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Health Benefits / Corps Care

CorpsCare is an affordable, private, comprehensive health insurance policy designed to complement the benefits provided for service-related medical problems under the PC-127C authorization and FECA. Peace Corps will explain the benefits of the policy and pay the first month's premium for all Volunteers. Peace Corps will also pay the first month's premium for each of the Volunteer's children, less than 18 years old and residing with the Volunteer when service ends. Spouses are also eligible for CorpsCare, however, the Volunteer must pay all monthly premiums for a spouse, including the first month. Before the end of their service, Volunteers will be given the opportunity to extend their CorpsCare enrollment for up to 18 months and to enroll qualified dependents.

Premiums and Payment
Contacting CorpsCare
Frequently Asked Questions


CorpsCare provides coverage for non-service-related health care needs. Specifically, it covers:

  • Most pre-existing conditions, including health conditions that existed prior to Volunteer service, were disclosed to the Peace Corps prior to service, and were not exacerbated by service.
  • Post-service health care for health problems that developed while a Volunteer was in the U.S. but not directly engaged in Peace Corps business.
  • Health problems that develop during vacations, home leave, emergency leave, or while on medevac may be covered if they are not covered by FECA.
  • Health care for any non-service-related health condition that arises while CorpsCare coverage is in effect. This coverage is subject to certain exclusions described in the CorpsCare contract.

Like many insurance plans, CorpsCare strongly advises you obtain pre-certification for medical attention other than simple doctor's visits. Pre-certification of treatment and hospital stay will provide confirmation of coverage. CorpsCare requires pre-certification of medical transportation other than local ground service. Please be sure to read the policy carefully to ensure that you take advantage of the best possible service.


After your Volunteer service, you will automatically receive 31 days of CorpsCare coverage. If you need coverage for your non-Volunteer spouse or dependent children, you must supply the insurance company with their names, social security numbers, dates of birth, and gender before you close service, and pay any required premium.

The Peace Corps strongly encourages you to sign up for extended coverage before you leave country. If your CorpsCare policy lapses, you are not eligible to rejoin the plan and will have to find other insurance to cover your needs.

If you are 65 or older you may be eligible for Medicare. You may choose CorpsCare as your primary plan, but before doing so you should contact the Social Security Administration, which coordinates Medicare, to obtain a full understanding of Medicare coverage and enrollment options. If you choose Medicare as your primary coverage, your CorpsCare coverage will cease.

Premiums and Payment

Peace Corps pays the first month's premium for all Volunteers and for their dependent children under 18 who reside with them, but not for spouses or other dependent children. As of this printing, there are two plans to choose from, Corps Care and CorpsCare Edge. Premiums for the CorpsCare plan are $155 per month for the Volunteer; $143 per month for a non-Volunteer spouse and $132 per month for a dependent child. Premiums for the CorpsCare Edge plan are $95 per month for each Volunteer, non-Volunteer spouse and a dependent child. You may purchase up to 18 months of extended coverage. You may elect to have your premiums deducted from your readjustment allowance. If you cancel pre-purchased coverage you will receive a refund.

Alternatively, you may purchase coverage for shorter periods, such as month to month, by sending a check before the expiration of coverage or by having the premium automatically charged to a credit card. All payments for extensions of coverage must be received before the expiration of coverage.


The PCMO or the Administrative Officer in country will explain CorpsCare coverage to you before the end of your service. You are responsible for extending your coverage beyond the first month if you wish to have continued coverage. You are also responsible for enrolling your non-Volunteer spouse and your dependents who are qualified for coverage under the plan.

Contacting CorpsCare

You will receive a brochure containing an insurance card and a summary of the CorpsCare contract benefits before you end your service. These will contain the information you need to contact CorpsCare, to evaluate the policy, and to extend your coverage beyond 31 days if you so desire. If you lose these materials, you can reach CorpsCare in any of the following ways:

  • To extend or confirm your coverage, call CorpsCare at 800.872.0067 or 202.872.0060. You may also fax your extension, paid by credit card, to 202.466.9064. You may e-mail questions to
  • For Pre-Certification of emergency and non-emergency medical treatment, an explanation of medical benefits, status of your medical claim or for a U.S. physician referral, contact CorpsCareĀ® Assistance at MNU: 1.800.605.2282 or 317.262.2132. (Collect calls accepted) Pre-certification does not guarantee benefits.
  • Submit claims to: CorpsCare Claims, 1660 L Street, NW, 9th Floor, Washington, DC 20036
  • You may also visit the Clements International Web site at Once in the site, click the "Health Care" button, then "CorpsCare." There is a copy of the CorpsCare policy at this site.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have to decide to extend my policy before I leave country?
No. As long as you complete the extension application and submit payment within the first 31 days, you will maintain your coverage.

Do I have to extend the policy for 18 months?
No. You may extend your coverage for any number of months, from one to 18, as long as you always extend before the policy expires.

May I use the CorpsCare policy to pay for treatment for service-related conditions while I wait for the OWCP to approve my claim?
No. If OWCP denies your claim, then CorpsCare will cover your condition as it would any other non-service-related health problem.

If I extend my policy for several months and then receive insurance through my employer, will I be able to get a refund of the premiums I paid in advance?
Yes. CorpsCare will refund your premiums based on the months of coverage you paid for minus the months you have been covered by the policy.

I live outside the U.S. Will CorpsCare still cover me?
Yes. You will, however, still be responsible for pre-certifying treatment other than simple office visits.

When I arrived home after service, I called CorpsCare to confirm they had extended my coverage and learned their records still showed me as a Volunteer. How do I ensure that I am covered?
There is a three to four week delay between the date when a Volunteer's service ends and the time that date appears in the Clements International database for CorpsCare. If you call to confirm your coverage and Clements International has not yet received your end of service date, ask the Customer Service Representative to confirm the date with Peace Corps to verify the start of your coverage.

My doctor's office called CorpsCare to confirm my coverage and CorpsCare referred the call to Peace Corps. Why did this happen?
Because you have three separate but complementary health benefits as part of the post-service health benefits program, the Peace Corps and Clements International work together to ensure that returned Volunteers access the appropriate benefit. If the post-service health benefit you were seeking was service-related, it would be covered by Form PC-127C or under FECA and not by CorpsCare.