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Dept. of Human Services Children and Teens

Information for teens

teen couple
Above all, we credit adolescents’ responsible sexual behavior and postponement of sexual intercourse for the decrease in pregnancies. Most youth resist pressure to engage in sexual activity and many sexually active youth have access to contraception and have the skills and knowledge to use birth control methods effectively and consistently. Youth make healthy decisions when they have motivation, skills and opportunity to prepare for a productive life.

Responsible youth set an example for other youth. Youth involvement in pregnancy prevention is critical. They can change social norms among their peers. Youth engagement in community service and pursuit of long-term goals protect them from involvement in risky behaviors.

Connections with school, community and family increase the likelihood of healthy adolescent development.


Youth Resource Card

Check out these websites for more information:

State and national resources for youth.

  • National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy
    Thinking "it won't happen to me" is stupid; if you don't protect yourself, it probably will. Sex is serious. Make a plan. Just because you think "everyone is doing it," doesn't mean they are. Some are, some aren't - and some are lying.
  • Oregon Family Planning Program
    The Oregon Family Planning Program works to reduce unintended pregnancies by making low-cost birth control and reproductive health services available throughout the state in county health departments and other clinics. Check out the list to find the locations of the services nearest you.
  • YouthLine 1-877-553-TEEN
    Teens Helping Teens with Drugs and Alcohol; Depression; Relationships; Family Problems; and all other teen issues. FREE AND CONFIDENTIAL–24 HOURS.
  • Do you know someone with a drug or alcohol problem?
    Get Help: Alcohol, Drug & Addiction Information, Treatment & Referral. Free. Confidential. Call the Oregon Partnership Help Line: 800-923-HELP
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Page updated: September 21, 2007

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