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New York office of USDA-NASS

Latest Releases

August 2008 Milk Production Up: September 19, 2008

NY Corn and Soybean Production Up: September 12, 2008

Muckland Release: September 10, 2008

Vegetable Release: September 08, 2008

Retired Race Horse Survey to be Conducted: September 02, 2008

August 2008 Prices: September 02, 2008

August 2008 Crop & Lvstk Report: August 26, 2008

2008 Turkey Output in NY Expected to Decrease: August 26, 2008

July 2008 Egg Prodction: August 25, 2008

July 2008 Milk Production Up:: August 19, 2008

Cash Receipts from Farm Marketings, by County: August 15, 2008

Cash Receipts and Farm Income Report: August 15, 2008

August Fruit Report: August 12, 2008

NY Crop Prospects Higher than 2007: August 12, 2008

NY Apple & Grape Production Down: August 12, 2008

NY Prices Release July 08: August 1, 2008

NY July 2008 Crop & Livestock Report: July 28, 2008

NY Egg Production up 4% June 08: July 23, 2008

June 2008 Milk Production Up: July 21, 2008

Vegetable Release: July 17, 2008

Potato Report: July 14, 2008

New York Winter Wheat, Oat Production Up: July 11, 2008

New York Peach Production Down: July 11, 2008

New York Potato Acreage Decreases: July 11, 2008

New York July 2008 Fruit Release: July 9, 2008

2007 New York Apple Production up 4%: July 9, 2008

New York Plants Record Soybean Acreage: June 30, 2008

June 2008 Prices: June 30, 2008

NY Crop & Livestock Report: June 26, 2008

NY Egg Production Up 8 Percent in May:: June 24, 2008

May 2008 Milk Production Up:: June 19, 2008

Cherry Production Down: June 19, 2008

Annual Bulletin 2008: Sections will be updated as they become available

NY Maple Syrup Report: June 11, 2008

NY Maple Syrup Production up 44%: June 10, 2008

Prices May 08: June 2, 2008

NY Egg Production up 6% Apr 08: May 28, 2008

May 2008 Crop & Lvstk Report: May 23, 2008

Agricultural Chemical Usage: May 22, 2008

April 2008 Milk Production Up:: May 20, 2008

Potato Report: May 16, 2008

Final Call to be Counted in the 2007 Agriculture: May 14, 2008

USDA To Visit AG Operations Across the State: May 5, 2008

New York & US Cheese Production Increases: May 02, 2008

USDA To Gather Data on Crop Acreage and Stock: May 2, 2008

April 08 Prices: May 1, 2008

April 08 Crop & Livestock Release: April 30, 2008

April 08 Floriculture Release: April 29, 2008

2007 Poultry Value Increases: April 29, 2008

2007 Milk Production: April 28, 2008

2007 Meat Animal Marketings & Gross Income: April 28, 2008

Value of NY Floriculture Production Decreases: April 25, 2008

New York Egg Production up 5% Mar 08: April 23, 2008

March 2008 Milk Production Up: April 21, 2008

Potato Report: April 15, 2008

Vegetable Report: April 9, 2008

Field Crops: March 31, 2008

Prices March 08: March 31, 2008

NY Crop & Lvstk March 2008: March 25, 2008

Egg Production Up Feb. 08: March 25, 2008

February Milk Production Up: March 18, 2008

March 2008 Potato Release: March 17, 2008

County Estimate Reports to be Released: March 17, 2008

New York Red Meat Production Down 4 Percent: March 10, 2008

Fruit Tree and Vineyard March 2008: March 4, 2008

February Milk Prices Decrease from January: March 3, 2008

New York Honey Production Decreases: March 3, 2008

New York Egg Production down 1% In Jan: March 3, 2008

Plant a seed for your Future with the 2007 Census of Agriculture: March 3, 2008

Surveyof Wineries & Grape Processing Plants: February 28, 2008

New York Trout Sales Decline: February 27, 2008

New York Crop & Livestock Report: February 21, 2008

Potato Report: February 20, 2008

Jan 08 Milk Production Up: February 20, 2008

New York Field Crop Value Increases: February 15, 2008

USDA To Collect Data On Farmers’ Planting Intentions for 2008: February 6, 2008

New York Cattle Inventory Increases: February 4, 2008

New York Goat Inventory Increases: February 4, 2008

New York Livestock Operations: February 4, 2008

New York Sheep Inventory Increases: February 4, 2008

New York Farm Numbers Continue to Decline: February 1, 2008

January 08 Prices: February 1, 2008

Farmers Still have time to be Counted & Make a difference: January 30, 2008

2007 Vegetable Summary: January 2008

Value of Fresh Vegetables Ranks Fifth in Nation: January 28, 2008

January 2008 Crop & Livestock Report: January 28, 2008

2007 Annual Fruit Summary: January 24, 2008

Value of New York Fruit Production Increases: January 24, 2008

New York Strawberry and Blueberry Production Increases: January 24, 2008

New York Egg Production down 3% Dec 07: January 23, 2008

December Milk Production Up: January 22, 2008

2006 Fruit Tree & Vineyard Report: Pages 11-22 and pages 48 and 49 revised Jan 16, 2008

2007 New York Field Crop Summary: January 14, 2008

2007 New York Turkey Producton Up 2%: January 07, 2008

Final Equine 2005 Book: January 4, 2008

USDA to Measure Economic State of U.S. Agriculture:January 03, 2008

Follow-Up Contacts Begin for Floriculture Production Survey: January 03, 2008

December 07 Milk Prices Decrease from November:December 31, 2007

NY Hog Inventory Declines:December 28, 2007

2007 Census Headed to Your Mailbox: December 27, 2007

NY Egg Production up 4%: December 21, 2007

December 2007 Crop & Lvstk Report: December 21, 2007

November Milk Production Up: December 19, 2007

Potato Release:December 17, 2007

Potato Stocks Down:December 17, 2007

Dry Bean Production Down:December 11, 2007

'Tis the Season to be Counted:December 7, 2007

Floriculture Survey Mailed: December 3, 2007

November 07 Prices Press:December 3, 2007

Equine 2005 Results to be Announced: November 30, 2007

November 07 Crop & Lvstk Report: November 29, 2007

October Egg Production Up: November 21, 2007

October Milk Production Up: November 19, 2007

NASS Urges Farmers To Count their Farms Along with their Blessing This Holiday Season: November 16, 2007

NY Grain Corn Up, Soybean, Potato Prod Down: November 9, 2007

NY Potato Production Down: November 9, 2007

Floriculture Survey to be Conducted: November 6, 2007

October 07: November 1, 2007

Oct 2007 Crop & Livestock Report: October 24, 2007

Egg Production up 5%in Sept 07: October 23, 2007

September Milk Production Up: October 19, 2007

2007 Census of Agriculture Coming Soon: October 17, 2007

NY Corn Prod Increases: October 12, 2007

Fruit Report: October 12, 2007

Apple & Grape Prod Decreases from Aug Forecast: October 12, 2007

Vegetable Report: October 9, 2007

Census of Agriculture Web Site: October 1, 2007

Questions? Comments? Suggestions?
For New York Email or call
(800) 821-1276.

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