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October 5, 2008    DOL Home > OASP > Chartbook of International Labor Comparisons > Section 4   

Section 4 - Other Economic Indicators

Charts 4.1 through 4.5 show indicators of broad labor market and population issues, some of these in the policy field. Charts 4.1 - 4.3 compare the following policy issues: expenditures on labor market programs, the extent of labor and product market regulations, and the level of taxation on labor.

Chart 4.4 shows dependency ratios. The dependency ratio is an overall measure of the dependence of children and the elderly on people of working age. However, dependency ratios show the age composition of a population, not necessarily economic dependency. Some children and elderly people are part of the labor force and some working-age people are not.

Chart 4.5 compares data on trade in goods as a percent of GDP. This indicator shows an economy’s degree of openness.

The number of countries covered in this section varies from 18 to 20. EU-15 data were available only for two charts.

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