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Contact: Press Secretary Jessica Gleason
Phone: 202-225-5816
After Hours Phone: 202-225-4466
Date: 12/20/2005

Another Step Forward for PNNL’s 300 Area Transition

Constructing 300 Area replacement laboratories at PNNL has moved another step forward through the official Department of Energy review process, Congressman Doc Hastings announced today.

Deputy Secretary Clay Sell has given PNNL approval to complete detailed building designs, and has adjusted the timeline to ensure replacement labs can be completed before 300 Area buildings must be vacated and demolished under the River Corridor Closure project.

“The replacement lab project is critical to the future of PNNL and our community,” Hastings said.  “The Deputy Secretary’s approval will let the Lab get busy putting to work the $18 million we just passed through Congress for this project.”

In addition to getting the green light to complete design work, DOE increased the schedule for construction by 15 months.  In 2004, DOE had planned on PNNL exiting the 300 Area by 2007.  Congressman Hastings intervened to delay that date for two years until 2009 to ensure PNNL scientists were not put out of work because replacement labs weren’t ready.  The additional time DOE has just added to the schedule is intended to provide certainty that the planning and construction timelines will reasonably be met.

 “It’s important to strike a balance between getting new labs built and keeping River Corridor Closure on course – the sooner both are done, the better for all,” Hastings said.

This expanded timeline will not impact the Tri-Party Agreement end date of 2015 for 300 Area cleanup.

In addition to intervening with top DOE officials in 2004 to allow more time for PNNL’s transfer from the 300 Area to new lab space, Hastings worked to secure $11 million in for the planning and design work in 2005.  For 2006, Hastings secured $18 million that can be used for planning, design and construction.    

The planned replacement laboratories would include a federal Physical Sciences Facility with nuclear handling capabilities, a Battelle-funded Life Sciences Facility addition, and two privately funded buildings (a Computational Sciences Facility and Biological Science Facility) that would be leased by PNNL.

 Three federal agencies are jointly funding and directing the replacement lab project: DOE’s Office of Science, the National Nuclear Safety Administration (NNSA), and the Department of Homeland Security.

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