Home > Coal> Recoverable Coal Reserves at Producing Mines, Estimated Recoverable Reserves, and Demonstrated Reserve Base by Mining Method

Recoverable Coal Reserves at Producing Mines, Estimated Recoverable Reserves, and Demonstrated Reserve Base by Mining Method
Table 15.    xls    pdf     Annual Coal Report

Table 15. Recoverable Coal Reserves at Producing Mines, Estimated Recoverable Reserves, and Demonstrated Reserve Base by Mining Method, 2006
(Million Short Tons)
Coal-Producing State Underground - Minable Coal Surface - Minable Coal Total
Recoverable Reserves
at Producing Mines
Recoverable Reserves
Reserve Base
Recoverable Reserves
at Producing Mines
Recoverable Reserves
Reserve Base
Recoverable Reserves
at Producing Mines
Recoverable Reserves
Reserve Base
Alabama  280 497 986 56 2,271 3,188 336 2,767 4,174
Alaska  - 2,335 5,423 W 497 685 W 2,832 6,108
Arizona  - - - W - - W - -
Arkansas  W 127 272 - 101 144 W 228 417
Colorado  W 5,981 11,397 W 3,746 4,761 335 9,727 16,158
Georgia  - 1 2 - 1 2 - 2 4
Idaho  - 2 4 - - - - 2 4
Illinois  1,255 27,910 87,865 40 10,068 16,543 1,294 37,978 104,408
Indiana  249 3,611 8,720 135 416 711 384 4,027 9,431
Iowa  - 807 1,732 - 320 457 - 1,127 2,189
Kansas  - - - W 680 972 W 680 972
Kentucky Total  962 7,336 16,909 171 7,449 12,906 1,134 14,785 29,814
  Eastern  554 603 1,080 149 5,183 9,282 703 5,786 10,362
  Western  408 6,733 15,829 23 2,266 3,624 431 8,999 19,452
Louisiana  - - - W 309 416 W 309 416
Maryland  W 314 572 W 42 62 28 356 634
Michigan  - 55 123 - 3 5 - 59 128
Mississippi  - - - W - - W - -
Missouri  - 689 1,479 W 3,157 4,510 W 3,846 5,989
Montana  W 35,922 70,957 W 38,979 48,220 1,211 74,901 119,177
New Mexico  W 2,794 6,142 W 4,171 5,951 504 6,965 12,093
North Carolina  - 5 11 - - - - 5 11
North Dakota  - - - 1,145 6,877 9,015 1,145 6,877 9,015
Ohio  192 7,706 17,515 99 3,760 5,745 291 11,466 23,260
Oklahoma  W 573 1,230 W 225 321 23 798 1,551
Oregon  - 6 15 - 2 3 - 9 17
Pennsylvania Total  468 10,652 23,113 79 1,035 4,236 548 11,687 27,349
  Anthracite  2 340 3,843 14 420 3,353 16 760 7,196
  Bituminous  466 10,312 19,270 65 615 883 531 10,927 20,153
South Dakota  - - - - 277 366 - 277 366
Tennessee  12 278 508 8 178 262 21 456 770
Texas  - - - 730 9,490 12,328 730 9,490 12,328
Utah  243 2,488 5,076 - 212 268 243 2,700 5,344
Virginia  223 614 1,093 51 171 548 273 785 1,642
Washington  - 674 1,332 W 6 8 W 681 1,340
West Virginia Total  1,206 15,485 29,015 588 2,329 3,691 1,793 17,814 32,706
  Northern  252 NA NA 32 NA NA 284 NA NA
  Southern  954 NA NA 556 NA NA 1,510 NA NA
Wyoming  W 22,949 42,499 W 17,195 20,762 7,890 40,144 63,261
U.S. Total  5,897 149,814 333,991 12,983 113,967 157,085 18,880 263,781 491,076

  - =  No data are reported.
  W = Data withheld to avoid disclosure.
  NA = Not Available.

Notes:  · Recoverable coal reserves at producing mines represent the quantity of coal that can be recovered (i.e. mined) from existing coal reserves at reporting mines. · EIA's estimated recoverable reserves include the coal in the demonstrated reserve base considered recoverable after excluding coal estimated to be unavailable due to land use restrictions or currently economically unattractive for mining, and after applying assumed mining recovery rates; see Glossary for criteria.  · The effective date for the demonstrated reserve base, as customarily worded, is "Remaining as of January 1, 2007."  These data are contemporaneous with the Recoverable Reserves at Producing Mines, customarily presented as of the end of the past year's mining, that is in this case, December 31, 2006. · The demonstrated reserve base includes publicly available data on coal mapped to measured and indicated degrees of accuracy and found at depths and in coalbed thicknesses considered technologically minable at the time of determinations; see Glossary for criteria.  · All reserve expressions excludes silt, culm, refuse bank, slurry dam, and dredge operations. · Reserves at Producing Mines excludes mines producing less than 10,000 short tons, which are not required to provide reserves data.
Source:  · Energy Information Administration Form EIA-7A, "Coal Production Report," and U.S. Department of Labor, Mine Safety and Health Administration, Form 7000-2, "Quarterly Mine Employment and Coal Production Report," and EIA estimates.   

More Tables on Recoverable Coal Reserves:
Table 14. Recoverable Coal Reserves and Average Recovery Percentage at Producing Mines by State html xls pdf
Table 16. Recoverable Coal Reserves and Average Recovery Percentage at Producing Underground Coal Mines by State and Mining Method html xls pdf
Table 17. Recoverable Coal Reserves and Average Recovery Percentage at Producing U.S. Mines by Mine Production Range and Mine Type html xls pdf

see also:
Historical Coal Data back to 1949
Projected Coal Supply & Demand to 2030
International Coal Data