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U.S. Steam Coal Exports

Table 9.    xls    pdf     Quarterly Coal Report
Table 9.  U.S. Steam Coal Exports
(Short Tons)
Continent and Country of Destination January - March 2008 October - December 2007 January - March 2007 Year to Date
2008 2007 Percent Change
North America Total  2,600,283 4,170,750 1,905,090 2,600,283 1,905,090 36.5
   Canada[1]  2,449,555 4,052,350 1,835,515 2,449,555 1,835,515 33.5
  Dominican Republic  - 59,094 255 - 255 -
   Jamaica  25,867 - 30,251 25,867 30,251 -14.5
   Mexico  120,563 56,020 29,300 120,563 29,300 311.5
   Other[2]  4,298 3,286 9,769 4,298 9,769 -56.0
South America Total  206,055 174,687 85,873 206,055 85,873 140.0
   Argentina  3,357 387 3,839 3,357 3,839 -12.6
   Brazil  2,470 33,404 96 2,470 96 NM
   Chile  197,424 109,559 75,151 197,424 75,151 162.7
   Other[2]  2,804 31,337 6,787 2,804 6,787 -58.7
Europe Total  3,384,881 3,441,721 1,985,087 3,384,881 1,985,087 70.5
   Austria  11,510 105,316 - 11,510 - -
   Belgium  285,010 150,729 76,237 285,010 76,237 273.8
   Denmark  71,388 79,841 - 71,388 - -
  Federal Republic of Germany  545,467 487,719 556,807 545,467 556,807 -2.0
   Finland  - 70,788 - - - -
   France  397,401 545,528 299 397,401 299 NM
   Ireland  - - 81,015 - 81,015 -
   Italy  74,772 149,815 1,024 74,772 1,024 NM
  Netherlands  980,225 981,509 484,737 980,225 484,737 102.2
   Poland  71,523 - - 71,523 - -
   Portugal  987 159,091 1,220 987 1,220 -19.1
   Romania  80,909 231,373 321,810 80,909 321,810 -74.9
   Russia  - 2,114 2,723 - 2,723 -
   Spain  167,357 2,709 4,722 167,357 4,722 NM
   Turkey  - 3,360 - - - -
   United Kingdom  695,320 468,780 447,299 695,320 447,299 55.4
   Other[2]  3,012 3,049 7,194 3,012 7,194 -58.1
Asia Total  40,584 34,686 14,333 40,584 14,333 183.2
   India  444 707 22 444 22 NM
   Korea, South  19 88 - 19 - -
   Saudi Arabia  35,523 25,786 5,247 35,523 5,247 NM
   Other[2]  4,598 8,105 9,064 4,598 9,064 -49.3
Oceania & Australia Total  659 - - 659 - -
   Other[2]   659 - - 659 - -
Africa Total  495,119 907,575 430,778 495,119 430,778 14.9
   Algeria  201 - - 201 - -
   Egypt  3,652 7,285 6,712 3,652 6,712 -45.6
   Morocco  485,231 895,660 422,137 485,231 422,137 14.9
   South Africa  504 - 28 504 28 NM
   Other[2]  5,531 4,630 1,901 5,531 1,901 191.0
Total  6,727,581 8,729,419 4,421,161 6,727,581 4,421,161 52.2
1Based on theU.S. - Canada Free Trade Agreement; as of January 1990, the U.S. Department of Commerce began reporting statistics on U.S. exports to Canada based on information on imports provided monthly by the Canadian government.
2 Includes countries with coal exports less than or equal to 50,000 short tons in 2007.
  - =  No data are reported.
  NM =  Not meaningful due to changes of 500 percent or more.
  Note:  · Total may not equal sum of components because of independent rounding.  Steam coal includes bituminous, subbituminous, lignite, and anthracite.
  Source:  · Bureau of the Census, U.S. Department of Commerce, "Monthly Report EM 545."


see also:
Historical Coal Data back to 1949
Projected Coal Supply & Demand to 2030
International Coal Data