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Fuel-Switching Capacity: From Natural Gas to Petroleum Liquids, by Type of Prime Mover
Electric Power Annual with data for 2006
Report Released: October 22, 2007
Next Release Date: October 2008

Table 2.10.    xls     pdf   format     

Table 2.10.  Fuel-Switching Capacity: From Natural Gas to Petroleum Liquids, by Type of Prime Mover, 2006
(Count, Megawatts)
Prime Mover Type
Number of Generators
Net Summer Capacity
Net Summer Capacity Reported as Having No Regulatory Limits on use of Petroleum Liquids[1]
Steam Generator 235 33,470 16,237
Combined Cycle 396 36,139 3,980
Internal Combustion 324 878 245
Gas Turbine 914 51,636 11,570
All Fuel Switchable Prime Movers 1,869 122,124 32,031
  [1] Distillate fuel oil (all diesel and No. 1, No. 2, and No. 4 fuel oils), residual fuel oil (No. 5 and No. 6 fuel oils and bunker C fuel oil), jet fuel, kerosene, and waste oil.
  Source: Energy Information Administration, Form EIA-860, "Annual Electric Generator Report."

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Annual Electric Generator Report (Form EIA-860) DBF
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see also:
Electric Power Monthly
Electric Power Annual
annual electricity statistics back to 1949
projected electricity capacity to 2030
international electricity statistics