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Coal Disposition by State
Table 8.    xls    pdf    Annual Coal Report

Table 8. Coal Disposition by State, 2006
(Thousand Short Tons)
Coal-Producing State Open Market Sales [1] Captive Sales/Transactions [2] Total
Alabama  19,350 - 19,350
Alaska  W - W
Arizona  W - W
Arkansas  W - W
Colorado  W W 35,961
Illinois  29,830 3,206 33,037
Indiana  30,556 6,227 36,783
Kansas  W - W
Kentucky Total  112,655 4,641 117,296
  Eastern  W W 89,122
  Western  W W 28,174
Louisiana  W W W
Maryland  2,179 - 2,179
Mississippi  W - W
Missouri  W - W
Montana  W W 42,769
New Mexico  W W 24,432
North Dakota  W W 29,614
Ohio  21,909 1,222 23,130
Oklahoma  W W 1,660
Pennsylvania Total  62,526 2,965 65,490
  Anthracite  W W 1,381
  Bituminous  W W 64,109
Tennessee  2,621 - 2,621
Texas  W W 41,492
Utah  W W 24,132
Virginia  17,789 8,048 25,837
West Virginia Total  138,738 14,428 153,166
  Northern  38,796 3,746 42,541
  Southern  99,942 10,683 110,625
Wyoming  375,775 75,462 451,237
U.S. Total[3] 983,770 162,854 1,146,623
[1] Open market sales include all coal sold on the open market to other coal companies or consumers.
[2] Captive sales transactions include all coal used by the producing company or sold to affiliated or parent companies.
[3]Excludes mines producing less than 10,000 short tons, which are not required to provide data, and refuse recovery.
- = No data are reported.
W = Data withheld to avoid disclosure.
Note: · Totals may not equal sum of components because of independent rounding.
Source: · Energy Information Administration Form EIA-7A, "Coal Production Report."

see also:
Historical Coal Data back to 1949
Projected Coal Supply & Demand to 2030
International Coal Data