and Neutrino Astrophysics (Including Supernova 1987a)
2000nemi.conf    Neutrino Mixing
2000noo..conf    Neutrino Oscillations and their Origin
2005noo..conf    Neutrino Oscillations and their Origin    Neutrino Physics
1991neph.conf    Neutrino Physics
1982npa..conf    Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics
1984npa..conf    Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics
1986npa..conf    Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics
1988npa..conf    Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics
1989npa..conf    Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics
1998npa..conf    Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics
2007AIPC..967    Neutrino-Nucleus Interactions in the Few-GeV Region
1988neut.conf    Neutrinos
1974AIPC...22    Neutrinos - 1974
1986npdu.conf    Neutrinos and the Present-Day Universe
2005neeu.conf    Neutrinos and Explosive Events in the Universe
2003nipb.conf    Neutrinos and Implications for Physics Beyond the Standard Model
1997ndmu.conf    Neutrinos, Dark Matter and the Universe
2003AIPC..689    Neutrinos, Flavor Physics, and Precision Cosmology
2000nnm..conf    Neutrinos in the New Millennium
1994ncap.conf    Neutrinos in Cosmology, in Astro, Particle and Nuclear Physics
1983neap.conf    Neutron and its Applications
1982neap.conf    The Neutron and its Applications, 1982
2008AIPC..989    Neutron and X-ray Scattering 2007
1968ncst.conf    Neutron Cross Sections and Technology
1962neph.conf    Neutron Physics
2001nsbh.conf    The Neutron Star - Black Hole Connection
1998nspt.conf    Neutron Stars and Pulsars: Thirty Years after the Discovery
2005nscf.conf    Neutron Stars at the Crossroads of Fundamental Physics
1975ASSL...48    Neutron Stars, Black Holes and Binary X-ray Sources
2002ASPC..271    Neutron Stars in Supernova Remnants
2002nsps.conf    Neutron Stars, Pulsars, and Supernova Remnants
2004nacm.conf    New Advances in Celestial Mechanics and Hamiltonian Systems: HAMSYS 2001
1987nep..conf    New and Exotic Phenomena
1990nep..conf    New and Exotic phenomena
1998nawd.conf    New Aspects of Electromagnetic and Acoustic Wave Diffusion    The New Astronomy
1972neas.conf    The New Astronomy    The New Astronomy and Space Science Reader
2005ASSL..334    The New Astronomy: Opening the Electromagnetic Window and Expanding Our View of Planet Earth
2001ASPC..251    New Century of X-ray Astronomy
2005IAUS..201    New Cosmological Data and the Values of the Fundamental Parameters
2005neco.conf    The New Cosmology
2004AIPC..743    The New Cosmology: Conference on Strings and Cosmology
1989ndao.conf    New Developments and Applications in Optical Radiometry
1995IAUS..167    New Developments in Array Technology and Applications    New Developments in Black Hole Research
2005ndcf.conf    New Developments in Computational Fluid Dynamics
2006ndst.conf    New Developments in String Theory Research
1994ndrk.rept    New Developments Regarding the KT Event and Other Catastrophes in Earth History
2003ndcb.conf    New Directions for Close Binary Studies: The Royal Road to the Stars
1988nds..conf    New Directions in Spectrophotometry
2002ASPC..283    A New Era in Cosmology
1999nenp.conf    New Era in Neutrino Physics
1977nest.conf    A New Era in Space Transportation
2001ASPC..232    The New Era of Wide Field Astronomy
1996ASSL..209    New Extragalactic Perspectives in the New South Africa
1998IAUS..185    New Eyes to See Inside the Sun and Stars
2008AIPC.1011    New Facet of Three Nucleon Force - 50 Years of Fujita Miyazawa
1991nfhs.conf    New Flavours and Hadron Spectroscopy, Volume 2
1993ASPC...38    New Frontiers in Binary Star Research
1996nfg..conf    New Frontiers in Gravitation
1996nfr..conf    New Frontiers in Relativities
1987ngst.symp    New Generation Small Telescopes
    nhud.rept    New Hampshire Univ. Report
1994nhxr.conf    New Horizon of X-Ray Astronomy. First Results from ASCA
1998IAUS..179    New Horizons from Multi-Wavelength Sky Surveys
2008ASPC..393    New Horizons in Astronomy
2006ASPC..352    New Horizons in Astronomy: Frank N. Bash Symposium
2003ASPC..296    New Horizons in Globular Cluster Astronomy
2001nhcs.conf    New horizons of computational science    New Ideas in Astrometry
1988nda..conf    New Ideas in Astronomy
1986ESASP.263    New Insights in Astrophysics.  Eight Years of UV Astronomy with IUE
1986niia.conf    New Insights in Astrophysics. Eight Years of UV Astronomy with IUE
1978nisa.conf    New Instrumentation for Space Astronomy
1996IAUS..171    New Light on Galaxy Evolution
1977nmsg.conf    New Methods of Satellite Geodesy
1976nmsg.conf    New Methods of Space Geodesy
1996ASPC...87    New Observing Modes for the Next Century
1984npp..conf    New Particle Production, Volume 2
1998npem.conf    New Perspectives on the Earth's Magnetotail
1999ASPC..168    New Perspectives on the Interstellar Medium
1989newp.conf    The New Physics
1974npap.conf    New Problems of Astrophysics
2002ASSL..274    New Quests in Stellar Astrophysics: the Link Between Stars and Cosmology
2007nran.conf    New Research on Astrophysics, Neutron Stars and Galaxy Clusters
2006nrcc.conf    New Research on Chaos and Complexity
1989nrhi.conf    New Results in Hadronic Interactions
2004ASSL..311    The New Rosetta Targets. Observations, Simulations and Instrument Performances
1978nsp..conf    The New Solar Physics
2007ASPC..369    New Solar Physics with Solar-B Mission    The New Solar System    The New Solar System
2002AIPC..631    New States of Matter in Hadronic Interactions
1979nta..conf    New Techniques in Astronomy
1971IAUS...41    New techniques in Space Astronomy
1980ntsp.conf    New Techniques in Stellar Photometry and Polarimetry
1989nta..conf    New Technologies for Astronomy    New Technologies for Lunar Resource Assessment
    NTN..        New Technology News
1996nths.conf    New Trends for Hamiltonian Systems and Celestial Mechanics
2007AIPC..886    New Trends in Astrodynamics and Applications III
1999ntnp.conf    New Trends in Neutrino Physics
2002ntto.conf    New Trends in Theoretical and Observational Cosmology
2001ntt..conf    New Trends in Turbulence
1999IAUS..190    New Views of the Magellanic Clouds
1999nvm..conf    New Views of the Moon 2: Understanding the Moon Through the Integration of Diverse Datasets
1998nvmi.conf    New Views of the Moon: Integrated Remotely Sensed, Geophysical, and Sample Datasets
2003nvm..conf    New Views on Microquasars
2000nvap.conf    New Vistas in Astrophysics
2005AIPC..799    New Vistas in Dusty Plasmas    New Windows to the Universe
1998nwap.conf    New Worlds in Astroparticle Physics
2001nwap.conf    New worlds in astroparticle physics
1999nwap.conf    New Worlds in Astroparticle Physics II
2006nwap.conf    New Worlds in Astroparticle Physics: Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop
    ASNYN        News Letter of the Astronomical Society of New York
1975nfps.rept    Newsletter of the Forum on Physics and Society
    INGN.        The Newsletter of the Isaac Newton Group of Telescopes
    ICHIN        Newsletters of the Interdivisional Commission on History of the IAGA
1988nnds.conf    Newton and the New Direction in Science
1988npl..conf    Newton's Principia and its Legacy
2007AIPC..944    Next Generation Nucleon Decay and Neutrino Deterctors NNN06
1997ngxo.conf    The Next Generation of X Ray Observatories
1989ngst.conf    The Next Generation Space Telescope
1990ngst.conf    The Next Generation Space Telescope
2000ASPC..207    Next Generation Space Telescope Science and Technology
1998ngst.conf    The Next Generation Space Telescope: Science Drivers and Technological Challenges
2002ASPC..280    Next Generation Wide-Field Multi-Object Spectroscopy
1994don..conf    Nicholas Donitch
1973nico.conf    Nicolaus Copernicus
1973nch..conf    Nicolaus Copernicus Heritage    Niels Bohr and the Development of Physics
1988nbpw.conf    Niels Bohr Centennial Symposium
1991NASCP3111    Nineteenth NASTRAN Users' Colloquium
1999nag..conf    Ninth Annual V. M. Goldschmidt Conference    The Ninth Marcel Grossmann Meeting
1980NYASA.336    Ninth Texas Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics
    NOHIC        Nizamiah JAPAL Rangapur Observatories Hyderabad India Contributions
    NizRe        Nizamiah Observatory Reprints
1977npkz.conf    Nizkotemperaturn. Plazma v Kosmose i na Zemle
1979stp.....1    NOAA Solar-Terrestrial Predictions Proceedings.  Volume 1.
1979stp.....2    NOAA Solar-Terrestrial Predictions Proceedings.  Volume 2.
    nro..rept    Nobeyama Radio Observatory Report
2005AIPC..780    Noise and Fluctuations - ICNF 2005
2007AIPC..922    Noise and Fluctuations; ICNF 2007    Noise Storm Coordinated Observations, CESRA Workshop #4 Supplement
1996napa.conf    Non-Accelerator Particle Physics
2002napa.conf    Non-Accelerator Particle Physics
1967NASSP5082    Nondestructive Testing: Trends and Techniques    Nonequilibrium Phenomena in Plasmas
1971LNP....10    Non-equilibrium relativistic kinetic theory
2007AIPC..913    Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics and Nonlinear Physics
1966net..conf    Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics, Variational Techniques, and Stability
1992ASPC...22    Nonisotropic and Variable Outflows from Stars
2008AIPC.1022    Nonlinear Acoustics - Fundamentals and Applications
    NATM.        Nonlinear Analysis Theory Methods Applications
1984ntpp.proc    Nonlinear and Turbulent Processes in Physics
1990nafd.conf    Nonlinear Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics
1998ndca.conf    Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos in Astrophysics: A Festschrift in Honor of George Contopoulos.
2006nldf.conf    Non-Linear Dynamics and Fundamental Interactions
1990ndgm.conf    Nonlinear Dynamics: Galactic Models
1969nep..conf    Nonlinear Effects in Plasmas
2007nest.conf    Nonlinear Equations and Spectral Theory
1977nlig.conf    Nonlinear Infrared Generation
1979nmsa.conf    Nonlinear Methods of Spectral Analysis
1983obvf.proc    Nonlinear, Nonthermal Systems in Astronomy
1986nomd.conf    Nonlinear Optics: Materials and Devices
1998npad.conf    Non-linear Phenomena in Accretion Disks around Black Holes
1985nlpp.conf    Nonlinear Phenomena in Physics
1989npvp.conf    Nonlinear Phenomena in Vlasov Plasmas
1979LNP...102    Nonlinear Plasma Dynamics at Laser Irradiation
1993npp..conf    Nonlinear Processes in Physics
1997nsia.conf    Nonlinear Signal and Image Analysis
1990nowa.conf    Nonlinear Waves III
2003AIPC..692    Non-Neutral Plamsa Physics V
2002AIPC..606    Non-Neutral Plasma Physics IV
2006AIPC..862    Non-Neutral Plasma Physics VI
1969nppv.conf    Non-Periodic Phenomena in Variable Stars
1980nsgr.symp    Non-Solar Gamma-Rays
1970IAUS...37    Non-Solar X- and Gamma-Ray Astronomy
1967IAUS...29    Non-stable Phenomena in Galaxies
1957IAUS....3    Non-stable stars
1978necb.conf    Nonstationary Evolution of Close Binaries    Nonstationary Fluxes of Charged Particles in Near-Earth Space
1983nscp.conf    Nonstationary Streams of Charged Particles in the Circumterrestrial Cosmic Space    Nonsteady-State Phenomena and Stellar Evolution    Non-thermal and Very High Temperature Phenomena in X-ray Astronomy
1983nam..conf    Nordic Astronomy Meeting on the Nordic Optical Telescope
1997nbgs.conf    Nordic-Baltic Graduate Student Meeting on Extragalactic Astronomy
    NATi.        Nordisk Astronomisk Tidsskrift    North American Workshop on Symbiotic Stars
    SApMM        North Holland Series Applied Mathematics Mechanics
    NHCWP        North Hollywood Calif Western Periodicals Co
    NPUJ.        Northwestern Polytechnical University Journal
    NoDef        Not Defined
2000nott.conf    The NOT in the 2000's
1990ndpd.conf    Nouveaux Développements en Planétologie Dynamique
    NRA&A        Nouvelle Revue d'Aeronautique et d'Astronautique
    UGC..        Nova Acta Regiae Soc. Sci. Upsaliensis Ser. V
1977ASSL...65    Novae and Related Stars
1965nns..conf    Novae, Novoides et Supernovae
1973npg..conf    Novejsh. Probl., Gravitatsii
1977ntog.conf    Novoe v Teor. Otnositel'n. i Gravitatsii
    NoIGG        Novosibirsk Institut Geologii i Geofiziki SO AN SSSR
    NovIG        Novosibirsk Institut Gidrodinamiki SO AN SSSR Dinamika Sploshnoi Sredy
    NoIzN        Novosibirsk Izdatel Nauka
1974npam.conf    Novye Probl. Astrofiz.
1984ESASP.208    Nowcasting II, Mesoscale Observations and Very-Short-Range Weather Forecasting
1981ESASP.165    Nowcasting: Mesoscale Observations and Short-Range Prediction
1992nrao.rept    NRAO Electronics Division Report    NRAO Workshop on the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence
    NTTRv        NTT Review
1968npp..conf    Nuclear and Particle Physics
1981nuas.conf    Nuclear Astrophysics
1989nuas.conf    Nuclear Astrophysics
1991nuas.conf    Nuclear Astrophysics
1998nuas.conf    Nuclear Astrophysics
2002nuas.conf    Nuclear Astrophysics
2000nuas.conf    Nuclear Astrophysics, 2000
1990nuas.symp    Nuclear Astrophysics, 5th Workshop
1991nuas.symp    Nuclear Astrophysics, 6th Workshop
1996nuas.conf    Nuclear Astrophysics, 8th Workshop
1997nuig.conf    Nuclear Astrophysics Italian Groups
1978nuco.conf    Nuclear Cosmophysics
1980ncst.conf    Nuclear Cross Sections for Technology
1986ndba.conf    Nuclear Data for Basic and Applied Science
1985ndba.conf    Nuclear Data for Basic and Applied Sciences
1970ndr1.conf    Nuclear Data for Reactors. Volume I
1970ndr2.conf    Nuclear Data for Reactors. Volume II
1983ndst.conf    Nuclear Data for Science and Technology
2005AIPC..798    Nuclear Fission and Fission-Product Spectroscopy
1972ppcn.conf    Nuclear Fusion; Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research
1962nuin.conf    Nuclear Instruments
1962nitu.conf    Nuclear Instruments and their Uses
1962niu..conf    Nuclear Instruments and their Uses, Volume 1
2002nmbp.conf    The Nuclear Many-Body Problem
1999nmne.conf    Nuclear Methods and the Nuclear Equation of State
1973nmns.conf    Nuclear Moments and Nuclear Structure
1976LNP....55    Nuclear Optical Model Potential    Nuclear, Particle and Many Body Physics, Volume 1
1963nuph.conf    Nuclear Physics
1989nuph.conf    Nuclear Physics
1996npfp.conf    Nuclear Physics and Fundamental Physics with Neutrons II
1995nprt.conf    Nuclear Physics and Related Topics
2002npbl.conf    Nuclear Physics at Border Lines
    NuPhS..51    Nuclear Physics B Proceedings Supplements, Vol. 51
2002AIPC..610    Nuclear Physics in the 21st Century    Nuclear Physics in the Universe
2007AIPC..958    Nuclear Physics Methods and Accelerators in Biology and Medicine
2006AIPC..865    Nuclear Physics Trends
1963np5a.conf    Nuclear Physics, Volume 5, Part A
1963np5b.conf    Nuclear Physics, Volume 5, Part B
1979LNP...108    Nuclear Physics with Electromagnetic Interactions
2008AIPC.1036    Nuclear Proficiency Testing
1959nure.conf    Nuclear Reactions
1966nrli.conf    Nuclear Reactions in the Low and Intermediate Energy Ranges
1966nrln.conf    Nuclear Reactions with Light Nuclei and Nuclear Structure
1962NASSP..20    Nuclear Rocket Propulsion
1994nsns.conf    Nuclear Shapes and Nuclear Structure At Low Excitation Energies
1960nusp.conf    Nuclear Spectroscopy
1962nusp.conf    Nuclear Spectroscopy
1988AIPC..170    Nuclear Spectroscopy of Astrophysical Sources
1965nsei.conf    Nuclear Structure and Electromagnetic Interactions
1973LNP....23    Nuclear Structure Physics
2008AIPC..995    Nuclei and Mesoscopic Physic - WNMP 2007
2005AIPC..777    Nuclei and Mesoscopic Physics: Workshop on Nuclei and Mesoscopic Physics; WNMP 2004
2005AIPC..764    Nuclei at the Limits
2001nffs.conf    Nuclei Far from Stability and Astrophysics
1990nuco.conf    Nuclei in the Cosmos
1991nuco.conf    Nuclei in the Cosmos
1993nuco.conf    Nuclei in the Cosmos 2
1995AIPC..327    Nuclei in the Cosmos III
1974ngbh.proc    Nuclei of Galaxies, Black Holes, and Collapsed Matter
1964nust.conf    Nucleon Structure
2005AIPC..747    Nucleon Structure at Large Bjorken x
1968nucl.conf    Nucleosynthesis
1985ncnd.conf    Nucleosynthesis : Challenges and New Developments
1997nceg.conf    Nucleosynthesis and Chemical Evolution of Galaxies
2007AIPC..936    Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics
1985nuas.conf    Numerical Astrophysics
1999ASSL..240    Numerical Astrophysics
1989ndes.conf    Numerical Determination of the Electronic Structure of Atoms, Diatomic and Polyatomic Molecules
1978necm.conf    Numerical Experiments in Celestial Mechanics and Astrometry    Numerical Methods in the Theory of Rarefied Gases
1979LNP....90    Numerical Methods in Fluid Dynamics
1971LNP.....8    Numerical Methods in Fluid DynamicsNumerical Methods in Fluid Dynamics    Numerical Methods in Gas Dynamics
2006ASPC..359    Numerical Modeling of Space Plasma Flows
2008ASPC..385    Numerical Modeling of Space Plasma Flows    Numerical Modelling of Nonlinear Stellar Pulsations Problems and Prospects    Numerical Radiative Transfer
2005AIPC..778    Numerical Simulation of 3D Sheet Metal Forming Process    Numerical Simulations in Astrophysics
1974nsod.conf    Numerical Solution of Ordinary Differential Equations
1980IAUS...78    Nutation and the Earth's Rotation
1992ckzs.conf    O Chetyrekhmillionnom Kataloge Zvezd. Sbornik Nauchnykh Trudov    O stars and Wolf-Rayet stars
1977tras.conf    O Telescópio Refractor e a Astrometria ao Serviço das Estrelas Duplas
1983oyss.conf    O. Yu. Shmidt i Sov. Geofiz. 80-kh Godov
1991opos.conf    Objective-Prism and Other Surveys
1980IAUS...92    Objects of High Redshift
1976oki..conf    Obrab. Kosm. Inf.    Observation of the Earth System from Space
    OVS..        Observation of Variable Stars
    Obser        Observation pi
1995oaa..conf    The Observational Amateur Astronomer    Observational and Physical Cosmology
1985otar.conf    Observational and Theoretical Aspects of Relativistic Astrophysics and Cosmology
2002ASPC..256    Observational Aspects of Pulsating B- and A Stars
1999oaaf.conf    Observational Astrophysics in Asia and its Future
1982obvf.conf    Observational Basis for Velocity Fields in Stellar Atmospheres
2002ocnd.conf    Observational Challenges for the Next Decade of Solar Magnetohydrodynamics
1987IAUS..124    Observational Cosmology
1993ASPC...51    Observational Cosmology
1999ASPC..176    Observational Cosmology: The Development of Galaxy Systems
1998ASSL..226    Observational Cosmology with the New Radio Surveys
1998oebh.conf    Observational Evidence for the Black Holes in the
1999ASSL..234    Observational Evidence for the Black Holes in the Universe
1977oehs.conf    Observational Evidence of the Heterogeneities of the Stellar Surfaces
1987IAUS..121    Observational Evidence of Activity in Galaxies
1998ASSL..229    Observational Plasma Astrophysics : Five Years of YOHKOH and Beyond
1976opa..conf    Observational Problems of Astronomy
1984IAUS..105    Observational Tests of the Stellar Evolution Theory
2000opsc.conf    Observations and Physical Studies of Comet Hale-Bopp and Other Comets
    OAORP        Observations astronomiques faites a l'Observatoire royal de Paris
    O&T..        Observations et Travaux
1965onms.conf    Observations from the Nimbus I Meteorological Satellite
    USNOO        Observations made at the U.S. Naval Observatory
    USNOY        Observations made at the U.S. Naval Observatory during the Year
1981otse.conf    Observations of the Total Solar Eclipse of 16 February 1980    Observations of the Transit of Venus, December 8-9, 1874
1984ocro.conf    Observations of Comets: Radio and Otherwise
1989cxxu.rept    Observations of Cygnus X-2 at X Ray, UV, Optical and Radio Frequencies    Observations of Recent Comets
    OOVRO        Observations Owens Valley Radio Observatory
    Bes1K        Observatoire de Besancon
    OBN1K        Observatoire de Besancon - CNES
    Gen1K        Observatoire de Geneve
    LyoRe        Observatoire de Lyon Reprints
    Meu1K        Observatoire de Meudon
    Nic1K        Observatoire de Nice
    CORB.        Observatoire Royal de Belgique Communications Serie B
    LPlaC        Observatorio Astronomico de La Plata Circular
    LPlaS        Observatorio Astronomico de La Plata Separata Astronomica
    RosOB        Observatorio Astronomico Municipal de Rosario Argentia  Boletin
    RioB.        Observatorio Nacional Publicacoes do Servico Astronomico Rio de Janeiro
    HelR.        Observatory and Astrophysics Laboratory University of Helsinki Report
    PLPla        Observatory Astronomical La Plata Series Astronomies
2002ASPC..274    Observed HR Diagrams and Stellar Evolution
2005ASPC..339    Observing Dark Energy
2004otmu.conf    Observing, Thinking and Mining the Universe
2001AIPC..566    Observing Ultrahigh Energy Cosmic Rays from Space and Earth
    ObVyS        Obzory Vysokotemperaturnoi Sverkhprovodimosti
    ONRAS        Occasional Notes of the Royal Astronomical Society
    ORROE        Occasional Reports of the Royal Observatory Edinburgh
2002AIPC..621    Ocean Acoustic Interference Phenomena and Signal Processing
1979duma....3    Oceanographic and Ocean Engineering Studies: proceedings of the 1978 DUMAND S
1965ofs..conf    Oceanography from Space
    Ocean        Oceanus Summer
1972osga.conf    Ocherki Sovrem. Geokhimii i Analit. Khimii
    OAP..        Odessa Astronomical Publications
    BOOde        Odesskij Gosudarstvennyi Universitet im. I. I. Mechnikova Byulletin Astronomicheskoj Observatorii
    IzOde        Odesskij Gosudarstvennyi Universitet im. I. I. Mechnikova Izvestiya Astronomicheskoj Observatorii
    OAWMN        Oesterreichische Akademie Wissenschaften Mathematisch naturwissenschaftliche Klasse Sitzungsberichte Abteilung
1988onfn.conf    Old and New Forces of Nature    Old and New Questions in Physics, Cosmology, Philosophy, and Theoretical Biology
2002ASPC..265    Omega Centauri, A Unique Window into Astrophysics
1967oeds.conf    On the Evolution of Double Stars
1978omcv.conf    On the Measurement of Cosmological Variations of the Gravitational Constant
1979opae.conf    On the Path of Albert Einstein
1999oep..conf    On Einstein's Path: essays in honor of Engelbert Schucking
1986ogff.conf    On Growth and Form: Fractal and Non-Fractal Patters in Physics
1984omer.rept    On Mars:  Exploration of the Red Planet, 1958 - 1978
1985ort..conf    On Relativity Theory
1996ESASP.375    On-board Real-time Software - ISOBRTS
1974org..conf    Ondes et Radiations Gravitationnelles
    OCzAS        Ondrejov Czechoslovakia Czechoslovak Academy Sciences CAS Astronomical Institute Publications
    ONERA        ONERA TP
2001NYASA.927    The Onset of Nonlinearity in Cosmology    The Ontology of Spacetime    Oort and the Universe
    OEJV.        Open European Journal on Variable Stars
2005oicc.conf    Open Issues in Core Collapse Supernova Theory
2003ASSL..299    Open Issues in Local Star Formation
1998oqrp.conf    Open Questions in Relativistic Physics
1978omap....1    Operational Modelling of the Aerospace Propagation Environment, Volume 1
1975odka.conf    Opredelenie Dvizheniya Kosmich. Apparatov. Moskva
1999ASPC..188    Optical and Infrared Spectroscopy of Circumstellar Matter
1980oitn.conf    Optical and Infrared Telescopes for the 1990s
1980oits.conf    Optical and Infrared Telescopes for the 1990's    Optical and Laser Remote Sensing
1982oras.rept    Optical and Radio Astrometric Sources and Inertial Reference Frames
1994ASPC...55    Optical Astronomy from the Earth and Moon
1975oams.conf    Optical Astronomy with Moderate Size Telescopes    Optical Correlation: Techniques and Applications
1989odma.conf    Optical Design Methods, Applications, and Large Optics
1998ASSL..228    Optical Detectors for Astronomy
2000odat.conf    Optical Detectors for Astronomy II: State-of-the-Art at the Turn of the Millenium
1989open.conf    Optical Engineering    Optical Instability of the Earth's Atmosphere
1962oit..conf    Optical Instruments and Techinques
1970oit..conf    Optical Instruments and Techniques 1969
1987ESASP.273    Optical Interferometry in Space
1977oiea.conf    Optical Investigations of the Emission of the Atmosphere, Aurorae and Noctilucent Clouds Aboard the Orbital Scientific Station Salyut 4
1981ESASP.162    Optical Jets in Galaxies    Optical Measurements: Techniques and Applications    Optical Observation Programs Concerning Galactic Structure and Dynamics
1975oopg.conf    Optical Observing Programs on Galactic Structure and Dynamics
1977oppo.conf    Optical Polarimetry
1978opat.conf    Optical Properties of the Atmosphere
1966ops..conf    The Optical Properties of Solids
    OpSCN        Optical Sciences Center Newsletter
1989osep.conf    Optical Sensors and Electronic Photography    Optical Shop Testing
1961osmt.conf    Optical Spectrometric Measurements of High Temperatures
1988ASPC....2    Optical Surveys for Quasars
1990ossd.conf    Optical Systems for Space and Defence
1970ott..conf    Optical Telescope Technology
1978otf..conf    Optical Telescopes of the Future    Optical transition probabilities
2001opas.conf    Optics and Astronomy
1993oia..conf    Optics in Astronomy: 32nd Herstmonceux Conference
1990ocs..conf    Optics in Complex Systems
2002ocd..conf    Optics of Cosmic Dust
    OCAM.        Optimal Control Applications and Methods
1973LNP....21    Optimization and Stability Problems in Continuum Mechanics
1982omsd.conf    Optimization Methods in Structural Design
1974oroa.conf    Optimization of the Reduction of Observations of Artificial Earth Satellites and Time    Optimization of the Use of CCD Detectors in Astronomy
1990icoe.conf    Opto-Electronic Science and Engineering (ICOESE)
1984ost1.conf    Orages Solaires de Type I    Orages Solaires de Type I, CESRA Workshop #3
1959orth.conf    Orbit Theory
1989ordy.conf    Orbital Dynamics
1989odna.conf    Orbital Dynamics of Natural and Artificial Objects
2004ASPC..316    Order and Chaos in Stellar and Planetary Systems    The Oregon Meeting    Organic Chemistry of the Atmosphere
2000ASSL..256    Organizations and Strategies in Astronomy
2003ASSL..296    Organizations and Strategies in Astronomy IV
2004ASSL..310    Organizations and Strategies in Astronomy, Vol. 5
2006ASSL..343    Organizations and Strategies in Astronomy, Vol. 6
2006ASSL..335    Organizations and Strategies in Astronomy, Vol. 7
2001ASSL..266    Organizations and Strategies in Astronomy, Vol. II
1968ode..conf    Origin and Distribution of the Elements
1979ode..symp    Origin and Distribution of the Elements
1988ode..conf    Origin and Distribution of the Elements
1993oee..conf    Origin and Evolution of the Elements
2004oee..symp    Origin and Evolution of the Elements
1964oeao.conf    The Origin and Evolution of Atmospheres and Oceans
1983oeg..proc    The Origin and Evolution of Galaxies
1976oegs.conf    Origin and Evolution of Galaxies and Stars
1987IAUS..125    The Origin and Evolution of Neutron Stars    Origin and Evolution of Planetary and Satellite Atmospheres
1987oeps.proc    Origin and Evolution of Planetary and Satellite Systems    Origin of the Earth
2000orem.conf    Origin of the Earth and Moon
1986ormo.conf    Origin of the Moon
1962oss..conf    Origin of the Solar System    Origin of the Solar System    The Origin of the Solar System; Genesis of the Sun and Planets
1993ossk.conf    Origin of the Solar System. Kinetic and Thermodynamic Problems
1981IAUS...94    Origin of Cosmic Rays
2000orel.conf    Origin of Elements in the Solar System, Implications of Post-1957 Observations    Origin of Life
2008omsc.conf    The Origin of Mass and Strong Coupling Gauge Theories (SCGT 06)
2005omeg.conf    Origin of Matter and Evolution of Galaxies
2006AIPC..847    Origin of Matter and Evolution of Galaxies
2008AIPC.1016    Origin of Matter and Evolution of Galaxies
1997omeg.conf    Origin of Matter and Evolution of Galaxies in the Universe '96
1985onhm.rept    Origin of Nonradiative Heating/Momentum in Hot Stars
2002osp..conf    The Origin of Stars and Planets: The VLT View
1993osps.conf    Origin of Structure in the Universe
1993osu..conf    The Origin of Structure in the Universe
1988oseg.proc    Origin, Structure and Evolution of Galaxies
1998ASPC..148    Origins
1988orex.conf    Origins and Extinctions
1996ASPC...90    The Origins, Evolution, and Destinies of Binary Stars in Clusters
1974oms..conf    Origins of the Moon and Satellites
1978opm..conf    Origins of Planetary Magnetism
1988oss..conf    Origins of Solar Systems
    IGS..        Orlando FL Academic Press Inc International Geophysics Series
1990lede.conf    OSA International Lens Design Conference
    BuENS        Osaka Prefecture University Bulletin Series Engineering Natural Sciences
    OsUTR        Osaka University Technology Reports    The Oskar Klein Memorial Lectures, Vol. 1    The Oskar Klein Memorial Lectures, Vol. 2    The Oskar Klein Memorial Lectures, Vol. 3
    NapCo        Osservatorio Astronomico di Capodimonte Napoli Contributi Astronomici
    TerCo        Osservatorio Astronomico di Collurania Teramo Contributi
    TerMm        Osservatorio Astronomico di Collurania Teramo Memorie ed Osservazioni
    TerNC        Osservatorio Astronomico di Collurania Teramo Note e Comunicazioni
    PadCR        Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova Comunicazioni e Rassegne
    RomCo        Osservatorio Astronomico di Roma su Monte Mario Contributi Scientifici
    TriP.        Osservatorio Astronomico di Trieste Pubblicazioni
1974oar..bull    Osservatorio Astronomico Rome Monthly Bulletin
    TreP.        Osservatorio Privato Specola Ariel Treviso Italia Pubblicazione
    OtObI        Otbor i Obrabotka Informatsii
    OtPI.        Otbor i Peredacha Informatsii    Oulu Univ., Fifth EISCAT Scientific Workshop    Our Universe: The Thrill of Extragalactic Exploration
2001ohnf.conf    The Outer Heliosphere: The Next Frontiers
2000ohbp.conf    The Outer Heliosphere: Beyond the Planets
1974olns.conf    The Outer Layers of Novae and Supernovae    Outer Planet Probe Technology Workshop
1985ohra.conf    Outlines of the History of Radio Astronomy in the USSR
1989opss.conf    Outstanding Problems in Solar System Plasma Physics: Theory and Instrumentation
2003ceme.symp    Over the resonance, 35th Symposium on Celestial Mechanics
    OISNP        Oxford Pergamon Press International Series on Natural Philosophy
    OISTS        Oxford Pergamon Press International Tables Selected Constants
1995otw..conf    Oxford Torus Workshop
    oxun.rept    Oxford Univ Report
    OxfOO        Oxford University Observatory Observations
1989odgg.conf    Ozone Deplection, Greenhouse Gases, and Climate Change
1989ozat.conf    Ozone in the Atmosphere
1981otd..conf    Ozone Trend Detectability
2001ASPC..233    P Cygni 2000: 400 Years of Progress
1998grco.conf    Pacific Conference on Gravitation and Cosmology
1976LNP....47    Padé Approximants Method and Its Applications to Mechanics
2006AIPC..826    p-Adic Mathematical Physics    Pairing in Fermionic Systems: Basic Concepts and Modern Applications
2008LNP...740    A Pan-Chromatic View of Clusters of Galaxies and the Large-Scale Structure
1994pvgt.conf    Panchromatic View of Galaxies. Their Evolutionary Puzzle
    PMetR        Papers in Meteorological Research
1995ppsc.conf    Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing    Parent-Body and Nebular Modification of Chondritic Materials
1982pari.iafc    Paris International Astronautical Federation Congress
1994ptyr.conf    Parkes: Thirty Years of Radio Astronomy
1990psrj.conf    Parsec-scale radio jets
1978pape.conf    Particle Acceleration and Plasma Effects in Space
1992AIPC..264    Particle Acceleration in Cosmic Plasmas
1998paac.conf    Particle Acceleration in Space Plasmas
1979AIPC...56    Particle Acceleration Mechanisms in Astrophysics    Particle Acceleration Near Accreting Compact Objects
1995pnac.conf    Particle and Nuclear Astrophysics and Cosmology in the Next Millenium
1998pnp..conf    Particle and Nuclear Physics
1993paas.conf    Particle Astrophysics
1990AIPC..203    Particle Astrophysics - The NASA Cosmic Ray Program for the 1990s and Beyond
1990paeu.conf    Particle Astrophysics. The Early Universe and Cosmic Structures
1993pac..conf    Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology
1994paap.conf    Particle Astrophysics, Atomic Physics and Gravitation
1989pafe.conf    Particle Astrophysics: Forefront Experimental Issues    Particle Capture, Recovery and Velocity/Trajectory Measurement Technologies
1998pace.conf    The Particle Century
1998paco.conf    Particle Cosmology
1987pmfd.conf    Particle Methods in Fluid Dynamics and Plasma Physics
2000paph.conf    Particle Physics
2001ppeu.conf    Particle Physics and the Early Universe
2005ppu..conf    Particle Physics and the Universe
1995ppa..conf    Particle Physics and Astrophysics;
1989ppac.conf    Particle Physics and Astrophysics - Current Viewpoints    Particle Physics and Astrophysics - Current viewpoints
1995ppc..conf    Particle Physics and Cosmology
2000AIPC..540    Particle Physics and Cosmology
2003AIPC..655    Particle Physics and Cosmology
1995ppci.conf    Particle Physics and Cosmology at the Interface
1998AIPC..444    Particle Physics and Cosmology, First Tropical Workshop
1996ppac.conf    Particle Physics, Astrophysics and Cosmology
2006ppyt.conf    Particle Physics at the Year of 250th Anniversary of Moscow University    Particle physics in the cosmos : readings from Scientific American magazine
2005ppls.conf    Particle Physics in Laboratory, Space and Universe
1986paun.conf    Particles and the Universe
1994paun.conf    Particles and the Universe
1998paun.conf    Particles and the Universe
2004paun.conf    Particles and the Universe
1984paco.conf    Particles and Cosmology
1987paco.conf    Particles and Cosmology
1970ASSL...17    Particles and Field in the Magnetosphere
2000AIPC..531    Particles and Fields
2001AIPC..562    Particles and Fields
2002AIPC..623    Particles and Fields
2003AIPC..670    Particles and Fields
1983AIPC...98    Particles and Fields 1982
1999pafi.conf    Particles and Fields, Eighth Mexican School
2001ASPC..250    Particles and Fields in Radio Galaxies Conference
1998AIPC..445    Particles and Fields, Sixth Mexican Workshop
1996pafi.conf    Particles and Fields, VIII.
2006AIPC..857    Particles and Fields: X Mexican Workshop
2008AIPC.1026    Particles and Fields: XI
1984pagr.conf    Particles and Gravity
2006AIPC..842    Particles and Nuclei
1998AIPC..453    Particles, Fields, and Gravitation
1991pqgh.conf    Particles, Quantum Groups, High Tc, Phase Transitions and All That
1991psc..conf    Particles, Strings and Cosmology
1992psc..conf    Particles, Strings and Cosmology
2000psc..proc    Particles, Strings and Cosmology
2001psc..conf    Particles, Strings, and Cosmology
2003psc..conf    Particles, Strings and Cosmology
2005AIPC..805    Particles, Strings, and Cosmology
1999psc..conf    Particles, Strings and Cosmology (PASCOS 98)
2007AIPC..957    Particles, Strings, and Cosmology-PASCOS 2007
1989pss..conf    Particles, Strings and Supernovae, Volumes I and II
1995psc..conf    PASCOS '94    Past and Present Solar Radiation: The Record in Meteoritic and Lunar Regolith Material
1997ppvs.conf    Past and present variability of the solar-terrestrial system: measurement, data analysis and theoretical models
2006pmpa.conf    Past Meets Present in Astronomy and Astrophysics
2008ASPC..390    Pathways Through an Eclectic Universe
1984pcee.conf    Patterns of Change in Earth Evolution
1969NASSP5073    Pavement Grooving and Traction Studies    Payload and Mission Definition in Space Sciences
1983pssm.conf    Peculiar Stars, Strong Magnetic Fields and Gamma-ray Astronomy
1993pvnp.conf    Peculiar Versus Normal Phenomena in A-type and Related Stars
2004ASSL..319    Penetrating Bars Through Masks of Cosmic Dust
    psu..rept    Pennsylvania State Univ. Report
    PerMS        Perceptual Motor Skills
1993pavc.conf    Perfectionnement de l'Association Vaudoise des Chercheurs en Physique
1970posr.conf    Periodic Orbits Stability and Resonances
    PerCo        Perkins Observatory Contributions
1993pstn.conf    Permanent Satellite Tracking Networks for Geodesy and Geodynamics
2005peas.conf    Perspectives in Astrobiology
1993pnap.conf    Perspectives in Neutrinos Atomic Physics and Gravitation
1995ppp..conf    Perspectives in Particle Physics '94
1985pei..conf    Perspectives of Electroweak Interactions, Volume 2
1993phep.conf    Perspectives on High Energy Physics and Cosmology
2007AIPC..916    Perspectives on Inorganic, Organic, and Biological Crystal Growth: From Fundamentals to Applications
2000pras.conf    Perspectives on Radio Astronomy: Science with Large Antenna Arrays
2000prat.conf    Perspectives on Radio Astronomy: Technologies for Large Antenna Arrays
1998pesu.conf    Perspectives on Supersymmetry
1971LNP....11    Perturbation Expansions in Axiomatic Field Theory
1992pqhi.conf    Perturbative QCD and Hadronic Interactions, XXVIIth Rencontre de Moriond
1985ptuf.conf    Phase Transition in the Universe and Formation of the Hierarchical Structure
2001pteu.conf    Phase Transitions in the Early Universe: Theory and Observations
1998ptc..conf    Phase Transitions in Cosmology, Fourth Paris Colloquium
1972LNP....16    Phasenübergang 1. Art bei Gittergasmodellen: Klassische Systeme gleichartiger Teilchen mit paarweiser Wechselwirkung
1981pism.conf    Phases of the Interstellar Medium
    PhDT.        Ph.D. Thesis
1973pig..conf    Phenomena in Ionized Gases, Eleventh International Conference
1973pigi.conf    Phenomena in Ionized Gases, Eleventh International Conference, Invited Papers
1969pig..conf    Phenomena in Ionized Gases, Ninth International Conference
1971pig..conf    Phenomena in Ionized Gases, Tenth International Conference
1971pigi.conf    Phenomena in Ionized Gases, Tenth International Conference, Invited Papers
1975pig1.conf    Phenomena in Ionized Gases, Twelfth International Conference
1976pigi.conf    Phenomena in Ionized Gases, Twelfth International Conference, Invited Papers
1963pig1.conf    Phenomena in Ionized Gases, VI International Conference, Volume I
1963pig2.conf    Phenomena in Ionized Gases, VI International Conference, Volume II
1963pig3.conf    Phenomena in Ionized Gases, VI International Conference, Volume III
1963pig4.conf    Phenomena in Ionized Gases, VI International Conference, Volume IV
1967pig..conf    Phenomena in Ionized Gases, VIII International Conference
1966pig1.conf    Phenomena in Ionized Gases, Volume I, VII International Conference
1966pig2.conf    Phenomena in Ionized Gases, Volume II, VII International Conference
1966ipg3.conf    Phenomena in Ionized Gases, Volume III, VII International Conference
1977pig1.conf    Phenomena in Ionized Gases, XIII International Conference
1977pigi.conf    Phenomena in Ionized Gases, XIII International Conference, Invited Papers
1983pig..conf    Phenomena in Ionized Gases, XVI International Conference, Invited Papers
1983pig1.conf    Phenomena in Ionized Gases, XVI International Conference, Volume 1
1985pig1.conf    Phenomena in Ionized Gases, XVII International Conference, Volume 1
1987pig..conf    Phenomena in Ionized Gases, XVIII International Conference
1999past.conf    Phenomenological Aspects of Superstring theories - -PAST 97
1984pgt..conf    Phenomenology of Gauge Theories, Volume 1
1994pupf.conf    Phenomenology of Unification from Present to Future
1998pupf.conf    Phenomenology of Unification from Present to Future
2004AIPC..736    Phi in the Sky: The Quest for Cosmological Scalar Fields
    PhiJR        Philips Journal Research
    PhiRR        Philips Research Reports
    PhiTR        Philips Technical Review
    Phoen        Phoenix Mitteilungsblatt fuer Veraenderlichenbeobachter
1964ppi..conf    Phonons and Phonon Interactions
1978peor.conf    Photo and Electro-Optics in Range Instrumentation
1985paeo.conf    The Photochemistry of Atmospheres. Earth, the Other Planets, and Comets    Photochemistry of Atmospheres: Earth, the Other Planets, and Comets    Photoelectric Astronomy for Amateurs
1930peca.conf    Photo-Electric Cells &: Their Applications
1991pid..conf    Photoelectric Image Devices, the McGee Symposium
1971poso.conf    Photoelectric Observations of Stellar Occultations
1972pid..conf    Photo-Electronic Image Devices
1992pid..conf    Photoelectronic Image Devices
1976phem.conf    Photoemission
    PgERS        Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing
1971pat..conf    Photographic Astrometric Technique
1985ppic.conf    Photometric and Polarimetric Investigations of Celestial Bodies
1981psbs.conf    Photometric and Spectroscopic Binary Systems
2002ESASP.482    Photometric Mapping with ISOPHOT using the "P32" Astronomical Observation Template
1979pomp.conf    Photometric Observations of Minor Planets Orbiting Elementary Asteroids
1999ASPC..191    Photometric Redshifts and the Detection of High Redshift Galaxies
1979pkdg.conf    Photometry, Kinematics and Dynamics of Galaxies
1997peca.conf    Photon and Electron Collisions with Atoms and Molecules
1973ASSL...37    Photon and Particle Interactions with Surfaces in Space
1992ESASP.356    Photon Detectors for Space Instrumentation
2000popl.conf    Photon: Old Problems in Light of New Ideas
2006peac.conf    Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions
    PEFPN        Physica Energiae Fortis et Physica Nuclearis
1966papm.conf    Physical Acoustics: Principles and Methods
1996phco.conf    Physical Computing
1980phco.proc    Physical Cosmology
1991phco.conf    Physical Cosmology    Physical Cosmology and Philosophy
1987pegf.conf    The Physical Effects in the Gravitational Field of Black Holes    Physical Effects in the Gravitational Fields of Black Holes
1987sici.symp    Physical Interpretation of Solar/Interplanetary and Cometary Intervals
1996AIPC..379    Physical origin of homochirality in life
1994pota.conf    Physical Origins of Time Asymmetry
1996ppib.conf    Physical Processe in Interacting Binaries
1984ppcp.conf    Physical Processes in the Circumterrestrial Plasma
1990ppst.conf    Physical Processes in the Solar Transition-Region and Corona
1995ppap.conf    Physical Processes in Astrophysics    Physical Processes in Comets, Stars and Active Galaxies
1990ASSL..162    Physical Processes in Fragmentation and Star Formation    Physical Processes in Gas-Dust Nebulae
1981ASSL...88    Physical Processes in Red Giants
1997ppsb.conf    Physical Processes in Symbiotic Binaries and Related Systems
1977ppua.conf    Physical Processes of the Upper Atmosphere
    PSCEC        Physical Sciences Series of the Commission of European Communities
1994psmb.conf    Physical Signatures of Magnetospheric Boundary Layer Processes
1986pcms.conf    Physico-Chimie de la Matière Primitive du Systèmesolaire
1971pam..conf    Physics and Astronomy of the Moon
1990AIPC..202    Physics and Astrophysics from a Lunar Base
1977ESASP.132    Physics and Astrophysics from Spacelab
1994pan..conf    Physics and Astrophysics of Neutrinos, XIII
1978pans.proc    Physics and Astrophysics of Neutron Stars and Black Holes
1994paqp.conf    Physics and Astrophysics of Quark-Gluon Plasma
1996erca....2    Physics and Chemistry of the Atmospheres of the Earth and Other Objects of the Solar System
1999pcim.conf    The Physics and Chemistry of the Interstellar Medium
1990pcc..conf    Physics and Chemistry of Comets
2007pci..conf    Physics and Chemistry of Ice    Physics and Chemistry of Magma Oceans from 1 Bar to 4 Mbar
1973ASSL...35    Physics and Chemistry of Upper Atmospheres
1990pcim.conf    Physics and Composition of Interstellar Matter
1976pcn..conf    Physics and Contemporary Needs
2000pdla.conf    Physics and Diagnostics of Laboratory and Astrophysical Plasma (PDP-III'2000)
1968IAUS...33    Physics and Dynamics of Meteors
2001pems.conf    Physics and Engineering of Millimeter and Submillimeter Waves
1990pess.conf    Physics and Evolution of Stars: Star Clusters and Associations
1992pess.conf    Physics and Evolution of Stars: Stellar Magnetism
1989ESASP.302    Physics and Mechanics of Cometary Materials
1976AIPC...28    Physics and Our World: A Symposium in Honor of Victor Weisskopf
1987ptes.conf    Physics at TeV Energy Scale
1978AIPC...39    Physics Careers, Employment, and Education
2007AIPC..951    Physics Education Research
2006AIPC..818    Physics Education Research Conference
    PhyEs        Physics Essays
1997ptfc.conf    Physics in the 21st Century
1988ptw..conf    Physics in a Technological World
2003phco.conf    Physics in Collision
2006AIPC..815    Physics in Collision XXV
1960xdpm.conf    Physics in Industry: X-ray Diffraction by Polycrystalline Materials
2001pmpp.conf    Physics meets Philosophy at the Planck Scale: Contemporary Theories in Quantum Gravity
1990peu..conf    Physics of the Early Universe
1965peua.conf    Physics of the Earth's Upper Atmosphere
1979LNP...109    Physics of the Expanding Universe
1994ASPC...66    Physics of the Gaseous and Stellar Disks of the Galaxy
2006phb..conf    The Physics of the Heliospheric Boundaries
1975phpm.symp    Physics of the Hot Plasma in the Magnetosphere
2006AIPC..858    Physics of the Inner Heliosheath    Physics of the Inner Heliosphere I
1995ASPC...80    The Physics of the Interstellar Medium and Intergalactic Medium
1955phio.conf    Physics of the Ionosphere    Physics of the Jovian Magnetosphere    Physics of the Magnetopause
1968ASSL...10    Physics of the Magnetosphere    Physics of the Moon
1967phmo.conf    Physics of the Moon    Physics of the Moon and the Planets    Physics of the Moon and the Planets: Questions of Astrometry
1968pmp..conf    Physics of the Moon and Planets
1972pmp..conf    Physics of the Moon and Planets    Physics of the Moon and Planets
1977pmpf.conf    Physics of the Moon and Planets. Fundamental Astrometry
1978pmp..conf    Physics of the Moon and Planets. Fundamental Astrometry
1969pote.conf    Physics of the One- and Two-Electron Atoms
1990phoh.coll    Physics of the Outer Heliosphere
2004AIPC..719    Physics of the Outer Heliosphere    The Physics of the Planets
1971ASSL...27    Physics of the Solar Corona    Physics of the Solar Corona
1962pss..conf    Physics of the Solar System
1970pss..conf    Physics of the Solar System
1972poss.conf    Physics of the Solar System
1972pss..conf    Physics of the Solar System
1986psun.conf    Physics of the Sun
1982phss.conf    Physics of the Sun and Stars
1986psun....1    Physics of the Sun. Volume 1
1986psun....2    Physics of the Sun. Volume 2
1986psun....3    Physics of the Sun. Volume 3
1986pss..conf    Physics of the Superconducting Supercollider
1987pss..conf    Physics of the Superconducting Supercollider    Physics of the Universe and Astronomy
1960pua..conf    Physics of the Upper Atmosphere
1971pua..conf    Physics of the Upper Atmosphere
1996pada.conf    Physics of Accretion Disks: Advection, Radiation and Magnetic Fields
1994pad..conf    Physics of Accretion Disks Around Compact and Young Stars
1992pagn.conf    Physics of Active Galactic Nuclei
1994ASPC...54    The Physics of Active Galaxies
1981paaf.conf    Physics of Auroral Arc Formation, Geophysical Monograph 25
2002pbmc.conf    Physics of Bio-Molecules and Cells
2002ASPC..261    The Physics of Cataclysmic Variables and Related Objects
1992pcbs.conf    Physics of Charged Bodies in Space Plasmas
2007ASPC..368    The Physics of Chromospheric Plasmas
2005AIPC..781    The Physics of Collisionless Shocks: 4th Annual IGPP International Astrophysics Conference
1974IAUS...53    Physics of Dense Matter
1980podm.conf    Physics of Dense Matter
1996pdp..conf    The Physics of Dust Plasmas
1998AIPC..446    Physics of Dusty Plasmas, Seventh Workshop
1990AIPC..205    The Physics of Electronic and Atomic Collisions
1993AIPC..295    The Physics of Electronic and Atomic Collisions
1995AIPC..360    The Physics of Electronic and Atomic Collisions
1964peac.conf    Physics of Electronic and Atomic Collisions: ICPEAC III
1965peac.conf    Physics of Electronic and Atomic Collisions: ICPEAC IV
1975peac.conf    Physics of Electronic and Atomic Collisions: ICPEAC IX
1969peac.conf    Physics of Electronic and Atomic Collisions: ICPEAC VI
1971peac.conf    Physics of Electronic and Atomic Collisions: ICPEAC VII
1973peac.conf    Physics of Electronic and Atomic Collisions: ICPEAC VIII
1977peac.conf    Physics of Electronic and Atomic Collisions: ICPEAC X
1979peac.conf    Physics of Electronic and Atomic Collisions: ICPEAC XI
1982peac.conf    Physics of Electronic and Atomic Collisions: ICPEAC XII
1976peac.conf    Physics of Electronic and Atomic Collisions, Invited Lectures, Review Papers, and Progress Reports: ICPEAC IX
1972peac.conf    Physics of Electronic and Atomic Collisions, Invited Papers and Progress Reports: ICPEAC VII
1963pep..conf    Physics of Elementary Particles
1970pepc.conf    Physics of Elementary Particles and Cosmic Rays
1972pepc.conf    Physics of Elementary Particles and Cosmic Rays
1984pete.conf    Physics of Energy Transport in Extragalactic Radio Sources
1997pgh..conf    The Physics of Galactic Halos
2001ASPC..222    The Physics of Galaxy Formation
1967pgp..conf    Physics of Geomagnetic Phenomena
1971phed.conf    Physics of High Energy Density
1976LNP....57    Physics of Highly Excited States in Solids
2006AIPC..876    The Physics of Ionized Gases: 23rd Summer School
1976pig..conf    Physics of Ionized Gases, Eighth International Conference
1979pig..conf    Physics of Ionized Gases, Ninth Yugoslav Symposium
1972pig..conf    Physics of Ionized Gases, Sixth Yugoslav Symposium
1985pig..conf    Physics of Ionized Gases. SPIG 84
1972pigi.conf    Physics of Ionized Gases, VI Yugoslav Symposium invited lectures
1995pig..conf    Physics of Ionized Gases, XV International Symposium    Physics of Isolated Pulsars
1996ASPC..103    The Physics of Liners in View of Recent Observations
2007pms..conf    Physics of Magnetic Stars
1998phma.conf    Physics of Mass
1973pmnc.conf    The Physics of Mesospheric (Noctilucent) Clouds
1992pngn.conf    Physics of Nearby Galaxies: Nature or Nurture?    Physics of Neutron Stars
1988pnsb.conf    Physics of Neutron Stars and Black Holes
1970pnc..conf    Physics of Noctilucent Clouds
1981ppa..conf    Physics of Planetary Atmospheres
1981ppm..conf    Physics of Planetary Magnetospheres
1981ppc1.conf    Physics of Plasmas Close to Thermonuclear Conditions, Volume 1
1981ppc2.conf    Physics of Plasmas Close to Thermonuclear Conditions, Volume 2
1960phpr.conf    Physics of Precipitation
1972phpu.conf    The Physics of Pulsars
1966pqe..conf    Physics of Quantum Electronics
2005AIPC..772    Physics of Semiconductors
2007AIPC..893    Physics of Semiconductors
1983psa..conf    Physics of Solar Activity, p. 182 - 185, 203
1993ASSL..183    Physics of Solar and Stellar Coronae
1964psf..conf    The Physics of Solar Flares
1985psf..conf    Physics of Solar Flares
1976pspe.proc    Physics of Solar Planetary Environments
1979phsp.conf    Physics of Solar Prominences
1984psp..conf    Physics of Space Plasmas
2002psfg.conf    Physics of Star Formation in Galaxies
1989psg..conf    Physics of Stars and Galaxies
1981phss.conf    The Physics of Sunspots
2001ESASP.497    Physics on Stage    Physics vade mecum, AIP 50th anniversary
1996phne.conf    Physics with Neutrinos
2005AIPC..793    Physics with Ultra Slow Antiproton Beams
1985pdpe.conf    Physik des Planeten Erde
1985psk..conf    Die Physik des Sonnensystems und der Kometen
1988pkp..conf    Physik Kosmischer Plasmen
1971phko.conf    Physik und Kosmologie
1979pmd..conf    Physique de la Matière Dense (The Physics of Dense Matter)
1965hep..conf    Physique des Hautes Energies (High Energy Physics)
1976pmas.conf    Physique des Mouvements dans les Atmospheres
1969pfa..conf    Physique Fondamentale et Astrophysique
1970pfa..conf    Physique Fondamentale et Astrophysique
1989per..conf    PIERS: Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium
1950plea.conf    The Planet Earth    Planet Formation    Planet Jupiter
1982ESASP.185    The Planet Mars    Planet Mars Research Focus
1981paa..conf    Planetary Aeronomy and Astronomy
1997pipr.conf    Planetary and Interstellar Processes Relevant to the Origins of Life
1987ASSL..135    Planetary and Proto-Planetary Nebulae: From IRAS to ISO
1989parr.conf    Planetary Astronomy from the Renaissance to the Rise of Astrophysics. Part A: Tycho Brahe to Newton
1995parr.conf    Planetary Astronomy from the Renaissance to the Rise of Astrophysics. Part B: The Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries
1971IAUS...40    Planetary Atmospheres
1977plat.conf    Planetary Atmospheres    Planetary Atmospheres
1978pa...symp    Planetary Atmospheres Symposium    Planetary Data Workshop
1969ped1.conf    Planetary Electrodynamics, Volume 1
1969ped2.conf    Planetary Electrodynamics, Volume 2
    pggp.rept    Planetary Geology and Geophysics Program Report
1989plge.conf    Planetary Geosciences -- 1988
1981plin.conf    Planetary Interiors    Planetary Mapping
1968IAUS...34    Planetary Nebulae
1978IAUS...76    Planetary Nebulae
1983IAUS..103    Planetary Nebulae
1989IAUS..131    Planetary Nebulae
1993IAUS..155    Planetary Nebulae
1997IAUS..180    Planetary Nebulae
2005AIPC..804    Planetary Nebulae as Astronomical Tools
2006pnbm.conf    Planetary Nebulae Beyond the Milky Way
2006IAUS..234    Planetary Nebulae in our Galaxy and Beyond
2003IAUS..209    Planetary Nebulae: Their Evolution and Role in the Universe
2004ESASP.544    Planetary Probe Atmospheric Entry and Descent Trajectory Analysis and Science    Planetary Radio Emissions II
2001prev.proc    Planetary Radio Emissions V
1977plsa.conf    Planetary Satellites
    psi..rept    Planetary Science Inst. Report
    PSRD.        Planetary Science Research Discoveries
1991plsa.rept    Planetary Sciences: American and Soviet Research
1969psm..conf    Planetary Space Missions    Planetary Surface Instruments Workshop
1998pslv.conf    Planetary Systems: the Long View    Planetary Systems and the Origins of Life
2006psps.conf    Planetary Systems and Planets in Systems
2004IAUS..202    Planetary Systems in the Universe
1980plwa.conf    Planetary Water
1978pwpp.conf    Planetary Water and Polar Processes    Planets and Satellites
1993ASPC...36    Planets Around Pulsars
1997ASPC..119    Planets Beyond the Solar System and the Next Generation of Space Missions
1974psns.conf    Planets, Stars and Nebulae Studied with Photopolarimetry
2006pces.conf    Planets to Cosmology: Essential Science in the Final Years of the Hubble Space Telescope
1974plto.conf    The Planets Today
2008AIPC..993    PLASMA 2007: International Conference on Research and Applications of Plasmas
2006AIPC..875    Plasma and Fusion Science: 16th IAEA Technical Meeting on Research using Small Fusion Devices
1981plap.rept    Plasma Astrophysics
1984ESASP.207    Plasma Astrophysics
1986ESASP.251    Plasma Astrophysics
1965pdt..conf    Plasma Diagnostic Techniques
1984pdlr.conf    Plasma Double Layers and Related Topics
1993penp.conf    Plasma Environments of Non-Magnetic Planets
1962plhy.conf    Plasma Hydromagnetics
1958pmf..conf    Plasma in a Magnetic Field
1969pia..conf    Plasma Instabilities in Astrophysics
1986ppm..conf    Plasma Penetration into Magnetospheres
1990ppsa.conf    Plasma Phenomena in the Solar Atmosphere
1961plph.conf    Plasma Physics
1968plph.conf    Plasma Physics
1974plph.conf    Plasma Physics
2003AIPC..669    Plasma Physics
1993ppic.conf    Plasma Physics: an Introductory Course
1975plph.conf    Plasma Physics -- Physique des Plasmas
1961ppp1.conf    Plasma Physics and the Problem of Controlled Thermonuclear Reactions, Volume 1
1961ppp2.conf    Plasma Physics and the Problem of Controlled Thermonuclear Reactions, Volume 2
1961ppp3.conf    Plasma Physics and the Problem of Controlled Thermonuclear Reactions, Volume 3
1961ppp4.conf    Plasma Physics and the Problem of Controlled Thermonuclear Reactions, Volume 4
    pcnf.rept    Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion
1993ppcn.conf    Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion (ITC-4)
1969ppcn.conf    Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research
1966ppc1.conf    Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research, Volume I
1971ppc1.conf    Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research, Volume I
1966ppc2.conf    Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research, Volume II
1971ppc2.conf    Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research, Volume II
1971ppc3.conf    Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research, Volume III
1966ppct.conf    Plasma Physics and Controlled Thermonuclear Fusion
1972ppsr.conf    Plasma Physics and Solar Radioastronomy
2001AIPC..563    Plasma Physics: IX Latin American Workshop
1977ppnt.symp    Plasma physics: Nonlinear Theory and Experiments
1970ppa..conf    Plasma Physics, Part A: Volume 9.
1970ppb..conf    Plasma Physics, Part B: Volume 9.
1998pps..conf    Plasma Polarization Spectroscopy
1965ASSL....3    Plasma Space Science
1989pwic.conf    Plasma Waves and Instabilities at Comets and in Magnetospheres
1969pwsl.conf    Plasma Waves in Space and in the Laboratory
2006AIPC..812    PLASMA-2005 Conference on Research and Application of Plasmas
2004AIPC..703    Plasmas in the Laboratory and in the Universe: New Insights and New Challenges
    PRFVT        Plastiques Renforces Fibres de Verre Textile
1978pumm.conf    Plateau Uplift: Mode and Mechanism
1978pfsl.conf    Pleins Feux sur la Physique Solaire
1990nmim.rept    Plots of the 5-minute Neutron Monitor Intensity and Multiplicities Recorded by the Rome 17-NM64    Pluto and Charon
2003AIPC..673    Plutonium Futures - The Science
1957poat.symp    Polar Atmosphere Symposium
1998pcbp.conf    Polar Cap Boundary Phenomena    The Polar Ionosphere and Magnetosphere Processes    Polar Regions of Mars: Geology, Glaciology, and Climate History
1996ASPC...97    Polarimetry of the Interstellar Medium
1999ASSL..243    Polarization
1992pobr.conf    Polarization Bremsstrahlung
2008AIPC.1008    Polarized Antiproton Beams - How?
2008AIPC..980    Polarized Ion Sources, Targets and Polarimetry
1963poli.conf    Polarized Light    Polarized Radiation of Circumstellar Origin
    PolSi        Poliarnye Siianiia
    PSSNN        Poliarnye Siianiia i Svechenie Nochnogo Neba
    PASAM        Polish Academy of Science Arch Mech
    PASAS        Polish Academy of Science Artificial Satellites
    PASIG        Polish Academy of Sciences Institute of Geophysics Publications
    PASTA        Polish Academy of Sciences Theory Aggregation Coagulation
    PCZNN        Politechnika Czestochowska Zeszyty Naukowe Nauki Techniczne Mechanika
    PGZNM        Politechnika Gdanska Zeszyty Naukowe Mechanika
    PSZNM        Politechnika Slaska Zeszyty Naukowe Mechanika
    CraR.        Polskie Towarzyslwo Milosnikow Astronomii
    PATi.        Popular Astronomisk Tidsskrift
2008AIPC.1010    A Population Explosion: The Nature & Evolution of X-ray Binaries in Diverse Environments
2006IAUS..230    Populations of High Energy Sources in Galaxies
2007AIPC..902    Portable Synchrotron Light Sources and Advanced Applications
1991pacm.conf    Positional Astronomy and Celestial Mechanics
1993pacm.conf    Positional Astronomy and Celestial Mechanics
1996pacm.conf    Positional Astronomy and Celestial Mechanics
1985poan.conf    Positron Annihilation
1983AIPC..101    Positron-Electron Pairs in Astrophysics
1975prbs.conf    Possible Relationships between Solar Activity and Meteorological Phenomena
2001pao..conf    Post-AGB Objects as a Phase of Stellar Evolution
1993ppsp.conf    Poster Papers on Stellar Photometry
1999ASSL..237    Post-Hipparcos cosmic candles
1988prun.proc    Post-Recombination Universe
2008poii.conf    The Power of Optical/IR Interferometry: Recent Scientific Results and 2nd Generation
    PUAMA        Poznan Uniwersytet im Adama Mickiewicza Seria Akustyka
    PUAMF        Poznan Uniwersytet im Adama Mickiewicza Seria Fizyka
1984pas..conf    Practical Absorption Spectrometry
    NaiRe        Pradesh  State Observatory Naini Tal Insia Reprints
1977prag.iafc    Prague International Astronautical Federation Congress
    PreR.        Precambrian Research
1974ppet.conf    Precession, Planetary Ephemerides and Time Scales
1999ASPC..189    Precision CCD Photometry
1998pemd.conf    Precision Electromagnetic Measurements Digest    Precision Measurement and Calibration
1971pmfc.conf    Precision Measurement and Fundamental Constants
1981pmfc.conf    Precision Measurement and Fundamental Constants
1984pmfc.conf    Precision Measurement and Fundamental Constants II
1983pmge.conf    Precision Measurement and Gravity Experiment
1993prph.conf    Precision Photometry
1991ppag.proc    Precision Photometry:  Astrophysics of the Galaxy
2008psa..conf    Precision Spectroscopy in Astrophysics    Prediction of Ionospheric and Magnetospheric Disturbances and Solar Activity
1987pimd.conf    Prediction of Ionospheric, Magnetospheric Disturbances and of Solar Activity    Prediction of Solar Flares and their Consequences    Preludes in Theoretical Physics in honor of V.F. Weisskopf    Present and Future of the Telescope of Moderate Size
1974psfa.proc    The Present State and Future of the Astronomical Refraction Investigations
    spie.conf    Presented at the Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference
2001IAUS..196    Preserving the Astronomical Sky
1998ASPC..139    Preserving The Astronomical Windows
1973pzkb.conf    Prikl. Zadachi Kosmich. Ballistiki
1975pcr..conf    Primary Cosmic Radiation
1974plug.nasa    A Primer in Lunar Geology
1993psno.conf    Primitive Solar Nebula and Origin of Planets    Primordial Helium
1998pnge.conf    Primordial Nuclei and their Galactic Evolution    Primordial Nucleosynthesis
1991ASSL..169    Primordial Nucleosynthesis and Evolution of Early Universe
2000prun.conf    The Primordial Universe
    PSA..        Princeton Series in Astrophysics
    PSG..        Princeton Series in Geophysics
    PSP..        Princeton Series in Physics
    prnc.rept    Princeton Univ. Report
2000plbs.conf    Principles of Long Baseline Stellar Interferometry
1974pmf..conf    Prirodno-Matematichki Fakultet, Beograd - Glas Srpske Akademije Nauka i Umetnosti 291
    Priv.        Private Communication
2005pdus.conf    Probing the Dark Universe with Subaru and Gemini
2001ASPC..224    Probing the Physics of Active Galactic Nuclei
2000pldm.symp    Probing Luminous and Dark Matter
1987pras.conf    Probl. Astron. Ch. 2. Odes. Univ. Odessa
1976prgr.conf    Probl. Gravitatsii. Tbilisi
1974prko.conf    Probl. Kosmokhimii.
1975prko.conf    Probl. Kosmokhimii
1979pmud.conf    Probl. Mekh. Upravlyaem. Dvizheniya. Lerarkhich. Dinam. Sistemy. Perm'
1978pmud.conf    Probl. Mekh. Upravlyaem. Dvizheniya. Optimiz. Protsessov upr. Perm
1972pmud.conf    Probl. Mekh. Upravlyaemogo Dvizheniya
1973pmud.conf    Probl. Mekh. Upravlyaemogo Dvizheniya
1974pmud.conf    Probl. Mekh. Upravlyaemogo Dvizheniya
1986popv.conf    Probl. Opredeleniya Parametrov Vrashcheniya Zemli
1977pps..conf    Probl. Planetol. T. 2. Simpoz. No. 8 Mezhdunar. Assots. Planetol.
1975ppts.conf    Probl. Proiskhozhd. tel Soln. Sist.
1981pszs.conf    Probl. Soln.-Zemn. Svyazej. Dokl. Simpoz. KAPG, Ashkhabad
1974psvl.conf    Probl. Sovrem. Fiz.
1974ptge.conf    Probl. Teor. Gravit. Ehlementarn. Chastits
1976ptge.conf    Probl. Teor. Gravit. i Ehlementarn. Chastits
1977ptge.conf    Probl. Teor. Gravitatsii i Ehlem. Chastits
1979ptge.conf    Probl. Teor. Gravitatsii i Ehlem. Chastits.
1978ptge.conf    Probl. Teor. Gravitatsii i Ehlementarn. Chastits
1975ptge.conf    Probl. Teorii Gravitatsii i Ehlementarn. Chastits
1968ptdk.conf    Probl. Time Determination, Keeping and Synchronization
1975phs..conf    Problèmes d'Hydrodynamique Stellaire    The Problem of the Search for Extraterrestrial Civilizations    Problem of the Search for Life in the Universe
1972pvgc.conf    The Problem of the Variation of the Geographical Coordinates in the Southern Hemisphere
1981pmeg.conf    The Problem of Motion in Einstein's Gravitation Theory
1970pess.conf    Problemi Evolutivi nel Sistema Solare    Problems in Astrophysics and the Physics of Planetary Atmospheres    Problems in Cosmic-Ray Physics
1984pft..conf    Problems in Field Theory    Problems in stellar atmospheres and envelopes.    Problems in Theoretical Physics and Astrophysics
1971ptsp.conf    Problems in thermodynamics and statistical physics
1975pobs.conf    Problems of the Origin of the Bodies of the Solar System    Problems of Astrometry
1991pasg.conf    Problems of Astrometry and Space Geodynamics
1985pras.conf    Problems of Astronomy
1970pag..conf    Problems of Astronomy and Geodesy
1976pag..conf    Problems of Astronomy and Geodesy
1965pase.conf    Problems of Atmospheric and Space Electricity
1966pac..conf    Problems of Atmospheric Circulation
1970pao..conf    Problems of Atmospheric Optics
1970pap..conf    Problems of Atmospheric Physics
1973IAUS...54    Problems of Calibration of Absolute Magnitudes and Temperature of Stars
1990pcms.conf    Problems of Celestial Mechanics and Stellar Dynamics
1986pcim.conf    Problems of Complex Investigation of the Moon
1977pcp..conf    Problems of Cosmic Physics
1976pcp..conf    Problems of Cosmic Physics. Vypusk 11
1978pcp..conf    Problems of Cosmic Physics. Vypusk 13
1981pcp..conf    Problems of Cosmic Physics. Vypusk 16
1970pcp..conf    Problems of Cosmic Physics. Vypusk 5
1971pcp..conf    Problems of Cosmic Physics. Vypusk 6
1972pcp..conf    Problems of Cosmic Physics. Vypusk 7
1973pcp..conf    Problems of Cosmic Physics. Vypusk 8
1974pcp..conf    Problems of Cosmic Physics. Vypusk 9
1987pcrp.conf    Problems of Cosmic Ray Physics
1951IAUS....1    Problems of Cosmical Aerodynamics
1951pca..conf    Problems of Cosmical Aerodynamics
1986pdpe.conf    Problems of Determination of the Parameters of the Earth's Rotation
1962IAUS...15    Problems of Extra-Galactic Research
1990pfmp.conf    Problems of Fundamental Modern Physics,
1991pfmp.conf    Problems of Fundamental Modern Physics II    Problems of Gravitation
1959ptlp.conf    Problems of Low Temperature Physics and Thermodynamics
1973plg..conf    Problems of Lunar Geology
1975prme.conf    Problems of Meteoritics
1976pmpt.conf    Problems of Meteoritics. The problem of the Tunguska Meteorite
1981pmac.conf    Problems of Modern Astrometry in Constructing an Inertial Coordinate System    Problems of Modern Physics
1977pota.conf    Problems of Observational and Theoretical Astronomy
1989ppds.conf    Problems of Physics and Dynamics of Stellar Systems    Problems of Physics and Evolution of the Universe
1983ppsf.conf    Problems of Physics of Solar Flares
1993ppse.conf    Problems of Physics of Stars and Extragalactic Astronomy
1979psa..conf    Problems of Solar Activity
1977psas.conf    Problems of Solar Activity and Space System Prognoz
1986psf..conf    Problems of Solar Flares    Problems of Solar-Terrestrial Relationships
1969pwdp.conf    Problems of Wave Diffraction and Propagation
    PJA..        Proceeding of the Japan Academy
    PJAA.        Proceeding of the Japan Academy, Series A
    PJAB.        Proceeding of the Japan Academy, Series B
1999naos.symp    Proceedings : Nautical Almanac Office
2000immm.proc    Proceedings 232. WE-Heraeus Seminar
1991usra.conf    Proceedings of the 1991 Undergraduate Symposium on Research in Astronomy
1992usra.conf    Proceedings of the 1992 Undergraduate Symposium on Research in Astronomy
1993usra.conf    Proceedings of the 1993 Undergraduate Symposium on Research in Astronomy
1994usra.conf    Proceedings of the 1994 Undergraduate Symposium on Research in Astronomy
1995usra.conf    Proceedings of the 1995 Undergraduate Symposium on Research in Astronomy
1996usra.conf    Proceedings of the 1996 Undergraduate Symposium on Research in Astronomy
1997usra.proc    Proceedings of the 1997 Undergraduate Symposium on Research in Astronomy
1998usra.proc    Proceedings of the 1998 Undergraduate Symposium on Research in Astronomy
1997tcca.conf    Proceedings of the 21st Century Chinese Astronomy Conference    Proceedings of the 27th Meeting of the Polish Astronomical Society
1988grra.conf    Proceedings of the 2nd Canadian Conference on General Relativity and Relativistic Astrophysics
1999ceme.symp    Proceedings of the 31st Symposium on Celestial Mechanics
2006ESASP.619    Proceedings of the 3rd MSG RAO Workshop
2005evlb.conf    Proceedings of the 4th eVLBI workshop
1994grra.conf    Proceedings of the 5th Canadian Conference on General Relativity and Relativistic Astrophysics
1997grra.conf    Proceedings of the 6th Canadian Conference on General Relativity and Relativistic Astrophysics
2002evn..conf    Proceedings of the 6th EVN Symposium
2006enig.conf    Proceedings of the 8th ENIGMA meeting
2006evn..conf    Proceedings of the 8th European VLBI Network Symposium
2000elt..conf    Proceedings of the Backaskog workshop on extremely large telescopes
    PCPS.        Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society
1995ESASP.371    Proceedings of the Cluster Workshops, Data Analysis Tools and Physical Measurements and Mission-Oriented Theory
1954auph.conf    Proceedings of the Conference on Auroral Physics
2006fel..conf    Proceedings of the FEL Conference
1998ESASP.416    Proceedings of the Fifth European Space Power Conference (ESPC)
1971asme.conf    Proceedings of the Fourth Astrometric Conference
1997AIPC..410    Proceedings of the Fourth Compton Symposium
1990frce.conf    Proceedings of the Friedmann Centenary Conference
2003ASPC..289    The Proceedings of the IAU 8th Asian-Pacific Regional Meeting, Volume I
2006ilws.conf    Proceedings of the ILWS Workshop
    PINSA        Proceedings of the Indian National Science Academy Part A
    PINSB        Proceedings of the Indian National Science Academy Part B
    PIGP.        Proceedings of the Institute of General Physics, Adademy of the Sciences of Russia
1991pimo.conf    Proceedings of the International Meteor Conference
1992pimo.conf    Proceedings of the International Meteor Conference
1993pimo.conf    Proceedings of the International Meteor Conference
1994pimo.conf    Proceedings of the International Meteor Conference
1995pimo.conf    Proceedings of the International Meteor Conference
1996pimo.conf    Proceedings of the International Meteor Conference
1997pimo.conf    Proceedings of the International Meteor Conference
1999pimo.conf    Proceedings of the International Meteor Conference
2000pimo.conf    Proceedings of the International Meteor Conference
2001pimo.conf    Proceedings of the International Meteor Conference
2002pimo.conf    Proceedings of the International Meteor Conference
2003pimo.conf    Proceedings of the International Meteor Conference
2004pimo.conf    Proceedings of the International Meteor Conference
2006pimo.conf    Proceedings of the International Meteor Conference, Oostmalle, Belgium
2005pimo.conf    Proceedings of the International Meteor Conference, Varna 2004
1961pims.conf    Proceedings of the International Meteorological Satellite Workshop
2000ESASP.458    Proceedings of the International Symposium GEOMARK 2000
    PIRE.        Proceedings of the IRE
    PNAS.        Proceedings of the National Academy of Science
2008AIPC..991    Proceedings of the National Society OF Black Physicists    Proceedings of the Nordic Astronomy Meeting
1988qsal.proc    Proceedings of the QSO Absorption Line Meeting
2006prms.conf    Proceedings of the Radio Meteor School
1976NASCP.001    Proceedings of the SCAR Conference
2006ppgc.conf    Proceedings of the School on Particle Physics, Gravity and Cosmology
1973ciap.conf    Proceedings of the Second Conference on the Climatic Impact Assessment
2003enig.conf    Proceedings of the Second ENIGMA Meeting    Proceedings of the Seventh Marcel Grossman Meeting on recent developments in theoretical and experimental general relativity, gravitation, and relativistic field theories
2000asfb.proc    Proceedings of the Sixth SFB-375 Ringberg Workshop Astroteilchenphysik
1974ciap.conf    Proceedings of the Third Conference on the Climatic Impact Assessment    Proceedings of the Workshop on K Physics
1993obdi.conf    Proceedings of a Workshop on Remote Observing
    fnad.proc    Proceedings of Finnish Astronomers' Days
1994kofu.symp    Proceedings of Kofu Symposium
2002hep..conf    Proceedings of "QUARKS 2002, 12th International Seminar on High Energy Physics"
2006ESASP.624    Proceedings of SOHO 18/GONG 2006/HELAS I, Beyond the spherical Sun
    PrVP.        Proceedings of Vibration Problems
1987psde.conf    Processing of Scientific Data from the E.S.A. Astrometry Satellite HIPPARCOS
1983psde.conf    Processing of Scientific Data from the ESA Astrometry Satellite HIPPARCOS, 1st FAST Thinkshop
1985psde.conf    Processing of Scientific Data from the ESA Astrometry Satellite HIPPARCOS, 2nd FAST Thinkshop
1986psde.conf    Processing of Scientific Data from the ESA Astrometry Satellite HIPPARCOS, 3rd FAST Thinkshop
1996ESASP.377    Product Assurance Symposium and Software Product Assurance Workshop    Production and Distribution of C, N, O Elements
1985pdcn.conf    Production and Distribution of C,N,O Elements
2002AIPC..639    Production and Neutralization of Negative Ions and Beams
2005AIPC..763    Production and Neutralization of Negative Ions and Beams
2007AIPC..925    Production and Neutralization of Negative Ions and Beams
1938pobv.conf    Professor Östen Bergstrand Vetenskapsmannen Och Läraren
1988ASPC....1    Progress and Opportunities in Southern Hemisphere Optical Astronomy.  The CTIO 25th Anniversary Symposium
1995ASPC...74    Progress in the Search for Extraterrestrial Life.
    PABei        Progress in Astronomy
1992papn.conf    Progress in Atomic Physics Neutrinos and Gravitation
1992pnap.conf    Progress in Atomic Physics, Neutrinos and Gravitation
1978pas..conf    Progress in Atomic Spectroscopy, part A
1984pras.conf    Progress in Atomic Spectroscopy, part C
1987pas..conf    Progress in Atomic Spectroscopy, part D
1982ASSL...99    Progress in Cosmology
2005pdmr.conf    Progress in Dark Matter Research
1962prdi.conf    Progress in Dielectrics
1986pei..conf    Progress in Electroweak Interactions, Volume 1
1975pllf.conf    Progress in Lasers and Laser Fusion
1964pltp.conf    Progress in Low Temperature Physics
2005pnsr.conf    Progress in Neutron Star Research
1993pnc..conf    Progress in New Cosmologies : Beyond the Big Bang
1981ppe..conf    Progress in Planetary Exploration
1986pqft.conf    Progress in Quantum Field Theory
1985ppsl.conf    Progress in Stellar Spectral Line Formation Theory
2003psfp.conf    Progress in String, Field and Particle Theory
1992ptit.conf    Progress in Telescope and Instrumentation Technologies
2007prtu.conf    Progress in Turbulence, II
    PThPS        Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement
1978psui.conf    Progresses of the Soviet Union in Investigating the Cosmic Space
1994prce.conf    Project CESAR
1964prfi.rept    Project Firefly 1962-1963
1980meri.conf    Project MERIT
2001ESASP.460    The Promise of the Herschel Space Observatory
1989ESASP1122    Promotion of European Space Technology Transfer
1963pip..conf    Propagation and Instabilities in Plasmas
1993pesv.conf    Propagation Effects in Space VLBI    Propagation of Radio Waves
1996prrw.conf    Propagation of Radiowaves
1997ASPC..127    Proper Motions and Galactic Astronomy
1990ASPC....7    Properties of Hot Luminous Stars
1998ASPC..131    Properties of Hot Luminous Stars
1984prrb.conf    Prospects for Research with Radioactive Beams from Heavy Ion Accelerators
1977prsa.conf    Prospects in Space Astrometry
1998jena.conf    Prospects of Astronomy and Astrophysics for the new Millenium, JENAM-98
1992pags.conf    The Protection of Astronomical and Geophysical Sites
2006pmss.conf    Protection of Materials and Structures from the Space Environment
2001psms.conf    Protection of Space Materials from the Space Environment
2007AIPC..961    Proton Emitting Nuclei and Related Topics
2003AIPC..681    Proton-Emitting Nuclei: Second International Symposium; PROCON 2003
1987penm.conf    Protostars and Molecular Clouds
1985prpl.conf    Protostars and Planets II
1993prpl.conf    Protostars and Planets III    Protostars and Planets: Studies of Star Formation and of the Origin of the Solar System
2005prpl.conf    Protostars and Planets V
2007prpl.conf    Protostars and Planets V
1982ppio.conf    Protozvezdy i Planet. Issled. Obraz. Zvezd i Proiskhozhd. Soln. Sist.
1987ppns.conf    Protsessy na Poverkhnosti i v Nedrakh Solntsa
    PUFir        Pubblicazioni della R. Universita degli studi di Firenze
    PSAIL        Pubblicazioni della Stazione Astronomica Internazionale di Latitudine
    POMil        Pubblicazioni dell'Osservatorio Astronomico di Milano-Merate
    POPad        Pubblicazioni dell'Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova
    POPal        Pubblicazioni dell'Osservatorio Astronomico di Palermo
    POTor        Pubblicazioni Varie Fuori Serie dell'Osservatorio Astronomico di Torino
    PKCat        Publ. House Czech. Acad. Sci.
    PMad.        Publicacion Facultad de Ciencias Madrid
    POClu        Publicatiile Observatorului Astronomical Universitatii din Cluj
    POPar        Publication de l'Observatoire de Paris Notes et Informations
    POStr        Publication de l'Observatoire de Strasbourg
    PUSK.        Publication der Koeniglichen Sternwarte in Kiel
    PPCAS        Publication of the Pomona College Astronomical Society
    PCARS        Publication of COMU Astrophysics Research Center
    PSCDS        Publication Speciale du Centre de Donnees Stellaires
    PULei        Publicationen der K. Universitoats-Sternwarte zu Leipzig
    PLAGL        Publications de l'Institut d'Astronomie et de Geophysique Louvain
    POBeo        Publications de l'Observatoire Astronomique de Beograd
    POBor        Publications de l'Observatoire de l'Universite de Bordeaux
    POTou        Publications de l'Observatoire de Toulouse
    PAllO        Publications of the Allegheny Observatory of the University of Pittsburgh
    PAAS.        Publications of the American Astronomical Society
    PAICU        Publications of the Astronomical Institute of the Charles University
    PAICz        Publications of the Astronomical Institute of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences
    PUAms        Publications of the Astronomical Institute of the University of Amsterdam
    PBrn.        Publications of the Astronomical Institute of the University of Borneo
    POHel        Publications of the Astronomical Observatory Helsinki
    POMin        Publications of the Astronomical Observatory University of Minnesota
    PADEU        Publications of the Astronomy Deparment of the Eotvos Lorand University
    PAIB.        Publications of the Astronomy Institute of Bonn
    PAB..        Publications of The Astrophysics Branch Ottawa
    PBeiO        Publications of the Beijing Astronomical Observatory
    PBosO        Publications of the Bosscha Observatory Lembang Indonesia
    PCinO        Publications of the Cincinnati Observatory
    PCooO        Publications of the Cook Observatory
    PDDO.        Publications of the David Dunlap Observatory
    PDAA.        Publications of the Department of Astronomy Austin Texas
    PDAUC        Publications of the Department of Astronomy University of Chile
    PDAO.        Publications of the Dominion Astrophysical Observatory Victoria
    PDO..        Publications of the Dominion Observatory Ottawa
    PDreO        Publications of the Dresden Observatory
    PF&CO        Publications of the Flower and Cook Astronomical Observatory
    PFAO.        Publications of the Flower Astronomical Observatory
    PGLO.        Publications of the Goethe Link Observatory
    PGooO        Publications of the Goodsell Observatory, Carleton College
    PIstO        Publications of the Istanbul University Observatory
    PGro.        Publications of the Kapteyn Astronomical Laboratory Groningen
    PKirO        Publications of the Kirkwood Observatory of Indiana University
    PAth.        Publications of the Laborotory of Astronomy University of Athens
    PMcCO        Publications of the Leander McCormick Observatory
    PManO        Publications of the Manila Observatory
    PMunO        Publications of the Munich Observatory
    PNAOJ        Publications of the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
    POLyo        Publications of the Observatoire de Lyon
    PGenA        Publications of the Observatoire Geneve Series A
    PGenB        Publications of the Observatoire Geneve Series B
    POHP.        Publications of the Observatoire Haute-Provence
    POANC        Publications of the Observatorie Astronomie Nacional Cerro Calan
    POIst        Publications of the Observatory Astronomie University Istambul
    POslO        Publications of the Oslo Observatory
    POVRO        Publications of the Owens Valley Observatory
    PPMtO        Publications of the Purple Mountain Observatory
    PRCO.        Publications of the Riverview College Observatory
    PROE.        Publications of the Royal Observatory of Edinburgh
    PSprO        Publications of the Sproul Observatory
    PSSAI        Publications of the Sternberg State Astronomical Institute
    PTarO        Publications of the Tartuskoj Astrofizica Observatory
    PTasO        Publications of the Tashkent Astronomical Observatory
    PUSNO        Publications of the U.S. Naval Observatory Second Series
    PVVO.        Publications of the Van Vleck Observatory
    PVasO        Publications of the Vassar College Observatory
    PW&SO        Publications of the Warner & Swasey Observatory
    PWasO        Publications of the Washburn Observatory
    PYerO        Publications of the Yerkes Observatory
    PYunO        Publications of the Yunnan Observatory
    POBol        Publications of dell'Osservatorio Astronomie de Bologna
    PLawO        Publications of Laws Observatory, University of Missouri
    PLicO        Publications of Lick Observatory
    POMic        Publications of Michigan Observatory
    PCat.        Publications of Osservatorio Astrofisico di Catania
1975inco.conf    Publications of Scientific Results of the "Intercosmos" Cooperation
    PWHHO        Publications of West Hendon House Observatory, Sunderland
    POxf.        Publications University of Oxford Department of Astrophysics
    PAIKH        Publikationen des Astrophysikalischen Instituts Koenigstuhl-Heidelberg
    POPot        Publikationen des Astrophysikalischen Observatoriums zu Potsdam
    PCopO        Publikationer og mindre Meddeler fra Kobenhavns Observatorium
    PGAOI        Pulkovo Glavnaia Astronomicheskaia Observatoriia Izvestiia
1999ptgr.conf    Pulsar Timing, General Relativity and the Internal Structure of Neutron Stars
1981pcrb.conf    Pulsars    Pulsars
1992pcrb.conf    Pulsars
1981IAUS...95    Pulsars: 13 Years of Research on Neutron Stars
1993ppl..conf    Pulsars as Physics Laboratories
2003pasb.conf    Pulsars, AXPs and SGRs Observed with BeppoSAX and Other Observatories
1971pcrb.conf    Pulsars, Cosmic Rays, and Background Radiation    Pulsating B-Stars    Pulsating Stars
1970psis.conf    Pulsating Stars. Instationary Stars and Methods of their Investigation
1988ASSL..148    Pulsation and Mass Loss in Stars
1994IAUS..162    Pulsation; Rotation; and Mass Loss in Early-Type Stars
1982pccv.conf    Pulsations in Classical and Cataclysmic Variable Stars
1973paok.conf    Pyl' v Atmosf. i Okolozemn. Kosmich. Prostranstve
2001AIPC..602    QCD @ Work, International Workshop on Quantum Chromodynamics
1985qcdb.conf    QCD and Beyond, Vol. 1
1993qheh.conf    QCD and High Energy Hadronic Interactions
1994qheh.conf    QCD and High Energy Hadronic Interactions
1991qlp..conf    QCD and Lepton Physics, Volume 1
2007AIPC..964    QCDatWORK 2007: International Workshop on Quantum Chromodynamics: Theory and Experiment
    QUnJ.        Qinghua University Journal
1995qal..conf    QSO Absorption Lines
1988qal..conf    QSO Absorption Lines: Probing the Universe
2001qhte.conf    QSO Hosts and Their Environments
1989qpps.conf    QSO Physical Properties and Spectra
2002AIPC..615    Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation    Quantum Analogues: From Phase Transitions to Black Holes and Cosmology
1999qagt.conf    Quantum Aspects of Gauge Theories, Supersymmetry and Unification
1999quch.conf    Quantum Chromodynamics
2006AIPC..806    Quantum Chromodynamics: Theory and Experiment, QCD@WORK 2005
2006AIPC..864    Quantum Computing: Back Action 2006
1986qcst.conf    Quantum Concepts in Space and Time
1993qcm..conf    Quantum Control and Measurement    Quantum Cosmology
1993qcln.conf    Quantum Cosmology and the Laws of Nature: Scientific Perspectives on Divine Action
1991qcbu.conf    Quantum Cosmology and Baby Universes
2005qcrt.conf    Quantum Cosmology Research Trends
2001AIPC..564    Quantum Electrodynamics and Physics of the Vacuum; QED 2000
1960quel.conf    Quantum Electronics
1964quel.conf    Quantum Electronics
1983qeeo.conf    Quantum Electronics and Electro-Optics
2008AIPC..998    Quantum Few-Body Systems
1969qfnm.conf    Quantum Fluids and Nuclear Matter
1986qft..conf    Quantum Fxeld Theory
1982qgqt.conf    Quantum Gravitation. Quantum Theory of Gravitation
1975qugr.conf    Quantum Gravity
1984qugr.conf    Quantum Gravity
1993qugr.conf    Quantum Gravity
1998qugr.conf    Quantum Gravity
1975qgos.conf    Quantum Gravity: an Oxford Symposium
1985qgc..conf    Quantum Gravity and Cosmology
1986qgc..conf    Quantum Gravity and Cosmology
1991qgc..conf    Quantum Gravity and Cosmology
2000qgsu.conf    Quantum Gravity, Generalized Theory of Gravitation, and Superstring Theory-Based Unification
1981qugr.conf    Quantum Gravity II
1985qugr.conf    Quantum Gravity III
1988qugr.conf    Quantum Gravity IV
2007qgmm.conf    Quantum Gravity: Mathematical Models and Experimental Bounds
1991qugr.conf    Quantum Gravity V
2008AIPC..994    Quantum Information and Quantum Cold Matter
2002AIPC..643    Quantum Limits to the Second Law
2006AIPC..844    Quantum Mechanics: Are there Quantum Jumps? and On the Present Status of Quantum Mechanics
1969quop.conf    Quantum Optics
1970quop.conf    Quantum Optics
1965qoe..conf    Quantum Optics and Electronics    Quantum Optics: Including Noise Reduction, Trapped Ions, Quantum Trajectories, and Decoherence
1989quop.conf    Quantum Optics: V
1986quop.conf    Quantum Optics VI
1996qpct.conf    Quantum Physics, Chaos Theory, and Cosmology
1966qsm..conf    Quantum Statistical Mechanics
1982qsst.conf    Quantum Structure of Space and Time
1975qtst.conf    Quantum Theory and the Structures of Time and Space
1980qtc..conf    Quantum Theory and Gravitation    Quantum Theory and Gravitation    Quantum Theory of Atoms, Molecules, and the Solid State, A Tribute to John C. Slater
1961qtf..conf    The Quantum Theory of Fields    Quantum Theory of Gravity
1961qte..conf    Quantum Theory, Part I: Elements
1962qtap.conf    Quantum Theory, Part II: Aggregates of Particles
1962qtrh.conf    Quantum Theory, Part III: Radiation and High Energy Physics
2006AIPC..810    Quantum Theory: Reconsideration of Foundations
2007AIPC..962    Quantum Theory: Reconsideration of Foundations-4
2005AIPC..756    Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum VI
2007AIPC..892    Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum VII
1990qgp..conf    Quark-Gluon Plasma
2004qgp..conf    Quark-Gluon Plasma
1991quar.conf    Quarks '90
1995quar.conf    Quarks '94
2007qnp..conf    Quarks and Nuclear Physics
2006qhsi.conf    Quarks, Hadrons, and Strong Interactions    Quasar Absorption Lines
1996quho.conf    Quasar Hosts
1997quho.conf    Quasar Hosts
1986IAUS..119    Quasars
2001qarr.conf    Quasars, AGNs and Related Research Across 2000.  Conference on the occasion of L. Woltjer's 70th birthday
1999ASPC..162    Quasars and Cosmology
1969qhea.conf    Quasars and high-energy astronomy
1984ESASP.213    QUASAT:  A VLBI Observatory in Space
1979LNP....96    Quasi-One-Dimensional Conductors II
1964quop.conf    Quasi-Optics
1965qssg.conf    Quasi-Stellar Sources and Gravitational Collapse
1990qfcc.proc    The Quest for the Fundamental Constants in Cosmology    The Quest for Extraterrestrial Life
2002erad.conf    Radar Meteorology (ERAD)
1977rpap.conf    Radar probing of the Auroral plasma
1977rsme.conf    Radar Systems Mechanical Engineering
1991rlep.rept    Radars and Lidars in Earth and Planetary Sciences
    RadRe        Radcliffe Observatory Pretoria South Africa Reprints
    Rad..        Radiant, Journal of the Dutch Meteor Society
1971ASSL...24    The Radiating Atmosphere
1996rbms.conf    Radiation Belts: Models and Standards
1962rds..conf    Radiation Damage in Solids
1964rado.conf    Radiation Dosimetry
    RadEf        Radiation Effects
1977raat.conf    Radiation in the Atmosphere
1984rapl.conf    Radiation in Plasmas, Volume II
2003ESASP.533    Radiation of High Temperature Gases in Atmospheric Entry
2005ESASP.583    Radiation of High Temperature Gases in Atmospheric Entry
1966ASSL....5    Radiation Trapped in the Earth's Magnetic Field
1985rphd.conf    Radiative Properties of Hot Dense Matter
1962rtsm.conf    Radiative Transfer from Solid Materials
1963rass.conf    Radio Astronomical and Satellite Studies of the Atmosphere
1957IAUS....4    Radio astronomy    Radio Astronomy
1967IAUS...31    Radio Astronomy and the Galactic System
1977IAUS...74    Radio Astronomy and Cosmology
2003ASPC..300    Radio Astronomy at the Fringe
2000ralw.conf    Radio Astronomy at Long Wavelengths    Radio Astronomy from Space
1972raos.conf    Radio Astronomy Observations of the Solar Eclipse on 20 May, 1966    Radio Continuum Processes in Clusters of Galaxies
2001AIPC..579    Radio Detection of High Energy Particles
1996ASPC...93    Radio Emission from the Stars and the Sun    Radio Emissions from Planetary Magnetospheres
1999rfpp.conf    Radio Frequency Power in Plasmas
2003AIPC..694    Radio Frequency Power in Plasmas
2005AIPC..787    Radio Frequency Power in Plasmas
2007AIPC..933    Radio Frequency Power in Plasmas
1999rgm87conf    The Radio Galaxy Messier 87
2000riss.conf    Radio interferometry : the saga and the science
1980ritg.conf    Radio Interferometry Techniques for Geodesy
1980IAUS...86    Radio Physics of the Sun
2003ASPC..302    Radio Pulsars
1980ASSL...80    Radio Recombination Lines    The Radio Schmidt Telescope
    RaScB        Radio Science Bulletin
2008AIPC..974    Radio Sounding and Plasma Physics
1985ASSL..116    Radio Stars    Radio Stars; Proceedings of the Workshop on Stellar Continuum Radio Astronomy
1976rsrt.rept    Radio, Submillimeter, and X-ray Telescopes
1976rsxt.conf    Radio, Submillimeter, and X-Ray Telescopes
1988AIPC..174    Radio Wave Scattering in the Interstellar Medium
1992rnb..conf    Radioactive Nuclear Beams
1960raso.conf    Radioastronomia Solare
2007rtt..conf    Radioastronomical Tools and Techniques
    RERE.        Radiotekhnika i Elektronika Radio Engineering Electronic Physics
    RTRE.        Radiotekhnika Tecommunications Radio Engineering Radio Engineering    RAGtime 2/3: Workshops on Black Holes and Neutron Stars    RAGtime 4/5: Workshops on black holes and neutron stars    RAGtime 6/7: Workshops on black holes and neutron stars
2007AIPC..923    Rainfall Rate and Radio Wave Propagation
1967rstp.conf    Raman Spectroscopy: Theory and Practice
1985rwrc.conf    A Random Walk in Relativity and Cosmology
1986rfsf.nasa    Rapid Fluctuations in Solar Flares
1991rvos.conf    Rapid Variability of OB-stars: Nature and Diagnostic Value
1977raes.conf    Rara Astronomica in Estonia
1960rgd..conf    Rarefied Gas Dynamics
1961rgd..conf    Rarefied Gas Dynamics
2003AIPC..663    Rarefied Gas Dynamics
2005AIPC..762    Rarefied Gas Dynamics: 24th International Symposium on Rarefied Gas Dynamics
1963rgd1.conf    Rarefied Gas Dynamics, Volume 1
1965rgd1.conf    Rarefied Gas Dynamics, Volume 1
1967rgd1.conf    Rarefied Gas Dynamics, Volume 1
1963rgd2.conf    Rarefied Gas Dynamics, Volume 2
1965rgd2.conf    Rarefied Gas Dynamics, Volume 2
1967rgd2.conf    Rarefied Gas Dynamics, Volume 2
    RaPro        Raschety Prochnost
1973rgkl.conf    Raspredelenie Galakt. Kosmich. Luchej i Dinamika Struktur. Obrazovanij v Solnechn. Vetre. Yakutsk
1988ASSL..146    Rate Coefficients in Astrochemistry
2005AIPC..791    Reaction Mechanisms for Rare Isotope Beams
1971rupc.conf    Reactions Under Plasma Conditions
1992ASSL..177    The Realm of Interacting Binary Stars
    rmus.nasa    Reanalysis of Mariner 9 UV Spectrometer Data for Ozone, Cloud, and Dust Abundances, and Their Interaction Over Climate Timescales
2000racc.conf    Recent Advances and Cross-Century Outlooks in Physics, Interplay between Theory and Experiment
2006AIPC..848    Recent Advances in Astronomy and Astrophysics
1966racr.conf    Recent Advances in Cosmic Ray Research
1973ASSL...39    Recent Advances in Dynamical Astronomy
1977ESASP.124    Recent Advances in Gamma-Ray Astronomy
1992ragr.conf    Recent Advances in General Relativity. Essays in honor of Ted Newman
2001ramf.conf    Recent Advances in Metrology and Fundamental Constants
1981raoa.conf    Recent Advances in Observational Astronomy    Recent Advances in Planetary Meteorology
1971rap1.conf    Recent Advances in Plasma Diagnostics, Volume 1: Corpuscular, Correlation, Bolometric, and Other Techniques
1971rap2.conf    Recent Advances in Plasma Diagnostics, Volume 2: Corpuscular, Correlation, Bolometric, and Other Techniques
1971rap3.conf    Recent Advances in Plasma Diagnostics, Volume 3: Corpuscular, Correlation, Bolometric, and Other Techniques
2003rast.conf    Recent Advances in Space Technologies    Recent Developments and Recent Applications in Statistics and Astrophysics
1982rdea.conf    Recent Developments in Electron-Atom and Electron-Molecule Collision    Recent Developments in General Relativity
2000rdgr.conf    Recent Developments in General Relativity
2002rdgr.conf    Recent Developments in General Relativity
1990rdg..conf    Recent Developments in Gravitation
1992rdg..conf    Recent Developments in Gravitation
2008AIPC..977    Recent Developments in Gravitation and Cosmology
1996rdgm.conf    Recent Developments in Gravitation and Mathematical Physics
2006rdgp.conf    Recent Developments in Gravitational Physics
1966rdpp.conf    Recent Developments in Particle Physics
2001rdpp.conf    Recent Developments in Particle Physics and Cosmology
2008AIPC..979    Recent Developments in Physical Chemistry    Recent Developments in Theoretical and Experimental General Relativity, Gravitation, and Relativistic Field Theories
1989rdmc.conf    Recent Developments of Magellanic Cloud Research
2006AIPC..825    Recent Geodynamics, Georisk and Sustainable Development in the Black Sea to Caspian Sea Region
2001IAUS..203    Recent Insights into the Physics of the Sun and Heliosphere: Highlights from SOHO and Other Space Missions
2006rpmb.conf    Recent Progress in Many-Body Theories (12th)
2006rpmt.conf    Recent Progress in Many-Body Theories (13th)
    RRDAP        Recent Research Development in Applied Physics
    RRDBC        Recent Research Development in Biophysical Chemistry
    RRDBB        Recent Research Development in Biophysics and Biochemistry
    RRDCP        Recent Research Development in Chemical Physics
    RRDPC        Recent Research Development in Physical Chemistry
    RRDP.        Recent Research Development in Physics
    RRDPF        Recent Research Development in Physics of Fluids
    RRDSP        Recent Research Development in Statistical Physics
1977moff.symp    Recent Results in Infrared Astrophysics
1985cava.rept    Recent Results on Cataclysmic Variables
1985ESASP.236    Recent Results on Cataclysmic Variables. The Importance of IUE and Exosat Results on Cataclysmic Variables and Low-Mass X-Ray Binaries
1983rrsb.conf    Recent Results on Solid Body Magnetic Fields in the Solar System
1988rttp.conf    Recent Topics in Theoretical Physics
    ReAeB        La Recherche Aerospatiale Bimonthly Bulletin ESA
1977reas.conf    La Recherche en Astrophysique
    ReAA.        Recherches Aeronautiques et Aerospatiales
    RAOU.        Recherches Astronomiques de l'Observatoire d'Utrecht
1977NASSP.421    Recognition of compact astrophysical objects
1977rcao.conf    Recognition of Compact Astrophysical Objects
1989ESASP.285    Reconnection in Space Plasma
1989rsp..conf    Reconnection in Space Plasma
1993ESASP.285    Reconnection in Space Plasma
1988rspm.conf    Records in Stone. Papers in Memory of Alexander Thom
2006GMS...167    Recurrent Magnetic Storms: Corotating Solar Wind
2004IAUS..217    Recycling Intergalactic and Interstellar Matter
1973rgs..conf    Red Giant Stars
1977rseu.conf    Redshifts and the Expansion of the Universe
2005ESASP.601    Reducing the Costs of Spacecraft Ground Systems and Operations (RCSGSO)
1989ASSL..154    Reference Frames
2001rfg..conf    Reference Frames and Gravitomagnetism
1989rfag.conf    Reference Frames in Astronomy and Geophysics
1979IAUS...89    Refractional Influences in Astrometry and Geodesy
1982rova.conf    Refraktsiya Opt. Voln v Atmos.
1982ASSL...93    Regions of Recent Star Formation
1979rhrm.conf    Regolith from the Highland Region of the Moon
1981ASSL...84    Relation Between Laboratory and Space Plasmas
1984rbcc.conf    Relations Between Chromospheric-Coronal Heating and Mass Loss in Stars
1985rbcc.conf    Relations between Chromospheric-Coronal Heating and Mass Loss in Stars
1992ASPC...31    Relationships Between Active Galactic Nuclei and Starburst Galaxies
1984rcch.conf    Relative Chromoshperic Coronal Heat and Mass Loss in Stars
1985rsc..conf    Relative Supersymmetry and Cosmology
1988reas.conf    Relativistic Astrophysics
1997reas.conf    Relativistic Astrophysics
1998reas.conf    Relativistic Astrophysics
2008AIPC..966    Relativistic Astrophysics
1984rac..conf    Relativistic Astrophysics and Cosmology
1992rac..conf    Relativistic Astrophysics and Cosmology
1997raco.conf    Relativistic Astrophysics and Cosmology
2004rac..conf    Relativistic Astrophysics and Cosmology
2008ralc.conf    Relativistic Astrophysics Legacy and Cosmology - Einstein's
1994reco.conf    Relativistic Cosmology
1988reg..conf    Relativistic Effects in Geodesy
1997rggr.conf    Relativistic Gravitation and Gravitational Radiation
1989rges.rept    Relativistic Gravitational Experiments in Space
2006AIPC..856    Relativistic Jets: The Common Physics of AGN, Microquasars, and Gamma-Ray Bursts
1997rja..proc    Relativistic Jets in AGNs
1983rocb.conf    Relativistic Objects in Close Binary Systems
1968repl.conf    Relativistic Plasmas
1994rgog.conf    Relativité Générale et Ondes Gravitationnelles
1970rela.conf    Relativity
1971regr.conf    Relativity and Gravitation
1975regr.conf    Relativity and Gravitation
1982regr.conf    Relativity and Gravitation
1991regr.conf    Relativity and Gravitation
1991rgcq.conf    Relativity and Gravitation: Classical and Quantum. SILARG VII
1999rgg..conf    Relativity and Gravitation in General
1988regr.conf    Relativity and Gravitation, SILARG VI
1996rscc.conf    Relativity and Scientific Computing. Computer Algebra, Numerics, Visualization
1973ASSL...38    Relativity, Astrophysics and Cosmology
1983rctm.proc    Relativity, Cosmology, Topological Mass and Supergravity; SILARG IV
2004rgc..conf    Relativity, Gravitation, Cosmology
1986rcma.conf    Relativity in Celestial Mechanics and Astrometry
1986IAUS..114    Relativity in Celestial Mechanics and Astrometry.  High Precision Dynamical Theories and Observational Verifications
1994rege.conf    Relativity in General
1999rppc.conf    Relativity, Particle Physics and Cosmology
1979rela.conf    Relativity, Quanta and Cosmology in the Development of the Scientific Thought of Albert Einstein    Relativity Theory and Astrophysics. Vol.1: Relativity and Cosmology    Relativity Theory and Astrophysics. Vol.2: Galactic Structure    Relativity Theory and Astrophysics. Vol.3: Stellar Structure
1980rla..conf    Reminiscences of Los Alamos, 1943-1945
1998ESASP.423    Remote Sensing Methodology for Earth Observation and Planetary Exploration
1972NASSP.294    Remote Sensing of the Chesapeake Bay
1996ESASP.391    Remote Sensing of the Polar Environments
1969rse..conf    Remote Sensing of Environment, VI
1972rse..conf    Remote Sensing of Environment, VIII
2002ESASP.527    Remote Sensing of Solar-Induced Vegetation
1979rsas.conf    Remote Sounding of the Atmosphere from Space
1993rgrc.conf    The Renaissance of General Relativity and Cosmology
2007AIPC..900    Renal Stone Disease
1997rpva.conf    Rencontre de Physiqe de la Vallée d'Aoste    Rendiconti della Scuola Internazionale Di Fisica
2007AIPC..941    Renewable Energy for Sustainable Development in the Asia Pacific Region
    Renor        Renormalization
    RISRJ        Report Ionosphere Space Research Japan
    HarOR        Report of the Committee of the Overseers of Harvard College appointed to visit the Observatory    Report of the Florida Space Research and Development Workshop
    RNAOJ        Report of the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
1965eqae.conf    Report on Equatorial Aeronomy
    itab.rept    Report on Instrumental and Theoretical Astrophysics
    YalRY        Reports for the year presented by the Board of Managers of the Observatory of Yale University to the President and Fellows
1987NYASA.491    Reports from the Moscow Refusnik Seminar
    ROLun        Reports of the Lund Observatory
1976rapp.rept    Reports of Accomplishments of Planetology Programs, 1975-1976.
1974rnuo.conf    Reports of New Ultraviolet Observations
1983royc.conf    Reports on Observations made in Yunnan, China on the Total Solar Eclipse of February 16, 1980
    BeiRe        Reprints Beijing Astronomical Observatory Academia Sinica
    ROCi.        Republic Observatory Johannesburg Circular
    ChPAS        Republic of China National Science Council Proceedings Applied Sciences
1975rgcr.conf    Res. Goals Cosmic-Ray Astrophys. in the 1980's
1992ASPC...33    Research Amateur Astronomy
1999raav.conf    Research Amateur Astronomy in the VLT Era
1990rete.conf    Research and Technology
1965rffd.conf    Research Frontiers in Fluid Dynamics
1975rgcr.rept    Research Goals for Cosmic-Ray Astrophysics in the 1980's
1964rege....1    Research in Geophysics, Volume 1: Sun, Upper Atmosphere, and Space
1964rege....2    Research in Geophysics, Volume 2: Solid Earth and Interface Phenomena
    ReNEv        Research in Nondestructive Evaluation    Research in Particle-Astrophysics
1969rpc..conf    Research in Physics and Chemistry
1987rtis.conf    Research in Terrestrial Impact Structures
    RLEMR        Research Laboratory Engineering Materials Report
    RLPME        Research Laboratory Precision Machinery Electronics Bulletin
    RNOST        Research News & Opportunities in Science and Theology    Research of the Sun and Stars
1974rpnl.conf    Research Programmes for the New Large Telescopes
    RRP..        Research Reports in Physics
    RTP..        Research Trends in Physics
1976rbal.symp    Research Utilizing Balloons
1980rha..conf    Researches in the History of Astronomy
1981rsp..conf    Researches on Stellar Physics,
1984ris..conf    Resonance Ionization Spectroscopy 1984
1968rla..conf    Resonance Lines in Astrophysics
1985rmps.conf    Resonances in the Motion of Planets, Satellites and Asteroids
1991rnes.nasa    Resources of Near-Earth Space    Resources of near-earth space
2001ruag.conf    The Restless Universe
1991rhis.conf    The Restoration of HST Images and Spectra
1994rhis.conf    The Restoration of HST Images and Spectra - II
    RNAO.        Resultados del Observatorio Nacional Argentino
    ROCor        Resultados del Observatorio Nacional Argentino en Cordoba    Results and Methods for Studies of Interstellar Matter and Be Stars
1987rppp.conf    Results and Perspectives in Particle Physics
1994rppp.conf    Results and Perspectives in Particle Physics
1992rrgo.conf    Results from ROSAT and GRO and Other Recent High Energy Astrophysics Missions
1985rapr.conf    Results of the ARCAD 3 Project and of the Recent Programmes in Magnetospheric and Ionospheric Physics,
1998ESASP.441    Retrieval of Bio- and Geo-Physical Parameters from SAR Data for Land Applications
2002ESASP.475    Retrieval of Bio- and Geo-Physical Parameters from SAR Data for Land Applications
1979rarl.conf    Reunion Astronomica Regional Latinoamericana
2006ASPC..356    Revealing the Molecular Universe: One Antenna is Never Enough    Revealing the Universe: Prediction and Proof in Astronomy
1994ASPC...69    Reverberation Mapping of the Broad-Line Region in Active Galactic Nuclei
1993fpai.conf    Review of Fundamental Processes and Applications of Atoms and Ions
2003AIPC..657    Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation
2007AIPC..894    Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation
2008AIPC..975    Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation
2004AIPC..700    Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation, Volume 23
2005AIPC..760    Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation: Volume 24
2006AIPC..820    Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation Volume 25
    RvAqS        Reviews in Aquatic Sciences
1986RvPP...10    Reviews of Plasma Physics, Volume 10
1986RvPP...11    Reviews of Plasma Physics, Volume 11.
1970RvPP....5    Reviews of Plasma Physics, Volume 5
1975RvPP....6    Reviews of Plasma Physics, Volume 6
1979RvPP....7    Reviews of Plasma Physics, Volume 7
1980RvPP....8    Reviews of Plasma Physics, Volume 8
1986RvPP....9    Reviews of Plasma Physics, Volume 9
    RvA..        Revista Astronomica Organo de la Asociacion Argengina Amigos de la Astronomia Buenos Aires
    RBrFi        Revista Brasileira de Fisica
    RvCF.        Revista Colombiana de Fisica
    IORP.        Revista do observatorio : publicacao mensal do Imperial Observatorio do Rio de Janeiro
    RMxAC        Revista Mexicana de Astronomia y Astrofisica Conference Series
    RMxAA...3    Revista Mexicana de Astronomia y Astrofisica, vol.  3
    RMxAA...6    Revista Mexicana de Astronomia y Astrofisica, vol.  6
    RMxAA...7    Revista Mexicana de Astronomia y Astrofisica, vol.  7
    RMxAA..10    Revista Mexicana de Astronomia y Astrofisica, vol. 10
    RMxAA..12    Revista Mexicana de Astronomia y Astrofisica, vol. 12
    RMxAA..14    Revista Mexicana de Astronomia y Astrofisica, vol. 14
    RMxAA..18    Revista Mexicana de Astronomia y Astrofisica, vol. 18
    RMxAA..19    Revista Mexicana de Astronomia y Astrofisica, vol. 19
    RMxAA..21    Revista Mexicana de Astronomia y Astrofisica, vol. 21
    RMxAA..23    Revista Mexicana de Astronomia y Astrofisica, vol. 23
    RMxAA..26    Revista Mexicana de Astronomia y Astrofisica, vol. 26
    RMxAA..29    Revista Mexicana de Astronomia y Astrofisica, vol. 29
    RvMad        Revista Real Acad. Ciencias Exact. Fis. Nat. Madrid
    RTrTe        Revista Transporturilor si Telecomunicatiilor
    RvFEQ        Revue Francaise de l'Electricite Quarter
    RFrMQ        Revue Francaise de Mecanique Quarter
    RRMPA        Revue Roumaine de Mathematiques Pures et Appliquees
    RNISZ        Rezul taty Nabliudenii Iskusstvennykh Sputnikov Zemli
    RWTHA        Rheinisch Westfaelische Technische Hochschule Aerodynamisches Institut Abhandlungen
2004rcfg.proc    The Riddle of Cooling Flows in Galaxies and Clusters of galaxies
    RIzZi        Riga Izdatel Zinatne
1974risa.nasa    The Rings of Saturn
    Rise.        Rise hvezd Popularne vedecky astronomicky casopis Praha
1997AIPC..385    Robotic Exploration Close to the Sun: Scientific Basis    Robotic Observatories
1995ASPC...79    Robotic Telescopes.  Current Capabilities, Present Developments, and Future Prospects for Automated Astronomy
1992ASPC...34    Robotic Telescopes in the 1990s
1994rce..conf    Robotics for Challenging Environments
1996rce..conf    Robotics for Challenging Environments
1981rnmf.conf    Rôle des Nuages Moléculaires Dans la Formation des Étoiles
1963rsm..conf    Rocket and Satellite Meteorology
1954reua.conf    Rocket Exploration of the Upper Atmosphere
1961roas.conf    Rockets and Astronautics
1962roas.conf    Rockets and Astronautics
1980raok.rept    Rocznie Astronomiczny Observatory Krakowskiego
    Roczn        Rocznik Astronomiczny Observatorjum Krakowskiego Krakow
1981raok.conf    Rocznik Astronomiczny Obserwatorium Krakowskiego 1982
1983raok.conf    Rocznik Astronomiczny Obserwatorium Krakowskiego 1984
1984raok.conf    Rocznik Astronomiczny Obserwatorium Krakowskiego 1985
1985raok.conf    Rocznik Astronomiczny Obserwatorium Krakowskiego 1986
1986raok.conf    Rocznik Astronomiczny Obserwatorium Krakowskiego 1987
1987raok.conf    Rocznik Astronomiczny Obserwatorium Krakowskiego 1988
1996rftu.proc    Roentgenstrahlung from the Universe
1996rdfs.conf    The Role of Dust in the Formation of Stars
1987rfsm.conf    The Role of Fine-Scale Magnetic Fields on the Structure of the Solar Atmosphere
1975NYASA.257    Role of Magnetic Fields in Physics and Astrophysics
1992rmkt.conf    The Role of Miklos Konkoly Thege in the History of Astronomy in Hungary
2001rnsg.conf    The Role of Neutrinos, Strings, Gravity, and Variable Cosmological Constant in Elementary Particle Physics
1972rsta.conf    The Role of Schmidt Telescopes in Astronomy
1978rscc.conf    The Role of Star Clusters in Cosmogony and in the Study of Galactic Structure
2000rvra.conf    The Role of Visual Representations in Astronomy,
2004rvaa.conf    The Role of VLBI in Astrophysics, Astrometry and Geodesy
1981rome.iafc    Rome International Astronautical Federation Congress
2000arxt.conf    Rossi2000: Astrophysics with the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer
    RoIE.        Rossiiskaia Akademiia Nauk Izvestiia Energetika
    RoIMZ        Rossiiskaia Akademiia Nauk Izvestiia Mekhanika Zhidkosti i Gaza
    RoISF        Rossiiskaia Akademiia Nauk Izvestiia Seriia Fizicheskaia
    RoDok        Rossijskaya Akademiya Nauk Doklady
    RoIMT        Rossijskaya Akademiya Nauk Izvestiya Mekhanika Tverdogo Tela
    IzRos        Rossijskaya Akademiya Nauk Izvestiya Seriya Fizicheskaya
    RWPWZ        Rostock Wilhelm Pieck Universitaet Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift Mathematisch Naturwissenschaftliche Reihe
1972IAUS...48    Rotation of the Earth
1959IAUS...11    The Rotation of the Earth and Atomic Time Standards
1969redt.conf    Rotation of the Earth and Determination of Time
1983reg..conf    Rotation of the Earth and Geodynamics
1974NASSP.352    Rotorcraft Dynamics
    PVSS.        Royal Astronomical Society of New Zealand Publications of Variable Star Section
    VSSCi        Royal Astronomical Society of New Zealand Variable Star Section Circulars
    VSSRe        Royal Astronomical Society of New Zealand Variable Star Section Reprints
    VSSSC        Royal Astronomical Society of New Zealand Variable Star Section Special Circulars
    RGOB.        Royal Greenwich Observatory Bulletin
    RGOO.        Royal Greenwich Observatory Observations
    ROAn.        Royal Observatory Annals
    CapMi        Royal Observatory Cape Mimeogram
    roe..rept    Royal Observatory, Edinburgh Report
    CoRSE        Royal Society Edinburgh Communications Physical Sciences
    RSEPS        Royal Society of Edinburgh Proceedings Section
    RoIn.        Rozprawy Inzynierskie
    RoIET        Rozprawy Inzynierskie Engineering Transactions
2004rpao.conf    The r-Process: The Astrophysical Origin of the Heavy Elements and Related Rare Isotope Accelerator Physics
1987rorn.conf    RS Ophiuchi (1985) and the Recurrent Nova Phenomenon
2002rict.conf    Russian Information, Computing and Telecommunication Resources for Supporting Basic Research
1983rsam.conf    Rydberg States of Atoms and Molecules
1971tdas.conf    Saas-Fee Advanced Course 1: Theorie des Atmospheres Stellaires
1980stfo.conf    Saas-Fee Advanced Course 10: Star Formation
1981aoa..conf    Saas-Fee Advanced Course 11: Activity and Outer Atmosphere of the Sun and Stars
1982modg.proc    Saas-Fee Advanced Course 12: Morphology and Dynamics of Galaxies
1983apum.conf    Saas-Fee Advanced Course 13: Astrophysical Processes in Upper Main Sequence Stars
1984plan.conf    Saas-Fee Advanced Course 14: Planets
1985hria.conf    Saas-Fee Advanced Course 15: High Resolution in Astronomy
1986nce..conf    Saas-Fee Advanced Course 16: Nucleosynthesis and Chemical Evolution
1988rmgm.conf    Saas-Fee Advanced Course 18: Radiation in Moving Gaseous Media
1972ismt.conf    Saas-Fee Advanced Course 2: Interstellar Matter
1992gim..conf    Saas-Fee Advanced Course 21: The Galactic Interstellar Medium
1994inbi.conf    Saas-Fee Advanced Course 22: Interacting Binaries
1995deun.conf    Saas-Fee Advanced Course 23: The Deep Universe
1994plas.conf    Saas-Fee Advanced Course 24: Plasma Astrophysics
1995stre.conf    Saas-Fee Advanced Course 25: Stellar Remnants
1998giis.conf    Saas-Fee Advanced Course 26: Galaxies: Interactions and Induced Star Formation
1998cmaf.conf    Saas-Fee Advanced Course 27: Computational Methods for Astrophysical Fluid Flow.
2001stcl.conf    Saas-Fee Advanced Course 28: Star Clusters
1973dses.conf    Saas-Fee Advanced Course 3: Dynamical Structure and Evolution of Stellar Systems
2005hesa.conf    Saas-Fee Advanced Course 30: High-energy spectroscopic astrophysics
2006expl.conf    Saas-Fee Advanced Course 31: Extrasolar planets
2006glsw.conf    Saas-Fee Advanced Course 33: Gravitational Lensing: Strong, Weak and Micro
2005ssac.conf    Saas-Fee Advanced Course 34: The Sun, Solar Analogs and the Climate    Saas-Fee Advanced Course 35: Trans-Neptunian Objects and Comets    Saas-Fee Advanced Course 36: Cold Aqueous Planetary Geochemistry with FREZCHEM
1974magn.conf    Saas-Fee Advanced Course 4: Magnetohydrodynamics
1975ampa.conf    Saas-Fee Advanced Course 5: Atomic and Molecular Processes in Interstellar Clouds
1976gala.conf    Saas-Fee Advanced Course 6: Galaxies
1977asse.conf    Saas-Fee Advanced Course 7: Advanced Stages in Stellar Evolution    Saas-Fee Advanced Course 8: Observational Cosmology Advanced Course
1979ehea.conf    Saas-Fee Advanced Course 9: Extragalactic High Energy Astrophysics
    Sadha        Sadhana
    STVF.        Samoletostroenie Tekhnika Vozdushnogo Flota
1999srms.conf    Sample Return Missions to Small Bodies
    UISTS        San Diego CA Univelt Inc Science Technology Series
1991sdum.nasa    Sand and Dust on Mars
    MaMeA        Sankt Peterburgskii Universitet Vestnik Seriia Matematika Mekhanika Astronomiia
1982mvla.rept    SAO Catalog of Meteorites from Victoria Land, Antarctica
1994spub.rept    Sao Paulo Univ. Brazil Conference Paper
    SAOSR        SAO Special Report
2000ESASP.450    SAR workshop : CEOS Committee on Earth Observation Satellites
2003ESASP.526    SAR Workshop on Calibration / Validation    SARG at TNG: Prespectives for the Year 2000
1967srmc.conf    Satellite and Rocket Measurements of Corpuscular Radiation from OUter Space
1977sdp..conf    Satellite Doppler positioning
1970ASSL...19    Satellite Observations
1981spod.conf    Satellite Perturbations and Orbital Determination
1979ESASP.102    Satellite Remote Sensing Applications in Agroclimatology and Agrometeorology
1997ESASP1198    Satellite-Ground Based Coordination Sourcebook
1986sate.conf    Satellites
2004ASPC..327    Satellites and Tidal Streams
1982stjp.conf    Satellites of Jupiter
1978sama.conf    The Satellites of Mars    Saturn
1978satn.nasa    The Saturn System
1974NASSP.343    The Saturn's Rings Workshop
1975snms.conf    Sb. Nauch.-Metod. Statej po Teor. Mekh
    SBARM        SBARMO Bulletin
2008AIPC.1030    SCADRON70: Workshop on Scalar Mesons and Related Topics
2003AIPC..688    Scalar Mesons: An Interesting Puzzle for QCD
1997sib..conf    Scale Invariance and Beyond
    SUVSR        Scandinavian Union of Amateur Astronomers Variable Star Section
2003AIPC..696    Scanning Tunneling Microscopy/Spectroscopy and Related Techniques
1965spla.conf    Scattering and Polarization of Light in the Atmosphere    Scattering from Model Nonspherical Particles, Physics of Earth and Space Environments
1972slea.conf    Scattering of Light in the Earth's Atmosphere
1974stmp.conf    Scattering Theory in Mathematical Physics    Scattering Theory: New Methods and Problems in Atomic, Nuclear, and Particle Physics
    SRToh        Sci. Rep. Tohoku Univ. Eighth Ser.
2001shem.conf    Science and the Human Explorations of Mars
    SCSA.        Science and Culture Series: Astrophysics
    SCSP.        Science and Culture Series: Physics
1997scst.conf    Science and Stonehenge
    saic.rept    Science Applications International Corp. Report
    SCSMP        Science China Series Mathematics Physics Astronomy Technological Sciences
2002seip.conf    Science Education in Partnership    Science in Space
    SISN.        Science Information Systems Newsletter
    SciN.        Science News
2005AIPC..776    Science of Complex Networks: From Biology to the Internet and WWW; CNET 2004
2002AIPC..634    Science of Superstrong Field Interactions
2007AIPC..943    The Science Opportunities of the Warm Spitzer Mission Workshop
2007spts.conf    Science Perspectives for 3D Spectroscopy
    ScPr.        Science Progress
2001ASPC..235    Science with the Atacama Large Millimeter Array
1999alma.conf    Science with the Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA)
1992swhs.conf    Science with the Hubble Space Telescope
1996swhs.conf    Science with the Hubble Space Telescope - II    Science with the Large Binocular Telescope
2007sngh.conf    Science with the New Generation of High Energy Gamma-Ray Experiments
2003sngh.conf    Science with the New Generation of High Energy Gamma-Ray Experiments : Between Astrophysics and Astroparticle Physics
1998ASPC..133    Science With The NGST
1998salt.conf    Science with the Southern African Large Telescope
2002swsi.conf    Science with the Space Interferometry Mission
1999sska.conf    Science with the Square Kilometer Array : a Next Generation World Radio Observatory
1995svlt.conf    Science with the VLT    Science with the VLT Interferometer
1995svlp.conf    Science with the VLT Poster Paper Supplement
2005sao..conf    Science with Adaptive Optics    Science with Gemini: a South American perspective
1994shsr.conf    Science with High Spatial Resolution Far-Infrared Data
1996slma.conf    Science with Large Millimetre Arrays
1995seft.conf    Scientific and Engineering Frontiers for 8 - 10 m Telescopes
1981giot.proc    Scientific and Experimental Aspects of the Giotto Mission
1977ASSL...62    Scientific Applications of Lunar Laser Ranging
1970sarr.conf    Scientific Applications of Radio and Radar Tracking in the Space Program
1982ESASP.177    The Scientific Aspects of the Hipparcos Space Astrometry Mission
1989saso.rept    Scientific Assessment of Stratospheric Ozone: 1989.  Volume II: Appendix
1979scba.conf    Scientific Ballooning
1981scba.conf    Scientific Ballooning-II
1983ebro.conf    Scientific Contributions in Commemoration of Ebro Observatory's 75th Anniversary
2004ASSL..300    Scientific Detectors for Astronomy, The Beginning of a New Era
2006sda..conf    Scientific Detectors for Astronomy 2005
2002sdef.conf    Scientific Drivers for ESO Future VLT/VLTI Instrumentation
1965sfe..conf    Scientific Findings from Explorer VI
2003ASPC..294    Scientific Frontiers in Research on Extrasolar Planets
1978shdz.conf    Scientific Heritage and Development of K. E. Ziolkovskij's Ideas
1998ASPC..143    The Scientific Impact of the Goddard High Resolution Spectrograph
1981siha.conf    Scientific Importance of High Angular Resolution at Infrared and Optical Wavelengths
1982ESASP.189    Scientific Importance of Submillimetre Observations
1976skls.conf    Scientific investigations on the Skylab Satellite
2006slbo.conf    The Scientific Legacy of Beppo Occhialini    The Scientific Legacy of Fred Hoyle
2001spuv.conf    Scientific Prospects of the Space Ultraviolet Observatory SPECTRUM-UV
2006IAUS..232    The Scientific Requirements for Extremely Large Telescopes
1993spsm.rept    Scientific Requirements for Future Solar-Physics Space Missions
1979srst.nasa    Scientific Research with the Space Telescope
1972NASSP.310    Scientific results from the orbiting astronomical observatory (OAO-2)
1975ASSL...57    The Scientific Satellite Programme during the International Magnetospheric Study    Scientific Seminar on the Theory and Practice of Magnetographic Observations of the Sun, Irkutsk
1958sues.conf    Scientific Uses of Earth Satellites
1973swc..conf    The Scientific World of Copernicus    Scientists Confront Velikovsky
1967ssgr.conf    Scintillation Spectroscopy of Gamma Radiation
1997ASSL..225    SCORe'96 : Solar Convection and Oscillations and their Relationship
    SFSN.        Scripta Faculty Science Nat. Ujep Brunensis Physica
1970sccl.rept    A Search for Carbon and its Compounds in Lunar Samples from Mare Tranquillitatis
1977seti.conf    The search for extraterrestrial intelligence
1985IAUS..112    The Search for Extraterrestrial Life: Recent Developments
2004AIPC..713    The Search for Other Worlds    Search of Gravitational Waves
1999heds.conf    Second Annual HEDS-UP Forum
1984aprm.conf    Second Asian-Pacific Regional Meeting on Astronomy
1981csss....2    Second Cambridge Workshop on Cool Stars, Stellar Systems, and the Sun
2004emge.conf    Second Conference on Early Mars:  Geologic, Hydrologic, and Climatic Evolution and the Implications for Life
1972NASSP.302    Second Conference on Portable Life Support Systems
1971trth.conf    Second Conference on Transport Theory
1998grwa.conf    Second Edoardo Amaldi Conference on Gravitational Wave Experiments
1997ESASP.393    Second European Conference on Space Debris
1989ESASP.297    Second European In-Orbit Operations Technology Symposium
1997siad.conf    Second International A.D. Sahkarov Conference on Physics
2000mpse.conf    Second International Conference on Mars Polar Science and Exploration
1997sicp.conf    Second International Conference on Physics
1990smfs.nasa    Second Meeting of Finnish Space Researchers
2004ESASP.582    Second MSG RAO Workshop
2001cnoc.conf    The Second National Conference on Astrophysics of Compact Objects
1993rdmw.conf    Second Northeast-Asian Regional Meeting (NARM '92)
1995pcc..conf    Second Paris Cosmology Colloquium
2000ssba.conf    the Second Serbian-Bulgarian Astronomical Meeting
1994assa.symp    Second Symposium of the Astronomical Society of Southern Africa    Second Workshop on ESO's Very Large Telescope    Second Workshop on Improvements to Photometry    Second Workshop on Spacecraft Glow
1988ssgv.conf    Secular Solar and Geomagnetic Variations in the Last 10,000 Years,
    Sedim        Sedimentology
1974scpr.conf    Sed'mykh Chtenij, Posvyashch. Razrabotke Nauch. Naslediya i Razvitiyu Idej K. Eh. Tsiolkovskogo
1970sbv..conf    Seeing Beyond the Visible
2002ASPC..276    Seeing Through the Dust: The Detection of HI and the Exploration of the ISM in Galaxies
    BSSA.        Seismological Society America Bulletin
1986ssds.conf    Seismology of the Sun and the Distant Stars
1988ESASP.286    Seismology of the Sun and Sun-Like Stars    Selected Papers on Instrumentation in Astronomy    Selected Papers on Noctilucent Clouds
1995fthi.conf    Selected Topics in Field Theory, High Energy and Astroparticle Physics
1973stpa.conf    Selected Topics in Physics, Astrophysics, and Biophysics
    STSSP        Selected Topics in Solid State Physics
1987daa..conf    Selected Topics on Data Analysis in Astronomy
1970sese.conf    Semiconductors and Semimetals
    TrKra        Seminar Kraevym Zadacham Trudy    Seminar of Celestial Mechanics and Space Research
    GEOCS        Semi-Regular Variables
    SenAR        Sendai Astronomiaj Raportoj
    SPTS.        Sensor Physics and Technology Series
1991sssa....2    Sensor Systems for Space Astrophysics in the 21st Century, Volume 2
    SAERI        Seoul Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute
    SanS.        Separata Universidad de Chile Departamento de Astronomia Santiago
1983sdra.conf    Serendipitous Discoveries in Radio Astronomy
1984sdra.conf    Serendipitous Discoveries in Radio Astronomy
1972snsk.conf    Sessii Nauch. Soveta po Kompleks. Probl. "Radioastronomiya"
1995NYASA.759    Seventeeth Texas Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics and Cosmology
1972NASSP.281    Seventh Annual Conference on Manual Control
2001tab..conf    Seventh Centenary of the Teaching of Astronomy in Bologna
1994emsp.conf    Seventh European Meeting on Solar Physics
2007ASPC..362    The Seventh Pacific Rim Conference on Stellar Astrophysics
1976NYASA.262    Seventh Texas Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics
2001sf2a.conf    SF2A-2001: Semaine de l'Astrophysique Francaise
2002sf2a.conf    SF2A-2002: Semaine de l'Astrophysique Francaise
2003sf2a.conf    SF2A-2003: Semaine de l'Astrophysique Francaise
2004sf2a.conf    SF2A-2004: Semaine de l'Astrophysique Francaise
2005sf2a.conf    SF2A-2005: Semaine de l'Astrophysique Francaise
2006sf2a.conf    SF2A-2006: Semaine de l'Astrophysique Francaise
2003cdsf.conf    SFChem 2002: Chemistry as a Diagnostic of Star Formation
1996sgte.conf    The SGTE Casebook: Thermodynamics at Work
    AnShO        Shanghai Observatory Annals
1981ssa..conf    Shanghai Symposium on Astrometry
1980ssa..conf    Shanghai Symposium on Astronomy
2002sgdh.conf    The Shapes of Galaxies and their Dark
2007AIPC..904    Shapes of Hadrons
2001ESASP.492    Sheffield Space Plasma Meeting: Multipoint Measurements versus Theory
1985shis.conf    Shelter Island Conference on Quantum Field Theory and the Fundamental Problems of Physics    SHIRSOG Workshop on Prospects for a New Synoptic High Resolution Spectroscopic Observing Facility
2002AIPC..620    Shock Compression of Condensed Matter
2006AIPC..845    Shock Compression of Condensed Matter
2007AIPC..955    Shock Compression of Condensed Matter
    SVD..        Shock Vibration Digest
    SVICB        Shock Vibration Information Center Shock Vibration Bulletin
    SVICP        Shock Vibration Information Center Shock Vibration Computer Programs
    SVICD        Shock Vibration Information Center Shock Vibration Digest
    SVICI        Shock Vibration Information Center Shock Vibration Inform Digest
1992shwa....1    Shock Waves, Volume 1
2003AIPC..672    Short Distance Behavior of Fundamental Interactions
2007sgrb.conf    Short Gamma-ray Bursts
1979snsa.conf    Shuttle to the Next Space Age    Shuttle-Based Cometary Science Workshop
    SIAMR        SIAM Review
    SiFTZ        Sibirskii Fiziko Tekhnicheskii Zhurnal
    SIDPQ        SID Proceedings Quarter
    SiFoE        Siemens Forschungs und Entwicklungsberichte
1975sast.nasa    Significant Accomplishments in Science and Technology
1972NASSP.312    Significant Accomplishments in Sciences
1973sas..conf    Significant Accomplishments in Sciences
1972sat..conf    Significant Accomplishments in Technology
1973NASSP.326    Significant Accomplishments in Technology
1982regr.symp    Silarg-III: Relativity and Gravity
1982sham.conf    Simposio De Historia De La Astronomia en Mexico
1977sfg..conf    Simpoz. po Fiz. Geomagnitosfery
2007AIPC..927    Single Crystal - Large Grain Niobium Technology
2002ASPC..278    Single-Dish Radio Astronomy: Techniques and Applications
2007ASPC..365    SINS - Small Ionized and Neutral Structures in the Diffuse Interstellar Medium
1978sbc..conf    Sistemas Binários Cerrados (Close Binary Systems)
1981suie.conf    Sistemy Upr. i Ikh Ehlementy    Site Testing for Future Large Telescopes
    Situ.        Situ
1997sua..conf    The Sixth Alumni Conference of the International Space University
1997ESASP.400    Sixth European Symposium on Space Environmental Control Systems
2007AIPC..899    Sixth International Conference of the Balkan Physical Union
2003mars.conf    Sixth International Conference on Mars
1987sowi.conf    Sixth International Solar Wind Conference
1973NYASA.224    Sixth Texas Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics
1971wssp.conf    Sixth Winter School on Space Physics
1971sp1..conf    Sixth Winter School on Space Physics, Part I
1971sp2..conf    Sixth Winter School on Space Physics, Part II
1986grun.conf    Sixth Workshop on Grand Unification
    SkInq        Skeptical Inquirer
    S&T..        Sky and Telescope
1992sml..conf    The Sky in Mayan Literature
    SkyN.        Sky News
1993ASPC...43    Sky Surveys. Protostars to Protogalaxies
1983swoj.conf    Sky with Ocean Joined
1978NASSP.399    Skylab EREP investigations summary
1977NASSP.380    Skylab Explores the Earth    Skylab Solar Workshop II
1979slas.nasa    Skylab's Astronomy and Space Science
    SlaOb        Slaboproudy Obzor
2004AIPC..708    Slow Dynamics in Complex Systems
2004srnd.conf    Slow Relaxations and Nonequilibrium Dynamics in Condensed Matter
1994smsi.conf    Small and Medium Size Italian Scientific Satellites
1996smao.conf    Small Astronomical Observatories
1993sisp.conf    Small Instruments for Space Physics
1999smea.conf    Small Missions for Energetic Astrophysics : Ultraviolet to Gamma-Ray
2004ESASP.571    Small Satellites, Systems and Services
1986ssmf.conf    Small Scale Magnetic Flux Concentrations in the Solar Photosphere
1979ssms.conf    Small Scale Motions on the Sun
1987ESASP.275    Small Scale Plasma Processes in the Solar Chromosphere/Corona, Interplanetary Medium and Planetary Magnetospheres
1977ssss.conf    The Small Scale Structure of Solar Magnetic Fields
1984ssdp.conf    Small-Scale Dynamical Processes in Quiet Stellar Atmospheres
2008AIPC.1029    Smart Devices: Modeling of Material Systems
    Smith        Smithsonian
    sao..rept    Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory Report
    SmCES        Smithsonian Contributions to the Earth Sciences
    MSAIQ        Societa Astronomica Italiana Memorie Quarter
1959sai.....1    Società Astronomica Italiana Meeting I
1968sai.....8    Società Astronomica Italiana Meeting VIII
1967sai....10    Società Astronomica Italiana Meeting X
1968sai....11    Società Astronomica Italiana Meeting XI
1969sai....12    Società Astronomica Italiana Meeting XII
1970sai....13    Società Astronomica Italiana Meeting XIII
1971sai....14    Società Astronomica Italiana Meeting XIV
1972sai....15    Società Astronomica Italiana Meeting XV
1974sai....16    Società Astronomica Italiana Meeting XVI
    SFPTB        Societe Francaise de Photogrammetrie et de Teledetection Bulletin
    SIAM.        Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics
    SPIE.        Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series
    SIBAN        Sofia Izdatel Bolgarskoi Akademii Nauk
1968sxbs.conf    Soft X-ray Band Spectra and the Electronic Structure of Metals and Materialsls
1994AIPC..313    The Soft X-ray Cosmos
2004ASSL..309    Soft X-ray Emission from Clusters of Galaxies and Related Phenomena
1983ESASP.199    Software Engineering    Software for Space Experiments
2001ESASP.464    SOHO 10/GONG 2000 Workshop: Helio- and Asteroseismology at the Dawn of the Millennium
2004ESASP.547    SOHO 13 Waves, Oscillations and Small-Scale Transients Events in the Solar Atmosphere:  Joint View from SOHO and TRACE
2004ESASP.559    SOHO 14 Helio- and Asteroseismology: Towards a Golden Future
2004ESASP.575    SOHO 15 Coronal Heating
1988sohi.rept    The SOHO Mission. Scientific and Technical Aspects of the Instruments
2006ESASP.617    SOHO-17. 10 Years of SOHO and Beyond
1999soho....9    SOHO-9 Workshop on Helioseismic Diagnostics of Solar Convection and Activity
    SSSAJ        Soil Science Society of America Journal
1994ASPC...68    Solar Active Region Evolution: Comparing Models with Observations    Solar Active Regions: A monograph from Skylab Solar Workshop III
1968soac.conf    Solar Activity    Solar Activity
1983soac.conf    Solar Activity
2006IAUS..233    Solar Activity and its Magnetic Origin
1973sari.conf    Solar Activity and Related Interplanetary and Terrestrial Phenomena    Solar Activity Effects on Earth and the Physics of Cosmic Rays
1972saop.conf    Solar Activity Observations and Predictions
1998saco.conf    Solar Analogs: Characteristics and Optimum Candidates.
1996samf.conf    Solar and Astrophysical Magnetohydrodynamic Flows
1980IAUS...91    Solar and Interplanetary Dynamics
1993spd..conf    Solar and Planetary Dynamos
1990sppp.conf    Solar and Planetary Plasma Physics
1999ASPC..158    Solar and Stellar Activity:  Similarities and Differences
1988sscd.conf    Solar and Stellar Coronal Structure and Dynamics
1989sasf.conf    Solar and Stellar Flares. Poster Papers
1983IAUS..102    Solar and Stellar Magnetic Fields: Origins and Coronal Effects
2007ASPC..370    Solar and Stellar Physics Through Eclipses
1976ssp..conf    Solar and Stellar Pulsation Conference
1979NASCP2097    Solar Cell High Efficiency and Radiation Damage
1998sce..conf    Solar Composition and Its Evolution -- From Core to Corona
1975scea.conf    The Solar Constant and the Earth's Atmosphere
1963IAUS...16    The Solar Corona
1994csc..conf    Solar Coronal Structures
1977scrg.conf    Solar Cosmic Rays: Generation and Interaction with Matter from the Source to the Earth
1992ASPC...27    The Solar Cycle
2000ESASP.463    The Solar Cycle and Terrestrial Climate, Solar and Space weather
1996ASPC...95    Solar Drivers of the Interplanetary and Terrestrial Disturbances
1994ESASP.373    Solar Dynamic Phenomena and Solar Wind Consequences, the Third SOHO Workshop
1956sei..conf    Solar Eclipses and the Ionosphere
1970sei..conf    Solar Eclipses and the Ionosphere
1992sers.conf    Solar Electromagnetic Radiation Study for Solar Cycle 22
1998sers.conf    Solar Electromagnetic Radiation Study for Solar Cycle 22
2001ESASP.493    Solar encounter. Proceedings of the First Solar Orbiter Workshop
1964sew5.conf    Solar Energy, Wind Power and Geothermal Energy, Volume 5
1964sew6.conf    Solar Energy, Wind Power and Geothermal Energy, Volume 6
1994seit.conf    The Solar Engine and its Influence on Terrestrial Atmosphere and Climate    Solar Flare Magnetohydrodynamics
1982sofl.symp    Solar Flares
1986sfcp.nasa    Solar Flares and Coronal Physics Using P/OF as a Research Tool
1969sfsr.conf    Solar Flares and Space Research
1975IAUS...68    Solar Gamma-, X-, and EUV Radiation
    sgd..rept    Solar Geophysical Data Reports
1981siwn.conf    Solar instrumentation: What's next?    Solar Interior and Atmosphere
1998ESASP.421    Solar Jets and Coronal Plumes
2006ASSL..338    Solar Journey: The Significance of our Galactic Environment for the Heliosphere and Earth
1971IAUS...43    Solar Magnetic Fields
1994smf..conf    Solar Magnetic Fields
1997smf..conf    Solar Magnetic Fields
2005ASSL..320    Solar Magnetic Phenomena    Solar Maximum Analysis
2006ASPC..354    Solar MHD Theory and Observations: A High Spatial Resolution Perspective
    smrmmrept    Solar Microwave Radiation Maps Measured at Metsaehovi Radio Research Station
1995somo.conf    Solar Modeling    Solar Neutrinos. The First Thirty Years
1985AIPC..126    Solar Neutrinos and Neutrino Astronomy    Solar Observations: Techniques and Interpretation
1977soiv.conf    The Solar Output and its Variation
1972spen.conf    Solar Partical Event of November 1969
1981spss.conf    Solar Phenomena in Stars and Stellar Systems
1975spr..conf    Solar Phenomena Research
1990IAUS..138    Solar Photosphere: Structure, Convection, and Magnetic Fields
1967sp...conf    Solar Physics
1992spai.rept    Solar Physics and Astrophysics at Interferometric Resolution
1985spit.conf    Solar Physics and Interplanetary Travelling Phenomena
1971spas.conf    Solar Physics, Atomic Spectra, and Gaseous Nebulae    Solar Physics Book
2006spnr.conf    Solar Physics with the Nobeyama Radioheliograph
2004ESASP.567    Solar Power from Space - SPS '04
1980NASCP2141    Solar Power Satellite Microwave Power Transmission and Reception
1973spo..conf    Solar Processes and their Observations
1973srmi.symp    Solar Radiation Measures and Instrumentation
1973sre..conf    Solar Radiations and the Earth
1988srov.proc    Solar Radiative Output Variation
1982srai.conf    Solar Radio Astronomy, Interplanetary Scintillations and Coordination with Spacecraft    Solar Radio Storms, CESRA Workshop #4
1985srph.conf    Solar Radiophysics    Solar Radiophysics: Studies of Emission from the Sun at Metre Wavelengths
1994soro.conf    Solar Rotation
1962sose.conf    Solar Seeing
1984sses.nasa    Solar Seismology from Space
1965ASSL....1    The Solar Spectrum    Solar Surface Magnetism    The Solar System
1981ESASP.164    Solar System and its Exploration
1998ASPC..149    Solar System Formation and Evolution
1998ASSL..227    Solar System Ices
1985ssmf.conf    Solar System Magnetic Fields
1986ssoi.conf    The Solar System. Observations and Interpretations    Solar System Plasma Physics
1989sspp.conf    Solar System Plasma Physics    Solar System Plasma Physics. Volume 2 - Magnetospheres
1982sspf.conf    Solar System Plasmas and Fields
1994ssps.conf    Solar System Plasmas in Space and Time
1965ssra.conf    Solar System Radio Astronomy    Solar System Update
2007sota.conf    The Solar Tachocline
1973str..conf    Solar Terrestrial Relations
1993sova.conf    Solar Variability
2004GMS...141    Solar Variability and its Effects on Climate. Geophysical Monograph 141
2003ESASP.535    Solar Variability as an Input to the Earth's Environment
2002ESASP.506    Solar Variability: From Core to Outer Frontiers
1966sowi.conf    The Solar Wind
1972sowi.conf    Solar Wind
2005ESASP.592    Solar Wind 11/SOHO 16, Connecting Sun and Heliosphere
1981sowi.conf    Solar Wind 4    Solar Wind and the Earth
1987swe..conf    The Solar Wind and the Earth
1976swm..conf    Solar Wind and the Magnetosphere    Solar Wind and Near-Earth Processes
    sowi.conf    Solar Wind Conference
1995sowi.conf    Solar Wind Eigt
1983sowi.conf    Solar Wind Five
1983swmg.conf    Solar Wind, Magnetosphere and Geomagnetic Field
1986ASSL..126    Solar Wind Magnetosphere Coupling
1999AIPC..481    Solar Wind Nine
1992sws..coll    Solar Wind Seven Colloquium
1994swsm.conf    Solar Wind Sources of Magnetospheric Ultra-Low-Frequency Waves
2003AIPC..679    Solar Wind Ten
1974sowi.conf    Solar Wind Three
1994swms.conf    The Solar Wind-Magnetosphere System
1989sxsr.rept    Solar X-Ray Astronomy Sounding Rocket Program
1974sar..conf    Solar-Atmospheric Relations. Results of the Experiment "Sun-Atmosphere"
1975sar..conf    Solar-Atmospherical Relations
2004ASPC..325    The Solar-B Mission and the Forefront of Solar Physics
1984sii..conf    Solar/Interplanetary Intervals
1991step.conf    Solar-Terrestrial Energy Program
1993step.conf    Solar-Terrestrial Energy Program
1994step.conf    Solar-Terrestrial Energy Program
1995step.conf    Solar-Terrestrial Energy Program
1989step.conf    Solar-Terrestrial Energy Program: Major Scientific Problems
1989sote...36    Solar-Terrestrial Events in February-March 1986
1979stiw.conf    Solar-Terrestrial Influences on Weather and Climate
2002stma.conf    Solar-Terrestrial Magnetic Activity and Space Environment
1967stp..conf    Solar-Terrestrial Physics
1983ASSL..104    Solar-Terrestrial Physics: Principles and Theoretical Foundations
1974stp.....1    Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Volume 1
1974stp.....2    Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Volume 2
1986stp..conf    Solar-Terrestrial Predictions
1993stp1.conf    Solar-Terrestrial Predictions -- IV, Volume 1
1993stp2.conf    Solar-Terrestrial Predictions -- IV, Volume 2
1993stp3.conf    Solar-Terrestrial Predictions -- IV, Volume 3
1988stre.conf    Solar-Terrestrial Relationships and the Earth Environment in the last Millennia    Solar-Terrestrial Science Strategy Workshop
1976swip.conf    Solar-Wind Interaction with the Planets Mercury, Venus, and Mars
1976swip.nasa    Solar-Wind Interaction with the Planets Mercury, Venus, and Mars
1991sed..conf    Le Soleil - une Étoile et Son Domaine
1999simi.conf    Solid Interstellar Matter: The ISO Revolution
    SMArc        Solid Mechanics Archives
1980IAUS...90    Solid Particles in the Solar System
2003ssac.proc    Solid State Astrochemistry
1975ASSL...55    Solid State Astrophysics
2007AIPC..909    Solid State Science and Technology
1991ssa..conf    Solid-State Astrophysics
1986sioq.conf    Solitons and Instantons, Operator Quantization
2002ESASP.505    SOLMAG 2002. Proceedings of the Magnetic Coupling of the Solar Atmosphere Euroconference
1977saaa.conf    Soln. Akt. Alma-Ata
1987sasz.conf    Soln. Aktiv. i Soln.-Zem. Svyazi
1975svgv.conf    Soln. Veter i Geomagn. Vozmushcheniya
1980svm..conf    Soln. Veter i Magnitosfer. Issled.
1986svop.conf    Soln. Veter i Okolozem. Protsessy
1973skli.conf    Solnechn. Kosmich. Luchi i Ikh Proniknovenie v Magnitosferu Zemli
1974sast.conf    Solnechno-Atmosf. Svyazi v Teorii Klimata i Prognozakh Pogody
1973sket.conf    Solnechno-Korpuskulyarn. Ehffektam v Troposfere i Stratosfere na XV
    BSolD        Solnechnye Dann. Bull. Akad. Nauk SSSR
1972sez..conf    Solntse, Ehlektrichestvo, Zhizn'
2001scsw.conf    SOLSPA 2001 Euroconference: Solar Cycle and Space Weather
2002ESASP.477    Solspa 2001, Proceedings of the Second Solar Cycle and Space Weather Euroconference
2004aehs.conf    Some Aspects of the Earlier History of Solar-Terrestrial Physics
1974savu.conf    Some Aspects of Vacuum Ultraviolet Radiation Physics
1960siro.conf    Some Ionospheric Results Obtained During the International Geophsysical Year
1976LNP....59    Some Methods of Resolution of Free Surface Problems
1967spph.conf    Some Problems of the Physics of High Energies and Cosmic Rays    Some Results of the Study of Cosmic Ray Variations
1980ssp..conf    Some Strangeness in the Proportion
1997stgr.proc    Some Topics on General Relativity and Gravitational Radiation
    SoKie        Sonderdrucke der Sternwarte Kiel
    SoMue        Sonderdrucke Universitaet Muenster Astronomisches Institut
    SoShe        Soobshchenie Shemakhinskoj Astrofizicheskoj Observatorii
    SoByu        Soobshcheniya Byurakanskoj Observatorii Akademiya Nauk Armyanskoj SSR Erevan
    SoSht        Soobshcheniya Gosudarstvennogo Astronomicheskogo Instituta
    SoSAO        Soobshcheniya Spetsial'noj Astrofizicheskoj Observatorii
    SMTS.        Soprotivlenie Materialov i Teoriia Sooruzhenii
1997IAUS..181    Sounding Solar and Stellar Interiors
1970said.conf    Sources and availability of IQSY data
2001sddm.symp    Sources and Detection of Dark Matter and Dark Energy in the Universe
    SSHMP        Sources and Studies in the History of Mathematics and Physical Sciences
    SHMPS        Sources in the History of Mathematics and Physical Sciences
1995sdmu.conf    Sources of Dark Matter in the Universe    Sources of Gravitational Radiation
    SAAOC        South African Astronomical Observatory Circular
    SAAOR        South African Astronomical Observatory Republic
    SouSt        Southern Stars
1976srca.conf    Southwest Regional Conference for Astronomy and Astrophysics
1980swrc.conf    Southwest Regional Conference for Astronomy and Astrophysics
1981swrc.conf    Southwest Regional Conference for Astronomy and Astrophysics
1985srca.conf    Southwest Regional Conference for Astronomy and Astrophysics, 10
1977srca.conf    Southwest Regional Conference for Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2
1978srca.conf    Southwest Regional Conference for Astronomy and Astrophysics, 3
1979srca.conf    Southwest Regional Conference for Astronomy and Astrophysics, 4
1980srca.conf    Southwest Regional Conference for Astronomy and Astrophysics, 5
1981srca.conf    Southwest Regional Conference for Astronomy and Astrophysics, 6
1982srca.conf    Southwest Regional Conference for Astronomy and Astrophysics, 7
1983srca.conf    Southwest Regional Conference for Astronomy and Astrophysics, 8
1984srca.conf    Southwest Regional Conference for Astronomy and Astrophysics, 9
1982swrc.conf    Southwest Regional Conference on Astronomy and Astrophysics
    sri..rept    Southwest Research Inst. Report
1980saot.conf    Soveshchanie po Atmos. Opt. Tez. Dokl.
    IBSAE        Sovetskaia Antarkticheskaia Ekspeditsiia Informatsionnyi Biulleten
1963spnp.conf    Soviet Progress in Neutron Physics    Soviet Progress in Space Studies: The Second Decade of Space Flight, 1967-1977
1974map..conf    Soviet-American Conference on the Cosmochemistry of the Moon and Planets
1977ccmp.conf    The Soviet-American Conference on Cosmochemistry of the Moon and Planets    Soviet-Finnish Astronomy Meeting
1973spnm.conf    Sovrem. Probl. Nebesn. Mekh. i Astrodinamiki
1984sdre.conf    Space: A Developing Role for Europe
2000sp...conf    Space 2000: Proceedings of Space 2000: the seventh international conference and exposition of engineering, construction, operations, and business in space
2002spro.conf    Space 2002 and Robotics 2002
1998sp98.conf    Space 98
1962saa..conf    Space Age Astronomy
1992sesd.rept    Space and Earth Sciences Directorate
1977spen.conf    Space and Energy
2002ESASP.515    Space Applications for Heritage Conservation
1975spam.rept    Space Astrometry
1987asse.rept    Space Astronomy and Solar System Exploration    Space Astrophysics    Space Chemistry and Comparative Planetology
1990sca.....1    Space Conference of the Americas, Volume 1    Space Construction Activities
1999scw..conf    Space Cryogenics Workshop
1993spde.conf    Space Debris
2001ESASP.473    Space Debris
1991ASPC...21    The Space Distribution of Quasars
1986ASSL..127    Space Dynamics and Celestial Mechanics
1969ASSL...15    Space Engineering    Space Environment: The Effects on the Optical Properties of Airless Bodies    Space Environment and the Earth
1987spet.rept    Space Environment Technology    Space Environmental Effects on Materials Workshop
1964sess.conf    Space Exploration and the Solar System
1997ESASP.403    Space Flight Dynamics
1986sgg..conf    Space Geodesy and Geodynamics
    spmf.conf    Space Manufacturing
1983spmf.conf    Space Manufacturing 1983
1989spmf.conf    Space Manufacturing 7 - Space Resources to Improve Life on Earth
    smse.rept    Space Mathematics for the Preparation and the Development of Satellite Exploitations    Space Mineralogy
1989spmi.symp    Space Mining and Manufacturing
1996ESASP.394    Space Mission Operations and Ground Data Systems - SpaceOps '96
1977smmp.conf    Space Missions to the Moon and Planets
1979sptc.conf    Space Missions to Comets
1986smhc.rept    Space Missions to Halley's Comet
1978song.rept    Space Oceanography Navigation, and Geodynamics
1966sot..conf    Space Optical Technology Conference
1974spop.conf    Space Optics
2006spop.conf    Space Optics, Proceedings of ESA/CNES ICSO 2006
1964spph.conf    Space Physics
1964spra.conf    Space Physics and Radio Astronomy
1991spsi....1    Space Physics Strategy-Implementation Study. Volume 1
1979spp2.conf    Space Plasma Physics: The Study of Solar-System Plasmas. Volume 2
1990sppi.rept    Space Plasma Physics Investigation by Cluster and Regatta    Space Plasmas: Coupling Between Small and Medium Scale Processes
2002ESASP.502    Space Power
    spre.conf    Space Research
1975srcu.rept    Space Research Conducted in the USSR in 1974
1984srps.conf    Space Research in Stellar Activity and Variability
1969spre.conf    Space Research IX
1966srta.conf    Space Research: Transactions of the All-union Conference on Space Physics
1970spre.conf    Space Research X
1971spre.conf    Space Research XI
1974spre.conf    Space Research XIV
1979spre.conf    Space Research XIX
1975spre.conf    Space Research XV
1976spre.conf    Space research XVI
1977spre.conf    Space Research XVII
1978spre.conf    Space research XVIII
1980spre.conf    Space Research XX
1992NASSP.509    Space resources
2000srrt.conf    Space Resources Roundtable II
2004srr..conf    Space Resources Roundtable VI
1992sres....1    Space Resources. Volume 1: Scenarios
1992sres....2    Space Resources. Volume 2: Energy, Power, and Transport
1992sres....3    Space Resources. Volume 3: Materials
2003ssrq.conf    Space Safety, Rescue and Quality 2001    Space Science
1998ESASP.431    Space Science and the Long-Term Future of Space in Europe    Space Science and Applications: Progress and Potential
1976ssae.conf    Space Science and Astronomy. Escape from Earth
1989sser.proc    Space Science and Engineering Research Forum
1988ssfp.rept    Space Science and Fundamental Physics
1981ssca.proc    Space Science Comes of Age: Perspectives in the History of the Space Sciences
2006ssnr.conf    Space Science: New Research
1978sssu.conf    Space Shuttle and Spacelab Utilization
1980ssde.conf    Space Shuttle: Dawn of an Era
1977ssmi.proc    Space Shuttle Missions of the 80's
1986spst.conf    Space Station beyond IOC
1986sspe.nasa    Space Station Planetology Experiments (SSPEX)
1996ESASP.385    Space Station Utilisation    Space Stations and Space Platforms - Concepts, Design, Infrastructure and Uses
2001sssw.conf    Space Storms and Space Weather Hazards
1997AIPC..387    Space Technology and Applications
1998AIPC..420    Space Technology and Applications
2004AIPC..699    Space Technology and Applications
2000AIPC..504    Space Technology and Applications International Forum
2002AIPC..608    Space Technology and Applications International Forum
1999AIPC..458    Space Technology and Applications, International Forum -- 1999
2001stai.conf    Space Technology and Applications International Forum -- 2001
2003AIPC..654    Space Technology and Applications International Forum - STAIF 2003
2005AIPC..746    Space Technology and Applications International Forum - STAIF 2005
2006AIPC..813    Space Technology and Applications International Forum - STAIF 2006
2007AIPC..880    Space Technology and Applications International Forum-STAIF 2007
2008AIPC..969    Space Technology and Applications International Forum-STAIF 2008
    spte.symp    Space Technology and Science
1963sts..conf    Space Technology and Science
1964sts..conf    Space Technology and Science
1965sts..conf    Space Technology and Science
1968sts..conf    Space Technology and Science
1969sts..conf    Space Technology and Science
1971sts..conf    Space Technology and Science
1972sttc.conf    Space Technology Transfer to Community and Industry    The Space Telescope
1982sto..conf    Space Telescope Observations
    stsc.rept    Space Telescope Science Inst Report
2005stpf.symp    Space Time Physics and Fractality
    svdc.rept    Space Vehicle Design Criteria (Environment)
2007ASSL..344    Space Weather : Research Towards Applications in Europe 2nd European Space Weather Week (ESWW2)
2002swsm.conf    Space Weather Study Using Multipoint Techniques    Spaceborne Submillimeter Astronomy Mission. A Cornerstone of the ESA Long Term Science Program    Spacebourne Antennas for Planetary Exploration
1979ESASP.146    SPACECAD '79, Computer-aided design of electronics for space applications
1978sadc.conf    Spacecraft Attitude Determination and Control
2001ESASP.476    Spacecraft Charging Technology
1979NASCP2071    Spacecraft Charging Technology - 1978
1991sfdy.rept    Spacecraft Flight Dynamics
1997ESASP.381    Spacecraft Guidance, Navigation and Control Systems
2000ESASP.425    Spacecraft Guidance, Navigation and Control Systems
2003sgnc.conf    Spacecraft Guidance, Navigation and Control Systems
1975NASSP3094    Spacecraft Materials Guide
1980scom.proc    Spacecraft Orbital Motion
2001ESASP.465    Spacecraft Propulsion
1996ESASP.386    Spacecraft Structures, Materials and Mechanical Engineering
1999ESASP.428    Spacecraft Structures, Materials and Mechanical Testing
2001ESASP.468    Spacecraft Structures, Materials and Mechanical Testing
2005ESASP.581    Spacecraft Structures, Materials and Mechanical Testing 2005
1980NASCP2159    Spacecraft Transmitter Reliability
1983ESASP.197    Spacecraft Vibration Testing Using Multi-Axis Hydraulic Vibration Systems
1998spdy.conf    Spaceflight Dynamics 1998, Volume 100 Part 1, Advances in Astronautical Sciences
2003sfm..conf    Spaceflight Mechanics 2003
1981splb.rept    Spacelab Mission 1 Experiment Descriptions
1978suce.conf    Spacelab. Utilisation et Conception d'Expériences (Use and Experiment Concept)
1982sag..conf    Spacetime and Geometry
2005sprt.conf    Spacetime Physics Research Trends
1976ASSL...59    Spallation Nuclear Reactions and their Applications    Special Functions and Functions of Matrix Argument: Recent Advances and Applications in Stochastic Processes, Statistics and Astrophysics
1981stop.conf    Special Topics in Optical Propagation
1976slcs.nasa    The Specific Light Output of Cesium Iodide Crystals
    VatAR        Specola Astronomica Vaticana Annual Reports
    AtlSV        Specola Astronomica Vaticana Atlas Stellarum Variabilium
    VatCo        Specola Astronomica Vaticana Comunicazione
    VatMA        Specola Astronomica Vaticana Miscellanea Astronomica
    VatRS        Specola Astronomica Vaticana Ricerche Spettroscopiche
    VatRA        Specola Astronomica Vaticana Richerche Astronomiche    The Spectra of Atoms and Ions and Elementary Processes in Plasmas
2002ESASP.474    Spectra Workshop
1966IAUS...24    Spectral Classification and Multicolour Photometry
1973IAUS...50    Spectral Classification and Multicolour Photometry
1965serr.conf    Spectral, Electrophotometrical and Radar Researches of Aurorae and Airglow
2005AIPC..761    The Spectral Energy Distributions of Gas-Rich Galaxies: Confronting Models with Data
1983seg..conf    Spectral Evolution of Galaxies
1984seg..conf    Spectral Evolution of Galaxies
1986ASSL..122    Spectral Evolution of Galaxies
1981sls..conf    Spectral Line Shapes
1983sls..conf    Spectral Line Shapes
1995AIPC..328    Spectral Line Shapes
1999AIPC..467    Spectral Line Shapes
2002AIPC..645    Spectral Line Shapes
2007AIPC..938    Spectral Line Shapes in Astrophysics
2001AIPC..559    Spectral Line Shapes, Volume 11, 15th ICSLS
2006AIPC..874    Spectral Line Shapes: XVIII
1992ssr..symp    Spectral Sensing Research
1988ESASP.287    Spectral Signatures of Objects in Remote Sensing
2007stmp.conf    Spectral Theory and Mathematical Physics    Spectres Molecules Simples
1977spt.....1    Spectrometric Techniques, Volume I
1981spte.conf    Spectrometric Techniques, Volume II
1983spte.conf    Spectrometric Techniques, Volume III
1985spte.conf    Spectrometric Techniques, Volume IV
1999ASPC..192    Spectrophotometric Dating of Stars and Galaxies    Spectrophotometric Studies of Stars and Nebulae    Spectroscopic and Group Theoretical Methods in Physics
1986spcp.proc    Spectroscopic and Photometric Classification of Population II Stars    Spectroscopic Astrophysics. An Assessment of the Contributions of Otto Struve
2001ASPC..247    Spectroscopic Challenges of Photoionized Plasmas
2007smma.conf    Spectroscopic methods in modern astrophysics
1973ssai.conf    Spectroscopic Studies of Astrophysical Interest
1967stfi.conf    Spectroscopic Techniques for Far Infra-red, Submillimetre and Millimetre Waves
2004ASPC..318    Spectroscopically and Spatially Resolving the Components of the Close Binary Stars
2001spsp.conf    Spectroscopy from Space
1992seai.conf    Spectroscopy of the Earth's Atmosphere and Interstellar Medium
1987soap.conf    Spectroscopy of Astrophysical Plasmas
1993snm..conf    Spectroscopy of New Materials
2004smra.conf    Spectrum Management for Radio Astronomy
    SRMO.        Specula Regia Monachiensi Observationes astronomicae    "SPHERIC - Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics European Research Interest Community".
    Spika        Spika
2001AIPC..570    SPIN 2000
2003AIPC..675    SPIN 2002
1991sini.conf    Spin and Isospin in Nuclear Interactions
1998spgr.conf    Spin in Gravity.  Is it Possible to Give an Experimental Basis to Torsion? International School of Cosmology and Gravitation XV Course
1996sgni.conf    Spiral Galaxies in the Near-IR
1970IAUS...38    The Spiral Structure of our Galaxy
1979sadw.conf    Spiralarmdichtewellen
1984slat.conf    SPLAT: Space and Laser Applications and Technology
    SPPhy        Springer Proceedings in Physics
    SSAOP        Springer Series on Atomic Optical and Plasma Physics
    SSBio        Springer Series on Biophysics
    SSChP        Springer Series on Chemical Physics
    SSNPP        Springer Series on Nuclear and Particle Physics
    STMP.        Springer Tracts in Modern Physics
    SSCP.        Springer Verlag Springer Series on Chemical Physics
    SSEp.        Springer Verlag Springer Series on Electrophysics
    SSGSR        Springer Verlag Springer Series on Group Geophysics Space Research
    SSOS.        Springer Verlag Springer Series on Optical Sciences
    SVPCS        Springer Verlag Springer Series on Physics Chemistry Space
    SSSSS        Springer Verlag Springer Series on Solid State Sciences
    SSSyn        Springer Verlag Springer Series on Synergetics
    SSWP.        Springer Verlag Springer Series on Wave Phenomena
    SprRe        Sproul Observatory Reprints
    SANUG        Srpska Akademiia Nauka i Umetnosti Glas Odeljenje Tekhnichkikh Nauka
1985sssm.conf    Stability of the Solar System and its Minor Natural and Artificial Bodies
1974IAUS...62    Stability of the Solar System and of Small Stellar Systems
1974ssss.conf    The Stability of the Solar System and of Small Stellar Systems
1987smsn.conf    The Standard Model. The Supernova 1987A
1995smb..conf    The standard model and beyond
2007smb..conf    The Standard Model and Beyond
1990ssgl.conf    Standing on the Shoulders of Giants. A Longer View of Newton and Halley
    stan.rept    Stanford Univ. Report
1989stct.conf    Star Catalogues: A Centennial Tribute to A. N. Vyssotsky
1989stct.proc    Star Catalogues: A Centennial Tribute To A. N. Vyssotsky
1977stcl.symp    Star Cluster Symposium
1979stcl.conf    Star Clusters
1980stcl.conf    Star Clusters
1986scag.conf    Star Clusters and Associations
1983scag.conf    Star Clusters and Associations and their Relation to the Evolution of the Galaxy
1983scps.conf    Star Clusters and Problems of Stellar Evolution
1963stev.conf    Star Evolution
    stfo.conf    Star Formation
1977IAUS...75    Star Formation
1977stfo.conf    Star Formation
1980IAUS...85    Star Formation
2004IAUS..221    Star Formation at High Angular Resolution
2000ESASP.445    Star Formation from the Small to the Large Scale
1993sfgi.conf    Star Formation, Galaxies and the Interstellar Medium
2005sfet.conf    Star Formation in the Era of Three Great Observatories
2004ASPC..323    Star Formation in the Interstellar Medium: In Honor of David Hollenbach
1999ASPC..163    Star Formation in Early Type Galaxies
1987sfig.conf    Star Formation in Galaxies
1992sfss.conf    Star Formation in Stellar Systems
1997sfnf.conf    Star Formation Near and Far
2003ASPC..297    Star Formation Through Time
1998ASPC..132    Star Formation with the Infrared Space Observatory    Star Formation Workshop, Edinburgh
1987IAUS..115    Star Forming Regions
2001sgnf.conf    Starburst Galaxies: Near and Far
1987sbge.proc    Starbursts and Galaxy Evolution
2005ASSL..329    Starbursts: From 30 Doradus to Lyman Break Galaxies
1998stne.conf    Starbursts: Triggers, Nature, and Evolution, Les Houches School
    StarD        StarDate Magazine
1985sfdg.conf    Star-Forming Dwarf Galaxies and Related Objects
1986sfdg.conf    Star-forming Dwarf Galaxies and Related Objects
2001stun.conf    The Starry Universe; The Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin Century
1974smws.conf    Stars and the Milky Way System    Stars and Galaxies: Birth, Ageing, and Death in the Universe    Stars and Galaxies from Observational Points of View
1979ASSL...75    Stars and star systems    Stars and Star Systems
    S&SS.        Stars and Stellar Systems
2004IAUS..219    Stars as Suns : Activity, Evolution and Planets
2000ASPC..221    Stars, Gas and Dust in Galaxies: Exploring the Links    Stars in a Cluster: MT John University Observatory
2006ASPC..355    Stars with the B[e] Phenomenon    The State of the Universe
2002stun.conf    The State of the Universe
    suny.rept    State Univ. of New York, Stony Brook Report    Statistical Challenges in Astronomy
1992scma.conf    Statistical Challenges in Modern Astronomy
1997scma.conf    Statistical Challenges in Modern Astronomy II
2007ASPC..371    Statistical Challenges in Modern Astronomy IV
1993sdtp.conf    Statistical Description of Transport in Plasma, Astro- and Nuclear Physics
1973LNP....24    Statistical Mechanical Theory of the Electrolytic Transport of Non-electrolytes
1966stme.conf    Statistical Mechanics
1967smfa.conf    Statistical Mechanics: Foundations and Applications
1965smen.conf    Statistical Mechanics of Equilibrium and Non-equilibrium
2006smpr.conf    Statistical Mechanics of Plasticity and Related Instabilities
1983ESASP.201    Statistical Methods in Astronomy
1972LNP....12    Statistical Models and Turbulence
1963stph.conf    Statistical Physics 3
2005AIPC..757    Statistical Physics and Beyond
1984spcf.conf    Statistical Physics and Chaos in Fusion Plasmas
2003sppp.conf    Statistical Problems in Particle Physics, Astrophysics, and Cosmology
2006sppp.conf    Statistical Problems in Particle Physics, Astrophysics and Cosmology
1978sfsn.conf    Status and Future of Solar Neutrino Research
1996stab.conf    Stellar Abundances
1986saot.conf    Stellar Activities and Observational Techniques
1973stag.conf    Stellar Ages
1980stag.conf    Stellar Aggregates
1994ASPC...57    Stellar and Circumstellar Astrophysics, a 70th birthday celebration for K. H. Bohm and E. Bohm-Vitense
1983spm..conf    Stellar and Planetary Magnetism
1965IAUS...22    Stellar and Solar Magnetic Fields
1969stas.conf    Stellar Astronomy    Stellar Astrophysics
2000stas.conf    Stellar Astrophysics
2003ASSL..298    Stellar Astrophysics - A Tribute to Helmut A. Abt
1998salg.conf    Stellar astrophysics for the local group: VIII Canary Islands Winter School of Astrophysics
2005AIPC..752    Stellar Astrophysics with the World's Largest Telescopes    Stellar Atmosphere Modeling
2003ASPC..288    Stellar Atmosphere Modeling
1954stat.conf    Stellar Atmospheres
1955stat.conf    Stellar Atmospheres
1960stat.conf    Stellar Atmospheres
1987stat.conf    Stellar Atmospheres
1977saif.conf    Stellar Atmospheres as Indicator and Factor of Stellar Evolution
1983sasp.nasa    Stellar Atmospheric Structural Patterns
1992sccw.conf    Stellar Chromospheres, Coronae and Winds
2000ASPC..198    Stellar Clusters and Associations: Convection, Rotation, and Dynamos
2002ASPC..263    Stellar Collisions, Mergers and their Consequences
1999IAUS..192    The Stellar Content of Local Group Galaxies
2002ASPC..277    Stellar Coronae in the Chandra and XMM-NEWTON Era
2001sdcm.conf    Stellar Dynamics: from Classic to Modern
1999ASPC..178    Stellar Dynamos: Nonlinearity and Chaotic Flows
1997seas.conf    Stellar Ecology: Advances in Stellar Evolution,
1962stev.conf    Stellar Evolution
1966stev.conf    Stellar Evolution
1972stev.conf    Stellar Evolution    Stellar Evolution and Dynamics in the Outer Halo of the Galaxy
2006ASPC..353    Stellar Evolution at Low Metallicity: Mass Loss, Explosions, Cosmology
1998sese.conf    Stellar Evolution, Stellar Explosions and Galactic Chemical Evolution
1974sis..conf    Stellar Infrared Spectroscopy
1998ASPC..142    The Stellar Initial Mass Function (38th Herstmonceux Conference)
1974IAUS...59    Stellar Instability and Evolution
1993ASSL..186    Stellar Jets and Bipolar Outflows
1992stma.conf    Stellar Magnetism
1984ASSL..109    Stellar Nucleosynthesis
1974spe..conf    Stellar Physics and Evolution    Stellar Populations
1995IAUS..164    Stellar Populations
1992IAUS..149    The Stellar Populations of Galaxies    Stellar pulsation - Nonlinear Studies
1985srv..conf    Stellar Radial Velocities
1997stre.conf    Stellar Remnants
2004IAUS..215    Stellar Rotation    Stellar Spectra and Their Interpretation
1965stst.conf    Stellar Structure - Stars and Stellar Systems
1999ASPC..173    Stellar Structure:  Theory and Test of Connective Energy Transport
2002ESASP.485    Stellar Structure and Habitable Planet Finding
2004ESASP.538    Stellar Structure and Habitable Planet Finding
1983ssse.conf    Stellar Structure and Stellar Evolution
1996IAUS..176    Stellar Surface Structure
    Stern        Die Sterne
    S&W..        Sterne und Weltraum
1982sdvf.conf    Sternentstehung und Damit Verbundene Fragen der Planetenentstehung
    Sterz        Sternzeit Mitteilungen der Astrnomischen Vereinigungen Aachen
    IEWS.        Stevenage Herts England Peter Peregrinus Ltd IEE Electromagnetic Waves Series
    SteRe        Steward Observatory Reprints
2008AIPC.1021    Stochastic and Quantum Dynamics of Biomolecular Systems
1979LNP....93    Stochastic Behavior in Classical and Quantum Hamiltonian Systems
1993NYASA.706    Stochastic Processes in Astrophysics
1985stoc.iafc    Stockholm International Astronautical Federation Congress
    StoAn        Stockholms Observatoriums Annaler
    StoMe        Stockholms Observatoriums Meddelande
    StoOR        Stockholms Observatoriums Reports
    Strai        Strain    Strange Quark Matter in Physics and Astrophysics
1995sqm..conf    Strangeness and Quark Matter
1989sad..conf    Strasbourg Astronomical Day    STRATCOM 8 Data Workshop and Suppl.
1980ASSL...83    Strategies for the Search for Life in the Universe
1989segi.conf    Strategies for Exploration - General Interest and Overview
1996smgh.conf    Strategies for Mars: A Guide to Human Exploration
1982sal..conf    The Stratospheric Aerosol Layer
1977slpo.conf    Stray-Light Problems in Optical Systems
2002AIPC..612    Stress-Induced Phenomena in Metallization
2006AIPC..817    Stress-Induced Phenomena in Metallization
2007AIPC..945    Stress-Induced Phenomena in Metallization
1996sgpp.conf    String Gravity and Physics at the Planck Energy Scale
2003stph.conf    String Phenomenology 2003
1993sqgp.conf    String Quantum Gravity and Physics at the Planck Energy Scale
2002AIPC..607    String Theory
1993stqg.conf    String Theory and Quantum Gravity '92
2006stgi.conf    String Theory: From Gauge Interactions to Cosmology
1998stcs.conf    String Theory in Curved Space Times, A Collaborative Research Report
1993stqu.conf    String Theory, Quantum Gravity, and the Unification of the Fundamental Interactions
2001stri.conf    Strings
1995stri.conf    STRINGS '93
    Stroj        Strojarstvo
1999ASPC..166    Stromlo Workshop on High-Velocity Clouds
1999sem..conf    Strong and Electroweak Matter '98
1973LNP....17    Strong Interaction Physics
1966stin.conf    Strong Interactions
1986sigt.conf    Strong Interactions and Gauge Theories, Volume 2
1990scpp.conf    Strongly Coupled Plasma Physics
2002AIPC..633    Structural and Electronic Properties of Molecular Nanostructures
1978scia.conf    Structure and Collisions of Ions and Atoms
1977scgr.nasa    The Structure and Content of the Galaxy and Galactic Gamma Rays
1968IAUS...35    Structure and Development of Solar Active Regions
1998ESASP.418    Structure and Dynamics of the Interior of the Sun and Sun-like Stars
1987IAUS..127    Structure and Dynamics of Elliptical Galaxies
1993ASPC...50    Structure and Dynamics of Globular Clusters
1971ASSL...22    Structure and Evolution of the Galaxy
1997seim.proc    Structure and Evolution of the Intergalactic Medium from QSO Absorption Line System
1984IAUS..108    Structure and Evolution of the Magellanic Clouds
1986ASSL..121    Structure and Evolution of Active Galactic Nuclei
1976IAUS...73    Structure and Evolution of Close Binary Systems
1965seg..conf    The Structure and Evolution of Galaxies
1992sens.conf    Structure and Evolution of Neutron Stars
1981seng.proc    Structure and Evolution of Normal Galaxies
1997sess.conf    Structure and Evolution of Stellar Systems
1999ASPC..175    Structure and Kinematics of Quasar Broad Line Regions
1978IAUS...77    Structure and Properties of Nearby Galaxies
1953spss.conf    Structure and Properties of Solid Surfaces
1993sdce.conf    Structure, Dynamics and Chemical Evolution of Elliptical Galaxies
1998semi.conf    Structure et Evolution du Milieu Inter-Galactique Revele par Raies D'Absorption dans le Spectre des Quasars, 13th Colloque d'Astrophysique de l'Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris
1970sie..conf    La Structure Interne des Étoiles
1996stsu.conf    The Structure of the Sun
1969scn..conf    Structure of Complex Nuclei
1972stma.conf    The Structure of Matter
1996sst..conf    The Structure of Space and Time
1969stlr.conf    Structures Technology for Large Radio and Radar Telescope Systems
1999upse.conf    STScI Symp. Ser.12: Unsolved Problems in Stellar Evolution
    SSTor        Studia Societatis Scientiarum Torunensis Sectio F Astronomia    Studies in Gas Dynamics
1973smp..conf    Studies in Mathematical Phyics
1964spcp.conf    Studies in Penetration of Charged Particles in Matter
    Sttur        Studies in turbulence
2004sgyu.conf    Studies of Galaxies in the Young Universe with New Generation Telescope
1999smtp.conf    Studies of Mineralogical and Textural Properties of Martian Soil: An Exobiological Perspective
    SCA..        Studii si Cercetari de Astronomie Bucuresti
1982sepm.conf    The Study of the Earth as a Planet by Methods of Astronomy, Geodesy and Geophysics
1980sscs.nasa    Study of the Solar Cycle from Space
1992ESASP.346    Study of the Solar-Terrestrial System
1976ssim.conf    Study of the Sun and Interplanetary Medium in Three Dimensions    A Study of Clusters of Galaxies and Extragalactic Radio Emission Sources
1982sep..conf    Study of Earth as a Planet
1991sicd.rept    Study of Ion Composition and Dynamics at Comet Halley
1978stti.conf    The Study of Time III
1977ASSL...71    Study of Travelling Interplanetary Phenomena
1977tipp.symp    Study of Travelling Interplanetary Phenomena 1977
1986svss.conf    The Study of Variable Stars using Small Telescopes
1986svsu.symp    Study of Variable Stars using Small Telescopes
1971swng.conf    Study Week on Nuclei of Galaxies
1994sucg.conf    Studying the Universe with Clusters of Galaxies
1993sara.conf    Sub-arcsecond Radio Astronomy
1975svm..conf    Subburi i Vosmushcheniya v Magnitosfere
1985sma..conf    (Sub)millimeter Astronomy    (Sub)Millimeter Astronomy
1996ESASP.388    Submillimetre and Far-Infrared Space Instrumentation
1990ASSL..158    Submillimetre Astronomy    Submillimetre Wave Astronomy
1998ASSL..238    Substorms-4
2008ASPC..383    Subsurface and Atmospheric Influences on Solar Activity
2003suco.conf    Subsurface Conditions    The Sun
1972ASSL...29    The Sun.  Part 1 of Solar-Terrestrial Physics/1970
2004ASSL..317    The Sun and the Heliosphere as an Integrated System
1986ASSL..123    The Sun and the Heliosphere in Three Dimensions
1996sube.conf    The Sun and Beyond
1981sucl.conf    Sun and Climate (Soleil et climat)
1982ASSL...96    Sun and Planetary System
1981suas.nasa    The Sun as a Star
1991suti.conf    The Sun in Time
1972sstp.conf    The Sun: Part I of Solar-Terrestrial Physics/1970
1978swcl.nasa    Sun, Weather, and Climate
1991saaj.conf    Supercomputing Astronomy and Astrophysics in Japan
1988sca..conf    Super-Computing in Astrophysics
2006sqmc.conf    Superdense QCD Matter and Compact Stars
1979sugr.conf    Supergravity
1982sugr.conf    Supergravity '81
1974shet.conf    Super-Heavy Elements - Theoretical Predictions and Experimental Generation    Superluminal Radio Sources
1988smbh.proc    Supermassive Black Holes
2004ASSL..308    Supermassive Black Holes in the Distant Universe
2007AIPC..937    Supernova 1987A: 20 Years After: Supernovae and Gamma-Ray Bursters
1991sos..conf    Supernova 1987A and Other Supernovae
1988slmc.proc    Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud
1988snoy.conf    Supernova 1987A, One Year Later, Results and Perspectives
1983IAUS..101    Supernova Remnants and their X-ray Emission
1988sstb.conf    Supernova Shells and Their Birth Events.
1977ASSL...66    Supernovae
1990supe.conf    Supernovae
1991supe.conf    Supernovae
1994supe.conf    Supernovae
1998suco.conf    Supernovae and cosmology
2000sgrb.conf    Supernovae and Gamma-ray Bursts: The Greatest Explosions Since the Big Bang
2001sgrb.conf    Supernovae and Gamma-Ray Bursts: the Greatest Explosions since the Big Bang
1991sse..conf    Supernovae and Stellar Evolution
1974ASSL...45    Supernovae and Supernova Remnants
1969str..conf    Supernovae and Their Remnants
1990sjws.conf    Supernovae, Jerusalem Winter School for Theoretical Physics    Supernovae, Remnants, Active Galaxies, Cosmology
1980AIPC...63    Supernovae Spectra    Supernovae, their Progenitors and Remnants
1981sssg.conf    Superspace and Supergravity
1990sust.conf    Superstring Workshop (Strings '89)
2000srm..conf    Superstrings and Related Matters
1987sccs.conf    Superstrings, Cosmology Composite Structures    Superstrings, Supergravity, and Unified Theories
1986ssut.conf    Superstrings, Supergravity and Unified Theories
1998AIPC..426    Superstrong Fields in Plasmas
2002AIPC..611    Superstrong Fields in Plasmas
2006AIPC..827    Superstrong Fields in Plasmas    Supersymmetric Mechanics
1999sqs..conf    Supersymmetries and Quantum Symmetries
1983sas..conf    Supersymmetry and Supergravity
1985ssrt.conf    Supersymmetry, Supergravity and Related Topics
2000sss..conf    Supersymmetry, Supergravity and Superstring
1990suw2.conf    Superworld II
1990suw3.conf    The Superworld, III
    AnMuS        Supplementband zu den Annalen der Munchener Sternwarte
1968stla.conf    Support and Testing of Large Astronomical Mirrors    Surface of Mars
1970sips.conf    Surfaces and Interiors of Planets and Satellites
1971spva.conf    The surveillance and prediction of volcanic activity: A review of methods and techniques
1970siob.conf    Survey of IQSY Observations and Biography
1968spig.conf    A Survey of Phenomena in Ionized Gases
1983ASSL..105    Surveys of the Southern Galaxy
2007AIPC..903    SUSY06: The 14th International Conference on Supersymmetry and the Unification of Fundamental Interactions
2007susy.conf    SUSY06: The 14th International Conference on Supersymmetry and the Unification of Fundamental Interactions
    SvPro        Svarochnoe Proizvodstvo
    SvUNT        Sverdlovsk Ural skii Nauchnyi Tsentr AN SSSR
2002ESASP1261    Switzerland, Europe and Space: Adventure and Imperative
    SydOP        Sydney Observatory Papers
1970sqm..conf    Symmetries and Quark Models
1967spfp.conf    Symmetry Principles and Fundamental Particles    Symposia Mathematica
1961aeco.conf    Symposium d'Aéronomie Communications
1966aeco.conf    Symposium d'Aéronomie Communications
1988hmas.conf    Symposium in Honour of R. W. P. McWhirter on Atomic and Solar Physics
1960jeap.conf    Symposium of the July 1959 Events and Associated Phenomena
2001fpam.symp    Symposium on the Frontiers of Physics at Millenium
1972oss..conf    Symposium on the Origin of the Solar System
1973oss..conf    Symposium on the Origin of the Solar System
1987haco.conf    Symposium on Halley's Comet
2001AIPC..561    Symposium on Nuclear Physics IV
1992ESASP.338    Symposium on Titan
1989vpcb.conf    Symposium on Variable Phenomena in Close Binary Stars
    xray.symp    Symposium on X-ray Astronomy
1980NASCP2154    Synchronous Energy Technology
2007AIPC..879    Synchrotron Radiation Instrumentation
    sri..conf    Synchrotron Radiation Instrumentation Conference
1980srr..conf    Synchrotron Radiation Research
1979srta.conf    Synchrotron Radiation: Techniques and Applications
1998ASPC..140    Synoptic Solar Physics
1986syim.conf    Synthesis Imaging
1989ASPC....6    Synthesis Imaging in Radio Astronomy
1999ASPC..180    Synthesis Imaging in Radio Astronomy II    Synthesis Mapping
1965IAUS...21    The system of Astronomical Constants
1978tmrt.conf    Tachyons, Monopoles and Related Topics
1999ters.conf    Tackling the Engineering Resources Shortage, Creating New Paradigms for Developing and Retaining Women Engineers
    TMPGO        Tagung ueber Mathematische Probleme Geodaesie Oberwolfach West Germany Bulleting Geodesique
1992ESASP.354    Targets for Space-Based Interferometry
    TANEs        Tartu Akademiia Nauk Estonskoi SSR
    TarOT        Tartu Astrofuusika Observatoorium Teated
1986ttka.conf    Tartu Tähetorni Kalender 1987
1987ttka.conf    Tartu Tähetorni Kalender 1988
    TarPr        Tartuskoj Astrofizicheskoj Observatorii Preprint    TASC02 Meeting: Theoretical Astrophysics in Southern California
    IzTas        Tashkent Izdatel Fan
    TIFRL        Tata Institute of Fundamental Research Lectures on Mathematics and Physics
1989taup.conf    TAUP 89 - Theoretical and Phenomenological Aspects of Underground Physics
1978tywf.conf    The Ta-you Wu Festschrift. Science of matter
    IzGeo        Tbilisi Georgian SSR Izdatel Metsniereba
    TIzSS        Tbilisi Izdatel Sabchota Sakartvelo
2002ESASP.491    Teach Space 2001: International Space Station Education Conference
1989tavl.conf    Techniques and Applications of Very Long Baseline Interferometry
1979tamo.conf    Techniques and Methods of Radio-Astronomic Reception
2001tdpl.symp    Techniques for the detection of planets and life
2001tdpl.conf    Techniques for the Detection of Planets and Life beyond the Solar System    Techniques of High Energy Physics
    ToIzL        Technisch oekonomische Informationen zivilen Luftfahrt
    TMKF.        Technische Mitteilungen Krupp Forschungsberichte
    TUnGG        Technische Univ Geodesy Global Geodyn
1997tuwi.conf    Technologieprojekte zur Unterstützung von Weltraum-Interferometrie-Missionen
    Tech.        Technology    Technology and Methods of Radio-Astronomical Reception
1968tsps.conf    Technology and Social Progress -- Synergism or Conflict?
1982tspa.conf    Technology for Space Astrophysics Conference
1975tsse.conf    Technology of Scientific Space Experiments
1974ttt.....2    Technology Today for Tomorrow
1994ESASP.364    Technology Transfer Workshop
1971tuib.conf    Technology Utilization Ideas for the 70's and Beyond
1989tfm..conf    Tectonic Features on Mars
1993thtp.nasa    Tectonic History of the Terrestrial Planets
1976tsgp.conf    Tectonics and Structural Geology
    TDAPR        Telecommunications and Data Acquisition Progress Report
    tdar.nasa    Telecommunications and Data Acquisition Report
    TMOPR        Telecommunications and Mission Operations Progress Report
1987nman.conf    Telemark IV. Neutrino Masses and Neutrino Astrophysics
1975teau.conf    Telescope Automation
1998mico.conf    Telescope Mirror Coating and Cleaning Conference
1974tsbb.nasa    Telescope Systems for Balloon-Borne Researc    Telescopes for the 1980s, Annual Reviews Monograph    Telescopes. Stars and Stellar Systems
    TSDMO        Tellus Series Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography
1963NASSP..32    Telstar I
2003AIPC..684    Temperature: Its Measurement and Control in Science and Industry
1962tmc1.conf    Temperature; Its Measurement and Control in Science and Industry, Volume 1
1955tmc2.conf    Temperature; Its Measurement and Control in Science and Industry, Volume 2
1962tmc2.conf    Temperature; Its Measurement and Control in Science and Industry, Volume 2
2008AIPC.1031    Ten Years of AdS/CFT
2006tafp.conf    Tenth Anniversary of 51 Peg-b: Status of and prospects for hot Jupiter studies    The Tenth Marcel Grossmann Meeting.  On recent developments in theoretical and experimental general relativity, gravitation and relativistic field theories
1973tfa..conf    Teor. Fiz. i Astron. Nauch. Dokl. Leningrad
    TFFAP        Teoriia Funktsii Funktsional nyi Analiz i ikh Prilozheniia
1973tpvs.conf    Teoriya i Proektir. Vysokotochn. Sistem upr. Leningrad
    TFizG        Teploobmen i Fizicheskaia Gazodinamika
    TNEK.        Teplovye Napriazheniia Elementakh Konstruktsii
1985tgvs.conf    Termodinam. i Geol. I. Vses. Simp.
    LTerm        La Termotecnica
1976tpvm.nasa    Terrestrial Photovoltaic Measurements
1985tpcp.conf    Terrestrial Planets:  Comparative Planetology
1978trg..proc    Terrestrial Rare Gases
    Tesla        TESLA Electronics
1976tdzs.conf    Tesn. Dvojn. Zvezd. Sist. i Ikh Ehvol
1992tap..proc    Testing the AGN Paradigm
1989tflp.conf    Tests of Fundamental Laws in Physics
1995tesp.conf    Tethers in Space
2001ASPC..231    Tetons 4: Galactic Structure, Stars and the Interstellar Medium
    TTPhy        Teubner Texte zur Physik
1996tgra.conf    TeV Gamma-ray Astrophysics. Theory and Observations
2003tsra.symp    Texas in Tuscany. XXI Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics
    uta..rept    Texas Univ., Austin Report    Texas Workshop on Type I Supernovae
1993NYASA.688    Texas/PASCOS '92: Relativistic Astrophysics and Particle Cosmology
    TMPhy        Texts and Monographs in Physics
1985tphr.conf    Theo. Prob. High Resolution Solar Physics
1986teih.conf    Theoretical and Experimental Investigations of Hadronic Few-Body Systems
1997topr.conf    Theoretical and Observational Problems Related to Solar Eclipses
2001tpea.conf    Theoretical and Practical Elementary Aspects of High Energy Physics
1983tasa.conf    Theoretical Aspects on Structure, Activity, and Evolution of Galaxies
1984tasa.conf    Theoretical Aspects on Structure, Activity, and Evolution of Galaxies: II
1985tasa.conf    Theoretical Aspects on Structure, Activity, and Evolution of Galaxies: III
2001AIPC..541    Theoretical High Energy Physics
2007AIPC..939    Theoretical High Energy Physics
2000AIPC..541    Theoretical High Energy Physics, MRST 2000
2001AIPC..601    Theoretical High Energy Physics: MRST 2001
1964IAUS...18    Theoretical Interpretation of Upper Atmosphere Emission
1991tmcs.conf    Theoretical Modelling of Comet Simulation Experiments
2002tpet.conf    Theoretical Physics at the End of the Twentieth Century
2002AIPC..646    Theoretical Physics: MRST 2002    Theoretical Principles in Astrophysics and Relativity
1991ptpa.conf    Theoretical Problems in Astro- and Fusion Physics
1987tphr.conf    Theoretical Problems in High Resolution Solar Physics
1991tpsf.conf    Theoretical Problems in Space and Fusion Plasmas
1984trss.conf    Theoretical Problems in Stellar Stability and Oscillations
1975tehe.conf    Theories and Experiments in High-Energy Physics
1996tacv.conf    Theory and Applications of the Cluster Variation and Path Probability Methods
2004ESASP.553    Theory and Applications of Knowledge-Driven Image Information Mining with Focus on Earth Observation
1980tamm.conf    Theory and Applications of Moment Methods in Many-Fermion Systems
1969tons.conf    Theory and Observation of Normal Stellar Atmospheres
1987tolc.conf    Theory and Observational Limits in Cosmology
1968tppp.conf    Theory and Phenomenology in Particle Physics
1995tme..conf    Theory Meets Experiment
1973tseg.conf    The Theory of the Structure and Evolution of Galaxies
    tad..conf    Theory of Accretion Disks
1998tbha.conf    Theory of Black Hole Accretion Disks
2006AIPC..871    Theory of Fusion Plasmas
1966IAUS...25    The Theory of Orbits in the Solar System and in Stellar Systems
1966tsac.conf    Theory of Self-adaptive Control Systems
2005AIPC..754    Therapeutic Ultrasound
2006AIPC..829    Therapeutic Ultrasound V
2000ASPC..204    Thermal and Ionization Aspects of Flows from Hot Stars
1980NASCP2125    Thermal Energy Storage: Fourth Annual Review Meeting
2006ESASP.631    Thermal Protection Systems and Hot Structures
1965trs..conf    Thermal Radiation of Solids
1969trpe.conf    Thermal Radiation Phenomena, Volume 2
1989tnti.conf    Thermal-Non-Thermal Interactions in Solar Flares
1971LNP.....9    The Thermodynamic Pressure in Quantum Statistical Mechanics    Thermodynamics and Kinetics of Dust Formation in the Space Medium
2003AIPC..653    Thermophotovoltaic Generation of Electricity
2007AIPC..890    Thermophotovoltaic Generation of Electricity: TPV7
2008AIPC.1004    Thermophysical Properties of Materials and Devices
    thph.conf    Thermophysics Conference    Thermosphere Dynamics Workshop II
1986thdy....2    Thermosphere Dynamics Workshop, Volume 2
1999ASPC..184    Third Advances in Solar Physics Euroconference: Magnetic Fields and Oscillations
2000heds.conf    Third Annual HEDS-UP Forum, Human Exploration and Development of Space-University Partners
1997fbs..conf    The Third Conference on Faint Blue Stars
1986seti.conf    Third Decennial US-USSR Conference on SETI
1993ASPC...47    Third Decennial US-USSR Conference on SETI
1997ESASP.414    Third ERS Symposium on Space at the service of our Environment
1998ESASP.412    Third Euro-Latin American Space Conference
2004erad.conf    Third European Conference on Radar Meteorology (ERAD)
1982ESASP.176    Third European IUE Conference
2004ESASP.545    Third European Workshop on Exo-Astrobiology
1982sdp..conf    Third Geodetic Symposium on Satellite Doppler Positioning    Third Infrared Detector Technology Workshop
1993adst.conf    Third International Conference on Adaptive Structures
2003mpse.conf    Third International Conference on Mars Polar Science and Exploration
1983mgm..conf    Third Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity
2000mons.proc    The Third MONS Workshop: Science Preparation and Target Selection
1997ASPC..130    The Third Pacific Rim Conference on Recent Development on Binary Star Research
1996pcc..conf    Third Paris Cosmology Colloquium
1972tsg..conf    Third Soviet Gravitational Conference
1999ASPC..165    The Third Stromlo Symposium: The Galactic Halo
1997ASSL..220    The Three Galileos the Man, the Spacecraft the Telescope    Three Hundred Years of Gravitation
1998ASPC..155    Three-Dimensional Structure of Solar Active Regions
1995NYASA.751    Three-Dimensional Systems
2005ESASP.576    The Three-Dimensional Universe with Gaia
1968tpsq.conf    Three-particle Scattering in Quantum Mechanics
1957thsp.conf    The Threshold of Space
    TETB.        Thyssen Edelstahl Technische Berichte
2005ASPC..333    Tidal Evolution and Oscillations in Binary Stars
1978tfer.conf    Tidal Friction and the Earth's Rotation
1982tfer.conf    Tidal Friction and the Earth's Rotation II
1997tiph.conf    Tidal Phenomena.
    TrTIM        Tiflis Izdatel Metsniereba Akademiia Nauk Gruzinskoi SSR Institut Geofiziki Trudy
    TrGru        Tiflis Izdatel Metsniereba Akademiia Nauk Gruzinskoi SSR Matematicheskii Institut Trudy
    IzTif        Tiflis Izdatel Tbilisskogo Universiteta
2006tima.conf    Time & Matter
1979IAUS...82    Time and the Earth's Rotation
1974tftf.conf    Time and Frequency: Theory and Fundamentals
1975tdds.conf    Time Determination, Dissemination and Synchronization
2002tqm..conf    Time in Quantum Mechanics
2003tqi..conf    Time, Quantum and Information
1994tfms.conf    Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry
1989tvpj.conf    Time-Variable Phenomena in the Jovian System
1989tns..conf    Timing Neutron Stars
    CorTi        Tirada Aparte Universidad Nacional de Cordoba Argentina Observatorio Astronomico
2004ESASP1278    Titan - From Discovery to Encounter
1981tfv..conf    To Fulfill a Vision: Jerusalem Einstein Centennial Symposium on Gauge Theories and Unification of Physical Forces
    TNKS.        Tochnost i Nadezhnost Kiberneticheskikh Sistem
    TSRSG        Tohoku University Science Reports Series Geophysics
    TokAB        Tokyo Astronomical Bulletin
    TokRe        Tokyo Astronomical Observatory Reprints
    TUFER        Tokyo Denki University Faculty of Engineering Research Reports
1980toky.iafc    Tokyo International Astronautical Federation Congress
    TAEMm        Tokyo Metropolitan College Aeronautical Engineering Memoirs
    TUFEJ        Tokyo University Faculty of Engineering Journal Series
    TUISR        Tokyo University Institute Industrial Science Report
    TUASB        Tokyo University Institute of Space and Aeronautical Science Bulletin
    TUASR        Tokyo University Institute of Space and Aeronautical Science Report
    TIOA.        Tomsk Institut Optiki Atmosfery CO AN SSSR
2004ESASP.543    Tools and Technologies for Future Planetary Exploration
2005ESASP1281    Topical Teams in Life & Physical Sciences: Towards New Research Applications
2005AIPC..785    Topical Workshop on Low Radioactivity Techniques: LRT 2004.
    TApPh        Topics in Applied Physics
1999tcra.conf    Topics in Cosmic-Ray Astrophysics
1997tewp.conf    Topics in Electroweak Physics,
1977ASSL...70    Topics in Interstellar Matter
2006tmpg.conf    Topics in Mathematical Physics, General Relativity and Cosmology    Topics in Modern Physics
1995tqft.conf    Topics in Quantum Field Theory: Modern Methods in Fundamental Physics
1969ttp..conf    Topics in Theoretical Physics
1997ttp..conf    Topics in Theoretical Physics
1993tqbg.conf    Topics on Quantum Gravity and Beyond
1992tqbg.conf    Topics on Quantum Gravity and Beyond: Essays in Honor of Louis Witten on His Retirement
1960trs..conf    Topics on Radiofrequency Spectroscopy
1999tald.conf    Topological Aspects of Low Dimensional Systems
2000tdne.conf    Topological Defects and the Non-Equilibrium Dynamics of Symmetry Breaking Phase Transitions
1998tdc..conf    Topological Defects in Cosmology
1998tftp.conf    Topological Field Theory, Primitive Forms and Related Topics
    ToASC        Torino Accademia delle Scienze Classe di Scienze Fisiche Matematiche e Naturali Atti
    TosRv        Toshiba Review
1982tsef.conf    Total Solar Eclipse of 16 February, 1980.  Results of Observations
1995pist.conf    Total Solar Eclipse of November 3, 1994
    TouCE        Toulouse Cepadues Editions
2004AIPC..704    Tours Symposium on Nuclear Physics V
2007AIPC..891    Tours Symposium on Nuclear Physics VI
2004tivo.conf    Toward an International Virtual Observatory
1992tmac.conf    Towards a Major Atmospheric Cerenkov Detector for TeV Astro/particle Physics
1993tmac.conf    Towards a Major Atmospheric Cherenkov Detector -- II for TeV Astro/Particle Physics
1998tma..conf    Towards the Millennium in Astrophysics, Problems and Prospects. International School of Cosmic Ray Astrophysics 10th Course
1988ASSL..141    Towards Understanding Galaxies at Large Redshift
1988uglr.conf    Towards Understanding Galaxies at Large Redshift
1979cprn.conf    Tr. 12-kh Chtenij, Posvyashch. Razrab. Nauchn. Naslediya i Razvitiyu Idej K. Eh. Tsiolkovskogo
1976tdcp.conf    Tr. Desyatykh Chtenij, Posvyashch. Razrab. Nauch. Naslediya i Razvit. idej K. Eh. Tsiolkovskogo
1973tscp.conf    Tr. Shestykh Chtenij, Posvyashch. Razrabotke Nauch. Naslediya i Razvitiyu Idej K. Eh. Tsiolkovskogo,
1991tpsu.rept    Traces of the Primordial Structure in the Universe
2002ASPC..268    Tracing Cosmic Evolution with Galaxy Clusters    Trajectory Determinations and Collection of Micrometeoroids on the Space Station
    TOYal        Transactions of the Astronomical Observatory of Yale University
    IAUTA        Transactions of the International Astronomical Union, Series A
    IAUTB        Transactions of the International Astronomical Union, Series B
    TIUCS        Transactions of the International Union for Cooperation in Solar Research
    TLHSQ        Transactions of the Literary and Historical Society of Quebec
1999tpme.conf    Transfer Phenomena in Magnetohydrodynamic and Electroconducting Flows
1974tcgx.conf    Transient Cosmic Gamma- and X-Ray Sources
2006AIPC..840    The Transient Milky Way: A Perspective for MIRAX
2007ASPC..366    Transiting Extrapolar Planets Workshop
    tust.nasa    Translation on USSR Science and Technology
1997ESASP.382    The Transparent Universe
1973AIPC...11    Transport Phenomena -- 1973
1999thci.conf    Trapping Highly Charged Ions: Fundamentals and Applications
    TSSLW        Travaux de la Societe des Sciences et des Letters de Wroclaw
    TOMar        Travaux de l'Observatoire de Marseille
    TraGe        Travaux Geophysiques
1999thap.conf    Treasure-Hunting in Astronomical Plate Archives
1992tapp.conf    Trends in Astroparticle Physics
1994tapp.conf    Trends in Astroparticle-Physics    Trends in Black Hole Research
    TCPS.        Trends in Chemical Physics Series
2005tdmr.conf    Trends in Dark Matter Research
2005tehe.conf    Trends in Experimental High Energy Physics
2006tgrq.conf    Trends in General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology
1982tip..conf    Trends in Physics
1979tip..conf    Trends in Physics 1978
2006tpr..conf    Trends in Pulsar Research
2006tqgr.conf    Trends in Quantum Gravity Research
1999AIPC..484    Trends in Theoretical Physics II
2005tew..conf    Tribute to Emil Wolf: Science and Engineering Legacy of Physical Optics
1974svag.conf    Trudy 5-go Sezda Vses. Astron.-Geod. o-va. Kazan'
    TrLit        Trudy Akademiia Nauk Litovskoi
    TrSSR        Trudy Akademiia Nauk SSSR Fizicheskii Institut
    TrRig        Trudy Astrofiz. Lab. Riga
    TrAlm        Trudy Astrofizicheskogo Instituta Alma-Ata
    TrLen        Trudy Astronomicheskoj Observatorii Leningrad
1975dcpr.conf    Trudy Devyatykh Chtenij, Posvyashch. Razrabotke Nauch. Naslediya i Razvitiyu Idej E. Eh. Tsiolkovskogo, Kaluga
    TrPul        Trudy Glavnoj Astronomicheskoj Observatorii v Pulkovo
    TrSht        Trudy Gosudarstvennogo Astronomicheskogo Instituta
    TrDus        Trudy Instituta Astrofiziki Dushanbe
    TrSta        Trudy Instituta Astrofiziki Stalinabad
    TrKaz        Trudy Kazanskaia Gorodkoj Astronomicheskoj Observatorii
    TrMMO        Trudy Moskovskoe Matematicheskoe Obshchestvo
    TrPet        Trudy Seminar imeni G Petrovskogo
    TrTas        Trudy Tashkentskoj Astronomicheskoj Observatorii
    TrTsA        TsAGI Trudy
    ZaTsA        TsAGI Uchenye Zapiski
    TrTsI        TsIAM Trudy
    TsHUJ        Tsing Hua University Journal
    TITas        Tsirkulyar Astronomicheskogo Instituta Akademiya Nauk Uzbekskoj SSR
    TsShe        Tsirkulyar Shemakhinskoj Astrofizicheskoj Observatorii
    TsSta        Tsirkulyar Stalinabadskoj Astronomicheskoj Observatorii
    TsTas        Tsirkulyar Tashkentskoj Astronomicheskoj Observatorii
    TsPul        Tsirkulyary Glavnoj Astronomicheskoj Observatorii i Pulkove
    TUAID        Tuebingen Universitaet Astronomisches Institut Diplomarbeit
    tuft.rept    Tufts Univ. Report
    TJJPT        Tuijin Jishu Journal of Propulsion Technology
1989tndm.conf    Turbulence and Nonlinear Dynamics in MHD Flows
2007AIPC..932    Turbulence and Nonlinear Processes in Astrophysical Plasmas    Turbulent Jets of Air, Plasma, and Real Gas
2008AIPC.1013    Turbulent Transport in Fusion Plasmas
    TurTe        Turbulentnye techeniia
    turk.rept    Turku Univ. Report
1998AIPC..424    Twenty Beautiful Years of Bottom Physics
1995ESASP.387    Twenty Years of the ESA Convention
1979LNP....97    Twistors and Particles
1990taa..conf    Two Astronomical Anniversaries: HCO & SAO
1980tdp..conf    Two Dimensional Photometry
1989ESASP.296    Two Topics in X-Ray Astronomy, Volume 1: X Ray Binaries.  Volume 2: AGN and the X Ray Background
2001tysc.conf    Two Years of Science with Chandra
    tdp..conf    Two-Dimensional Photometry
1997AIPC..414    Two-Dimensional Turbulence in Plasmas and Fluids
2000tias.conf    Type Ia Supernovae, Theory and Cosmology
1992NASCP3153    Types and Characteristics of Data for Geomagnetic Field Modeling
    UGSJR        U S Geological Survey Journal Research
1981uhur.symp    UHURU Memorial Symposium on X-ray Astronomy
2001udns.conf    Ultracool Dwarfs: New Spectral Types L and T
1989uhpe.conf    Ultra-Hot Plasmas and Electron-Positron Pairs in Astrophysics
1983uls..conf    Ultrasensitive Laser Spectroscopy
1976uis..conf    Ultraviolet and Infrared Spectrophotometry: Some Applications
1984uxsa.conf    Ultraviolet and X-ray Spectroscopy of Astrophysical and Laboratory Plasmas
1998ESASP.413    Ultraviolet Astrophysics Beyond the IUE Final Archive
1980ESASP.157    Ultraviolet observations of Quasars
1982ESASP.182    Ultraviolet Stellar Classification
1970IAUS...36    Ultraviolet Stellar Spectra and Related Ground-Based Observations
1997uulh.conf    The Ultraviolet Universe at Low and High Redshift: Probing the Progress of Galaxy Evolution
1999ASPC..164    Ultraviolet-Optical Space Astronomy Beyond HST
2002AIPC..632    Unattended Radiation Sensor Systems for Remote Applications
1997uiia.conf    Uncooled Infrared Imaging Arrays and Systems
1999usra.proc    Undergraduate Symposium on Research in Astronomy
2001usra.proc    Undergraduate Symposium on Research in Astronomy
1983utu..conf    Understanding the Universe. The Impact of Space Astronomy
2000udq..conf    Understanding Deconfinement in QCD
1980ufpi.conf    Unification of the Fundamental Particle Interactions
1979uefg.conf    Unification of Elementary Forces and Gauge Theories
1983uft..conf    Unified Field Theories of >4 Dimensions
1995ussl.conf    Unified Symmetry in the Small and in the Large
    USOC.        Unified System Orbit Computation USOC
1987uvmm.conf    A Unified View of the Macro- and the Micro- Cosmos
    UMIB.        Unione Matematica Italiana Bollettino
1976LNP....49    A Unitary Calculus for Electronic Orbitals
    UNPSA        United Nations Programme on Space Applications
2002udgg.conf    Unity from Duality: Gravity, gauge theory and strings    The Universe and its Origins : From Ancient Myth to Present Reality and Fantasy
1999ESASP.427    The Universe as Seen by ISO    The Universe at Large, Key Issues in Astronomy and Cosmology
2002IAUS..199    The Universe at Low Radio Frequencies
1981uviu.nasa    The Universe at Ultraviolet Wavelengths:  The First Two Years of International Ultraviolet Explorer    The Universe in Gamma Rays    The universe of general relativity    The Universe of Stars, Radio Talks from the Harvard Observatory    Universe or Multiverse?    The Universe Unfolding
    UNAer        Universita di Napoli Aeritalia S
    UCAFR        Universitas Comeniana Acta Facultatis Rerum Naturalium Physica
1988dssp.conf    Universitat de les Illes Balears, Palma de Mallorca (Spain)
    UMt1K        Universite de Montpellier
1991umh..conf    Universite Mons-Hainaut
    UECBu        University Electro Communications Bulletin
    UnECR        University Electro Communications Reports
    StARe        University Observatory St. Andrews Scotland Reprints
    HawRe        University of Hawaii Reprints
    ADUrb        University of Illinois Astronomy Department Urbana Illinois
    MicRe        University of Michigan Observatory Reprints
    XXFD.        University of Minnesota 1969 (XXFD)
    LP...        University of Minnesota Minneapolis
    OklRe        University of Oklahoma Observatory Reprints
    MAUTx        University of Texas Monographs in Astronomy
    PAUTx        University of Texas Publications in Astronomy
2002usnc.conf    Unmixing the SNCs: Chemical, Isotopic, and Petrologic Components of the Martian Meteorites
    Unpub        Unpublished
1997upa..conf    Unsolved Problems in Astrophysics
2000upse.conf    Unsolved Problems in Stellar Evolution
2007AIPC..948    Unsolved Problems in Stellar Physics: A Conference in Honor of Douglas Gough
1996IAUS..169    Unsolved Problems of the Milky Way
2005AIPC..800    Unsolved Problems of Noise and Fluctuations in Physics, Biology and High Technology
2003AIPC..665    Unsolved Problems of Noise and Fluctuations: UPoN 2002
2003uucf.conf    The unsolved universe: challenges for the future. JENAM 2002
1985IAUS..107    Unstable Current Systems and Plasma Instabilities in Astrophysics    Unstable Nuclei in Astrophysics
1998ucb..proc    Untangling Coma Berenices: A New Vision of an Old Cluster
1994ASPC...67    Unveiling Large-Scale Structures Behind the Milky Way
1987umad.nasa    Upper and Middle Atmospheric Density Modeling Requirements for Spacecraft Design and Operations
1959uaaf.conf    The Upper Atmosphere Above F2-Maximum    The Upper Atmosphere and Magnetosphere, Studies in Geophysics    The upper atmosphere in motion
1972upat.conf    The Upper Atmosphere: Part IV of Solar-Terrestrial Physics/1970
1982uaso.conf    Upper Atmosphere Studies by Optical Methods
1986umss.conf    Upper Main Sequence Stars with Anomalous Abundances    The upper Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere: A Review of Experiment and Theory, Geophysical Monograph 87
    UppAn        Uppsala Astronomical Observatory Annals
    UppOR        Uppsala Astronomical Observatory Reports
    USM..        Upravliaiushchie Sistemy i Mashiny
    Urani        Urania
    UrMad        Urania Madrid    Uranus
1984urnp.nasa    Uranus and Neptune
2002ESASP.507    uropean Space Components Conference, ESCCON 2002
1959IAUS....9    URSI Symp. 1: Paris Symposium on Radio Astronomy
1990ursi.symp    URSI/IAU Symposium on Radio Astronomical Seeing
1995iugg.rept    U.S. National Report to International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics 1991-1994
    USNOC        U.S. Naval Observatory Circulars
    USNOR        U.S. Naval Observatory Reports
1997ESASP.405    The Use and Applications of ERS in Latin America
1963uasg.proc    The Use of Artificial Satellites for Geodesy
1967uasg.proc    The Use of Artificial Satellites for Geodesy
1972GMS....15    The Use of Artificial Satellites for Geodesy
    uasg.proc    Use of Artificial Satellites for Geodesy and Geodynamics
1974uasg.proc    The Use of Artificial Satellites for Geodesy and Geodynamics
1980umai.conf    Use of Model Atmospheres for the Interpretation of Stellar Spectra
1968ussp.conf    Use of Space Systems for Planetary Geology and Geophysics
1988usoa.conf    Use of Supercomputers in Observational Astronomy    Using in situ Resources for Construction of Planetary Outposts
1974ucyr.conf    Uskorenie Chastits i Yader. Reaktsii v Kosmose
1975ucyr.conf    Uskorenie Chastits i Yader. Reaktsii v Kosmose
1972uckp.conf    Uskorenie Chastits v Kosmich. Prostranstve (Okolezem. i Mezhplanet. Kosmich. Prostranstve), Galaktike i Metagalaktike
1978ussi.conf    Usp. Sov. Soyuza v Issled. Kosm. Prostranstva. 2-oe Kosm. Desyatiletie
    UMAM.        Uspekhi Mekhaniki Advances Mechanics
    RpCCA        USSR Report Cybernetics Computers Automation Technology JPRS UCC
    RpESc        USSR Report Earth Sciences JPRS UES
    RpSpR        USSR Report Space
    RpBAM        USSR Report Space Biology Aerospace Medicine JPRS USB
    RpEEE        USSR Rept Electron Elec Eng JPRS UEE
    RpEn.        USSR Rept Energy JPRS UEN
    RpEE.        USSR Rept Eng Equipment JPRS UEQ
    RLSBB        USSR Rept Life Sci Biomed Behavioral Sci JPRS
    RMTME        USSR Rept Machine Tools Metalworking Equipment JPRS UMM
    RpMSM        USSR Rept Mater Sci Met JPRS
    RpPhM        USSR Rept Phys Math JPRS UPM
    RSBAM        USSR Rept Space Biol Aerospace Med Jun JPRS
    RpSBA        USSR Rept Space Biol Aerospace Med Sep
    RpTr.        USSR Rept Transportation JPRS UTR
1999ESASP.433    Utilisation of the International Space station 2
    UtMat        Utilitas Mathematica
1978uid..conf    Utilization of Infrared Detectors
    ulpr.nasa    Utilization of Local Planetary Resources
2006ustt.conf    Utilization of Space: Today and Tomorrow
    UtrOv        Utrechtse Sterrekundige Overdrukken
1993uxsa.conf    UV and X-Ray Spectroscopy of Astrophysical and Laboratory Plasmas
1996uxsa.conf    UV and X-ray Spectroscopy of Astrophysical and Laboratory Plasmas
1993uxrs.conf    UV and X-ray Spectroscopy of Laboratory and Astrophysical Plasmas
    Vacuu        Vacuum
2003ver..conf    Vacuum Energy - Renormalization
1974vurp.conf    Vacuum Ultraviolet Radiation Physics IV
1978vurp.conf    Vacuum Ultraviolet Radiation Physics V
1993vurp.conf    Vacuum Ultraviolet Radiation Physics X
    VVORe        Van Vleck Observatory Reprints
1994vuae.conf    The Vanishing Universe: Adverse Environmental Impacts on Astronomy    Variability in Stars and Galaxies
1991vagn.conf    Variability of Active Galactic Nuclei
1992vob..conf    Variability of Blazars
1987vgex.conf    Variability of Galactic and Extragalactic X-ray Sources
    VSOLB        Variable Star Observers League in Japan - Bulletin
1992vsr..conf    Variable Star Research
    vsr..conf    Variable Star Research, an International Perspective
1992ASPC...30    Variable Stars and Galaxies, in honor of M. W. Feast on his retirement
1975IAUS...67    Variable Stars and Stellar Evolution
1997vsar.conf    Variables Stars and the Astrophysical Returns of the Microlensing Surveys    Variations in Earth Rotation
1981vsc..conf    Variations on the Solar Constant
1994vnt..conf    Variations on Nuclear Themes
1985vkli.conf    Variatsii Kosm. Luchej i Issled. Kosmosa.
    VatOP        Vatican Observatory Publications
    VDIF.        VDI Forschungsheft
    VDIZ.        VDI Z
    VDIZF        VDI Zeitschriften Fortschritt Berichte Reihe Stroemungstechnik
1972NASSP.292    Vehicle Technology for Civil Action: The Seventies and Beyond    Venus
1992vmai.conf    Venus and Mars: Atmospheres, Ionospheres, and Solar Wind Interactions
1969veat.conf    The Venus Atmosphere    Venus Geology, Geochemistry, and Geophysics - Research results from the USSR
1989vst..conf    Venus Geoscience Tutorial and Venus Geologic Mapping
1997veii.conf    Venus II: Geology, Geophysics, Atmosphere, and Solar Wind Environment
    VeWFS        Veroeffentlichung der Wilhelm Foerster Sterwarte
    VeHei        Veroeffentlichungen der Badischen Sternwarte zu Heidelberg
    VeKar        Veroeffentlichungen der Grossherzoglichen Sternwarte zu Karlsruhe
    VeBam        Veroeffentlichungen der Remeis-Sternwarte zu Bamberg
    VeBab        Veroeffentlichungen der Sternwarte Babelsberg
    VeMun        Veroeffentlichungen der Sternwarte Munchen
    VeSon        Veroeffentlichungen der Sternwarte Sonneberg
    VeKie        Veroeffentlichungen der Universitaets-Sternwarte Kiel
    VeKoe        Veroeffentlichungen der Universitaets-Sternwarte Koenigsberg Pr.
    VeBB.        Veroeffentlichungen der Universitaetssternwarte zu Berlin-Babelsberg
    VeGoe        Veroeffentlichungen der Universitaets-Sternwarte zu Goettingen
    VeJen        Veroeffentlichungen der Universitaets-Sternwarte zu Jena
    VeLei        Veroeffentlichungen der Universitaetssternwarte zu Leipzig
    VeBoc        Veroeffentlichungen des Astronomischen Instituts der Ruhr-Universitaet Bochum
    VeARI        Veroeffentlichungen des Astronomischen Rechen-Instituts Heidelberg
    VeABD        Veroeffentlichungen des Astronomischen Rechen-Instituts zu Berlin-Dahlem
    VeBon        Veroeffentlichungen des Astronomisches Institute der Universitaet Bonn
    VeFra        Veroeffentlichungen des Astronomisches Institute der Universitaet Frankfurt
    VeKAB        Veroeffentlichungen des Koeniglichen Astronomischen Rechen-Instituts zu Berlin
    VeZPE        Veroffentlichungen des Zentralinstituts Physik der Erde
    VeLdn        Verslag van den staat der Sterrewacht te Leiden
    Vert.        Vertica
    Vertf        Vertiflite
1983veu..conf    Very Early Universe
1994IAUS..158    Very High Angular Resolution Imaging
1993AIPC..276    Very High Energy Cosmic-Ray Interactions    Very High Energy Gamma Ray Astronomy
1989vheg.conf    Very High Energy Gamma Ray Astronomy
2003vhep.conf    Very High Energy Phenomena in the Universe
1997vhep.conf    Very High Energy Phenomena in the Universe; Moriond Workshop
1976vhrs.conf    Very High Resolution Spectroscopy
1988vltt.conf    Very Large Telescopes and their Instrumentation
1995ASPC...82    Very Long Baseline Interferometry and the VLBA
1982vlbi.conf    Very long baseline interferometry techniques
1983vlbi.conf    Very Long Baseline Interferometry Techniques
2000lmbd.conf    Very Low-mass Stars and Brown Dwarfs
2000vlms.conf    Very Low-Mass Stars and Brown Dwarfs
    VKha.        Vestnik Khar'kovskogo Universiteta
    VKie.        Vestnik Kievskogo Universiteta Seriya Astronomii
    VeMos        Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta Seriya 3 Fizika Astronomiya
1982hep..conf    VI High Energy Physics Symposium
1970vicr.conf    VI Interamerican Seminar on Cosmic Rays
2007AIPC..884    VI Latin American Symposium on Nuclear Physics and Applications
2006smqw.conf    VI Microquasar Workshop: Microquasars and Beyond
2007soch.conf    VI Reunion Anual Sociedad Chilena de Astronomia (SOCHIAS)
    VISBD        Vibration Inst Shock Vibration Digest
1978vss.....7    Vibrational Spectra and Structure
    vrsp....1    Vibrational-Rotational Spectroscopy for Planetary Atmospheres, Volume 1
    vrsp....2    Vibrational-Rotational Spectroscopy for Planetary Atmospheres, Volume 2
    VIAEA        Vienna International Atomic Energy Agency
    VAG..        Vierteljahresschrift der Astronomischen Gesellschaft
2007AIPC..947    VII LATIN American Symposium on Nuclear Physics and Applications
1975lein.conf    VII Leningrad International Seminar
1985pldi.conf    VIII. International Planetarium Directors Conference
    VilCo        Villanova University Observatory Contributions
    VilOB        Vilnius Astronomijos Observatorijos Biuletenis
    IzVil        Vilnius Izdatel Mokslas    Violent Star Formation, from 30 Doradus to QSOs
1985vcg..conf    The Virgo Cluster of Galaxies
2001ASPC..225    Virtual Observatories of the Future
2006vopc.conf    Virtual Observatory: Plate Content Digitization, Archive Mining and Image Sequence Processing
2006via..conf    Visions for Infrared Astronomy, Instrumentation, Mesure, Métrologie    Visions of the Future: Astronomy and Earth Science
1962IAUS...17    Visual Double Stars
1997ASSL..223    Visual Double Stars : Formation, Dynamics and Evolutionary Tracks
1977voae.conf    Visual Obs. Artif. Earth Satell.
    yCat.        VizieR Online Data Catalog
    VICFD        VKI An Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics
    VIMT.        VKI An Introduction to Modeling Turbulence
    VADVS        VKI Advanced Design of Ventilation Systems
    VAFC.        VKI Axial Flow Compressors
    VBLT.        VKI Boundary Layers in Turbomachines
    VCCPP        VKI Combined Cycles for Power Plants
    VCFD.        VKI Computational Fluid Dynamics
    VCFDI        VKI Computational Fluid Dynamics for Industrial Flows
    VCGFV        VKI Computer Graphics Flow Visualization and Computational Fluid Dynamics
    VGTET        VKI Gas Turbine Engine Transient Behaviour
    VIHE.        VKI Industrial Heat Exchangers
    VKILV        VKI Laser Velocimetry
    VKIMT        VKI Measurement and Techniques
    VMTA.        VKI Measurement Techniques in Aerodynamics
    VMHT.        VKI Methodology Hypersonic Testing
    VMATP        VKI Modeling and Applications of Transport Phenomena in Porous Media
    VADMT        VKI New Approaches in the Description and Modeling of Turbulence
    VNGG.        VKI Numerical Grid Generation
    VNMFT        VKI Numerical Methods for Flows in Turbomachinery
    VPIDV        VKI Particle Image Displacement Velocimetry
    VKIRT        VKI Radial Turbines
    VKISP        VKI Spacecraft Propulsion
    VTSF.        VKI Turbulent Shear Flows
    VVRD.        VKI Vibration Rotor Dynamics
1984IAUS..110    VLBI and Compact Radio Sources
2000vlbi.conf    VLBI Service for Geodesy and Astrometry
1994vtpp.conf    VLBI TecnologyY: Progress and Future Observational Possibilities
1980vaan.conf    Vliyanie Atmos. na Astron. Nablyudeniya v Opt. i Radiodiapazonakh. Tez. Dokl. Soveshch. Probl.-Temat. Gruppy po Teor. Astrometr. Sekts. Astrometr.
1976viao.conf    Vneatmos. Issled. Aktiv. Oblastej na Solntse
    VAC..        Voies Aviation Civile Fall Winter
1995AIPC..341    Volatiles in the Earth and Solar System
1989vaw..conf    Vom Anfang der Welt
1993vuku.conf    Vom Urknall zum Komplexen Universum
1998seju.conf    Von den Sternen auf die Erde: 110 Jahre Urania. Eine Festschrift
1984vas..conf    Vopr. Astrofiz.
1987vmtd.conf    Vopr. Mekh. Tverd. i Deformiruem. Tela
    VANTS        Voprosy Atomnoi Nauki i Tekhniki Seriia Fizika Plazmy i Problemy Upravliaemykh Termoiadernykh Reaktsii
    VopDP        Voprosy Dinamiki i Prochnosti
    VETT.        Voprosy Elektroniki Tverdogo Tela
    VopGA        Voprosy Gidrodinamiki Atmosfery
    VopK.        Voprosy Kibernetiki
    VMOIP        Voprosy Metrologicheskogo Obespecheniia Izmereniia Parametrov Tekhnologicheskikh Lazerov
    VoTAS        Voprosy Teorii Atomnykh Stolknovenii
    VopTP        Voprosy Teorii Plazmy
    VTSAU        Voprosy Teorii Sistem Avtomaticheskogo Upravleniia
1979LNP....99    Voraussage - Wahrscheinlichkeit - Objekt: Über die begrifflichen Grundlangen der Quatenmechanik
1972LNP....15    Vorlesungen zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der Mechanik
1976NASSP.405    Vortex-Lattice Utilization
1987vtro.conf    Vorträge beim Theodor Ritter von Oppolzer-Gedächtnissymposium
1966vsui.conf    Vorträge der Sommerschule Untere Ionosphäre
    VossZ        Vossische Zeitung
1976veao.conf    Vozniknovenie i Ehvol. Aktiv. Obl. na Solntse
1974vspr.conf    Vses. Simpoz. po Rasprostr. Submillimetrov. i Millimetrov. Voln v Atmosfere Zemli i Planet
    IzYak        Vsesoiuznaia Konferentsiia Kosmicheskim Lucham Yakutsk USSR Akademiia Nauk SSSR Izvestiia Seriia Fizicheskaia
    IzYer        Vsesoiuznaia Konferentsiia Kosmicheskim Lucham Yerevan Armenian SSR Aademiia Nauk SSSR Izvestiia Seriia Fizicheskaia
    RaUkr        Vsesoiuznyi Simpozium Difraktsii i Rasprostraneniiu Voln Lvov Ukrainian SSR Radiofizika
1987cogr.conf    Vth Brazilian School of Cosmology and Gravitation
1999foap.conf    Vulcano Workshop 1998: Frontier Objects in Astrophysics and Particle Physics
1997vsxp.conf    VUV and Soft X-Ray Photoionization
    VnPM.        Vychislitel naia i Prikladnaia Matematika
    VnMP.        Vychislitel nye Metody i Programmirovanie
    VyGeo        Vyssha Geodeziia    Wanderers in the Sky
1991wdir.conf    Warped Disks and Inclined Rings around Galaxies
    WarRe        Warsaw University Reprints
    WasOA        Washburn Observatory Astrophysics
    GMS..        Washington DC American Geophysical Union Geophysical Monograph Series
1992wadc.iafc    Washington, DC International Astronautical Federation Congress
2006AIPC..833    Water Dynamics
2007AIPC..898    Water Dynamics
2008AIPC..987    Water Dynamics
1976wpr..conf    Water in Planetary Regoliths    Water on Mars and Life
    WRR..        Water Resources Research
1979ASSL...74    Wave Instabilities in Space Plasmas
1993wpst.conf    Wave Phenomena in Solar Terrestrial Plasmas
1986wps..conf    Wave propagation and scattering
1993wprm.conf    Wave Propagation in Random Media (Scintillation)
1993waap.conf    Wavelets and Applications
1994wage.conf    Wavelets in Geophysics
1999waph.conf    Wavelets in Physics
1996wta..conf    Wavelets, Theory and Applications
1989wtfm.conf    Wavelets. Time-Frequency Methods and Phase Space
1995waas..773    Waves in Astrophysics, Volume 773
2000AIPC..537    Waves in Dusty, Solar, and Space Plasmas
1986wein.conf    Weak and Electromagnetic Interactions in Nuclei
1989wein.conf    Weak and Electromagnetic Interactions in Nuclei
1995wein.conf    Weak and Electromagnetic Interactions in Nuclei - WEIN 95.
1977AIPC...37    Weak Interaction Physics -- 1977
1966wihn.conf    Weak Interactions and High-Energy Neutino Physics
1983win..conf    Weak Interactions and Neutrinos
2000win..conf    Weak Interactions and Neutrinos
1963witd.conf    Weak Interactions and Topics in Dispersion Physics
1983ball.symp    Weather and Climate Responses to Solar Variations
1983wcrs.proc    Weather and Climate Responses to Solar Variations    Wegweiser für die praktische astronomische
1996ASSL..207    The Westerbork Observatory, Continuing Adventure in
1980NASSP2148    Western Regional Remote Sensing Conference Proceedings 1979
2004wcbs.conf    What Comes Beyond the Standard Models    What Comes Beyond the Standard Models?
1971NASSP.287    What Made Apollo a Success?
2001whph.conf    Whistler Phenomena: Short Impulse Propagation
1971IAUS...42    White Dwarfs
1997ASSL..214    White dwarfs
2005ASSL..332    White dwarfs: cosmological and galactic probes
2007ASPC..378    Why Galaxies Care About AGB Stars: Their Importance as Actors and Probes
1995wfsd.conf    Wide Field Spectroscopy and the Distant Universe
1998wfsc.conf    Wide Field Surveys in Cosmology
1969wcrt.conf    Wideband Cruciform Radio Telescope Research
2004wfis.conf    Wide-Field Imaging From Space
1997ASSL..212    Wide-field spectroscopy
1998ASPC..137    Wild Stars in the Old West
    WSAA.        Wiley Praxis Series in Astronomy and Astrophysics
    WSAPC        Wiley Praxis Series in Atmospheric Physics and Climatology
    WSGeo        Wiley Praxis Series in Geophysics
    WSBPA        Wiley Series in Beam Physics and Accelerator Technology
    WSICP        Wiley Series in Ion Chemistry and Physics
    WSPP.        Wiley Series in Plasma Physics
1978wsag.conf    Wilhelm Schickard: 1592 - 1635. Astronom, Geograph, Orientalist, Erfinder der Rechenmaschine
    WilOO        Williamstown Observatory Observations
1990ASSL..160    Windows on Galaxies
1968wtsm.conf    Winds and Turbulence in Stratosphere, Mesophere and Ionosphere
1987wfs..conf    Windsurfing the Fermi Sea
1989wshp.conf    Winter School on Hadronic Physics
1983wuh..conf    Wissenschaftsberichte aus der Universität Hamburg: 150 Jahre Hamburger Sternwarte
1973IAUS...49    Wolf-Rayet and High-Temperature Stars
1999IAUS..193    Wolf-Rayet Phenomena in Massive Stars and Starburst Galaxies
1968wrs..conf    Wolf-Rayet Stars
1991IAUS..143    Wolf-Rayet Stars and Interrelations with Other Massive Stars in Galaxies
1995IAUS..163    Wolf-Rayet Stars: Binaries; Colliding Winds; Evolution
1982IAUS...99    Wolf-Rayet Stars: Observations, Physics, Evolution
1983wrsp.conf    Wolf-Rayet stars: Progenitors of supernovae?    Women and Minorities in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
1993wwms.conf    Women at Work: A Meeting on the Status of Women in Astronomy
2002AIPC..628    Women in Physics
2005AIPC..795    Women in Physics
1999ASPC..194    Working on the Fringe: Optical and IR Interferometry from Ground and Space
    hutx.rept    Workshop held in Houston, TX    Workshop held in Leura, Australia    Workshop on the Earth's Radiation Belts    Workshop on the Preliminary Results from the S-054 X-ray Telescope and the Correlated Ground-Based Observations    Workshop on the Role of Volatiles and Atmospheres on Martian Impact Craters    Workshop on Astronomy and Astrophysics, Santa Cruz, Calif.    Workshop on Bulges of Galaxies    Workshop on Chondrites and the Protoplanetary Disk    Workshop on Cometary Dust in Astrophysics
2000came.conf    Workshop on Concepts and Approaches for Mars Exploration    Workshop on Europa's Icy Shell:  Past, Present, and Future    Workshop on Galaxies and Clusters of Galaxies    Workshop on Geophysical Informatics
2004haom.conf    Workshop on Hemispheres Apart:  The Origin and Modification of the Martian Crustal Dichotomy
1999ESASP.435    Workshop on ISO Polarisation Observations
1999misp.conf    Workshop on Mars 2001: Integrated Science in Preparation for Sample Return and Human Exploration    Workshop on Mars Telescopic Observations
2001mses.conf    Workshop on Mercury: Space Environment, Surface, and Interior    Workshop on Meteorites from Cold and Hot Deserts
1999wnvm.conf    Workshop on New Views of the Moon II: Understanding the Moon Through the Integration of Diverse Datasets
1998AIPC..433    Workshop on Observing Giant Cosmic Ray Air Showers From >10(20) eV Particles From Space    Workshop on Oxygen in the Earliest Solar System    Workshop on Oxygen in the Terrestrial Planets    Workshop on Oxygen in Asteroids and Meteorites    Workshop on Plasma Astrophysics    Workshop on Radar Investigations of Planetary and Terrestrial Environments
1998AIPC..448    Workshop on Space Charge Physics in High Intensity Hadron Rings
1999tesa.conf    Workshop on Thermal Emission Spectroscopy and Analysis of Dust, Disks, and Regoliths
2006wtqp.conf    Workshop on Top Quark Physics
1996wtyi.conf    Workshop on Two Years of Intensive Monitoring of OJ 287 and 3C66A    Workshop on Water in Planetary Basalts
    WCRp.        World Climate Report
2008AIPC.1007    World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science
1966woat.conf    The World of the Atom
1989woga.conf    World of Galaxies (Le Monde des Galaxies)
    WSLNP        World Scientific Lecture Notes in Physics
    WSCCP        World Scientific Series in Contemporary Chemical Physics
    WSDCM        World Scientific Series on Directions in Condensed Matter Physics
    WroRe        Wroclaw Astronomical Observatory Reprints
    Wuli.        Wuli
1973IAUS...55    X- and Gamma-Ray Astronomy
2003xseh.proc    XEUS - studying the evolution of the hot universe
2007AIPC..917    XII Mexican School of Particles and Fields
1994NASCP3278    XIII Space Photovoltaic Research and Technology Conference (SPRAT XIII)
1967hep..conf    XIIIth International Conference on High-Energy Physics
2007AIPC..910    XIIth Brazilian School of Cosmololy and Gravitation
2005AIPC..782    XIth Brazilian School of Cosmology and Gravitation
1998csp..conf    XIVth Consultation on Solar Physics: Conference Proceedings
1985fps..conf    XIX Annual Conference of the Finnish Physical Society
1994bas..conf    XIXth Meeting of the Brazilian Astronomical Society
1974xrso.conf    X-radiation of the Sun and of Other Cosmic Objects
2007AIPC..882    X-ray Absorption Fine Structure - XAFS13
1982AIPC...94    X-Ray and Atomic Inner-Shell Physics
1979xrgr.conf    X-ray and Gamma-ray Astronomy in the 1980's
2003AIPC..652    X-Ray and Inner-Shell Processes
2005xrrc.conf    X-Ray and Radio Connections
1984xue..conf    X-ray and UV Emission from Active Galactic Nuclei
1960xras.conf    X-ray Astronomy
1974ASSL...43    X-ray Astronomy
1979xras.proc    X-ray Astronomy
2001ASPC..234    X-ray Astronomy 2000
1984xra..conf    X-ray Astronomy '84
1985xra..conf    X-ray Astronomy '84
1975xrat.rept    X-ray Astronomy and Related Topics
1981xras.nasa    X-ray Astronomy in the 1980's
1972xanf.conf    X-ray Astronomy in the Near Future
1981ASSL...87    X-ray Astronomy with the Einstein Satellite    X-ray Astronomy with EXOSAT    The X-ray Background
1976xrbi.nasa    X-ray Binaries
1977xbco.conf    X-ray Binaries and Compact Objects
2002xrb..conf    X-ray Binaries in the Chandra and XMM-Newton Era (with an emphasis on Targets of Opportunity)
2005AIPC..774    X-ray Diagnostics of Astrophysical Plasmas: Theory, Experiment, and Observation
2001xeab.conf    X-ray Emission from Accretion onto Black Holes
1992xrea.conf    X-ray Emission from Active Galactic Nuclei and the Cosmic X-ray Background
1977xri..conf    X-ray Imaging
1997xisc.conf    X-Ray Imaging and Spectroscopy of Cosmic Hot Plasmas
1985xia..conf    X-ray Instrumentation in Astronomy
1988xia..conf    X-Ray Instrumentation in Astronomy
2002AIPC..641    X-ray Lasers 2002
1960xmxm.conf    X-ray Microscopy and X-ray Microanalysis
1977xros.conf    X-Ray Optics: Applications to Solids
1994xspy.conf    X-ray solar physics from Yohkoh
2002xsac.conf    X-ray Spectroscopy of AGN with Chandra and XMM-Newton
1981xray.symp    X-ray Symposium 1981 (1981)
2004AIPC..714    X-ray Timing 2003: Rossi and Beyond
2006ESASP.604    The X-ray Universe 2005
1989xeoa.conf    X-Ray/EUV Optics for Astronomy and Microscopy
2008xng..conf    X-rays From Nearby Galaxies
1975xris.conf    X-Rays in Space - Cosmic, Solar, and Auroral X-Rays, Volume 1
1963spin.conf    Xth Colloquium Spectroscopicum Internationale
2008AIPC.1027    The XV International Congress on Rheology
1976spin.conf    XVIIIth Colloquium Spectroscopicum Internationale
1996bas..conf    XXIth Meeting of the Brazilian Astronomical Society
2006slft.conf    XXIVth International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory
1995bas..conf    XXth Meeting of the Brazilian Astronomical Society
1995yera.conf    The XXVIIth Young European Radio Astronomers Conference
    YalOY        Yale University Observatory Reports for the year
    YUFEM        Yamaguchi University Faculty of Engineering Memoirs
    YUTR.        Yamaguchi University Technology Reports
    YamC.        Yamamoto Circular
2000yera.conf    Young European Radio Astronomers' Conference (YERAC)
1997ASPC..114    Young Galaxies and QSO Absorption-Line Systems
2004IAUS..218    Young Neutron Stars and Their Environments
2001ASPC..244    Young Stars Near Earth: Progress and Prospects
1972ysga.conf    Young stellar groups. Astroclimate
2001AIPC..565    Young Supernova Remnants
1998ASPC..146    The Young Universe: Galaxy Formation and Evolution at Intermediate and High Redshift
2006AIPC..849    Zababakhin Scientific Talks - 2005
    ZaDN.        Zagadnienia Drgan Nieliniowych
    ZaLab        Zavodskaia Laboratoriia
1990zp...conf    Z° Physics
    ZEVGA        Zeitschrift fur Eisenbahnwesen und Verkehrstechnik Glasers Annalen
    ZeMet        Zeitschrift fur Meteorologie
    ZePAN        Zeitschrift Physik Atomic Nuclei
    ZWer.        Zeitschrift Werkstofftechnik
    MiTau        Zentralinstitut fuer Astrophysik Mitteilungen des Karl-Schwarzschild-Observatoriums Tautenburg
    MitVS        Zentralinstitut fuer Astrophysik Sternwarte Sonneberg Mitteilungen ueber Veraenderliche Sterne
1981zvde.conf    Zvaigžnota Debess
1982zvde.conf    Zvaigžnota Debess
1983zvde.conf    Zvaigžnota Debess
1984zvde.conf    Zvaigžnota Debess
1986zvde.conf    Zvaigžnota Debess
1985zvde.conf    Zvaigžnota Debess, 1985
1970zvde.conf    Zvaigznota Debess
1971zvde.conf    Zvaigznota Debess
1972zvde.conf    Zvaigznota Debess
1973zvde.conf    Zvaigznota Debess
1974zvde.conf    Zvaigznota Debess
1975zvde.conf    Zvaigznota Debess
1976zvde.conf    Zvaigznota Debess
1977zvde.conf    Zvaigznota Debess
1978zvde.conf    Zvaigznota Debess
1979zvde.conf    Zvaigznota Debess
1978zsds.conf    Zvezd. Skopleniya i Dvojn. Sistemy. Sverdlovsk
1987zvsk.conf    Zvezd. Skopleniya. Konf. Sverdlovsk 1986