NIST Center for Neutron Research NIST Center for Neutron Research National Institute of Standards and Technology
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Visitor Registration
This registration form is for non-users only, i.e. people coming for purposes such as a Tour, a Seminar, or a day of Scientific Discussion. If this applies to you, then please fill in the information requested below.

However, if the purpose of your visit pertains to an Experiment, Contract Work, Summer School, Theory Collaboration, or SURF, then please click here ( This link will take you to the NCNR-IMS login page where you must log in and submit a visitor registration request. If you don't have an account, then you will need to create one.
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Business Address:  US   Foreign
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Arrival date:  (mm/dd/yyyy)
Departure date:  (mm/dd/yyyy)
U.S. citizen:  Yes   No
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NOTE: When you arrive at the main gate on the NIST campus, you will be directed to the Visitor Center.
This information is collected to streamline the NCNR site access protocol, by setting up in advance the required access with the NIST main gate. The customer information (i.e., name, affiliation, email address, local information) will help NCNR to process incoming visitors efficiently. The reporting capability of this form provides feedback on previous visitors to the NCNR only and allows for the NCNR staff to register their visitors with NIST. The information is not otherwise distributed or shared, but is possibly subject to FOIA requests. Persons under the age of 13 should have a legal guardian fill out this form for them. The information collected in this form may be retained indefinitely as deemed necessary for its purpose. This page is also subject to the NIST Privacy Policy.
Please e-mail support for questions about this website.
Last modified 08/18/2009