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Coal Production and Number of Mines by State and Mine Type
Table 1.    xls    pdf     Annual Coal Report

Table 1. Coal Production and Number of Mines by State and Mine Type, 2006-2005
(Thousand Short Tons)
Coal-Producing State and Region [1] 2006 2005 Percent Change
Number of Mines Production Number of Mines Production Number of Mines Production
Alabama  57 18,830 53 21,339 7.5 -11.8
   Underground  9 10,737 9 13,295 - -19.2
   Surface  48 8,092 44 8,044 9.1 0.6
Alaska  1 1,425 1 1,454 - -2.0
   Surface  1 1,425 1 1,454 - -2.0
Arizona  1 8,216 2 12,072 -50.0 -31.9
   Surface  1 8,216 2 12,072 -50.0 -31.9
Arkansas  2 23 1 3 100.0 NM
   Underground  1 18 - - - -
   Surface  1 5 1 3 - 102.4
Colorado  12 36,322 13 38,510 -7.7 -5.7
   Underground  7 26,659 8 28,439 -12.5 -6.3
   Surface  5 9,663 5 10,071 - -4.1
Illinois  22 32,729 20 32,014 10.0 2.2
   Underground  15 27,120 12 26,343 25.0 3.0
   Surface  7 5,609 8 5,671 -12.5 -1.1
Indiana  28 35,119 29 34,457 -3.4 1.9
   Underground  7 10,736 8 11,189 -12.5 -4.0
   Surface  21 24,383 21 23,268 - 4.8
Kansas  2 426 1 171 100.0 149.6
   Surface  2 426 1 171 100.0 149.6
Kentucky Total  442 120,848 432 119,734 2.3 0.9
   Underground  227 73,182 224 73,702 1.3 -0.7
   Surface  215 47,666 208 46,032 3.4 3.5
 Eastern  416 93,607 404 93,322 3.0 0.3
   Underground  214 49,312 211 52,054 1.4 -5.3
   Surface  202 44,295 193 41,269 4.7 7.3
 Western  26 27,241 28 26,412 -7.1 3.1
   Underground  13 23,870 13 21,648 - 10.3
   Surface  13 3,370 15 4,763 -13.3 -29.2
Louisiana  2 4,114 2 4,161 - -1.1
   Surface  2 4,114 2 4,161 - -1.1
Maryland  19 5,054 16 5,183 18.8 -2.5
   Underground  3 2,826 3 3,175 - -11.0
   Surface  16 2,228 13 2,009 23.1 10.9
Mississippi  1 3,797 1 3,555 - 6.8
   Surface  1 3,797 1 3,555 - 6.8
Missouri  2 394 2 598 - -34.1
   Surface  2 394 2 598 - -34.1
Montana  6 41,823 6 40,354 - 3.6
   Underground  1 321 1 162 - 97.8
   Surface  5 41,502 5 40,192 - 3.3
New Mexico  4 25,913 4 28,519 - -9.1
   Underground  1 6,993 1 7,905 - -11.5
   Surface  3 18,919 3 20,613 - -8.2
North Dakota  4 30,411 4 29,956 - 1.5
   Surface  4 30,411 4 29,956 - 1.5
Ohio  52 22,722 54 24,718 -3.7 -8.1
   Underground  11 15,126 10 15,823 10.0 -4.4
   Surface  41 7,596 44 8,896 -6.8 -14.6
Oklahoma  10 1,998 9 1,856 11.1 7.6
   Underground  2 464 1 465 100.0 -0.3
   Surface  8 1,534 8 1,391 - 10.3
Pennsylvania Total  270 66,029 266 67,494 1.5 -2.2
   Underground  54 53,801 53 54,563 1.9 -1.4
   Surface  216 12,228 213 12,931 1.4 -5.4
 Anthracite  74 1,529 68 1,645 8.8 -7.1
   Underground  17 272 14 264 21.4 3.0
   Surface  57 1,256 54 1,380 5.6 -9.0
 Bituminous  196 64,500 198 65,849 -1.0 -2.0
   Underground  37 53,529 39 54,298 -5.1 -1.4
   Surface  159 10,972 159 11,551 - -5.0
Tennessee  23 2,804 28 3,217 -17.9 -12.8
   Underground  10 1,191 13 1,224 -23.1 -2.7
   Surface  13 1,613 15 1,993 -13.3 -19.1
Texas  12 45,548 13 45,939 -7.7 -0.9
   Surface  12 45,548 13 45,939 -7.7 -0.9
Utah  13 26,018 13 24,521 - 6.1
   Underground  13 26,018 13 24,521 - 6.1
Virginia  127 29,740 132 27,743 -3.8 7.2
   Underground  76 18,681 83 16,386 -8.4 14.0
   Surface  51 11,059 49 11,357 4.1 -2.6
Washington  1 2,580 1 5,266 - -51.0
   Surface  1 2,580 1 5,266 - -51.0
West Virginia Total  290 152,374 277 153,650 4.7 -0.8
   Underground  174 84,628 166 91,009 4.8 -7.0
   Surface  116 67,746 111 62,641 4.5 8.2
 Northern  49 42,398 50 42,628 -2.0 -0.5
   Underground  29 36,074 29 37,590 - -4.0
   Surface  20 6,324 21 5,037 -4.8 25.6
 Southern  241 109,976 227 111,022 6.2 -0.9
   Underground  145 48,554 137 53,419 5.8 -9.1
   Surface  96 61,421 90 57,603 6.7 6.6
Wyoming  21 446,742 18 404,319 16.7 10.5
   Underground  1 519 1 410 - 26.6
   Surface  20 446,223 17 403,908 17.6 10.5
Appalachian Total  1,254 391,159 1,230 396,666 2.0 -1.4
   Underground  551 236,303 548 247,528 0.5 -4.5
   Surface  703 154,856 682 149,139 3.1 3.8
 Northern  390 136,203 386 140,023 1.0 -2.7
   Underground  97 107,827 95 111,151 2.1 -3.0
   Surface  293 28,376 291 28,873 0.7 -1.7
 Central  807 236,127 790 235,297 2.2 0.4
   Underground  445 117,739 443 123,075 0.5 -4.3
   Surface  362 118,388 347 112,222 4.3 5.5
 Southern  57 18,830 54 21,347 5.6 -11.8
   Underground  9 10,737 10 13,303 -10.0 -19.3
   Surface  48 8,092 44 8,044 9.1 0.6
Interior Total  107 151,389 106 149,165 0.9 1.5
   Underground  38 62,209 34 59,645 11.8 4.3
   Surface  69 89,180 72 89,520 -4.2 -0.4
Illinois Basin Total  76 95,089 77 92,883 -1.3 2.4
   Underground  35 61,727 33 59,180 6.1 4.3
   Surface  41 33,362 44 33,703 -6.8 -1.0
Western Total  63 619,449 62 584,970 1.6 5.9
   Underground  23 60,510 24 61,438 -4.2 -1.5
   Surface  40 558,939 38 523,532 5.3 6.8
 Powder River Basin  18 472,202 16 429,996 12.5 9.8
   Underground  - - - - - -
   Surface  18 472,202 16 429,996 12.5 9.8
 Uinta Region  23 61,446 24 62,145 -4.2 -1.1
   Underground  19 52,189 20 52,495 -5.0 -0.6
   Surface  4 9,257 4 9,650 - -4.1
East of Miss. River  1,331 490,046 1,308 493,105 1.8 -0.6
West of Miss. River  93 671,952 90 637,697 3.3 5.4
U.S. Subtotal  1,424 1,161,997 1,398 1,130,802 1.9 2.8
Refuse Recovery  14 752 17 696 -17.6 8.0
U.S. Total  1,438 1,162,750 1,415 1,131,498 1.6 2.8
[1] For a definition of coal producing regions, see the Glossary.
- = No data are reported.
 NM = Not meaningful due to changes of 500 percent or more.
 Note: · Totals may not equal sum of components because of independent rounding.
 Source: · U.S. Department of Labor, Mine Safety and Health Administration, Form 7000-2, "Quarterly Mine Employment and Coal Production Report."

More Tables on Coal Production and Number of Mines:
Table 2. Coal Production and Number of Mines by State, County, and Mine Type html xls pdf
Table 6. Coal Production and Number of Mines by State and Coal Rank html xls pdf

see also:
Historical Coal Data back to 1949
Projected Coal Supply & Demand to 2030 International Coal Data